

单词 新风


新作风 n

new style n

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然这方面的发展便利了信息获取和人际沟通,并在许多方面惠及儿童, 但是它也对儿童安全、个人发展和福祉构 新风 险 和 新 威 胁
Although this development has facilitated access to information and communication between people and has
been beneficial for children in many
[...] ways, it also poses new risks and threats to [...]
children’s safety, personal development and well-being.
风险分析组定期通过联网收到出口管制当 局、联邦警察和情报部门的新风险 评 估。
Their risk analysis team receives regular
[...] online updates of risk profiles by the [...]
export control authorities, federal police and intelligence services.
我还应该指出,卢旺达意识到,我们既要治疗疾 病,又要保护民众,使其免新风险 因 素之害,而这新风险因 素正是与城市化、贸易与市场全球化和不 健康生活方式逐步增多这一在如此众多的工业化国 [...]
I should also note that Rwanda is
aware of the need to
[...] both treat and protect the population against the emerging risk factors that [...]
accompany urbanization,
the globalization of trade and marketing and the progressive increase in unhealthy lifestyles — a pattern that can be seen in so many industrialized countries.
东方海港国际大厦以LEED绿色建筑金质认证为基准,邀请美国建筑师协会副会长、美国赫勒·马努斯建筑设计事务所(HellerManusArchitects)主席----JeffreyHeller先生担任总设计,按照当今国际高端智能化写字楼高舒适度、低能耗、低碳排放、健康的国际绿色建筑的认证标准建造,且更具人性化与舒适化,设有:全球先进5A智能体系、双VAV中央空调及独 新风 系 统 、地暖式大堂、门禁访客识别系统、健康直饮水系统、环保雨水回收系统、电子信报箱系统、新能源车辆充电管理系系统等。
The Eastern Harbour International Building LEED Green Building Gold certification basis, to invite the vice president of the American Institute of Architects, the President of the United States of Heller Manus architectural design firm (HellerManusArchitects) ---- President JeffreyHeller chief design, according to the high office of today's international high-end intelligent comfort, low energy consumption, low carbon emissions, the health of the international green building certification standards for the construction, and more user-friendly and comfortable, and features: advanced global 5A intelligent
system, double VAV central air
[...] conditioning and independent new wind system to warm [...]
the lobby, access control and visitor
identification system, health direct drinking water system, environmental protection, rainwater recycling system, the electronic newspaper boxes, new energy vehicle charging Management system.
如今,厨房设计将这两种截然不同的风格精彩汇集成一种高度个性化 新风 格。
Two different approaches to the kitchen, now brought
[...] together in a new, highly personal style.
说明:建筑新风的总 冷、热量指计算出的建筑采暖空调负荷与 新风 焓 差 计算出新 风负荷
Note: the total cool and heat needed by the building and fresh air refers to the load of heating and air-conditioning of the building, and load of fresh air calculated by enthalpy difference of fresh air.
新风机的 几何构造已经得到明显改进,空气进出,至于噪音产生也得到优化。
The geometry of the new fan has been improved [...]
decidedly, and air flows in and out optimized as regards noise generation.
[...] 的一般援助:与任务关键举措和项目相关的风险方面的技术支助;维持严重监控 事故的日志;及时地将风险预测中 新风 险 和变化提升到管理的适当层面;维持 合并的风险目录;和经营求助台功能。
Such teams would normally be responsible for general assistance in the implementation of ERM: technical support regarding the risks associated with mission critical initiatives and projects; maintaining a log of
serious control
[...] failures; escalating new risks and changes in risk profiles [...]
to the appropriate level of management in a timely manner; maintaining consolidated risk catalogues; and operating a help-desk function.
本 报告第二部分较详细地分析了这种模式转变,即新兴市场仍具有相对良好的回报,但 风险比发达国家低得多,我们称之 新 “ 风 险 常 态”。
This paradigm change by which emerging markets continue to have a relatively good return but at a
