

单词 新界面

See also:

新界 n

new territory n
Kowloon n


New Territories (in Hong Kong)

External sources (not reviewed)

正在考虑在 2003 年底之前安装三新界面。
Three new interfaces are still scheduled [...]
to be implemented before the end of 2003.
新界 面还允许用户设置 RSS 速递以及对文件进行元数据加密。
The new interface also allows the [...]
user to set up an RSS feed, as well as encode metadata in documents.
在联 合国裁军事务厅的支持下,委员会对其网站进行了一 次重大的重新设计,网站已经启用,现在可以进入新界面。
With the support of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, the
Committee undertook a major redesign of its website, which has been launched and can now be
[...] accessed in its new configuration.
现已采用一新界面,以六种正式语文为正式文件系统的所有文件提 供高级全文和元数据搜索能力。
A new interface has been deployed to [...]
enable advanced full-text and metadata search capability of all ODS documents in the six official languages.
因此, 在 2010 年第一季度设计了法规判例法“摘 要”网页和贸易法委员会关于《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》判例法摘要汇 编(2008 年修订)新界面,以促进并提高该系统的知名度、效率和可用性。
For this reason, in the first quarter of 2010, the new interface design of the CLOUT “abstracts” page and the UNCITRAL Digest of case law on the United Nations Convention on the International Sales of Goods, 2008 revision (CISG Digest), have been implemented with a view to accommodating and enhancing visibility, efficiency and usability of the system.
这一新界面允许 更为快速的导航和更为迅速的数据库建设。
This new interface allows quicker [...]
navigation and faster database construction.
自 2010 年 1 月起可以在内部网(http://nice-portal.hq.int.unesco.org/WebPages/ Homepage.aspx
[...] )和互联网(http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/allevents/)上查阅各项活动的综合日程表。教科文组织网站有了一 新界面 , 并 且 在 2010 年 2 月改进了后端引擎以增强相容性,还改善了外观和感觉。
The integrated calendar of events (NICE) has been available since January 2010 on the Intranet (http://nice-portal.hq.int.unesco.org/WebPages/Homepage. aspx) and
[...] (http://www.unesco.org/new/en/unesco/events/all-events/). The UNESCO website gained a new interface and improved backend [...]
engine in February
2010 to add greater consistency and improved look and feel.
[...] 效率和可用性,2010 年对法规判例法摘要和《联合国国际货物销售公约》(2008 年修订本)判例法摘录实施了 新界面 设 计
In addition, in 2010, the new interface design of the Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) abstract and the UNCITRAL Digest of case law on the United Nations Convention on the International Sales of Goods
(2008 revision) have been implemented in view of
[...] accommodating and enhancing visibility, efficiency and usability [...]
[...] lino服务为用户提供可以粘贴到在线画布上以供完全自由地查看、移动和撕下的贴纸。lino ′09提供反映出使用趋势和用户反馈 新界面 和 功 能,使服务对于个人使用和学校或办公场所使用都更为简单、方便。
Online Stickies lino is a service that provides users with stickies that can be posted on online canvases to be viewed, moved
and peeled off with total freedom. lino
[...] ′09 comes with a new interface and features [...]
that reflect usage trends and user feedback,
and make the service even easier and more convenient not only for personal use, but also for use at schools or workplaces.
我们结合Android3.0平台的功能特点,根据其简洁的控件布局,将主要功能按钮设置在界面顶部的应用控制栏,显示的数量得到有效控制;利用其左右分栏的显示形式,整合信息和功能模块,简化操作流程,不仅发挥了蜂巢系 新界面 良 好的互动性,也充分体现了在交互方式上的优越性。
Based on the characteristics of Android 3.0, Peopeo utilizes simple control layouts, puts main feature icons on the top of the interface right at the control bar.
我们的研发中心仍在不断创新:拥有新外观 新界面 、 新 功 能 的无线智能会议系统;一键式智能控制的AFS220反馈抑制器,还有集音频、视频、灯光、环境控制管理于一体的VLS1000智能中控系统。
Our R&D center is still in the continuous innovation with new appearance, new interface, and new function of wireless intellectual conference system; one key intelligent control AFS220 feedback suppressor, VLS1000 intelligent control system with audio, video, light and environment control management in one.
此解决方案为大型集团或者企业客户开发基于Java的跨平台桌面应用和手机应用,它部署在企业内部的Intranet网络中,具有集中部署,自动 新 , 界面 友 好 等特点。
The solution for large groups or corporate clients to develop cross-platform Java-based desktop application and cell phone use, its
deployment in the enterprise's internal Intranet network, with a focus on deployment,
[...] automatic updates, user-friendly features.
超级嗅探狗3.0发布,采新的界面, 新 版 大 力改进了封堵功能和管理功能,实现了MSN文件传输监控,关键词告警,统计报表系统,流量控制,操作员管理等新功能。
The new version improved a lot on block policy and management features. Some new features [...]
are added: key words alert, MSN
file transfer, manage operators, Statistic Report System.
这些系统简化了各种程序,并提供了便于使用 界面 , 使常驻代表团网站能 够对其内容进行新和维 护,同时改善信息安全。
