

单词 施工队

See also:


carry out construction or large-scale repairs

External sources (not reviewed)

他们 将监督并协施工队或外 部承包商进行的所有设施维护工程项目。
They will oversee and coordinate all works
[...] carried out by building teams or external contractors [...]
on the maintenance of facilities.
在一些路 段,另一 台 装 备AB 340 TV型 液 压 伸 缩 式 熨平 板 的 轮 式摊铺机超级1303-2也加入施工队伍 , 进行让车道 面 层 的 摊 铺 。
On some stretches, a third machine came into play: a wheeled SUPER 1303-2 combined with an AB 340 Extending Screed in TV version was used for surfacing the passing places.
施工队在项 目的早先阶 段所获经验,一些活动的延误不是初见,也是有所预料的,而其他问题则 施工队 无 法 控制 的。
Some of the operational delays were not new
[...] could have been foreseen, given the experience the team had already gained working on previous phases of the project, while others were beyond the team’s control.
按照这种施工进度,承包商每天能完成六到七个寝室的安装工作,可是如果采用金属管道的话,同样人数 施工队 伍 却 无法达到这一进度。
Working at this pace, the contractors completed between six and seven rooms a day–a schedule not attainable with the same number of workers using metallic pipe.
2011年时代,青田县公路经管局机 施工队 牢 牢环绕“增强含义,建章立制,整改隐患,确保安全”这一主题,突出“防备”,强化隐患操持不放松,担当睁开专项操持,尽力抓好桥梁、隐患点的排查操持,消除不安全成分。
2011, Qingtian County Highway Management Bureau
[...] mechanical construction team firmly around the" [...]
enhanced meaning, building Zhang Li
system, ensure the safety hidden troubles," this one theme, highlighting the " preparedness", strengthen the risk management to be not loosened, bear opened special preparation, try to grasp the potential points of bridge, the investigation work, eliminating unsafe components.
将在联合机制 总部设立 3 个工程技术员(外勤事务):两人将主管特派团建筑物、设施和服务等
[...] 新项目的高效运作,并将协助科长规划、协调和实施特派团的维修和维护工作; 另一个技术员将主管建筑工地以 施工队 或 外 部承包商开展的所有工作,对所有 结构进行定期和预防性维护,并负责提供和安装必要的公用设施。
The three Engineering Technicians (Field Service) will be based at the headquarters of the Joint Mechanism: two will exercise supervision over the efficient operation of the new projects, including the missions’ buildings, facilities and services, and will assist the Chief in planning, coordinating and implementing repair and maintenance works for the mission;
the other technician
[...] will supervise construction sites and all works carried out by building teams or external contractors, [...]
carry out scheduled
and preventive maintenance of all structures and be responsible for the provision and installation of necessary utilities.
[...] 是使援助重点符合千年发展目标,以满足非洲的传统需求(非洲是中国的医队 和施工队集中程度最高的区域),并满足受自然灾害影响国家的需求。
Strategic direction was provided to focus assistance along the lines of the Millennium Development Goals to meet traditional needs in Africa (where there
is the highest concentration of Chinese
[...] medical and construction teams), and in countries [...]
affected by natural disasters.
因材质不同,壁纸施工手法(如一些壁纸要搭边)和难易程度也不同,现在的壁纸商家和壁纸施工基本上都是松散的合作关系,施工质量真正出了问题就会推诿、扯皮,所以要了解您接触的壁纸商家有没有属于自己专业 施工队 伍 , 大家切记,贴壁纸不难,壁纸要贴好不容易,好的壁纸要贴好更不容。
Due to material different, wallpaper construction practices (as some wallpaper to take edge) and difficult easy degree also different, now of wallpaper businesses and wallpaper construction basically are is loose of cooperation relationship, construction quality real out has problem on will prevarication, and pointing, so to understanding you contact of wallpaper
businesses have belonging to own
[...] professional of construction team, we remember, posted [...]
wallpaper does not difficult, wallpaper
to posted Finally, good of wallpaper to posted good more should not be.
