

单词 新禧



Happy New Year

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 花車於「2002國泰航空國際匯演新禧 」 暨 國際匯演嘉年華活動中引起全場注目。
The colourful BBTS Float stole the limelight at the 2002 Cathay Pacific
[...] International Chinese New Year Parade and Fiesta.
馬年的農曆新年,BBTS有機會參加「2002國泰航空國際匯演 新禧 」 暨國際匯演嘉年華,增添新春氣氛。
The Year of the Horse afforded BBTS an opportunity to
embrace the spirit of Chinese New Year through participation in the "2002 Cathay Pacific
[...] International Chinese New Year Parade and [...]
Fiesta" (CNYP).
政府統計處現正全力籌備進新千禧 後 的首次人口普查,並將採用嶄新科技,使普查工作可更順利進行。
The Census and Statistics Department is in full
steam preparation for the first Population
[...] Census in the new Millenium and modern [...]
technology will be applied to ensure its success.
為增添農曆新年節日氣氛及進一步提升公眾對本會的認識,BBTS會員於2002年2月12日參與由香港旅遊發展局主辦的「2002國泰航空國際匯演 新禧 」 暨國際匯演嘉年華。
To enhance the Chinese New Year festivities and further promote Association awareness amongst the general public, BBTS members
participated in the 2002 Cathay Pacific
[...] International Chinese New Year Parade and Fiesta [...]
organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Board on 12 February 2002.
參考香港曾經舉行的大型活動(例如 2009
[...] 東亞運、香港國際七人欖球賽、國 際匯演新禧和國 際龍舟節)以及海外大型活動的例子,並考慮到香港的獨特 情況
Making reference to the major events held in Hong Kong (e.g. 2009
East Asian Games, Hong Kong Sevens,
[...] International Chinese New Year Parade, and [...]
International Dragonboat Festival) and overseas,
and considering the uniqueness of Hong Kong2
新的千禧 年,本港經濟持續強 勁反彈。
Entering into the new Millennium, our economy [...]
has been rebounding strongly.
禧年新经济研究基金会31 C.I/C.II 理事会第二十四届执行会议
Jubilee Research at the New Economics Foundation31 [...]
我相信只要政 府有適 當 的人力 政 策和再培訓 計 劃 互相 配 合 , 便可以使 許 多 重投就 業市場的人士掌握相 關技能 , 為各行業在新的經 濟 發 展 的
[...] 基 礎 上繼續作出 貢獻, 並 且 為進新的千禧 年 的 香港特區帶來更多 商 機。
I am sure that as long as the Government has a suitable manpower policy and retraining schemes, it can help many people re-entering the employment market to acquire
the relevant skills, so that they can continue to contribute to the
[...] various industries under the new economic development.
孟加拉国政府承诺到 2021 年,即孟加拉国独立的禧年, 为我国创造出一新形象
The Government of Bangladesh is committed
to creating a new image of the country by 2021, the year
[...] which will mark the golden jubilee of Bangladesh’s independence.
新的千禧表款 从爱彼打造出的范围令人惊叹的专业技术之中汲取了营养,再次为这一经典且三维架构化的产品线增光添彩,该产品线已经囊括了诸如Tradition d’Excellence N°5、MC 12、Deadbeat [...]
Seconds,MC One以及最新三问表这样的卓越表款。
Drawing upon the impressive range of expertise built up by Audemars Piguet, this new Millenary watch is enriching [...]
a classic yet
architectural line that already includes such exceptional models as the Tradition d’Excellence N°5, MC 12, Deadbeat Seconds, MC One, and the more recent Minute Repeater.
南 京 大 屠殺距 今 已 62 年,世界 也 踏 入了禧 新 世 紀 ;而不論 是 國 際 社 會,甚 至是日本內部, 都 紛紛要求日本就戰爭 罪 行進行賠償。
Cries are heard, not only from the international community, but also from inside Japan, for Japan to make compensations for the crimes it committed in the war.
