

单词 施政



administrative report

施政纲 n

policy agenda n

行政措施 n

administrative measure n

External sources (not reviewed)

一些发言者认为,应更加重视促进妇女在科学领域的地位,强调能力培养以确保他们积极有 效地参与相关活动,尤其是参与民主化 施政 工 作
Several speakers considered that increased attention should be given to the promotion of the status of women in the sciences, with emphasis on
capacitybuilding to ensure their effective and active participation, particularly in
[...] democratization and governance processes.
这是烟草行业非常感兴趣的一个领域,缔约方面对各种手段,如干扰制 订立法、试图削弱立法、拖延施政 策 以 及对国家采取法律行动等。
This is an area of great interest to the tobacco industry, and parties face tactics such as interference with the development of legislation,
efforts to weaken the legislation, delays in the
[...] application of policies and filing of legal [...]
actions against the country.
这些城市的庞大规模对城市管理 施政 , 包 括对各种基本社会服务的提供 构成了挑战。
The size of these cities is posing challenges of urban
[...] management and governance, including [...]
for the provision of basic social services.
大会第六十六届会议再次吁请各国及时采取必要措施,落实大会第六十四届 会议通过的《关于开展国际合作以综合、平衡战略应对世界毒品问题的政治宣言 和行动计划》中所述各项行动,实现其中所列的目标和具体目标;敦促各国政府
[...] 充足的财政和政治支持,使其能够在任务授权范围内,继续开展、扩大、改进和 加强其业务和技术合作活动,尤其是为了全面 施 《 政 治 宣言》和《行动计划》, 并建议继续从联合国经常预算中为该办公室分拨充足资金,以便它能够以连贯一 [...]
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly reiterated its call upon States to take, in a timely manner, the measures necessary to implement the actions and attain the goals and targets set out in the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem; urged all Governments to provide the fullest possible financial and political support to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime by widening its donor base and increasing voluntary contributions, so as to enable it to continue, expand, improve and strengthen its operational and technical cooperation activities, within its
mandates, in particular with a view
[...] to the full implementation of the Political Declaration [...]
and Plan of Action, and recommended
that a sufficient share of the regular budget of the United Nations continue to be allocated to the Office to enable it to carry out its mandates in a consistent and stable manner.
该地区大多数国家已签署《残疾人权利公约》, 并将继续制定和施政策和 战略,以实现残疾儿童 的权利。
The majority of the countries of the region were signatories of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities, and they would continue to
[...] develop and implement policies and strategies [...]
to realize the rights of children with disabilities.
[...] 组织加德满都办事处将参与四个优先领域中的三个,即优先领域 1:加强法制施政和 人 权,让所有的尼泊尔人从和平和恢复进程收益,优先领域 [...]
2:改善获取教育和医疗服 务的机会的质量,优先领域 4:为子孙后代保护尼泊尔的自然和文化财富。
UNESCO Kathmandu will be involved in three of the four priority
areas, namely Priority Area 1: Strengthen
[...] rule of law, governance, and human [...]
rights for all Nepalese to benefit from the
peace and recovery process, Priority Area 2: Improve access to and quality of education and health services, and Priority Area 4: Protect Nepal’s natural and cultural wealth for future generations.
若要解决任何未来的南海争端,中国政 府必须制定一致政策,要求各级政府统一执行,并 保证有强制施政策的能力。
Any future solution to the South China Sea disputes will require a consistent
policy from China executed uniformly throughout the
[...] different levels of government along with the [...]
authority to enforce it.
有關職務十分廣泛,包括:就施政 報 告 》和 《財政預算案》有關房屋的施提供 政 策 意 見;處理和檢討有關公共 租住房屋( 下稱「公屋」) 和資助出售單位的策略規劃事宜;監督公屋的 資源分配和輪候冊事宜;監察私營房屋市場的發展和監察有助確保市 [...]
措施;監督地產代理監管局的工作;以及就政府對香港房屋協會和其 他非政府房屋機構的房屋政策,提供政策意見。
The duties span from providing policy input on housing related initiatives for the Policy Address [...]
