

单词 方铅矿

See also:

铅矿 n

sphalerite n


lead n
cadmium n

lead (chemistry)

External sources (not reviewed)

热液系统包括蚀变粘土,广泛分布的褐铁矿化,大量受构造控制的石英脉,常见的锰氧化物以 方铅矿 , 以 及少量黄铁矿和绿帘石。
The hydrothermal system consists of clay alteration, widespread zones of limonitization,
structurally controlled extensive quartz veins, frequently occurring manganese oxides
[...] and galena, little pyrite and epidote.
这些方铜矿的开 采是和其他金属如银、镍铅等在 一起,由地下矿井进行开采的。
The copper is extracted here in underground mines together with other metals such as silver, nickel and lead.
方战斗人员矿 产资 源财富中获益,而军火商也非常乐意为这些战斗人 员供货,只要他们能从这些财富中分一杯羹。
Fighters on all
[...] sides benefit from mineral wealth, while arms [...]
merchants are only too happy to keep the fighters supplied
as long as they partake of that wealth.
公司正在开发其位于广东省的GC银铅 锌 矿 , 并 且最近还收购了湖南省的B YP 金 铅 锌 矿。
The Company is
[...] developing its GC silver-lead-zinc mine in the Guangdong Province and recently acquired the BYP gold-lead-zinc mine in Hunan province.
虽然这些受害者和证人在“铅军 事 行动”中受到了严重伤害,并与调查者进行了充分合作,但是在两年后,他们 对案子的处理情况仍一无所知,只有一个家庭从一份 方 政 府 报告中得知,对其 幼子遇害案件进行的刑事调查已结案,但对导致这一悲剧的情节却未作任何说 明。
Although these victims and witnesses had
suffered serious injuries
[...] during Operation Cast Lead and had cooperated fully with investigators, after two years they have heard absolutely nothing with respect to the status of their cases – apart from one family that had learned in an official government [...]
report that the criminal
investigation into the killing of their young children had been closed without elucidation of the circumstances that led to such a tragedy.
根据地质情况、构造情况、蚀变情况以及捡样的分析结果,千辉控股有限公司相信13602X许可证区域有望成为世界级的热液型多金属(银、金 铅 、 铜 ) 矿 床。
Based on geological, structural, and alteration mapping combined with assay results of grab samples THL believes License 13602X has the potential to be a world-class epithermal polymetallic ( Ag, Au, Pb, Cu) deposits.
[...] 在未采用这种可追溯性系统的南北基伍和马涅马 矿 物 生 产和 方 出 口 有所下降, 因为,要获得“不涉及冲突”冶炼厂地位的精炼厂和冶炼厂称,它们自 [...]
2011 年 4 月1日起,将只从警示地区购买有锡矿供应链倡议制度标记的材料(见S/2011/738, 第 339 段)。
Meanwhile, in the Kivus and Maniema,
where no such traceability systems
[...] were introduced, mineral production and official exports [...]
have fallen since refineries and
smelters seeking conflict-free smelter status stated that from 1 April 2011 onwards they would buy material from red-flag locations only if tagged under the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative scheme (see S/2011/738, para. 339).
威安公司为国内外企业制造矿 井气体测量仪器,并矿井防爆安 方 面 不 断研发 创新检测技术。
They are specialized to develop and manufacture
weather-technical measuring and monitoring devices for explosion
[...] hazardous areas in national and international coal mines.
18A.86 2012-2013 两年期本次级方案拟议预算外资源 682 800 美元,将由双边来源(643 700 美元)和 方案支助费用收入(39 100 美元)供资,这些资源将用于完成由需求驱动的能力建设工作/活动,
[...] 助举措来解决成员国的特殊需要,例如粮食安全和能源短缺、制订 矿 政 策 方 面 的国家和次区 域能力建设、制订能源政策和加强西非经共体的社区发展方案,协助克服西非所面临的主要发 [...]
18A.86 The extrabudgetary resources of $682,800 proposed for this subprogramme, which are to be met from bilateral sources ($643,700) and programme support to be earned ($39,100) during the biennium 2012-2013, will be directed towards completion of the demand-driven capacity-building work/activities in support of priority subregional development programmes and will support the Subregional Offices contribution to regional integration and implementation of technical assistance initiatives to address the special needs of member States, such as food security and energy shortages, national and
subregional capacity-building for
[...] the development of mining policies, development of energy policies [...]
and strengthening of the
ECOWAS Community Development Programme to help overcome major developmental challenges in West Africa.
The mining companies of the [...]
