

单词 新疆小盘鸡

See also:



小鸡 n

chicks pl
pullet n
chuck n

小小 adj

small adj

External sources (not reviewed)

BlueArc的磁盘阵列系列的主要特点之一是它的整合能力,整合市场上 新 的 磁 盘 技 术 ,特别是SAS2.0,近线SAS和2.5“及3.5” 小 固 态 驱动器。
One of the key features of the BlueArc array
family is its ability to
[...] integrate the latest disk technologies available on the market, specifically SAS 2.0, Nearline SAS and Solid State Drives (SSDs) in both 2.5” and 3.5” sizes.
这种超大剂量的假鸡尾酒 式药物导致了两 新疆 患 者 的死亡,让九名病人(或更多)因血糖过低而住院。
This fake cocktail with its large dosage killed two patients in Xinjiang, and nine more individuals [...]
were hospitalized due to severe hypoglycemia.
在后记中,鸡找到自己的田园诗般的环境,在一个鸟类保护区,在那里他们可以住在舒适性,提高他们 新 的 小鸡。
In the epilogue, the chickens find their idyllic setting in a bird sanctuary, where they can live in
[...] comfort and raise their new chicks.
而同时众所周知的是,阿塞拜疆年度国防开支符合预算的 总体增加,阿塞拜疆军队开支在国内生产总值中所占比例比亚美尼 小 得 多 ,阿塞疆军队 的规模同其人口、领土和边界长度相称,也少于亚美尼亚。在此方面值得 一提的是,亚美尼亚共和国总统谢尔日·萨尔基相 2010 年访问北约总部时指出, “亚美尼亚军队拥有的弹药是比亚美尼亚大十倍的国家都梦想拥有的”(见北约秘 书长和亚美尼亚总新闻稿,http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/opinions_ 63920.htm)。
At the same time, it is well known that the annual defence spending of Azerbaijan remains in line with overall budget increases;
that Azerbaijan
[...] continues to spend a much smaller percentage of its gross domestic product on the army than Armenia; and that the size of the armed forces of Azerbaijan is proportional to its population, territory and length of borders and remains less than Armenia’s. It is worthwhile mentioning in this regard that President Serj Sargsyan of Armenia stated, during his visit to NATO headquarters in 2010, that “[t]he Armenian army has types of ammunition that countries 10 times the size of Armenia would dream of having” (see press point with the NATO Secretary General and the President [...]
of Armenia, http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natolive/ opinions_63920.htm).
特荐华之套餐□■□■□■□■□■小菜/前菜三种盘/华味鸡刺身 拼盘/自制明太子/替钵/水炊锅/鸡蛋杂烩粥或博多烩菜海鲜面/咸菜/甜点・・・每位4,200日元 套餐再加1,600日元即可畅饮(90分钟 [...]
L.O./2小时)----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*---- 水炊华味鸡(单品)  每位 2,800日元味之套餐       
每位 3,200日元华之套餐        每位 4,200日元 金华套餐       每位 5,200日元其它套餐可根据预算定制,请具体商谈。
Hana set dinner - highly
[...] recommended□■□■□■□■□■□Starter, appetizer platter (3 kinds), Hanamidori chicken sashimi platter, home-made marinated [...]
cod roe, simmered dish, mizutaki stewed chicken, congee with egg or Hakata style champon
noodle in soup, pickles, dessert・・・4,200 yen per personA 2-hour open bar service is available with the dinner set menus for an additional 1,600 yen(last orders at 90 mins before closing)----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----*----Mizutaki stewed Hanamidori chicken (on its own) 2,800 yen per personAji set course     3,200 yen per personHana set course   4,200 yen per personKinka set course 5,200 yen per personPlease enquire about other dishes.
1.產品尺寸:內尺寸:32*24*12cm;包外尺寸:36.5*26.5*19 材質:高級防水面料 重量:1550g 顏色:深藍色+黑色組成 貨號:B23A 品牌:維特利 特點:防水(帶防雨罩),內膽加厚防震,而且可以自由組合,如果是單反機的話至少可以放一機多鏡,可放7-10寸上網本,所有金屬扣件結實耐用,背帶 加厚,背面還有防汗濕設計,旁邊扣帶可以扣 小 型 三 腳架,另外多袋設計可以放置更多其他物品,時尚造型,即使不是放置相機也可以當做一般休閒包使用溫馨提示:東西三省新疆、內蒙古路途遙遠,運費加5元。
1.Dimensions: Internal dimensions: 32 * 24 * 12cm; outside of the package size: 36.5 * 26.5 * 19 Material: waterproof fabric Weight: 1550g Color: dark blue + black composition Item No.: B23A Brand: Vitelli Features: waterproof (with rain cover), the liner thicker shock, and can be freely combined, SLR can at least put a machine mirror, put 7-10 inch netbook, durable all metal fasteners, straps thickened, the back anti sweaty