and the Budget, conducting and reviewing
strategic planning issues on public rental housing (PRH) and subsidised sale flats, overseeing allocations and waiting list (WL) matters for PRH, monitoring developments in the private housing market and the existing measures to ensure the healthy and stable development of the market, formulating housing policies and new measures in relation to the private housing market, overseeing the work of the Estate Agents Authority, providing policy input in relation to Government’s housing policies towards the Hong Kong Housing Society and other non-Government housing organisations.
已经依法设立了特别法庭,以便 施政 府 在 腐败、盗窃和侵占等问题上的零容忍 政策;特别法院正在根据这些任务履行其职责。
The Special Court had been established
[...] by law to implement the Government’s zero-tolerance policy on corruption, [...]
theft and embezzlement,
and it was carrying out its duties in line with those mandates.
这些活动促成了具体成果, 例如 24 国集团——以及各中央银行、国际货币基金组织(基金组织)和世界银行 的官员——形成了发展中国家对于国际金融机构论坛所讨论问题以及这些机构 本施政管理的共同立场。
Those activities contributed to concrete results, such as the formulation by members of the Group of 24 — and officers from central banks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank — of a common position of developing countries on issues discussed in forums of the international financial institutions and on the governance of these institutions themselves.
本智庫在過去一年的研究基礎上,整理了一系列的政策建議, 供行政長官在制訂 2009-10 年施政報告時參考。
With reference to our research findings in the past year, we have compiled a list of policy proposals for the Chief Executive’s consideration in his preparation of the 2009-10 Policy Address.
安全理事会重申,国际社会和所有利益攸 关方在苏丹和南苏丹的核心目标是这两个完全 具有生存能力的国家和平共处,推行民 施政、 法 治、问责、平等、尊重人权、公正和经济发展, 尤其是为受冲突影响社区创造条件,获取牢靠持 久的谋生手段。
The Security Council reiterates that the core objectives of the international community and all stakeholders in the Sudan and South Sudan are the peaceful coexistence of two fully viable States, embracing democratic governance, rule of law, accountability, equality, respect for human rights, justice and economic development, in particular the establishment of the conditions for conflict-affected communities to build strong and sustainable livelihoods.
首席助理秘書長(政策統籌)/助理署長(政策統籌) 負責處理立法會有關房屋的事宜、為運輸及房屋局局長出席立
[...] 法會會議和其他討論平台提供支援、及在房屋署內外就主要房 屋議題統籌政策方面的事宜,包括 施政 報 告》和《財政預算 案》。
PAS(PS)/AD(PS) is responsible for handling Legislative Council (LegCo) matters in relation to housing, providing support for the attendance of the Secretary for Transport and Housing at the LegCo and other forums, and coordinating policy inputs on
major housing issues within and outside Housing Department
[...] (HD) including for the Policy Address and [...]
the Annual Budget.
森 林文书使这些行动建议依然有效,因为文书第 6 段(a)吁请会员国制定、执行、 公布并视需要更新国家森林方案或其他可持续森林管理战略,其中查明所需行动 并列出各项施、政策或 具体目标,同时考虑到政府间森林小组/政府间森林论 坛相关的行动建议以及论坛的决议。
Through the forest instrument these remain valid, since paragraph 6 (a) of the instrument calls upon Member States to develop, implement, and, as necessary, update national forest programmes or other strategies for sustainable forest management, taking into account relevant proposals for action of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests/Intergovernmental Forum on Forests and resolutions of the Forum.
内政和地方分权部负责确保公共安全和民事安全、组织选举和 施政 府在 地方分权方面的政策。
The Ministry of the Interior and Decentralization is responsible
for ensuring public and civil security, organizing
[...] elections and implementing the Government’s decentralization policy.