much lower risk than developed countries,
[...] which we call the new ‘risk normal’, is analyzed [...]
in some detail in the second section of this report.
监督事务咨询委员会会议探讨了教科文组织的一些重要方面的问题,包 新风 险 问 题 和风险管理、内部监督、外部审计活动和《国际公共部门会计标准》(IPSAS)的执行。
The Oversight Advisory Committee
meeting covered crucial aspects of
[...] UNESCO including emerging risk issues and risk management, [...]
internal oversight, external audit
activities and the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
引人注目的对比色彩并置为原创的设计增添了 新风 格 , 加上多维效果的复杂多层表盘,让您感受到纯粹的态度。
Eye catching juxtaposition of contrasting color add stylistic genius to this already original design, coupled with an intricate multi layered dial for added dimension, you get sheer attitude.
近日,我司自主研发生产的组合式空调机组、医院洁净手术室用空调机组、双冷源温湿度独立控 新风 机 组 等AAHM系列末端设备系列产品顺利通过德国TÜV南德认证机构的欧盟高标准认证,此次欧盟标准认证针对空气处理机组产品性能的认证主要包括EN60204-1/A1:2009、EN1886:2007和EN13053/A1:2011认证,分别对产品的电气安全、机械特性和整机性能进行测试。
Recently, modular air conditioning units of the Division I independent R & D and production, the hospital clean operating room air conditioning units, double the cold
source temperature and humidity
[...] independent control of the new air handling unit AAHM [...]
series of terminal equipment series
passed the German TÜV SÜD certification body, the EU high standards of certificationthe EU standard certification for the certification of air handling unit performance including EN60204-1/A1: 2009, EN1886: 2007 and EN13053/A1: 2011 certification, electrical safety, mechanical properties and performance of the whole test.
我们通过建模与仿真系统分析得到的数据说明:平台所实现的精确上送风、精确下 风 以 及 新风 节 能 系统, 均能够为中心机房节能20%以上。
The data obtained through modeling and simulation system analysis show that the
precise upward air supply, precise
[...] downward air supply and new air energy saving system [...]
realized by the platform can save
energy by more than 20 percent for the central equipment room.
[...] 来源收集到的可靠证词表明,刚果(金)东部各联盟关系的改变可能很快会产生新 的政治和军事组织,从而带来武装团体干预区域政治 新风 险。
Credible testimonies from various sources collected by the Group suggest that new political and military organizations may soon emerge from the shifting alliances in
the eastern Democratic Republic of the
[...] Congo, creating renewed risk of regional political [...]
interference from armed groups.
此外,委员会还将重点关注《宣言》第 11 条规定的不歧视和不诋毁原则,将这一原 则作为“概念性框架”,在其范围内处理医学、生物科学和相关技术的各敏感领域(包括但 不仅限于生物样品库、器官移植和非法交易、神经科学、艾滋病毒和纳米技术)产生 新风 险和责任。
Moreover the Committee will focus on the principle of non-discrimination and non-stigmatization, as set forth in Article 11 of the Declaration, by using this principle as a “conceptual umbrella” under which to address the new risks and responsibilities arising in different sensitive areas of medicine, life sciences and associated technology (including but not limited to i.e. biobanking; organs transplantation and trafficking; neuroscience; HIV/AIDS and nanotechnologies).
20世纪90年代以来,上海相继建成了一批享誉国内外的功能性建筑,构成了迷人的都市风景线,同时也成为上海的旅游新景观,向世人展示了上海 新风 貌。
From the nineties, Shanghai has successively developed a solid international reputation in the sphere of architecture which represents now an attractive aspect in the city setting and, at the same time, constitutes a new
tourist landscape: those buildings are
[...] nothing but the new incarnation of what Shanghai [...]
reflects for the rest of the world.
我们也监控那些尽 管目前未受到控制,但可 能会带新风险的物质。
We also monitor substances that, while not currently
[...] regulated, may pose an emerging risk.
为什么人们提高了对风险管理的兴趣,是因为看到了将新思想和工具应用于 新风 险 现 实”的机会。