例如,早期的3120机芯的摆轮上就可看到如此微妙细致的润色手法;然而,却仅在甫上市数周的 新 M i l le nary 千禧4101表款上,这项技艺才首度一览无遗地展现于表面上,听凭鉴赏家欣赏其无懈可击的典雅华服。
It can be found, for example, as a subtle
touch on the balance of the caliber
[...] 3120. But it’s on the new Millenary 4101, on the [...]
market only a few weeks, that it can
be seen in all its splendor because it appears on the face of the watch.
[...] J海外ODM战略合作伙伴、国内优质珠宝品牌商、以及深圳各珠宝首饰制造商、以及全国各大行业媒体共同莅临祝贺和参观San J升级展新业盛禧。
The On-site crowded and flooded, including leaders and guests of Shenzhen gold jewelry industry association and the Hong Kong Jewelry Manufacturer Association, San J partners overseas ODM strategy, domestic high-quality jewelry brand providers, the
jewelry manufacturer in Shenzhen, as well as major national
[...] media visited and congratulated [...]
the San J upgrading gallery.
只 有 提 升 本港終 身 學習的 風 氣 ,
[...] 才能真正落實終身 學習的 精 神 , 才能提 升 本港 人 力 資 源 的 質 素,協 助 香港迎接禧 年 的 新 挑 戰! : 代 理主席,送 舊 迎新, 我們每個 人 都 期 望禧 年帶給 香新的 機 會及新 的發展 , 全 球 經 濟 一體化 以 及 朝 向 高 科技發展已經 肯 定 是 [...]
本 世 紀 經 濟 發 展 的主流 。
Only through enhancing the culture of lifelong learning in Hong
Kong can we embody the essence of lifelong
[...] learning in such a way as to enhance the quality of local human resources and assist Hong Kong in rising to the new challenges of the new millennium.
M Barkum,灾害和千年(1986年);科尔伯里奇 新 天 , 新 地 : 一个 禧 年 的 活动研究(1969年); ñ科恩,追求千年(1970年),JW戴维森,千年思想的逻辑:十八世纪的新英格兰(1977年);类风湿性关节炎多安,米勒异端:千禧年与美国文化(1987年); [...] [...]
DL的罗素,方法和犹太世界末日,公元前200年消息 - 公元100年(1964年);一个泰勒,和谐视野:一个在19世纪千禧年研究(1987年); TP的韦伯,在第二次来的阴影生活:美国Premillennialism,1875年至1925年(1979年)。
M Barkum, Disaster and the Millennium (1986); KOL
[...] Burridge, New Heaven, New Earth: A Study of Millenarian Activities [...]
(1969); N Cohn, The Pursuit
of the Millennium (1970); JW Davidson, The Logic of Millennial Thought: Eighteenth Century New England (1977); RA Doan, The Miller Heresy: Millennialism and American Culture (1987); DL Russell, The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic, 200 BC - AD 100 (1964); A Taylor, Visions of Harmony: A Study in 19th Century Millenarianism (1987); TP Weber, Living in the Shadow of the Second Coming: American Premillennialism, 1875 - 1925 (1979).
全世界 33 个国家的 100 名英国圣公会妇女每年均参加妇女地位委员会 会议;(d)2007 年,圣公会咨委会主办了两次会外活动,研究新的援助模式,以 此为两性平等及赋予妇女权力供资; 新 审 查为两性平等及赋予妇女权力供资的禧年原 则”,妇发基金(联合国妇女发展基金)支持该原则并为之提供资金。
On average each year, 100 Anglican women from 33 countries worldwide attend the session of the Commission on the Status of Women; (d) in 2007, ACC sponsored two side events on examining the new aid modalities as a way of financing gender and women’s empowerment; and on revisiting the Jubilee Principles to finance gender and women’s empowerment, which were supported and resourced by UNIFEM (United Nations Development Fund for Women); (e) Commission on Sustainable Development: representative/s of ACC at the United Nations attended high-level meetings on environment and water.