本集團已投入重大資源發展及施政 策 及 程序以管理這些風險,並預期將於未 來繼續進行。
The Group has devoted significant resources to
[...] developing and implementing policies and procedures [...]
to manage these risks and expects
to continue to do so in the future.
[...] 探讨了该次区域面临的挑战,包括毒品贩运的影响, 施政 带 来 的挑战,并探讨 了联合国西非办事处在与西非国家经济共同体和联合国其他有关行动、办事处和 [...]
The briefing was followed by an exchange of views on the challenges facing the subregion, including the
impact of drug trafficking and the
[...] challenges posed to governance, and on the role [...]
of the United Nations Office for West
Africa in contributing to address these issues with the Economic Community of West African States and the other concerned United Nations operations, offices and agencies, such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
再次确认阿富汗境内的各种挑战是相互关联的,重申在安全 施政 、 人权、 法治和发展领域以及在缉毒这一贯穿不同领域的问题上不断取得进展可以起相 辅相成的作用,欣见阿富汗政府和国际社会继续作出努力,协调应对这些挑战
Recognizing once again the interconnected nature of the challenges in Afghanistan, reaffirming that sustainable progress on security, governance, human rights, the rule of law and development, as well as on the cross-cutting theme of counter-narcotics, is mutually reinforcing, and welcoming the continuing efforts of the Government of Afghanistan and the international community to address these challenges in a coherent manner
[...] 务提供商可以携手合作,将人权纳入水和卫生 施政 策 , 从而确保遵守人权法, 防止侵犯人权并尽可能发挥积极作用。
On that basis, the State and service providers can work
together to integrate human rights
[...] into water and sanitation policies, thereby ensuring [...]
compliance with human rights law,
preventing human rights violations and maximizing positive effects.
敦促会员国和国际组织施政策和 战略,改善国内、区域和国际市场的 运作,并确保所有人特别是发展中国家的小农和女性务农者平等进入市场的机 [...]
会;注意到符合世界贸易组织规则的不扭曲贸易的特别措施的重要性,这些措施 旨在为发展中国家的小农制订激励办法,使他们能够提高生产率,在更平等的基
础上参与世界市场竞争,敦促各国不采取有违世界贸易组织规则、对全球、区域 和国家粮食安全产生不利影响的措施
Urges Member States and international
[...] organizations to pursue policies and strategies [...]
that improve the functioning of domestic,
regional and international markets and ensure equitable access for all, especially smallholders and women farmers from developing countries, notes the importance of non-trade-distorting special measures that are consistent with World Trade Organization rules aimed at creating incentives for smallholder farmers in developing countries to enable them to increase their productivity and compete on a more equal footing on world markets, and urges Member States to refrain from taking measures that are inconsistent with the rules of the World Trade Organization and that have adverse impacts on global, regional and national food security
最后一点但并非最不重要的一点是,欧洲联盟将 饶有兴趣地关注 2009 年东帝汶地方选举,将此视为 该国民主进程的又一重要里程碑,同时也是迄今在体 制能力建设和民施政方面 所取得的进展的重要标 志,而这两点对于确保该国稳定和善政都具有至关重 要的意义。
Last, but not least, the European Union will follow with great interest the 2009 local elections in Timor-Leste as another important milestone in the country’s democratic processes and as a significant indicator of the progress achieved so far in the area of institutional capacity-building and democratic governance, which are both so crucial to ensuring stability and good governance in the country.
根据总督施政讲话 ,政府打算发起“为国服务”倡议,这将需要百慕大青 [...]
年男女参与指导百慕大青年,并致力于工作经验的概念,使他们掌握未来成功就 业所需的技能。
According to the Governor’s Speech from the
[...] Throne, the Government intends to [...]
launch a national service initiative, which
would require young Bermudian men and women to participate in mentoring Bermuda’s youth and committing to the concept of work experience in order to equip them with the skills needed for successful future employment.
