

单词 新领域

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一个经常性挑战,同时也是社会科学界一个非常有前途 新领域 , 就 是认识到日 益复杂的问题需要采用综合研究或跨学科方法来解决。
A recurring challenge, which is also a
[...] very promising new field in the social [...]
science community, is the recognition that
increasingly complex problems require integrated research or transdisciplinary approaches for their resolution.
Ireland’s dynamic RD&I sector is driven by
[...] an exceptional level of collaboration [...]
between industry, academia, government agencies
and regulatory authorities, backed by a pro-business Government policy.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室获得“联合国 21 世纪奖”的计算
[...] 机化培训方案仍然是其技术援助提供工作的基础,目前正在编制以下 10 个新领 域的计 算机化培训教程:移民偷运、打击人口贩运高级技术、廉正和道德、对 [...]
The UNODC Computer-based Training (CBT) programme, given a “UN 21 Award”, has remained a
cornerstone of UNODC technical assistance
[...] delivery, and 10 new areas of the CBT [...]
curriculum are being developed: the smuggling
of migrants, advanced anti-human trafficking techniques, integrity and ethics, violence against women, identity crime, first responders to a crime scene, crimes against children, wildlife trafficking, training on HIV/AIDS for law enforcement staff and community policing.
培训不仅是在新领域,而且包括良好的维修实践;它还将进一步向小 工厂提供基本的维修工具。
The training is not only in retrofitting, but also in good servicing practices; it will furthermore provide basic servicing tools to small workshops.
技术新领域的成 功案例包括原地浸取技术、能源效率、减少用水需求、以 及增强机器人技术和其他技术,以减少能源需求和人类面临的风险。
Success stories in the area of technology innovation included techniques for in situ leaching, energy efficiency, reductions in water requirements, and enhancements in robotics and other technologies to reduce energy demand and the risks posed to humans.
劳工组织 拥有丰富的经验,愿意在增长、发展和社会正义这新领域与各 会员国、联合国各机构以及各个国际 和区域组织结成伙伴关系。
ILO had a wealth of experience and stood ready to form partnerships with Member States,
United Nations agencies and
[...] international and regional organizations in a new era of growth, development [...]
and social justice.
科技和创新政策审查通常是检查科技和创新制 度的设计,中小型企业、大公司、科技机构和商业协会之间的联系,以及科技和新领域的政策对话。
STIP Reviews typically look at the design of STI systems, the linkages between small and medium-sized enterprises, large firms, science and technology institutions, and business associations, and the policy dialogue in the area of science, technology and innovation.
[...] 和发展方案在持续进行,而且地质学家和工程师也一 直在积极探索新的资源和人们感兴趣 新领域 , 作为 潜在海底矿物来源。
The fact is, however, that not only are active research and development programmes for nodule mining continuing, but also geologists
and engineers have been actively
[...] seeking out new resources and new areas of interest [...]
as potential sources of seabed minerals.
讨论和评论主要围绕投资政策审查报告建议所涉六个主要方面进行:(a) 促 进越南经济新领域尤其 是服务部门的直接外资;(b) 采用侵扰性较低的做法进行 [...]
投资管理,并减轻 管理负担; (c) 大力处理持续增长面临的潜在制约因素,包括基 础设施和熟练工人的提供和质量问题;(d)
出于有效性和竞争力的原因,确保商业 性国有企业和私营公司获得公正 和公平的待遇;(e) 简化税制,在成本效益分析基 础上审查对投资实行的财 政奖励办法;(f) 吸收最近通过的改革举措,并确保这些 举措在越南 64 省都能得到一致的实施。
Discussion and comments revolved mainly around the six main areas of recommendations of the IPR: (a)
[...] promoting FDI in new areas of Viet Nam’s [...]
economy, particularly
the services sectors; (b) adopting a less intrusive approach to investment regulation and reducing the administrative burden; (c) forcefully addressing potential constraints to sustained growth, including the availability and quality of infrastructure and skilled workers; (d) ensuring a fair and equitable treatment between commercially-oriented State-owned enterprises and private companies, for reasons of effectiveness and competitiveness; (e) simplifying the tax system and reviewing fiscal incentives to investment based on a cost/benefit analysis; and (f) absorbing the reforms recently adopted and ensuring their coherent application throughout Viet Nam’s 64 provinces.
25.10 第三,将建立一个企业架构和信息安全保 新领域 , 以全面管理信息安全风险和技术发展 方向。
25.10. Thirdly, a new domain of Enterprise Architecture [...]
and Information Assurance will be established to holistically manage
information security risks and technology directions.
