

单词 新疆



Xinjiang small-plate chicken (typical dish from North-West China)


Wensu County in Xinjiang

See also:



boundary n

External sources (not reviewed)

We were inspired by the
[...] grape trellis of the Xinjiang minorities, where [...]
the people enjoy the cool in high summer, sitting
on carpets and served food and wine; this links exactly with Nestle as a food company.
第二,最近新疆發生 的騷亂,亦正正反映除了政治問題外,種族 問題在一個社會內也是非常敏感的。
[...] the recent riot in Xinjiang precisely shows that [...]
apart from political issues, racial issues are also very sensitive ones in a society.
我还要感谢外事办公室副主任宋先生对我们首 访 新疆 的 热 情款待和所有安排。
I also want to thank Deputy Director General of the
Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Song, for all the great hospitality and all the arrangements for
[...] our very first visit to Xinjiang.
讲一点个人的有关经历,在我访问过的这个国家的每个角落,我们各自从事的工作中几乎都能看到这些共同利益的迹象:去年访 新疆 一 所美国出资为HIV呈阴性的注射吸毒者设立的治疗设施时,我看到了我们共同努力预防HIV/艾滋病的成果。
To personalize this a bit, I hardly visit a corner of this country without seeing evidence of these common interests in the work that each is doing: I saw the fruits of our shared efforts on HIV/AIDS prevention when I visited a joint U.S.-China treatment facility for HIV negative injecting drug addicts in Xinjiang last year.
而去年的西藏暴动和今年新疆暴乱 以后,人们 对此观点有所改变。
Since Tibet last year and Xinjiang this year, people’s [...]
views on this have somewhat changed”.
在西藏新疆两自治区发展关键阶段,上述两次座谈会对推进两自治区跨越 式发展作出战略部署,是中国政府努力扶持少数民族地区各领域全面发展、缩小 东西部发展差距的重大举措,对有关地区未来长远发展具有重要影响。
The two aforementioned conferences arrived at the decision to deploy leapfrog development strategically in the two regions, [...]
and were thus a
major move by the Chinese Government to provide vigorous support for comprehensive development of all types in minority-nationality areas, as well as lessen the disparity in development between the eastern and western regions, which will have an important influence on the long-term future development of the regions concerned.
信息来源告知工作组,2009 年 7 月新疆乌鲁 木齐发生暴乱之后,据报告称 上百名维吾尔族青年男子因涉嫌参与暴乱被拘留,其中一些还遭到强迫失踪。
The source informed the Working Group that, following the July 2009
[...] unrest in Urumqi, Xinjiang, hundreds of Uighur [...]
young men were reportedly detained
on suspicion of having participated in the unrest and some of them were also subjected to enforced disappearance.
新疆英买 力气田到温宿县天然气长输管道工程,投资1.2亿元,输送压力6.4MPa,全长147公里,年输气量2亿立方米,该管道主要为温宿县及周边地区的工业用户、民用户和加气站等输送天然气,我公司承担了全部主干线用钢管及城市管道约3300吨。
Xinjiang Ying Maili natural gas [...]
field to Wensu County long-distance natural gas pipeline project, with investment of 120
million yuan, transmission pressure 6.4Mpa, a total length of 147 kilometers, the annual gas voluse of 200 million cubic meter, is mainly conveying natural gas for Wensu County and its surrounding areas of industrial users, public users and filling stations, etc. Our company serves the whole trunk line and city used steel pipes about 3,300 tons.
率先在長江試航首艘3,000 噸級柴油-LNG 混合動力散貨運輸船,改造的魯濟寧浚0099
[...] 號船舶成為國內首艘柴油—LNG混合動力工程船; 新疆 油 田 、塔里木油田及長慶油田等油氣田鑽井作業中積極推廣應用LNG燃料,開發天然氣鑽機48 [...]
The vessel named Lu Jining Jun 0099 was modified and became the first diesel-LNG hybrid engineering vessel in the country. The application of LNG as fuel
energy in oil and gas field drilling
[...] operations such as Xinjiang Oilfield, Tarim Oilfield [...]
and Changqing Oilfield was promoted;
48 natural gas rigs were developed, with significant breakthrough achieved.
[...] 400-4100米甘肃,黑龙江,内蒙古,四川,西藏 新疆 [蒙古,朝鲜,俄罗斯; 欧洲,北美洲]。
Grassy slopes, forests, among shrubs, especially along river banks;
400–4100 m. Gansu, Heilongjiang, Nei
[...] Mongol, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang [Mongolia, [...]
Korea, Russia; Europe, North America].
(b) 对有关2009年7 月新疆自治区骚乱事件之后被拘留者遭受酷刑和其他 [...]
虐待的指控,以及对处决一些参与暴力事件的个人,主要是维吾尔少数民族成员 的事件进行调查的情况。
(b) The investigations into