最後的分析會突顯 莫特曼思想中的禧年主義与天啟式主義的對照, 並且我提議, 若与呂科爾之哲 學銳見一起讀解, 可得出許多今天在亞洲處境中神學反思 新 可 能 性。
The analysis will end by elevating the polarity of millennialism and apocalypticism in Moltmann’s thought, which I suggest, if read in conjunction with Ricoeur’s philosophical insights, [...]
can yield much possibility
for theological reflection in today’s Asian setting.
1998 年,美国国会通过了《禧年数 码版权法案》,该法案和其它规定一起禁止对科 技保护措施(即编密码)的破坏。
In 1998, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) which, inter alia, forbids the circumvention of technological protection (i.e. encryption).
黃容根議員:代 理主席,踏 入禧 新 紀 元,相 信很多 人的願 望都是陳 腔濫調 , 說句希望 世 界 和 平,少 一 點 戰 爭 ;然而, 這個願 望 絕非“行 貨 ” , 特別是 對 曾經飽 受 戰 [...]
爭 毒 害 的人來 說 ,
這是真 正 的 切身感受 。
For those who have had the tormenting experience of being in a war, peace is really their heartfelt wish.
他们启动了“特奥会中国禧年三 月”并展开了特奥历史上最具雄心的发展活动。
They launch the Special Olympics China Millennium March and begin the most ambitious growth campaign in the movement’s history.
这将是观察到,在gelasian列表拒绝了许多作家都在这里生活和天主教共融死亡,但他们的一些著作的一部分不正确,例如Semipelagian错误归咎于卡西安和浮士德,在对Victorinus对评结论 禧 年 说启示录(圣杰罗姆发出删改版,在打印只有一个人还),对丢失“Hypotyposes”克莱门特不健全,等等,防止被谈到这些作家,如希拉里由Jerome是,“inoffenso pede percurritur“。
It will be observed that many of the writers rejected in the Gelasian list lived and died in Catholic communion, but incorrectness in some part of their writings, eg the Semipelagian error attributed to Cassian and Faustus, the chiliasm of the conclusion of Victorinus's commentary on the Apocalypse (St. Jerome issued an expurgated edition, the only one in print as yet), the unsoundness of the lost "Hypotyposes" of Clement, and so forth, prevented such writers from being spoken of, as Hilary was by Jerome, "inoffenso pede percurritur".
該命令由行政長官在徵詢行政會議的意見後根據《保護 兒童及少年條例》(第 213章 )("該條例")第 2A條作出,以修訂《保 護兒童及少年(收容所)令》(第 213章,附屬法例B)附表中的收容 所名單,廢除"永隆銀行禧庇護工場及宿舍"("永隆"),並加入 "保良局永隆銀行禧庇護 工場及宿舍"。
The Order is made by the Chief Executive under section 2A of the Protection of Children and Juveniles Ordinance (Cap. 213) (PCJO) after consultation with the Executive Council. The Order amends the list of places of refuge in the Schedule to the Protection of Children and Juveniles (Places of Refuge) Order (Cap. 213 sub. leg.
B) by repealing "Wing
[...] Lung Bank Golden Jubilee Sheltered Workshop and Hostel" (Wing Lung) and adding "Po Leung Kuk Wing Lung Bank Golden Jubilee Sheltered Workshop [...]
and Hostel".
所有青年人都能接受高质量的教育,这一中心议题直接涉及到《达喀尔行动纲领》的第 3 项和 第 6 项目标,也直接涉及到联合国大会 2000 年 9 月 8 日确定的《禧年宣 言》中的目标,后者更是 涉及到发展、消除贫困、环境保护、人权、民主、良好的管理、保护易受伤害群体、适应非洲的特 殊需要。
The issue of quality education for all young people is directly linked, on the one hand, to goals 3 and 6 of the Dakar Framework for Action and, on the other hand, to those of the Millenium Declaration, defined on 8 September 2000 by the General Assembly of the United Nations and which more specifically concern development and the eradication of poverty, the protection of our shared environment, human rights, democracy and good governance, the protection of vulnerable groups and meeting the special needs of Africa.