An explanation for the increased interest in risk managament is the
[...] opportunity to apply new thinking and tools on the “new risk reality”.
(a) 政策和执法组成部分,旨在将消耗臭氧层物质政策和执法问题纳入 NACEN
[...] (即作为主要机构)的培训课程主流;为 新风 险 预 测、情报共享提供指导 和能力建设,以便制止消耗臭氧层物质非法贸易;以及协调加强海关、税收 [...]
(a) The policy and enforcement component, aimed at mainstreaming the ODS policy and enforcement issues in the training curricula of NACEN (i.e., as the nodal institution);
providing guidance and capacity development for
[...] state of the art risk profiling, intelligence [...]
sharing to check illegal trade in
ODS, and coordinated enhancement of capacities of several agencies such as Customs, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Border Security Force, and National Investigation Agency; and
Supply-air filtration improves IAQ without increasing the air change rate: energy costs increase only to the extent that increased fan power is required to overcome the pressure drop at the filter, and this is decreased by more frequent filter changes”, Dr. Wyon says.
凉季(10 月至 4 月)平均气 温适宜(在 20°C 至 30°C
[...] 之间),热季(6 月至 9 月)在新风―― 一种携带沙尘的 干热风――的影响下,气温高达 [...]
50°C, 而夜间湿度大增。
Mean temperatures are pleasant (between 20 °C and 30 °C) during the cool season (October to April), but rise to 50 °C during the hot season (June
to September) under the effect of the
[...] Khamsin, the hot dry wind that carries dust [...]
and sand, while humidity increases sharply at night-time.
这款颠覆当今传统冰箱发展道路的红魔复古冰箱,又一次以反随大流的姿态,彰显了博世冰箱的激情活力与独树一帜,我们相信,这款具备了博世独门个性的冰箱,必将引领起一轮冰箱 新风 潮。
Bosch has always leading the cooling products revolution and now, Bosch makes an even better designed one-door refrigerator based on the old model- the classic one-door refrigerator.
Gaudzinski-Windheuser在展览上说,这些抽象 新风 格 的女性雕像更加标准化,每一个雕像的个体差异很小,作者可以是任何人,这与维伦多尔夫小雕像展现的那种极高的艺术技能形成了鲜明的对比。
The new, abstract style of female [...]
figurine was much more standardized, with little individual variation, and could be made
by nearly anyone, as opposed to the great artistic skill it took to make a Willendorf statuette, Gaudzinski-Windheuser told the meeting.
如果想在你的应用程序中使用新风 格 的 用户界面,你可以定义为使用这种最新的Microsoft [...]
Office 2003 导航面板风格,它具有所有的MS Outlook中所看到的特征。
If you like to use
[...] the latest user interface styles in your applications, [...]
you will definitely want to use this newly created style.
在基本模块中输入给定风电工程的所有相关信息,使用 WTG 目录可获得市场提供的大部分风电机的详 细技术信息,并可新风电机 补充到目录里备案或用于比较。
Enter all relevant information for a given wind energy project in BASIS, and use the WTG Catalogue to get detailed
technical information for most of the
[...] wind turbines on the market and for adding new turbines to the Catalogue, [...]
e.g. for documentation and comparison purposes.
Xinfeng company owns a top-ranking
[...] technical team and they have exploited the fans of DW series [...]
which reach to advanced domestic
level, sweepback airofoil fan of KF series, exterior rotor flow fan of DWZ series which comes up to advanced world standard, box fan of FX series with independent intellectual property rights, exterior rotor fan of air conditioner of KF series, flow fan used for rail air-conditioning of LKZ series and so on.
Movado 手表以其历代相承的制表艺术传统而成为一个充满传奇色彩的品牌,该品牌名称的含义是“永动不息”,这意味着公司孜孜不倦地致力于开拓创新并引领手表设计 新风 尚。
Movado watches is a storied brand with an extraordinary heritage in the art of horology with its name meaning “always in motion” to signify the companies constantly evolving as a forerunner in watch design.




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