方法是将LED模块预安装在挤出成型的定制铝条上使得暗槽和床头部位的安装工作简单有序,除此之外 施工队 伍 还 可以在木头隔板上预先固定塑料制的铝条底座TALEXXplate Z161用以简化安装流程并提高牢固性。
A custom aluminium extrusion was made specifically for the project to allow the chain to easily be mounted in the difficult to access coves and bed heads, whilst still allowing the electrical contractor to install the units into the timber joinery using TALEXXplate Z161 mounting clips.
拟在联合边界核查监测机制总部设 3 个 工程技术员(外勤事务人员)员额,其中 2 人将主管特派团建筑物、设施和服务等 新项目的高效运作,而另 1 个技术员将主管建筑工地以施工队 或 外 部承包商开 展的所有工作。
It is proposed that three Engineering Technicians (Field Service) will be based at the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mechanism headquarters, with two technicians exercising supervision over the efficient operation of the new projects,
including the mission’s
[...] buildings, facilities and services, and the third technician supervising construction sites and all works carried out by building teams or external contractors.
工队伍规划 系统的施应产 生强大的监测系统,以确保规划和业 绩的问责,尤其是高级管理层的规划和业绩的问责, [...]
Implementation of the workforce planning system [...]
should entail the installation of a robust monitoring system to ensure accountability
for planning and performance, especially at senior management levels, and to effectively monitor the delegation of human resources authority.
委员会注意到,为建立多样化的 工队 伍 , 各组织 施 了 多 种不同政策,包括性别均 等、残疾人就业、艾滋病毒/艾滋病认识和地域平衡等。
The Commission noted that
[...] organizations had implemented a variety of policies to create diversified workforces, including [...]
gender parity, employment
of individuals with disabilities, HIV/Aids awareness and geographical balance.
该报告共 112
[...] 页,包括关于美国与波多黎各之间关系和地位问题的概览;关于波多黎各地 位、经济发展和别克斯建议的执行摘要;关 工 作 队 今 后 措 施 的 说 明,报告称, 这些措施包括付诸执行工作队成员报告美利坚合众国联邦机构参与落实所提建 议的情况,以及今后两年至少在波多黎各举行二次以个别主题领域为重点的峰 会。
It consists of 112 pages, including an overview of the relationship between the United States and Puerto Rico and the status issue, an executive summary about its status and economic, development and Vieques recommendations, and a description of its next steps, which according to the report,
[...] implementation, receiving reports back from Task Force members regarding the engagement of United States federal agencies on recommendations [...]
and holding at least two summits in Puerto Rico in the next two years focusing on individual subject areas.
行政首长应采取必要施,在 招聘,包括高级官员的招聘过程中,全面和公 正地提出语言要求,以便联合国系统各组织在中期可以依靠一支能够流利使用一 种工作语文、通晓至少另一种工作语文的多语言 工队 伍 , 当然应适当注意工作 地点的具体需要。
The executive heads should take the necessary measures to ensure that the recruitment process, including that relating to senior officials, fully and fairly addresses language requirements, so that in the medium-term, the organizations of the system could rely on a multilingual [...]
workforce that is fluent in one working
language and has good knowledge of at least one other working language, with due attention to the specific needs of the duty stations.
报告就联合国共同制度各组织施有 效的机构间流动政策提出了以下三个 备选方案:进行全系统范围的工队 伍 规划,以管理各个组织的人才并找出人才 缺口,从而努力使“一个联合国”的概念变成现实;继续采用强调机构间流动的 现行做法,但要认识到目前各个组织在人力资源管理方面的自主程度;努力加强 人力资源管理政策的协调,以尽可能消除机构间流动的障碍。
The report presented three options towards an effective inter-agency policy in the organizations of the United Nations common system, as follows: working to make the One United Nations concept a reality by allowing system-wide workforce planning to manage talent across the organizations and to identify gaps in talent; continuing with the current approach of stressing inter-agency mobility, but recognizing the current extent of organizational autonomy with respect to human resources management; and working towards greater harmonization of human resources management policies in order to remove as many barriers as possible to inter-agency mobility.