诺华(瑞士)是2009年申请量排名第一的申请人,有136件国际商标申请,接下来是利得(德国)、汉高(德国)、浙江医药公司(中国) 禧 玛 诺 (日本)、KRKA(斯洛文尼亚)、吉瑞大药厂(匈牙利)、欧莱雅(法国)、博世和西门子(德国)、Egis制药(匈牙利)、辉瑞(瑞士)、杨森制药(比利时)、拜尔(德国)、葛兰素集团(联合王国)、勃林格殷格翰(德国)、雀巢(瑞士)、赛诺菲–安万特(法国)、卡拉威高尔夫公司(美国)和西门子(德国)。
With 136 international trademark applications, Novartis (Switzerland) was the largest filer in 2009 followed by Lidl (Germany), Henkel (Germany), Zhejiang Medicine Company (China), Shimano (Japan), KRKA (Slovenia), Richter Gedeon (Hungary), L’Oréal (France), BSH Bosch und Siemens (Germany), Egis Gyógyszergyár (Hungary), Pfizer (Switzerland), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Belgium), Bayer (Germany), Glaxo Group (UK), Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany), Nestlé (Switzerland), Sanofi Aventis (France), Callaway Golf Company (USA) and Siemens (Germany).
飛達帽業主席禧強先 生表示:「回顧年內,雖然面對歐債和國內不明朗經濟環境等因素, [...]
但集團實行了多項策略性措施,包括收購美國高檔女裝帽品商 San Diego Hat Company, 令我們得以擴大歐美市場的發展,加上孟加拉外判廠房的投產,集團將可藉提升整體產
Mr Ngan Hei Keung, Chairman of [...]
Mainland Headwear, said, “During the year under review, although facing debt crisis in Europe
and the uncertainties in the PRC’s economy, the Group has adopted strategic measures including acquisition of San Diego Hat Company, a high-end women’s headwear company in the US to boost the our development in Europe and the US.
之後她更創立了自己的公禧辰有 限公司,致力代理法國品牌: 包括Lanvin,及尚未為人熟悉但極具潛質的品牌如Pylones [...]
(家品), Cristel (廚房設備), Pataugas (鞋履)及一些高級農產品牌如Rucher de l’Ecole,
Truffettes de France, Le Potager sucré, Kaviari。
In 1997, Ms. Yu created her
[...] own company (Carsac Limited) devoted [...]
primarily to the distribution of French brands, in particular
Lanvin but also lesser known brands with a very high potential as Pylones (objects home), Cristel (kitchen), Pataugas (shoes) and several agro-food business brands [Rucher de l’Ecole, Truffettes de France, Le Potager sucré, Kaviari (caviar of Aquitaine)].
一直以來,政府官員、康復諮詢委員會代表、非 政府機構及殘疾人士團體皆積極參與各項由亞太經社會舉 辦關於殘疾問題的會議及項目,例如:在2002年及2007年
[...] 政府間會議、2003年及2004年的殘疾相關關注專題工作 組、2006年的琵琶湖禧綱領 (在亞太區爲殘疾人士建立一 個融合、無障礙和能享應得權利的社會),以及2008年探討 [...]
透過2010年人口及住房普查對促進收集殘疾數據的區域研 討會。
Government officials, representatives of RAC, NGOs and groups of persons with disabilities have participated actively in the various conferences and programmes run by the UN ESCAP on disability matters, such as High-Level Intergovernmental Meetings on the Asian Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons for 2003-2012 held in 2002 and 2007, meetings of the Thematic Working Group on
Disability-related Concerns in 2003 and 2004,
[...] Biwako Millennium Framework for Action Towards [...]
an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based
Society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and Pacific in 2006 and Regional Workshop on Promoting Disability Data Collection through the 2010 Population and Housing Censuses in 2008.




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