design, next to the
[...] cingulate may deduct home small tripod, and other multi-bag design can be placed more items, fashion styling, even if not placed the camera can also be used as a general leisure packages Tips: something the three provinces , Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, the [...]
distance, plus $ 5 shipping.
孤星布拉沃,虽然看着家庭剪贴簿,妈妈告诉了Lonestar布拉沃约翰尼的故事,以及他如何成为警长潮湿摇滚打动前 沿 小鸡。
Lone Star Bravo—While looking at the family
scrapbook, Mama tells Johnny the tale of Lonestar Bravo and how he became the sheriff of Moist Rock to
[...] impress frontier chicks.
在西藏新疆两自 治区发展关键阶段,上述两次座谈会对推进两自治区跨越 式发展作出战略部署,是中国政府努力扶持少数民族地区各领域全面发展、小 东西部发展差距的重大举措,对有关地区未来长远发展具有重要影响。
The two aforementioned conferences arrived at the decision to deploy leapfrog development strategically in the two regions, and were thus a major move by the Chinese Government to provide vigorous support for comprehensive development of all types in minority-nationality areas, as well as lessen [...]
the disparity in development between the eastern and western regions,
which will have an important influence on the long-term future development of the regions concerned.
新的鸡舍根据欧盟对鸡新的指 导方针(2012年生效)建造,其坐落于西班牙东部的 Sinarcas 市,距地中海巴伦西亚港不远。
The new house equipped according to the new EU guideline for laying hens valid as [...]
of 2012 is located in the town of Sinarcas
in Eastern Spain, not far from Valencia, a seaport on the Mediterranean Sea.
咨委会询问后获悉,由于各特派团对这一支助的期待提高,并且 盘小 组方法仅限于编制预算期间,故已 新 设 计 算盘倡议,以考虑到更加复杂的特派 任务情况、统筹行动小组、特派团开办、过渡或清理结束,以及其他倡议的执行 工作,如全球外勤支助战略、企业资源规划和公共部门会计准则。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was
[...] informed that, as a result of rising expectations from missions for such support, and owing to the fact that the Abacus approach was limited to the budget preparation period, the initiative had been redesigned to take into [...]
account more complex
mission situations, the role of the integrated operational teams, mission start-up and transition or liquidation, including the implementation of other initiatives such as the global field support strategy, the enterprise resource planning project and IPSAS.
本集团拥有有梭、小剑杆、苏州必佳乐大剑杆、比利时必佳乐喷气、日本丰田喷气、日本津田驹等各种织布设备,能够生产小提花类、牛仔布、大提花类、一般喷气类、高支高密类生产各类纯棉、涤棉、麻棉以及天丝、Modal、大豆纤维、竹纤维、丽赛、真丝棉混纺及各 新 型 纤 维混纺或交织等3000余种面料,可以生产从47″至135″的任何幅宽、经纬密之和从90根至1000根的各种 盘 和 小 提 花 坯布,棉布重量范围从40g/㎡至650g/㎡,史陶比尔大提花织机85台,可以生产98″、105″、118″、120″,经纱密度173根/英寸左右的大提花品种,花围36至38厘米和72至74厘米两种规格,以及各种幅宽的染色布印花布等。
The Group owns shuttles, small rapier, Suzhou Bijiale large rapier, Belgium Picanol Air Injection, Japan Toyota, Japan Tsudakoma and other kinds of weaving equipments which can produce dobby series, jacquard, common air injection series, denim, and high-density series cotton, polyester cotton, hemp cotton and tencel, modal, silk cotton blend and all kinds of fabrics of more than 3000 sorts,and it can produce the width of 47″to 135″, density in warp and waft can be from 90 to 1000 grey fabric, and the weight of the cotton cloth can be from 40g/㎡ to 650g/㎡, There are 85 sets of Staubli Jacquard weaving machines,which can produce 98″, 105″, 118″, 120″,the density in warp and waft can be from 173t/inch jacquard series and two kinds of flowers width of 36 to 38cm and 72 to 74cm,and so on.