为帮助工作队实施这两点主要建议,工作组 还建议工作队依靠专家建议和在增进发展权方面有 经验国家所积累的经验,继续研究技术转让和减免 [...]
债务问题上的合作关系,并关注与发展权有关的其 他问题,比如说贫困、饥饿、气候变化或世界经济 和金融危机。
In order to facilitate the implementation of those two essential [...]
recommendations, the Working Group had also recommended,
inter alia, that the task force should draw on specialized expertise and the experience of countries in promoting the right to development; continue to study development partnerships in relation to technology transfer and debt relief; and pay due attention to other issues relevant to the right to development, including poverty, hunger, climate change and the global economic and financial crisis.
2009 年,毒品和犯罪问题办公室设立了一个以互联网为基础的互动信息系统,这工作队成员在实施提供 综合援助打击恐怖主义举措过程中开展交流的一项重要 [...]
索、马达加斯加和尼日利亚,毒品和犯罪问题办公室还协助将查明的需求和工 作队成员开展的援助活动初步汇编成册。
In 2009, UNODC set up an Internet-based interactive information system that serves as
a key mechanism for
[...] communication among Task Force members in implementing the I-ACT initiative [...]
UNODC also facilitated the creation of an initial compilation of identified needs and assistance activities undertaken by Task Force members with respect to the first partnering Member States: Burkina Faso, Madagascar and Nigeria.
优秀的施团队及成功的 项目施,使得 PSImetals 解决方案成为曹妃甸工厂的 最终选择。
The success of
[...] the project implemented by PSI China has been led to a final decision for PSImetals only for the new plant in Caofeidian.
理事会核可了信通技术培训中心 2012 年工作计 划,其中包括 扩展信通技术培训中心名为《政府领导人信通技术基本知识教程方 案》的信通技术促发展能力建设的旗舰方案;加强学院方案的专业人队伍;因材施教、 将学院的培训大纲和其他信通培训中心能力发展 资源进行翻译和因地制宜地调整,以覆盖更多的受众;进一步扩展信 通技术培训中心面向青年、学术机构和民间社会组织等新受益人群所 开展的活动;贯彻执行量身定制的监测和评价机制,以满足不同群体 或“各级”学院伙伴的特殊需求;加强研究工作和知识共享;强化咨询 3 服务以促进成员国的信息和通信技术(信通技术)人员能力发展;将信 [...]
The Governing
[...] Council endorsed the APCICT work plan for 2012, which included expanding the APCICT flagship information and communications technology for development (ICTD) capacity-building programme called the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders; strengthening [...]
the pool of Academy programme
resource persons; customizing, translating and localizing the Academy training content and other APCICT capacity development resources to reach a wider audience; further expanding APCICT activities for new beneficiary groups such as youth, academic institutions and civil society organizations; implementing customized monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to meet the unique needs of different groups or ”tiers” of Academy partners; enhancing research efforts as well as knowledge sharing; and strengthening advisory services for information and communications technology (ICT) human capacity development in member States and to institutionalize APCICT ICTD training programmes.
日本政府派遣了由大约 330 名人员组成的日本地 面自队工程连 ,这一自卫队特遣队为海地的重建作 出了贡献,同多米尼加共和国一道,完成了清除废墟、 拆除受损建筑物、修缮境内流离失所者营地 施 和修 修复边界上道路的任务。
The Government of Japan has dispatched approximately 330 personnel,
comprising a Japan Ground
[...] Self-Defence Force (SDF) engineer squadron, and this SDF contingent has made a contribution to the reconstruction of Haiti by carrying out tasks such as removal of debris, dismantling of damaged buildings, repair of facilities in IDP camps and [...]
repair of roads on the
border with the Dominican Republic.
其中包括增加机 构奖励办法,鼓励为联合国国家工作队的工作做出贡献,深化高层领导人员对发 展集团小组和国工作队工作的 参与,以及采取 施 提 高 在国家一级的工作施 展知识和专门技能的体制能力。
These include increased agency incentives for contributions to UNCT work,
deepened senior
[...] leadership engagement with regional UNDG teams and UNCTs, as well as measures to improve system capacity to deploy [...]
knowledge and know-how for country-level work.