contracting parties cooperate in the exploitation and are expected to exchange information also
on the environmental impacts of the exploitation.
在加拿大,希尔威正准备为不列颠哥伦比亚省北部地区的Silvertip高品级 铅 锌 矿 项 目 提交小型矿山许可申请,以便为公司的成长与矿产的地理分布多元化提供进一步的平台。
In Canada, Silvercorp is preparing to apply for a Small Mine Permit for the Silvertip
[...] high grade silver-lead-zinc mine project in [...]
northern British Columbia
to provide a further platform for growth and geographic diversification.
尽管矿方式本 身成本高,但是不会对矿上的土地 造成任何大的影响。
Although the mining method itself is more [...]
expensive, it does not cause any significant impact on the land above it.
适用范围:广泛适用于水泥厂的生料、熟料细碎作业,同时也可用于白云石、焦宝石 铅 锌 矿 、 蛇 纹石、高炉渣、煤矸石、磷矿石等中等硬度物料的细碎作业,特别适用于硬质石灰岩、白云岩、花岗岩、玄武岩等人工造砂或高速公路路面石料的加工破碎。
It is also applicable for crushing iron ore, sandstone, gypsum, blast furnace residue, coal stone, piece coal, and many other ores of medium hardness, characterized by the large crushing ratio, little energy consumption, stable run, simple structure, and convenient maintenance and operation.
已经清楚圈定了一个3.5公里长700米宽的区域,其中样本中的银 铅 、 砷 、辉 矿 的 品位较高,金、铜、锌的品位中等。
A 3.5 km long and 700 m wide zone has been clearly defined to
[...] contain high grade Silver-Lead, Arsenic, Stibnite and [...]
moderate grade gold, copper and zinc in grab samples.
形成对照的是,在逐步消除铅基涂料 铅方 面 所采取的国际协调行动较少, 许多发展中国家仍在生产铅基涂料,用于喷涂居室或学校内部和外部,以及玩 [...]
In contrast, there has been less concerted international action to
[...] phase out lead in lead-based paints, which are still [...]
manufactured in many developing
countries and used to paint the interiors and exteriors of homes or schools, as well as toys, furniture, playground equipment and other articles with which children come in contact.
此外,污 染物铅和镉)的分方法也应删除,因为在《食物和饲料中污染物与毒素通用标准》 中没有关于罐装食品中这类污染物最高限量的规定。
In addition, methods of
[...] analysis for contaminants (lead and cadmium) should be [...]
removed as there were no provisions for maximum
levels for these contaminants in canned foods in the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed.
环境法 》 107 责任: BLI 是不可能的情况下,承担责任,根据环境法 》 第 107 附近的污染, BLI
[...] 已不在站点,操作并不拥有的网站,虽然它是在操作中,也不能以任 方 式 参加 了 铅 基 油 漆或 含石棉材料的结构中的位置。
CERCLA 107 Liability: BLI is not potentially liable for contamination at the site under CERCLA Section 107 due to the fact that BLI has not operated at the site, did not own the site while it was in
operation, nor in any manner
[...] participated in placement of lead-based paint or asbestos [...]
containing materials in the structure.
目前正在实施许多 3Rs
[...] 项目,包括政府绿色采购;目前有 400 多个企业登记 参加的废物交方案;鼓励回铅酸 蓄 电池的税收奖励措施。
Many 3Rs projects are being implemented, including Government green procurement, a waste exchange
programme with over 400 industries currently registered, and tax
[...] incentives to encourage the recycling of lead-acid batteries.
铅解决方案具 有数百种可编程标准配置,采用多种QFN和TSSOP封装,运行温度为-40C到+85C,适用于企业和数据中心的交换机/路由器、高端存储和服务器平台、SONET/SDH传输和接入设备、xPON设备、视频服务器和蜂窝基站。
With hundreds of programmable and standard
[...] configurations available in several QFN [...]
and TSSOP package options, the lead-free
solutions operate at -40C to +85C and are targeted for use in switches/routers, high-end storage and server platforms for enterprise and data center usage, SONET/SDH transport and access equipment, xPON equipment, video servers and cellular base stations.
希尔威通过开发中国河南省月亮沟的四个 铅 锌 矿 , 成 为中国最大的原银生产商。
Silvercorp is the largest primary silver producer
in China through the operation of
[...] the four silver-lead-zinc mines at the Ying Mining Camp in the Henan Province [...]
of China.
国际葡萄与葡萄酒局积极参与了食品污染物标准委员会制定《预 防和减少葡萄酒中赭曲霉素 A 污染的行为守则》(CAC/RCP
[...] 63-2007)方面的工作, 没有参加修订某些限量,尤其是葡萄酒 铅 含 量 方 面 的 工作。
OIV contributed very actively in the work of the CCCF in the development of the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Reduction of Ochratoxin A Contamination in