食典委请求粮农组织和世卫组织继续推进危险性分析的理解并继续探索像营养的危 险性评估这样的工新领域,以 便于提供与食典委标准制定活动相关的科学建议。
The Commission requests FAO and WHO to continue to promote the
understanding of risk analysis and to
[...] continue to explore new areas of work, such [...]
as nutritional risk assessment, so as
to provide the scientific advice relevant to CAC activities for standard setting.
其中,用户有理投诉零起,全年各月的用户满意度均达到90%以上,为开拓服 新领域 打下坚实基础。
User complaint is zero, the user satisfaction of each month exceeded 90%, and a solid
[...] foundation for exploiting new service area is laid.
大多数区域委员会还继续协助成员国制 新领域 的 统 计资料,例如环境和性 别统计资料和指标,并将这些统计纳入国民账户和发展方案。
Most of the commissions also continued to assist their member States in the production of statistical information in emerging areas, such as environmental and gender statistics and indicators, and in the incorporation of those statistics into their national accounts and development programmes.
科学技术和教育区域中心教育课程(见 A/AC.105/782, A/AC.105/L.238, A/AC.105/L.239,
[...] A/AC.105/L.240 和 A/AC.105/L.241),(b)世界空间观测站和(c)太阳物理学 新领域。
Working group sessions were held on (a) education programmes in astronomy and astrophysics, including the education curricula of the regional centres for space science and technology education (affiliated to the United Nations) (see A/AC.105/782, A/AC.105/L.238,
A/AC.105/L.239, A/AC.105/L.240 and A/AC.105/L.241), (b) the World Space
[...] Observatory, and (c) new horizons in solar physics.
(cc) 解决妇女和女孩在从学校过渡到工作过程中面临各种障碍:扩大与就
[...] 业机会相关、适应迅速变化的劳动力市场需求、特别是涉及新 领域 、 新领域和 非 传统领域的教育和培训机会;帮助妇女获得商业、贸易、信息和通信技术及创 [...]
(cc) Address the different barriers women and girls face in the transition from school to work by: expanding the scope of education and training opportunities that are relevant to employment opportunities and aligned with rapidly changing
labour market needs, particularly
[...] in emerging, new and non-traditional fields; helping [...]
women acquire business, trade, information
and communications technology and entrepreneurship skills; raising awareness of such opportunities and of their suitability to both women and men, particularly among parents, teachers, career counsellors and other advisers; and encouraging interaction between educational systems, the private sector and civil society, as appropriate
哪些是随着全球经济现实的变化而出现的、需要加强伙伴关系 新领 域?
(b) What are the new areas where the need for strengthened partnership has arisen because of the changing global economic realities?
一位代表称,他对希望新领域利用 《蒙特利尔议定书》下积累的经验, 监管氢氟碳化合物用途的愿望表示理解,但目前在若干用途方面并不存在氢氟 [...]
碳化合物的替代品,未来 20 年内这一情况仍将持续。
One representative said that while he understood the desire to use
[...] experience acquired under the Montreal Protocol [...]
in new areas by regulating the use of
HFCs, there were currently no alternatives to a number of uses of HFCs, a situation that would continue for another 20 years.
与会者呼吁委员会促进交流、传 播和扩散在农业科学、技术及 新领域 和 关于国家之间合作的最佳做法范例。
Participants called upon the Commission to facilitate the exchange, dissemination and diffusion of best
practice examples in the area of agricultural science, technology and
[...] innovation, and on cooperation between countries.
由中国农业工程学会、北京农业工程学会 以及中国农业机械化学会联合举办的城区农业工程研 讨会应得到足够重视,因为它开辟了城区和城郊地区
[...] (土地主要用于休闲观光和集约化园艺生产)农业工 程发展新领域。
Special reference must be made to the Symposium on Urban Agricultural Engineering, which was sponsored by the Chinese and the Beijing Societies of Agricultural Engineering and the China Academy of Agricultural Mechanization, because this meeting opens a new field for our profession in
response to the growth of urban
[...] and peri-urban areas where land is [...]
used for leisure and intensive horticultural production.
在联合国通过施行现有各项举措来提高维和特 派团的效力和效率的时候,我们还必须继续探讨最 佳做法和技术的新新领域。
As the United Nations implements existing initiatives to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of peacekeeping missions, we must also work already done towards setting common goals and taking systematic steps towards them.