[...] allegations of torture and other ill-treatment [...]
of detainees in the aftermath of the July 2009
unrest in Xinjiang Autonomous Region, as well as the executions of persons, mostly from the Uighur ethnic group, for their involvement in the violence.
1.熱賣寶貝一 88.00 ㊣梨花頭假髮 中長卷 蓬鬆 bobo 斜... 128.00 韓國帥哥㊣斜劉海男式短髮男士假髮男式假髮... 98.00 買一送二真發發套短髮女真人髮絲... 79.00 買一送二送長輩媽媽禮物中老年假髮女... 80.00 100%真發偏分斜劉海男式短髮男士假髮男... 138.00
㊣真人發偏分斜劉海男式短髮男士假髮男式假... 99.00
[...] 中老年假髮中年媽媽女士假髮短髮新款女... 69.00 專櫃㊣全手工辮子馬尾舞蹈新疆舞 演 ... 精品中老年假髮媽媽啞光短捲髮短髮仿真假髮大波浪捲反價格:¥89.00元wanghongxia2098質量很好,顏色也很正,賣家很有耐心,物流比說的要快,下次還會再來 。
1.Hot Baby a 88.00 ㊣ pear head wig scroll fluffy bobo oblique ... 128.00 Korean guy ㊣ oblique bangs men's short hair men's wigs men's wigs ... 98.00 Buy one get two real hair wig short hair Jurchen hair ... 79.00 Buy one get a wig female elders mom gift two get older ... 80.00 100% real hair parted on the side oblique bangs for men with short hair men wig male ... 138.00 ㊣ human hair parted on the side oblique bangs for men with short hair men wig for men fake ... 99.00 New female middle-aged wig middle-aged mother, Ms. wig short hair
... 69.00 Counter ㊣ hand-braids
[...] horsetail dance group in Xinjiang dancer ... Boutique [...]
in elderly wig short hair simulation
Matte short curly hair wig mother big waves roll Anti-Price: ¥ of 89.00 yuan for wanghongxia2098 good quality, color is also very positive, very patient seller, logistics is faster than say, next will come .
他希望,CHIM透过土层及其他物质而看到地下岩石的能力可以开拓澳大利亚勘探研究 新疆 域。
He hopes that CHIM’s ability to see through soil and other material to the rocks below will open up Australia’s exploration frontiers.
新疆进行资源税费改革增加的财力重 点用于改善民生,资源开发更要直接惠及各族群众。
The increased focus on financial
resources stemming from reforms in
[...] resource taxation in Xinjiang will be used to improve [...]
the people’s livelihood, and the
development of resources must more directly benefit people of all minority nationalities.
专家们还注意到关新疆自治区2009年7 月骚乱之后的秘密拘留的报 告。
The experts also take note of reports of secret detention in the
[...] aftermath of unrest in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region [...]
in July 2009.
[...] 的食盐的覆盖范围,西藏从 30%提高到 80%,新 疆 从 8 0%提高到 90%;首次出台 关于食品营养补充剂的国家标准;以及根据由儿童基金会支持的调查得出的结 [...]
论,将国家儿童伤害预防标准纳入下一个《儿童全国行动计划》(2011-2020 年)。
UNICEF cooperation also contributed to: the dramatic increases in the coverage of adequately iodized salt, from
30 to 80 percent in Tibet and from 80
[...] to 90 per cent in Xinjiang; the first time ever [...]
issuance of national standards on
complementary food nutrient supplements; and, backed by evidence from UNICEF-supported surveys, the integration of national child injury prevention standards into the next National Plan of Action for Children (2011-2020).
Linfox已在华南地区经营了20多年,2009年,为更好地服务于杂货链企业乐购(Tesco),该公司在上海成立了新的办公点;此外Linfox还 新疆 自 治 区中国最大的铁矿负责运输加工用的铁珠。
Linfox has been operating in southern China for more than 20 years and in 2009 it opened a new site in Shanghai to help servicing grocery chain Tesco, in addition to an operation in Xinjang province, where Linfox works in the country’s largest iron ore mine transporting iron pellets for processing.
有鑒於在烏魯木齊事件中的記者不但受到武力的對待,而且其新 疆當局 經所謂的調查後,更對涉事記者提出“有煽動鬧事嫌疑”和 [...]
“違規 採訪”的嚴重指控,故此,9月 9日自由黨聯同黨內的港區人大代表、全 國政協委員聯署致函國務院總理溫家寶,就事件表達我們深切的關注。
In view of the use of force against journalists in the incidents in Urumqi
and, after the so-called
[...] investigation conducted by the Xinjiang authorities, the serious [...]
accusations against the involved
journalists, such as "suspected of inciting disturbance" and "violating the rules on news coverage", the Liberal Party, joined by its Hong Kong Deputies to the NPC and delegates of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), wrote a joint letter to Premier WEN Jiabao on 9 September to express our grave concern about the incidents.
