

单词 新知识

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拟设 17
[...] 个员额的任职者将负责记录、保持业务程序方面 的新知识和技 术系统配置,负责培训操作员。
The incumbents of the proposed 17 posts would be
responsible for documenting and
[...] maintaining up-to-date knowledge of the operating [...]
practices and configuration of the technical
systems, as well as for training the operators.
这些能力 合起来,就是获取、吸收、调整、传播和采纳现行知识的能力,以及创造和使新知识的能力。
These capabilities, collectively, are the
ability to acquire, absorb, adapt, diffuse and adopt
[...] existing knowledge and the capacity to produce and use new knowledge.
一些人员具有在国际 独立调查委员会的工作经验,新聘人员则为调查工作带来了宝贵 新知识 和 新经 验
While some staff had had experience working with the International
Independent Investigation
[...] Commission, new staff brought valuable new expertise and experience [...]
to the investigative effort.
这一挑战不仅限于跨部门问题(这是该部门致力于解决的问题); 也是关于如何促进该部门与新知识 ” 合 作,这 新知识 来 自 组成教科文组织的各条 线。
This challenge goes beyond the issue of intersectorality (to which the Sector is committed);
it is about how to
[...] facilitate the Sector working with “new knowledge”, drawn from all the disparate [...]
threads that make up UNESCO.
许多内新知识的产品可以 轻易地被复制。
Many products, incorporating new knowledge, can be easily copied.
有关地雷和小武器新知识有助 于制定国际标准和推广良好做法。
New knowledge on landmines and small [...]
arms has contributed to the development of international standards and replication of good practices.
因此,WIPO 积极与联合国系统内外的各个国际合作伙伴开展合作,以便通过下列方式帮助 共同解决重大挑战:释放新和知识 产 权 潜力,营建一个更为公平的世界;分析 新 、 知识 产 权和 技术转让之间的关系(将酌情包括各种形式的知识共享、研发与产能的转让,其中包括合作、能力 建设、许可使用和技术改造与传播);以及开发实用工具。
WIPO therefore cooperates actively with diverse international partners, both within
and outside the UN
[...] system, in order to contribute to shared solutions to major challenges by: unlocking the potential of innovation and IP for a more [...]
equitable world; analyzing
the relationship between innovation, IP and technology transfer (to include, as appropriate, various forms of knowledge sharing, the transfer of R&D and productive capacity, including collaborations, capacity building, licensing and technology adaptation and diffusion); and, developing practical tools.
(b) 新平台应当通过与主要科研机构、决策者和出资组织进行对话,以适当
[...] 的规模确定并按轻重缓急提出决策者所需的关键科学信息并推动产 新知识方 面的工作,但不应该直接从事新的研究
(b) The new platform should identify and prioritize key scientific information needed for policymakers at appropriate
scales and catalyse efforts
[...] to generate new knowledge by engaging in [...]
dialogue with key scientific organizations, policymakers and funding organizations, but should not directly undertake new research
通 过 实 际 课 程 如
[...] Skype、Facebook、管理健康以及欢笑瑜伽, 不仅让乐龄人士能够获新知识,也 让年轻人 能够分享他们的知识并学习性格的建立。
Through practical lessons such as Skype,
Facebook, managing health and laughter yoga,
[...] seniors acquire new knowledge while youths [...]
share theirs and learn character building.
通过为制造专业人士提供学习和利 新知识 、 曾 进技术以及改进制造方案的资源和机会,SME帮助其成员成长,并且相对应的,成员也会为其公司、行业以及国家的经济健康做出贡献。
By providing resources and opportunities
for manufacturing professionals to
[...] develop and utilize new knowledge, improved skills, [...]
and manufacturing solutions, SME helps
members grow personally and professionally and, in turn, contributes to the economic health of companies, the industries, and the nations they serve.
我们还参与了有关工业的讨论组和相关研究项目,以获 新知识。
We also participate in industry discussion groups and research
[...] projects to gain new knowledge.
亚太统计所主任向理事会通报说,这一方案的目的是在根据 2010-2014 年期间拟议五年长期工作计划制订的两个具体产出标准的
[...] 基础上交付培训工作,这两个标准是:(a)增加国家统计工作人员的 知识和技能;(b) 在国家一级增加能够向其他统计人员传授相 新知 识的统计人员数目。
The Director of SIAP informed the Council that the purpose of the programme was to deliver training under two specific output criteria developed according to the long-term work plan proposed for the five-year period 2010-2014, namely: (a) increased knowledge and skills of national statistical staff; and (b)
increased number of statisticians with the
[...] ability to impart new knowledge to other statisticians [...]
at the country level.
(d) 通过扩大学术流动,提高教师的业务水平和增加研修机会,包括通过到 国外进修以获新知识和技术,培养符合国际水平的权威科研、教职人员; (e) 根据 ISO 9001 国际标准完成大学教育和科研活动的国际认证,将博洛 尼亚进程中的要素引入国家高等教育体系,以提高高等教育的质量和国家高等院 校的知名度。
(e) The quality of higher education and the recognition of national institutions of higher education will be improved with the completion of the process of obtaining ISO 9001 certification for the educational and research activities of Belarusian universities and by implementing elements of the Bologna Process in the national system of higher education.
18.2 作为联合国知识产权专门机构,WIPO 努力促进就新、知识产权和全球公共政策事宜之间 的关系展开国际政策对话。
As the specialized UN agency for IP, WIPO endeavors to facilitate international policy dialogue on the intersection
between innovation, IP, and global public
[...] policy issues, recognizing that IP is not [...]
an end in itself but a tool to achieve
socio-economic and development objectives.
分派企业最受人尊敬、专业能力最强的人员指导 年轻的专业人才,可以让年轻人不仅能够更好地适应职业活动,获取必要 新知 识和职 业技能,而且可以融入集体、深入了解生产情况。
Pairing young professionals with mentors from the ranks of the most respected and qualified employees at a concern not only