此种成果可能涉及各种业务方式 以及在诸如农业土壤、水和林业 新领域 中 实 施适应和减 缓方案的机制。
Such outcomes may concern operational approaches and
mechanisms to implement adaptation and
[...] mitigation options in new areas, such as agricultural [...]
soils, water, and forestry.
这种政策对许多国家来说还是公共政策的一个 新领域 。1 这些国家修改有关知识 产权的政策主要是来自国际协议的压力(它们是这些国际协议的签署国),而在本国内实 [...]
行(如《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》或《生物多样性公约》)时却不一定有着一致的思 想。
In many cases, developing countries face particular difficulties in developing a comprehensive and
co-ordinated policy on IP, in what is, for
[...] many, a relatively new area of public policy.1 [...]
The impetus for policy changes in
IP typically comes from international agreements to which the country is signatory, without necessarily having a coherent idea of how they can be implemented nationally (for example, TRIPS or the CBD).
与会者向它介绍了普遍定期审议后续工作报告方面的进展,各国对这一 领域都表示了浓厚兴趣;董事会还了解到为可能通过的新条约而设立的新条约机
[...] 构和政府间工作组的最新情况,以及工作正由纯粹传统的人权工作向富有挑战性新领域演变 ,例如老年人权利、雇佣军和私营保安公司等。
It was informed of progress in reporting on UPR follow-up, an area in which States have shown keen interest and was updated on the establishment of new treaty bodies and inter-governmental working groups for possible adoption of new treaties and the evolution of
work from purely traditional human
[...] rights work to new and challenging areas such as the rights [...]
of elderly persons, mercenaries
and private security companies.
卢 森堡是一个通过研发,管理技术创新的
[...] 主要中心,这些奖励旨在通过鼓励公共 和私营机构进行合作和对新领域的 投资,提升卢森堡作为这一中心的知名 度。
These incentives aim at enhancing the visibility of Luxembourg as a major centre for the management of technical
innovation through research and development by encouraging public-private cooperation
[...] and investments in innovative fields.
2008 年,联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)在马来西亚成立了科学、 技术和新领域南南 合作国际中心;该中心创设了最佳做法交流中心,为分享经 验提供方便。
In 2008, the United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) established the International Centre for South-South Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation, in Malaysia; it is creating a clearinghouse of best practices to facilitate the sharing of experience.
墨西哥与 77 国集团加中国商 定有必要设立一个不限成员名额工作组,讨论如何减
[...] 少价格波动和商品市场投机,而墨西哥认为结束多哈 回合谈判对于推进市场一体化和打开国际农产品贸新领域是必不可少的。
It agreed with the Group of 77 and China on the need for an open-ended working group to discuss ways of reducing price volatility and speculation in commodity markets and it considered the conclusion of the Doha
Round indispensable for moving forward on market
[...] integration and opening new fields of international [...]
agricultural commerce.
我们强大的产品和临床导管将使BIOTRONIK在外周血管 新领域 继 续 保持领军地位,这些在临床和产品上的最新发展凸显了BIOTRONIK特有的下肢产品组合的实力与表现,并彰显了我们继续提供有科学证据支持的卓越技术的承诺。
Our robust product and clinical pipeline will continue to
[...] make BIOTRONIK a leader in peripheral vascular [...]
innovations, and these latest clinical
and product developments underscore the strength and performance of BIOTRONIK's unique lower limb portfolio and our continuing commitment to delivering technological excellence backed by scientific evidence.
拟议预算编列了 180 万美元的经常资源拨款和上限为 2 000 万美元的其他资
[...] 源,用以振兴因诺琴蒂研究中心,将其发展为国际公认的儿童问题研究中心,与 此同时,将其工作扩展到儿基会视为优先事项 新领域。
The proposed budget includes a regular resource allocation of $1.8 million and a ceiling of $20 million for other resources to revitalize the Innocenti Research Centre as an
internationally recognized centre of research on children while
[...] extending its work into new areas that are priorities [...]
网络新领域的行 业领先者瞻博网络公司(Juniper Networks)(纽约证券交易所股票代码:JNPR)今日宣布,公司向Essar集团提供了一个安全的多平台远程网络接入解决方案。
Juniper Networks (NYSE:
[...] JNPR), the industry leader in network innovation, today announced that [...]
it has provided a secure,
multi-platform remote network access solution to the Essar Group, a multinational conglomerate with interests in steel, oil and gas, power, business process outsourcing, ports, shipping and infrastructure development.




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