These systems streamline procedures and
[...] provide an easy-to-use interface including permanent mission websites to update and maintain their [...]
content, while providing
enhanced information security.
用它能够完成细粒度配置,但新 用户 展现出的却是一个更简单更直观的用界 面。
It has the ability to do granular
[...] configuration, but presents a simpler and more intuitive user interface for first-time users.
特區政府宜有限度改變新界地區《分區計劃大綱圖》所規限的土地用途, 開拓商機以促進新界地區的經濟活力及創造就業,從而為市區 新界 締 造 「雙 贏」的面。
The  Government  should  also  consider  changing  the  permitted  land  use  as  stipulated in the Outline Zoning Plan in the New Territories on a limited basis, for the 
sake of promoting economic vibrancy and creating job opportunities, so as to foster a 
[...] “win win” situation for the metro core  areas and  th e  New  Territories  as  a  wh ole.
[...] 最新文章列表,访问者评论,模板,安全管 界面(新 增 , 修改,删除blog中的文章/评论,模板和上传文件)。
Include: a monthly calendar style navigation control to Blog articles, a list of the latest
articles , visitor comments , templates ,
[...] security management interface ( add, modify [...]
, delete a blog in the article/comments ,
templates and uploading files).
XOOPS 作为一个成熟的网站建设管理工具,可以方便地建设管理各类网站:内容管理 界面 风 格 分离,便于方便灵活的设计切换不同的表现风格;成熟的功能模块化机制,有各种丰富多样的模块可供选择定制,比 新 闻 发 布、文章管理、论坛、相册、资源下载、广告黄页、电子商务、博客和知识库等;具有完善的权限管理机制,可以针对不同用户群组设置不同的访问、编辑等权限。
XOOPS website as a mature construction management tool , you can easily manage all kinds of construction sites :
separation of content
[...] management and interface style , designed to facilitate convenient and flexible switch between different styles of performance; Mature functional modular system , a variety of modules to choose from variety of custom , such as press releases, [...]
article management , forums
, photo albums , resources, downloads , advertising, yellow pages , e-commerce , blog and knowledge base ; with complete authority management mechanism , you can set for different user groups different access and editing rights.
[...] 括对项目第一阶段期间编制的需求说明进行一次广泛的自下而上的审查,以 及 探新技术,以此为手段建立更好 界面 , 在 养恤金综合管理系统与成员组织的人 力资源系统和财务系统之间实现发薪系统无缝衔接,并能更好地利用现有的数据 [...]
库对缴款的计算进行自动核查,同时建立其他数据质量规程(见 A/66/299,第 14-15 段)。
In addition, two initiatives not considered in the original plan were incorporated, including an extensive bottom-up review of the statement of requirements produced during the first
phase of the project
[...] and exploration of new technologies as the means to develop better interfaces that would allow [...]
a seamless payroll connection
between the integrated pension administration system and member organizations’ human resources and finance systems, and that would enable better use of existing databases to automate verification of contribution calculations and establish other data quality protocols (see A/66/266, paras. 14-15).
[...] Directory)来重复使用用户账号和组,它应该是唯一一个与活动目录组相集成的Wiki,本地账号和组都可以用它来创建;所有的文章都具有一个层次结构,以使得内容易于管理;可以针对每一个页面设置不同的访问权限或自由 新 或 锁 定或发布;用户可以使用订阅机制来获得 新 通 知, 更 新 可 以 是每天或每周或立即通知;可以自定 界面 布 局 (使用Velocity模板和CSS实现) 。
Its interface is very simple ; need to learn wiki syntax , by using WYSIWYG online editor to replace ; do not need user management , it is connected to the Active Directory real-time (Active Directory) to re-use user accounts and groups , it should be only one integrated with the active Directory group 's Wiki, local accounts and groups can use it to create ; all of the articles have a hierarchical structure to make the content easy to manage ; can set different for each page or free access to update or lock or
release ; users can use a subscription
[...] mechanism to get the update notifications and moreNew can be a daily or weekly or immediately ; can customize the interface layout (using Velocity templates and CSS implementation) .
游戏系统通过感知我们的行动和运动将玩家体验提升 新 的 水 平;汽车通过自动感应和控制车辆的移动提升固有的安全性;工业设备和机床无需人干预即可执行作业功能;移动电话具有内置的智能,可以响应我们的手势和位置,从而简化了用 界面 , 同时还可为我们提供位置感知服务;周围环境通过配备无线传感器的仪表,对我们进行响应;航空电子设备改装后,性能获得提升的同时还降低了系统成本... 解决方案有效时,可能性是无穷的。
Gaming systems have taken the
[...] player experience to new levels by sensing our actions and motion; cars are intrinsically safer by automatically sensing and controlling the movement of the vehicle; industrial equipment and machines perform their functions without human intervention; mobile phones have built-in intelligence so they can respond to our gestures and position, simplifying the user interface, and also providing [...]