Wine (CAC/RCP 63-2007) and was participating in the work on the revision of certain
[...] limits and in particular lead in wines.
在贱金属矿(铜、铅、锌 )的冶炼过程中,风机和高效率的 Donkin 涡轮压缩机为反应发生提供空气。
Smelting of concentrated
[...] base metal ores (copper, lead, zinc) is a process [...]
in which fans and the high efficiency Donkin
turbo compressors provide air for the reactions.
方在“铸铅行动 ”期间所犯的侵犯人权行为也 未得到妥善处理。
The human rights violations committed by both sides
[...] during Operation Cast Lead have also not been [...]
adequately addressed.
对于核燃料循环前端,收集和传播关于铀资源、铀勘探、铀矿开采和生产的资 料,以便促进矿开采和生方面的 最佳实践,最大程度地减少环境影响。
For the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle, information on uranium resources, exploration, mining and production is assembled
and disseminated in order to promote best
[...] practices in uranium mining and production to minimize [...]
environmental impacts.
该地图显示了威斯康辛地区在 1837 年之前测量的镇区,还绘出了街道、小路、天然地形、植被、工厂以及当时探明 铅 、 铜 矿 藏。
Also depicted are roads, trails, natural land forms, vegetation, mill
[...] sites, and the lead and copper deposits known at the time.
鼓励和支持建立利益相关者之间的协调机制和公私合作关系,尤其是矿业部门发方面, 并确定可惠益各方的建设和平行动,包括社区(尊重环境、 [...]
尊重社区价值观、土地权、社会服务、地方经济发展)、青年和妇女(直接和间接 就业、尊重劳动者权利)以及矿业公司(减少与社区的紧张关系、建议解决冲突机
Encourage and support the setting up of mechanisms of coordination and mutual consultation between stakeholders and a public-private
partnership, in relation especially to
[...] the development of the mining sector; and identify [...]
peacebuilding actions that might benefit
not only communities (respect for the environment, respect for community values, land rights, social services, development of the local economy), but also the youth and women (direct and indirect employment, respect for workers’ rights) and mining companies (reduction of tension with communities, existence of conflict-resolution mechanisms, guarantee of greater safety of plants and facilities).
促进和尊重人权和工会权利、保障健康与 安全、保护环境和同方矿区的社区建立良好关系,对协议至关重要。
The promotion of and respect for human and trade union rights, health and safety,
environmental protection and the promotion of good
[...] relationships with local mine communities are [...]
pivotal to the agreement.
政府对于矿业价值的看法:全球各国政府当前盛行多种形式的资源民族主义,表现在矿业私有化和征用,以及暴利税、资源税和出口管控等诸 方 面 ,导 致 矿 业 公司更加难以准确预测生产计划、了解长期风险概况或随着时间的推进开发用以指引决策的模型。
Governments eye the mining prize: Governments around the world are exercising several forms of resource nationalism, from mining industry privatization and expropriation to windfall taxes,
resource taxes and export controls,
[...] making it harder for mining companies to accurately [...]
forecast production schedules, understand
long-term risk profiles or develop models to guide decision making over time.
国际化学、能源、采矿和其他行业工会联合会目前是保证以负责任的方式 进行开采举措指导委员会的成员,这一举措是 2006 年在加拿大发起的,是采 矿业和首饰业对人们对矿方式、 特别是在发展中国家中的 矿方 式 越 来越多 进行批评做出的反应。
The International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers’ Unions (ICEM) currently sits on the steering committee of the
Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), which was launched in Vancouver, Canada, in 2006 as a response
[...] by the mining and jewellery industries to mounting criticisms of mining practices, particularly [...]
in developing countries.
预计该文书将包含关于汞曝露问题的条款,其中包括供 方 来 源 ,例如: 矿开 采 和国际与国内分销;在产品和流程中的使用;手工和小型金矿开采;向空气、 [...]
It is expected that it will contain provisions on
mercury exposure, including supply
[...] sources, such as mercury mining and international and domestic [...]
distribution; use in products
and processes; artisanal and small-scale gold mining; emissions and releases into air, water and land; waste, storage and remediation of contaminated sites.




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