国际教育局为艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防方面设置课程时,为全球艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育 资料库内新添加了 100 种课程资料,提供了更多的信息,发放了 500 多张有关课程与艾滋病 毒/艾滋病预防资料库的盘,彻底更 新 了 国 际教育局艾滋病毒/艾滋病的网站,(与教科文 组织其它信息交流中心协作)创建了公共网页,详细说明国际教育局用来评估艾滋病毒/艾 滋病预防课程及其好的做法的评估标准第二稿,并对即将用于莫桑比克的艾滋病毒/艾滋病 非正规教育评估标准进行了详细阐述(与马普托和巴西利亚联合国教科文组织协作)。
IBE’s efforts in curriculum development for HIV/AIDS prevention concentrated on making available more and more information by adding 100 curriculum materials in the Global Content Bank, distributing over 500 copies of the CD-ROM “Global Curriculum Bank for HIV/AIDS Preventive Education”, completely upgrading the IBE HIV/AIDS website, creating (in coordination with all other UNESCO clearing houses) a common access web page, elaborating the second version of IBE appraisal criteria used to evaluate good practices and HIV/AIDS curricula, and elaborating an adapted version of appraisal criteria to non-formal HIV/AIDS education to be used in Mozambique (in collaboration with UNESCO/Maputo and Brasilia).
食典委注意到,这一决定将影响新工作的拟议工作计划,并可能需要较长的时间 完成这些准则,因为这些准则将尽量采用一种新的以定量风险分析为基础的从农场到餐
桌的方法;肉鸡有大量科学数据和粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议所作 的风险评估,但非肉鸡却不具备这些数据和评估,它们的风险情况、生产和加工条件不
[...] 同;在由粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议进行风险评估以前可能有必要 对后一鸡肉的科学数据提新的全 球要求。
The Commission noted that this decision would impact on the proposed work plan for the new work and might require a longer time-frame for the completion of the guidelines since the guidelines would follow a novel farm-to-fork approach based on quantitative risk assessment to the widest extent practicable; that there existed considerable scientific data and a risk assessment by JEMRA for broiler chickens but not for non-broiler chickens with different risk profiles, production and processing conditions; that a new
worldwide call for scientific data
[...] for the latter category of chicken meat might be necessary before [...]
a risk assessment be conducted by JEMRA.
阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、亚美尼亚、阿塞 疆 、 白 俄罗斯、不丹、波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、博茨瓦纳、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中非 共和国、乍得、捷克共和国、多米尼加共和国、加蓬、冈比亚、格鲁吉亚、危地 马拉、几内亚比绍、海地、洪都拉斯、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、哈萨克斯坦、科威 特、拉脱维亚、利比里亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、马里、毛里塔尼 亚、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、尼日尔、阿曼、巴拿马、秘鲁、卡塔尔、卢旺达、 沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞拉利昂 新 加 坡 、斯洛伐克、斯里兰卡、阿拉伯叙利 亚共和国、乌克兰、乌拉圭和津巴布韦。
Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Latvia, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Panama, Peru, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zimbabwe.
我还要感谢外事办公室副主任宋先生对我们首 访 新疆 的 热 情款待和所有安排。
I also want to thank Deputy Director General of the
Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Song, for all the great hospitality and all the arrangements for
[...] our very first visit to Xinjiang.
应主席邀请,以下国家代表在安理会会议厅一侧 为他们保留的座位上就座:阿富汗、阿根廷、澳 大利亚、阿塞疆、孟 加拉国、比利时、巴西、 加拿大、哥伦比亚、捷克共和国、埃及、芬兰、 印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、以色列、意大 利、约旦、肯尼亚、科威特、列支敦士登、摩洛 哥、缅甸新西兰 、尼加拉瓜、巴基斯坦、卡塔 尔、苏丹、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、阿拉伯 联合酋长国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、乌拉圭和委 内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。
At the invitation of the President, the representatives of the following countries took the seats reserved for them at the side of
the Council Chamber:
