单词 | 方向感 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 方向感 —sense of directionSee also:方向 n—direction n • directions pl • orientations pl 方向—orientation • path follow
他對於財政司司長沒有在財政預算案中勾劃出長遠規劃的 方向感到失望,並要求財政司司長說明其理財哲學。 legco.gov.hk | He expressed disappointment that FS had not set out in [...] his Budget the direction for long-term [...]planning, and requested FS to explain his [...]financial management philosophy. legco.gov.hk |
传感器和速度环间的间隙无需调整,也不需 要为了方向感应而旋转。 sauer-danfoss.com | Nor does it need [...] to be rotated for direction sensing. sauer-danfoss.com |
視障兒童學校亦設有定向行動導師,以發展學生的 方向感和行動能力。 legco.gov.hk | Mobility instructors are also provided for schools for children with visual impairment to [...] develop the orientation and mobility [...]skills of the students. legco.gov.hk |
视障儿童学校亦设有定向行动导师, 以发展学生的方向感和行动能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mobility instructors are also provided for schools for children with visual impairment to [...] develop the orientation and mobility [...]skills of the students. daccess-ods.un.org |
長遠來說,政府措施根本缺乏方向感 , 無 整套對付過熱樓市的方案,只有個別的、 [...] 零碎的、見步行步的措施。 legco.gov.hk | From a long-term point of view, the measures taken [...] by the Government are directionless. legco.gov.hk |
我的方向感其實與我的從政理念很有關係,主席女士,所以請你不要說 我離題。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, my sense of direction is highly relevant [...] to my political beliefs, Madam President, so please do not say that I [...]am not speaking to the question. legco.gov.hk |
民協對於民主黨現時的做法和方向感 到 很 高興。 legco.gov.hk | The ADPL is very happy with the [...] practices and direction of the Democratic [...]Party now. legco.gov.hk |
在我們完全沒有方向感的同 時,政府可以很果斷和不顧後果地即時封閉一間很大規模的酒店,可說 [...] 是同時把香港的入境旅遊關了門。 legco.gov.hk | At a time when we [...] have lost all our direction, the Government [...]could still be resolute in ordering the immediate closure [...]of a very large-scale hotel paying no attention to the consequence of also closing the door to inbound tourism to Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
不過,當我們細心觀察時, 發現這㆒片的大㆞文化㆖確實生長了花草樹木,但總的來看仍是雜亂無章,既缺 乏方 向感,亦缺乏較遠大的憧憬與宏圖。 legco.gov.hk | However, if we take a closer look, we will discover that although there are flowers and trees on this "cultural field", the overall situation is messy. legco.gov.hk |
我在民主路上走只懂走直路,叫我轉右,我便失去 了 方向感 , 我 便害 怕了。 legco.gov.hk | I only know how to go straight [...] ahead on the road to democracy and if one asks me to turn right, [...] I will lose my sense of direction, so I was apprehensive. legco.gov.hk |
報 告 書缺乏方向感,而其 ㆗提到的㆒些建議, 雖然個別有可取之 處,但是亦未能夠顯示政府在藝術發展方面有作出進㆒步的承擔。 legco.gov.hk | Although there are merits in some of the proposals made in the Report, there is hardly any indication that the Administration is making further commitments in arts development. legco.gov.hk |
林鉅津議員的原動議,缺乏方向感和 承擔醫療責任的勇氣,而林鉅成議員的修訂動議, 就能反映市民的要求,故此我反對林鉅津議員的原動議,支持林鉅成議員的修訂動議。 legco.gov.hk | The original motion of Dr LAM [...] Kui-chun lacks a sense of direction and the courage [...]to undertake the responsibility of providing medical service. legco.gov.hk |
它是企业对于未来的看法,为企业提供统一的、深入人心 的 方向感。 12manage.com | It should be a view of the future and it [...] should express a sense of direction which unifies [...]and personalizes. 12manage.com |
大会第六十 [...] 四届会议是在金融危机逐渐加深一年之后开始的,因 此,我们现在有一种新的方向感,这 就是要从过去的 错误中汲取经验教训,重新致力开展必要的合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, as we begin this sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly, one year after [...] the deepening of the financial crisis, we [...] do so with a new sense of purpose to learn [...]from the mistakes and renew our commitment to the need for cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