helps young people
[...] adapt to their new occupation and absorb essential new knowledge and professional [...]
skills but also helps
them become a part of the team and acquire a deeper understanding of what occurs in the workplace.
有关科学成果新知识和新信息主要通过科学出版物的发行以及从国家知 识产权局获取的专利的登记和备案等形式加以宣传。
The dissemination of new knowledge and information [...]
about the obtained scientific results is made through the scientific
publications, registration and storage of patents obtained from the Intellectual Property State Agency.
与西澳大利亚其他大专院校相比,健康科学学院培养了更多的医疗专业人员,让学生了解 新知识 和 发 现,提供了优质的学习经历,包括实习期。
The Faculty of Health Sciences educates more health professionals than any other WA tertiary
institution, providing students with access
[...] to the latest knowledge and discoveries [...]
and a high-quality learning experience,
including periods of internship.
大多数国家已经利用从涉及化学品管理和能力建设方案的多边环境协定中 获得新知识和新信息
Most countries had benefited from new knowledge and information acquired as a result of multilateral environmental agreements relating to chemical management and capacity-building programmes.
关键问题是如何协调 两种公共利益的关系,一种是使 新知识 及 新知识 产 品的公共利益,一种是刺激发明创造 物质和文化进步所依靠新知识及新 产 品 的公共利益。
23 The crucial issue is to reconcile
the public interest in
[...] accessing new knowledge and the products of new knowledge, with the public interest in stimulating invention and creation which produces the new knowledge and products on [...]
which material and cultural progress may depend.
[...] 日,全球学习中心在布达佩斯开始运作,目的是为难民署工 作的所有人员有机会学习新技能,获 新知识 , 以 改进其绩效,更好地管理个人 的职业道路。
The Global Learning Centre (GLC) commenced its operation in Budapest on 1 June 2009 with the goal of providing all staff who carry
out UNHCR’s work with
[...] opportunities to learn new skills, acquire knowledge to improve their [...]
performance and better manage
their individual career paths.
她于去年年底毕业,并很快的找到一份招收毕业生的工作,把所学 新知识 、 新 技 能 用于工作中。
Ashwina is confident she made the right decision transferring her studies in social science from the United Kingdom to Australia.
委员会注意到,这项采取审慎防范方式拟具的计划包含经常的审 评意见,以便新的知识出现时吸 新知识 , 从而使计划成为随着最佳环境做法 的形成而随时适合现实环境的蓝图。
It also noted that the plan, which is based on application of the
precautionary approach, includes
[...] regular reviews to include new knowledge as and when it is generated, [...]
allowing the plan to be
a living blueprint addressing best environmental practice as it develops.
[...] 是当局认识到重要病原体的传播和影响的高度复杂性,从而促使更明确希望利 用跨学科办法获新知识和制 订可持续的关于干预和政策的建议。
The second factor driving the renewed interest in such technologies is the recognition by authorities of the highly complex nature of the transmission of and exposure to important pathogens, leading to a
clearer desire to make use of
[...] transdisciplinarity to gain new knowledge and formulate sustainable [...]
proposals for interventions and policies.
为了产生对儿童有用新知识,以 期确定区域的优先事项,大多数区域正 在拟订区域评价计划并排列选定在 2010-2011 年进行的各项区域评价工作的优 先次序。
With the aim of informing regional priorities by generating new knowledge on what works for [...]
children, most regions are developing
regional evaluation plans and prioritizing selected regional evaluations to be carried out in 2010-2011.
[...] 己和所继承的世界不断保持批判性思考,有机会和必要手段进行质询、调查并以 想法、表达方式和创新性应用的形式贡 新知识 , 而 不论身在哪一国界内。
More precisely, the right to participate in cultural life entails ensuring conditions that allow people to reconsider, create and contribute to cultural meanings and manifestations in a continuously developing manner.9 The right to enjoy the benefits of science and its applications entails the
same possibilities in the field of science,
[...] understood as knowledge that is testable [...]
and refutable, including revisiting and
refuting existing theorems and understandings.
(e) 应当通过该举措的时事通讯、网站及其他媒介向公众和科学界有效传 播国际空间气象举措活动产生 新知识。
(e) New knowledge generated by International Space Weather Initiative activities be effectively communicated to the public and the scientific community at large via the Initiative’s newsletters, its website and other media.
20年来,宏源一直致力于推动中国照明技术的发展及核心技术的突破,与复旦大学电光源研究所在学术研究和科研成果转化方面长期保持紧密合作,不仅成功发明了LVD无极灯,获得国际国内100多项专利,使其在产业化和技术领域保持领先优势,而且还建立了“宏源-复旦产学研研究基地”、博士后工作站,在照明技术可持续 新 、 知识 产 权 管理、产品认证等方面都取得累累硕果。
To work closely with the Electric Lighting Source Research Institute of Fudan University in transformation of academic studies and scientific research achievements, Hongyuan has not only successfully invented LVD induction lamp, won more than 100 patents from both the international and domestic and kept the lead in industrialization and the field of technology, but she has also established "Hongyuan-Fudan University Industry-Academy-Research Base" and postdoctoral centre.
自从IPCC的报告提出以来,已产生了可进一步理解气候 对人类的影响和可用于解决这个复杂问题的应对方案及 方法新知识。
Since the production of the IPCC report, new knowledge has emerged that furthers understanding of the impacts of human influence on the climate and the response options and approaches that are available to tackle this complex issue.




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