自由军成员和其他人对一个涉嫌为政府安全 队工 作 的 人 施 以 私刑,并将其尸体 放在小卡车上游街示众。
In late January 2012, in Karm Al-Zeitun, FSA members and others
lynched a man suspected of working with
[...] the State security forces, and paraded his body [...]
on a pick-up truck through the streets.
妇女署将继续落实以前提高妇女地位研训所和妇发基金这些实体响应各国 和国工作队要求而实施的各项方案:建立当地促进妇女政治参与的能力(2011 [...]
年 30 个国家),对援助资金流动进行对两性平等问题有敏感认识的监测(15 国), 促进两性平等的预算编制(40
国),将两性平等观点纳入国家规划和监测进程中 (50 国),编写《消除对妇女歧视公约》下的进度报告(20 国)以及将两性平等观 点纳入艾滋病毒/艾滋病战略和实体(15 国,与艾滋病署合作)。
UN-Women will continue programmes of
former entities INSTRAW and UNIFEM
[...] responding to country and UNCT requests to build local [...]
capacity for women’s political participation
(30 countries in 2011), gender-sensitive monitoring of aid flows (15 countries), gender-responsive budgeting (40 countries) and in integrating gender perspectives in national planning and monitoring processes (over 50 countries), CEDAW progress reports (20 countries), and in integrating gender perspectives in HIV/AIDS strategies and entities (15 countries in partnership with UNAIDS).
2011年,进口进一步增长16%,达到174亿美元,也是2011 年早期海啸袭击日本的结果,海啸对受影响区域的该国生产能力有影响,损毁队、水产养殖施、加工场和 港口基础设施。
In 2011, they grew by a further 16 percent, reaching US$17.4 billion, also as a consequence of the tsunami that struck Japan in early 2011, which had an impact on the country’s production
capacity in the affected area,
[...] with damage to the fleet, aquaculture facilities, processing plants [...]
and port infrastructure.
2010 年,毒品和犯罪问题办公室对基于互联网的交互式信 息系统进行了调整,该系统工作队 成 员在 实 施 反 恐 综合援助举措过程中的一 个重要交流工具。
In 2010, UNODC fine-tuned the Internet-based interactive
information system that serves as the key communication
[...] tool among Task Force members in implementing the I-ACT initiative.
联合国维和部队总部设在西加扎勒 河州的瓦乌,总部的 350 名维和人员主要是工队 伍, 现在每个新的整合力量保护安排都增添了作战队。31 除国家基础施的工程设计、建设、维护 以及联合国的资产外,联合国工作人员还运营着一 个联合国二级医院和员队伍总 部,以及一些任务 支持部门。
Headquartered in Wau, Western Bahr al Ghazal state, its 350 peacekeepers are primarily an engineering
contingent, and are now
[...] accompanied by combat troops per new integrated force protection arrangements.31 In addition to engineering, construction, and maintenance of national infrastructure and UN assets, its personnel also operate a Level II UN hospital and staff force headquarters and mission [...]
support units.
2009 年进行的 一项调查显示,在 135 个接受调查的联合国国工作队中,有 116 个施了共 同 事务,82%有基本服务安排(如银行业务、清洗和维修),三分之二有信通技术、 人力资源服务和医疗服务安排。
A survey conducted in 2009 revealed that common
[...] services are implemented by all 116 of the 135 United Nations country teams surveyed, with 82 [...]
per cent having arrangements
around essential services (e.g., banking, cleaning and maintenance), and two thirds having arrangements around ICT, human resources services and medical services.
此外,特别是关于Bohicon 宪兵队,当务之急是立即采取施为 在宪 兵队 工作的职员和被拘留者恢复供水。
In addition, and specifically relating to the Gendarmerie of Bohicon, it is imperative that steps are immediately taken to restore the water supply, both for the staff working at the gendarmerie and for those held in garde à vue.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区
的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问
[...] 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国工作队提供 支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, [...]
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government
during important functions and to the
[...] United Nations country team as part of the United [...]
Nations integrated framework; and medical
support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.




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