[...] Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Liechtenstein, Morocco, Myanmar, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Qatar, Sudan, [...]
Switzerland, Syrian
Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay and Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
信息来源告知工作组,2009 年 7 月新疆乌鲁 木齐发生暴乱之后,据报告称 上百名维吾尔族青年男子因涉嫌参与暴乱被拘留,其中一些还遭到强迫失踪。
The source informed the Working Group that, following the July 2009
[...] unrest in Urumqi, Xinjiang, hundreds of Uighur [...]
young men were reportedly detained
on suspicion of having participated in the unrest and some of them were also subjected to enforced disappearance.
以下非人权理事会成员国也参加了工作组会议:阿尔及利亚、亚美尼亚、阿 塞疆、澳 大利亚、奥地利、白俄罗斯、保加利亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚、哥斯达 黎加、刚果民主共和国、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、芬兰、德 国、希腊、危地马拉、海地、冰岛、以色列、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、哈萨克斯坦、 科威特、老挝人民民主共和国、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、立陶宛、马来西亚、马尔 代夫、摩洛哥新西兰 、阿曼、巴拿马、巴拉圭、秘鲁、波兰、葡萄牙、摩尔多 瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚新 加 坡、西班牙、斯里兰卡、苏丹、瑞典、瑞 士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、乌干达、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔 共和国、越南和津巴布韦。
The following
[...] non-member States of the Human Rights Council also participated in the working group’s meetings: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Iceland, Israel, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, New Zealand, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, [...]
Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland,
Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.
为证实经遗传修饰鸡X期胚盘细胞 具有参与受体胚胎发育和形成嵌合体的能力,本研究将 鸡 X 期 胚 盘 制 成的细胞悬液与经脂质体包埋的抗鸡传染性支气管炎病毒基因重组质粒PGS1共孵育后,直接显微注入同期受体胚盘(140枚);或对转染后供体细胞进行G 418 抗性筛选后显微注入同期受鸡胚盘( 1 4 0枚);或将供体细胞体外培养48 h,再与脂质体-P GS1复合物共孵育后显微注入同期受 鸡 胚 盘 ( 1 9 0枚),制备转基因嵌合体鸡,并应用PCR和RAPD方法,对鸡胚和雏鸡不同组织或血液中的DNA进行检测。
Donor cells suspended from stage X blastoderms and recombinant plasmid P GS1 containing the infectious bronchitis virus S1 gene were embedded in liposome and co cultured.
项目简介: MyOODB是一个面向对象数据库,真正快速的分布式数据库,支持真正的分布式对象,支持真正的分布式事务,支持隐式/显式事务,
[...] 支持无缝高速Web服务访问,支持数据库自我恢复,支持多个并发嵌套事务并且数据库 小 只 占 磁 盘 很 小 的 空 间。
Project Information: MyOODB is an object-oriented database , real fast , distributed database that supports true distributed objects, support true distributed transaction support implicit/explicit transaction support seamless high-speed Web service access , support for
database self-healing , support multiple concurrent nested transactions
[...] and database size, only a very small disk space .
小的磁盘 占用和极低的资源需求,使得Clavister虚拟系列成为所有类型的虚拟化和基于云的网络 [...]
Its minimal footprint and extremely [...]
low resource requirements makes the Clavister V Series an optimal solution for all types
of virtual and cloud-based network security solutions.
在投资费用项下,秘书长代表请批的资源包括下表列示的 20 个增设员额和
[...] 以下各项所需追加资源:为落实领导基金所涉投资组合管理领域的订约承办事 务小盘股增 加;总账管理人;信息技术项目。
Under investment costs, resources requested by the Representative of the Secretary-General included 20 additional posts, as indicated below, and additional resources for contractual services in the area of portfolio management for the
implementation of the Leadership
[...] Fund, an increase in small capitalization, the master record-keeper [...]
and information technology projects.
从料桶上拆除盘时应使用小的空 气压力。
Use minimum air pressure when removing platen from drum.