本组织实施和推广了一项“诚实的孩子”方案,该方案提供了一套免费资源,以 帮助指导员,并鼓励儿童拥有自信和明确的个人和伦 理 方向感。 daccess-ods.un.org | The organization has implemented and promoted a programme, Kids of Integrity, which provides a set of free [...] resources designed to help coach and encourage children to have [...] confidence and a clear sense of personal and ethical direction. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,回顾我 国自 2006 年 6 [...] 月和平进程开始以来接连出现的事态 发展,我们有理由对和平进程的总体 方向感 到 乐 观。 daccess-ods.un.org | Therefore, and looking at the successive developments in the [...] country since the inception of the peace process in June 2006, we have reason to be [...] optimistic about its overall direction. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過,由於施政報告只集中於這些微觀政策,而忽略了宏觀的大 方向, 便使人感到整份施政報告缺乏前瞻性,只說會成立小組進行 “ 研究”及 “考慮”⎯⎯ 李卓人議員更說這是“吹水”⎯⎯ 而且亦沒有具 體的執行時間表,並欠缺長遠的目標 及 方向感 , 令 人覺得特首真的只懂 得 “做好呢份工”,卻沒有採用任何創新思維來帶領香港人面對現時急劇 轉變的經濟環境。 legco.gov.hk | However, as the policy address only focuses on these micro policies to the neglect of the macro direction, the entire policy address gives the impression of a lack of vision, while only proposing the setting up of task groups to carry out "studies" and make "considerations" ― Mr LEE Cheuk-yan even said that it is "empty talk". legco.gov.hk |
因此,整個資本主義到了這個地步,如果司長或特首還要說香港要 以金融為主,這便教我對香港未來的發 展 方向感 到 擔 憂。 legco.gov.hk | At the present stage of the development of capitalism, I will be worried about the direction [...] of our future development if the Secretary or the Chief Executive still tells us that [...] Hong Kong will be finance-oriented. legco.gov.hk |
相反,我支持動議的精神,只是覺得原動議㆗「緊急措施」這句用詞不夠清晰,亦無 方向感,當局很容易利用這㆒點,有選擇㆞做㆒些工作來敷衍了事。 legco.gov.hk | I only think that the phrase "emergency measures" in the text of the original motion is not clear enough and it also lacks direction. legco.gov.hk |
他們是對國家的發展方向感 到滿 意,還是同意我們都會向他們提出的一個問 題,認為「局勢發展偏離了正軌」? americancorner.org.tw | Are they [...] pleased with the direction the country is [...]heading in or, as we all put it to them, “are things off on the wrong track? americancorner.org.tw |
機械 式 的 裝 置 發 聲 是 在 柱 內 敲 打 , 所 發 出的聲 [...] 浪 是 360 度 , 而這類電 子 裝 置 肯 定 會 有一個方 向 感 。 legco.gov.hk | As the mechanical device produces the sound from the hitting action [...] within the pole, the noise is released in a 360-degree manner, and such an [...] electronic device is essentially directional. legco.gov.hk |
全新的跑车后端通过创造出贴近道路的低平车身印象,着重体现出设计的水 平 方向感。 lamborghini.com | The new rear end of the car emphasizes [...] the design's horizontal orientation by creating the impression [...]of a low-slung car that adheres to the road. lamborghini.com |
他們十 分 關 照 我 , 因為我 一出門便完 全 沒 有 方 向 感 ,是方 向 盲 。 legco.gov.hk | They were very nice to me, [...] and I am so grateful because I simply do not have any sense of direction once outdoors. legco.gov.hk |
在這份預算案裏,我們看不到整體上 有任何方向感,亦 看不到有政策能處理深層次矛盾的問題。 legco.gov.hk | About this kind of deep-rooted conflicts, it is the view of the Civic Party that the unequal distribution of resources and results of economic activities has [...] led to the ever-widening wealth gap. But [...] we do not see any sense of direction in [...]this Budget, nor can we find any policy mentioned [...]therein that can address the problem such conflicts. legco.gov.hk |
但恐怕現時這種說法是完全欠缺 方向感 的。 legco.gov.hk | But I am afraid the [...] arguments put forward now do not have a sense of direction at all. legco.gov.hk |
这本书的目的是让梅赛德斯 - [...] 奔驰博物馆的访客将这个建筑带回家;它能够再现人们参观这一复杂 却 方向感 极 强 的建筑时那些令人惊叹的感知体验。 unstudio.com | The aim of the book is to allow the visitor of the Mercedes-Benz Museum to take the building home; it recreates the [...] experience of visiting the [...] complex, yet strongly directional structure which provides [...]many surprising perceptual experiences. unstudio.com |
在 2005 年 12 月 21 日,我面對四方八面的壓力, [...] 投下最關鍵反對政制改革(“政改”)的一票,令政府在沒有時間表、沒有 路線圖及沒有方向感的政改方案泡湯。 legco.gov.hk | On 21 December 2005, facing pressure from all directions, I voted in opposition to the constitutional reform package at the most [...] crucial moment, as a result of which the Government's constitutional reform package without a [...] timetable, roadmap and sense of direction fell through. legco.gov.hk |
一篇路透社的文章形容“令人对于中国经济发展 的 方向感 到 担 忧 的问题”包括“通货膨胀、房屋价格、富有经济带来的低需求,以及为数百万大学毕业生和农村移民提供工作。 amccsm.org | A Reuters article describes "the issues that have raised [...] worries about the direction of [China's] economy" [...]as "inflation, housing costs, weakened [...]demand from rich economies, and the pressure to secure jobs for millions of university students and rural migrants". amccsm.org |