[...] 早白垩世的陆相地层中也发现一些热河生物群的分 子(如新疆、甘 肃、内蒙古中西部、陕西、吉林、山 东等地), [...]
但因资料相对缺乏且研究较薄弱, 暂不包 括在本文统计之中.
Although some of the Jehol taxa are
also known from other areas of
[...] northern China, such as Xinjiang, Gansu, middle and [...]
western parts of Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi,
Jilin, and Shandong, they are not included in the statistics of this paper.
中国(克拉玛依)国际石油天然气及石化技术装备展览会将于 9 月 12 日至 14 日新疆克拉 玛依市克拉玛依会展中心举办。
China Xinjiang (Karamay) International Petroleum & Petrochemical
Technology and Equipment
[...] Exhibition (CIPPE Xinjiang) will be held at Karamay Expo Center from September 12th - 14th, 2012 in Karamay, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.
新疆北部 赛里木湖全新世植被和气候变化的沉积新记录表明,太阳辐射是该区温度变化的主要驱动因素,温度变化对区域湿度演化具有显著影响。
The new Holocene vegetational and climatic variation record from the Sayram Lake in northern Xinjiang, [...]
China implies that
solar radiation was the main driving factor for regional temperature changes, and that the effect of temperature variations was significant on regional changes in humidity.
彭先生畢業於武漢江漢石油學院,取得土木工程系建 築專業資格,於油田及土木工程行業具豐富經驗,現時 新疆 友 邦 工程建設有限公司及克拉瑪依市友邦房地 產開發有限責任公司委任為總經理。
Mr. Peng graduated from Jianghan Petroleum University major in architectural civil engineering.
不久的将来,中国科学院通过北京密 云接收站新疆自治 区喀什接收站和海南省三亚接收站,还能获得覆盖大约 70%的亚洲地区 的卫星数据。
In the near future, CAS will also have access to satellite coverage of about 70% of the Asia region through the Miyun receiving station in Beijing, Kashi receiving station in Xinjiang autonomous region, and Sanya receiving station in Hainan province.
在马主之夜上揭晓了HORFA2011中国杰出马主榜单,包括奥运马术骑手黄祖平、知名歌手沙宝亮、海澜集团总裁周建平、中国第一个马术俱乐部负责人王冀豫、香港育马会主席叶克勇、厦门立德信马术俱乐部林碧亭、京城马汇张宝生、南京赛马场吴有红、武汉东方马城胡越高 新疆 野 马国际陈志峰、无锡世界贸易中心董事长盛向东、上海全进马术俱乐部胡雪飞、上海马主石磊、百事公司杨琢等60位马主入选。
During the program, the HORFA2011 China Outstanding Horse-Owners were announced. Over 60 owners were awarded, including Mr. Huang Zuping, the Olympic rider, Mr. Sha Baoliang, a famous singer, Mr. Zhou Jianping, president of Heilan Group, Mr. Wang Jiyu, the first equestrian club manager in China, Mr. Peter Yep, president of Hong Kong Breeders Club, Mr. Peter Lin from Xiamen Litek Equestrian Club, Mr. Zhang Baosheng from Beijing International Equestrian Club, Mr. Wu Youhong from Nanjing Racecourse, Mr. Hu Yuegao
from Wuhan Oriental Lucky Horse Club,
[...] Mr. Chen Zhifeng from Xinjiang Yema International, [...]
Mr. Sheng Xiaodong from Wuxi World
Trade Center, Mr. Hu Xuefei from Shanghai QJ Equestrian Club, Mr. Yang Zhuo from Pepsi and Ms. Shi Lei, an individual horse-owner.
迫于 神职人员的压力,伊朗外交部长马努切赫尔·穆塔基告
[...] 知中国外交部长杨洁篪,穆斯林国家对此事件深感忧 虑,并要求杨提供有新疆最新事态 的信息。
Pressed by the clerics, Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, that Muslim
countries were concerned about the incident and asked him to provide information
[...] about the latest developments in Xinjiang.
本届展会的主办方为:中国国际贸易促进委员会 新疆 维 吾尔自治区人民政府、中国石油天然气集团公司、中国石油化工集团公司、中国海洋石油总公司。
CIPPE Xinjiang is co-hosted by China [...]
Council For The Promotion Of International Trade,  the People's Government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China
National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, China National Offshore Oil Corporation.
山坡,路旁,田野,农业土地,河岸,牧场,废弃地区; 近海平面到海拔1600米辽宁,山东新疆 [哈萨克斯坦,巴基斯坦,俄罗斯,土库曼,乌兹别克; [...]
亚洲西南部,欧洲; 在非洲南部,澳大利亚和北美和南美洲的归化 ].
Mountain slopes, roadsides, fields, agricultural lands, river banks, pastures,
waste areas; near sea level to 1600
[...] m. Liaoning, Shandong, Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Pakistan, [...]
Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan;
SW Asia, Europe; naturalized in S Africa, Australia, and North and South America].
滿128,江浙滬免運費,滿1000元全國免郵( 新疆 、 西 藏、港澳台及海外) 桔梗:文竹:玉蘭:棣棠:薄荷:紫薇: [...]
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