大型石油公司在全国建设有多个区域数据中心(包括北京、大庆 新疆 克 拉 玛依、长庆等),每个区域数据中心是地理周边地区公司的网络汇集点和数据共享、应用服务的中心;区域数据中心通过高速网络与北京网络中心进行互联,同时根据单位 小 和 应 用需要,以不同的带宽与周边地区公司相连;区域数据中心不仅担负着本地区网络正常运行的维护和故障排除,也对周边地区公司提供应用服务器和数据存储的共享服务;其中区域数据中心邮件系统是负责周边公司和北京总部信息交流的枢纽。
The large-scale petroleum companies have established several ADCs (Area Data Center) in China
(including Beijing,
[...] Daqing, Karamay (Xinjiang), and Changqing etc.), every ADC is the network junction of surrounding companies and the center of data sharing and application service; the ADC can be interconnected with Beijing network center through high speed network, meanwhile, it can be connected with the surrounding companies with different bandwidth according to the scale and applications; [...]
the ADC is not
only responsible for the normal running maintenance and troubleshooting of local network, but also providing the sharing service of  application server and data storage for surrounding companies; wherein, the ADC mail system is the hub for information communication between the surrounding companies and Beijing headquarter.
借助该选项,您不必再受到内存可容纳数据量的 限制,只需考虑盘大小即可 ,从而快速连续地 进行重复记录。
With this option, you are no longer limited by the amount
of data that will fit into RAM,
[...] but only by the size of your hard disk, effectively enabling [...]
you to record take after take in rapid sequence.
(b) 对有关2009年7 月新疆自治区骚乱事件之后被拘留者遭受酷刑和其他 [...]
虐待的指控,以及对处决一些参与暴力事件的个人,主要是维吾尔少数民族成员 的事件进行调查的情况。
(b) The investigations into
[...] allegations of torture and other ill-treatment [...]
of detainees in the aftermath of the July 2009
unrest in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, as well as the executions of persons, mostly from the Uighur ethnic group, for their involvement in the violence.
印度和阿塞拜疆规定, 如果申请的信息是为了保护生命或自由,那么回应时限就是 48 小时;阿塞疆进一步规定 如果情况紧急就要在 24 小时之内回应。
In both India and Azerbaijan, a 48 hour time limit applies where the information is
needed to protect life or
[...] liberty and Azerbaijan further provides for a 24 hour time limit where [...]
the information is needed urgently.
Linfox已在华南地区经营了20多年,2009年,为更好地服务于杂货链企业乐购(Tesco),该公司在上海成立了新的办公点;此外Linfox还 新疆 自 治 区中国最大的铁矿负责运输加工用的铁珠。
Linfox has been operating in southern China for more than 20 years and in 2009 it opened a new site in Shanghai to help servicing grocery chain Tesco, in addition to an operation in Xinjang province, where Linfox works in the country’s largest iron ore mine transporting iron pellets for processing.
讲一点个人的有关经历,在我访问过的这个国家的每个角落,我们各自从事的工作中几乎都能看到这些共同利益的迹象:去年访 新疆 一 所美国出资为HIV呈阴性的注射吸毒者设立的治疗设施时,我看到了我们共同努力预防HIV/艾滋病的成果。
To personalize this a bit, I hardly visit a corner of this country without seeing evidence of these common interests in the work that each is doing: I saw the fruits of our shared efforts on HIV/AIDS prevention when I visited a joint U.S.-China treatment facility for HIV negative injecting drug addicts in Xinjiang last year.
行预咨委会回顾到,在 2007 年对维持和平行动部进行重组时,外勤预算和 财务司启动了盘小组倡 议(包括外勤支助部全部四个司),在编制预算时部署这 些小组以向特派团工作人员提供咨询(A/63/702 [...]
和 Corr.1,第 73 和 74 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that, in the context of the restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in 2007, one
initiative launched by
[...] the Field Budget and Finance Division was the introduction of “Abacus” teams (comprising members [...]
of all four Divisions
of the Department of Field Support), which were deployed to provide advice to mission staff during the budget preparation process (A/63/702 and Corr.1, paras. 73 and 74).




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