us with location-aware
service; the surrounding environment responds to us when instrumented with wireless sensors; avionics equipment has been retrofitted with our high performance yet lower cost systems… The possibilities are endless when the solutions are effective.
(b) 擬建新界單車 徑網絡主要包括兩段總長約 82 公里的主幹線路段:(i)屯門 至馬鞍山段:這路段由西面的屯 門開始,經元朗、上水、粉嶺、大埔和沙 田連接東面的馬鞍山;以及(ii)荃灣至屯門段。
(b) The proposed cycle
[...] track network in the New Territories broadly comprises a backbone with a total length of about 82 kilometres made up of two sections: (i) Tuen Mun - Ma On Shan section which starts from Tuen Mun in the west and connects via [...]
Yuen Long, Sheung Shui,
Fanling, Tai Po and Sha Tin to Ma On Shan in the east; and (ii) Tsuen Wan - Tuen Mun section.
鉴于其多面任务 授权和经常预算基础薄弱之间存在的差距,毒品和犯罪问题办公室对 其战略优先事项作了新界定, 如毒品和犯罪问题办公室 2008-2011 年战略所反 映(见上文第 4 和 72 段),以便能够与其利益攸关方展开更具战略性的对话, 并推行更为灵活的筹资方法。
Given the discrepancy between its multifaceted mandates and its weak regular-budget resource base, UNODC has redefined its strategic priorities, as reflected in the [...]
strategy for the period
2008-2011 for UNODC (see paras. 4 and 72 above), to allow it to engage in more strategic dialogue with its stakeholders and to promote more flexible funding methods.
按照联通集团公司的整合思路,移动呼叫中心客服系统(10010)和固网呼叫中心客服系统(10060)需要尽快进行全面融合改造,统一客户服 界面 , 形 成公司统一的服务形象,同时整合客服资源和流程,实现全业务客服支撑,以3G服务 新 为 契机,建设统一支撑3G全业务、服务营销一体化的客服中心,以实现提升服务功能、创造服务优势的最终目标。
According to the consolidation approach of Unicom Group, the mobile call center client service system (10010) and the landline network call center client service system (10060) needed to be generally merged and retrofitted as soon as
possible to have a uniform client service interface and create a uniform service image for the company while consolidating client service resources and processes, realizing full-business client service support and constructing a client service center with uniform support to full 3G business and integrated service and marketing, with 3G service innovations as a chance, to fulfill the ultimate objective of enhanced service function and creation of a service edge.
科索沃委员会最初在 1999 年受权裁决不但与武装冲突而且与该区域族裔歧 视复杂历史有关的 3 类索赔。20 其权限在 2006 年 3 月由科索沃特派团第 2006/50 号条例新界定, 其中授权科索沃委员会解决与 1998 年 2 月 27 日至 1999 年 6 月 20 日期间发生的武装冲突直接相关或由该冲突导致的私人不动产 面 的 索 赔, 其中包括农业和商业财产”。
The Commission for Kosovo was originally mandated in 1999 to decide three types of claims, related not only to the armed conflict but also to the complex history of ethnic discrimination in
the region.20 Its
[...] competence was redefined in March 2006 by UNMIK regulation 2006/50, which mandated the Commission for Kosovo to resolve claims directly related to or resulting from the armed conflict that occurred between 27 February 1998 and 20 June 1999 in respect of private [...]
immovable property,
including agricultural and commercial property.
在负责管理私有和国有土地的国家部门的改组和现代化方面,面临的挑战 是确保具体行动转化为面的政 策,以便 新界 定 并 明确各部门的使命;通过设 立单一窗口便利设施和服务标准来简化获得土地所有权的程序,按地域重组分散 [...]
In the area of restructuring and modernization of State bodies responsible for the management of private and State-owned land, the challenge will be to ensure that specific
actions translate into an overall
[...] policy, in order to redefine and clarify the missions of each [...]
department and territorially
reorganize decentralized services to put in place single-window facilities and service standards that will simplify obtaining title to land.
但考虑到近三年内有三位高等干事退休离职,其中 包括二位副主任之一,另一名副主任将于 2008 年底离职,加之今后几年有待完成的氟氯烃 发展工作,秘书处请求留有余地,以便在 2008 年再次讨论调整执行委员会人员配置结构的 问题,新界定任 务和责任,使其能够尽可能以最有效的方式应对执行委员会在审查项目、 资金规划和政策问题等面的预期。
However in view of the departure on retirement over the last three years of three senior officers including one of the two deputies and the departure during 2008 of the remaining Deputy Chief Officer at the end of the year as well as the developmental work to be done on the HCFCs over the next couple of years, the Secretariat requests the flexibility to revert to the Executive Committee with a revised staffing structure in 2008 to redefine roles and responsibilities and enable it respond in the most effective way possible to the Executive Committee’s expectations in reviewing projects and addressing financial planning and policy issues.




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