借助自身施政策的 经验,WIPO 仲裁 与调解中心正好对这种替代性争议解决框架的发展和建立进行参与和做出贡献,因为这些框架都与 [...]
As a result of its policy experience, the [...]
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center is well-placed to participate in and contribute
to the development and creation of such alternative dispute resolution (ADR) frameworks as they relate to IP.
采掘业审查的最后报告特别指出三个 主要的先决条件:(a) 有利穷人政府施政和公 司管理办法;(b) 有效得多的社 会和环境政策;(c) 尊重人权。
The final report of the Extractive Industries Review highlighted three main preconditions: (a) pro-poor public and corporate governance; (b) much more effective social and environmental policies; and (c) respect for human rights.
調查顯示,當評估施政報告中個 施政 項 目 需要處理的重要性時,92%被訪者認為特首曾蔭權 施政 報 告中需要重點處理勞工及就業問題,而認為經濟發展、教育政策、社會福利和政制發展問題需要處理的,分別佔89%、86%、79%及62%。
When asked to evaluate each item individually, labour and employment issue topped the list, as 92%
of the respondents
[...] said CE Donald Tsang needed to tackle this issue in the coming Policy Address. Economic development, education, social welfare and political [...]
issues followed, as 89%, 86%, 79% and 62% thought they needed to be tackled in the Policy Address correspondingly.
此外,支持《消除对妇女一切形 式歧视公约》和《北京行动纲要》的性别统计和对妇女的暴力行为指标使用问 题专家组会议中
[...] 68%的与会者报告指出,该次会议增进了他们对促进两性平等施政工具的了解。
Furthermore, 68 per cent of participants at the Expert Group Meeting on Gender Statistics and the Use of Violence against Women Indicators in Support of CEDAW and the
Beijing Platform for Action reported that the meeting had increased their knowledge on tools
[...] for gender-responsive governance.
[...] 索马里全国和平与民族和解调解人合作,支持 施政 府 间 发展管理局(伊加特)国 家元首和政府首脑大会关于索马里问题第 [...]
20 次特别会议 3 月 15 日通过的重大稳 定战略,以及过渡政府关于新解放区计划。
In this respect, my Special Representative for Somalia has been working with the United Nations Special Representative for Somalia and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Facilitator for Somalia
National Peace and National Reconciliation
[...] to support the implementation of the IGAD Grand [...]
Stabilization Strategy adopted by
the 20th extraordinary session of the IGAD Assembly of Heads of State and Government on Somalia, and the TFG Plan for the Newly Liberated Areas, adopted on 15 March.
具體言之,服務者應設立和施政策 和 程序,以履行第六部份所訂之平等機會 責任,包括採取合理的步驟,用英語以外的適當語言,為不熟諳英語者提供服務和資訊, [...]
Specifically, providers
[...] should establish and implement policies and procedures [...]
to fulfill their Title VI equal opportunity
responsibilities including reasonable steps to provide services and information in appropriate languages other than English to ensure that persons with limited English proficiency are effectively informed and can effectively participate in any benefit.
根据 2011 年施政演说 ,除了进一步发展巴克斯国家公园外,领土政府促进 [...]
为大开曼岛建造一个综合固体废物管理和废物变能源设施,同时完成固体废物对 开曼布拉克岛的环境影响评估。
According to the 2011 Speech from the Throne, [...]
in addition to the further development of Barkers National Park, the territorial
Government promoted a comprehensive solid-waste disposal management and waste-to-energy facility for Grand Cayman, while completing solid-waste environmental impact assessments on Cayman Brac.
(a) 根據行政長官在 2007 年施政報告》中公布的新文物保育政策,政府已確 定有需要提供經濟誘因以鼓勵及促成私人業主保育其擁有的歷史建築。
(a) Under the new heritage conservation policy announced by the Chief Executive in the 2007 Policy Address, Government recognises the need for economic incentives in order to encourage and facilitate private owners to preserve their historic buildings.




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