

单词 新现实

See also:



现实 n

realism n

实现 n

realization n
implementation n
achievement n
accomplishment n
fulfillment n

External sources (not reviewed)

希腊已成为贩运活动受害人的过境国和目的地国,这 新现实 要 求 所有利 益攸关方采取果断行动。
Greece had become a country of transit and destination of victims of
[...] trafficking, a new reality which called for [...]
decisive action from all stakeholders involved.
除了其方法适度、基调谨慎外,《联合国宪章》 第八章在处理 1945 年无人能够想象新现实方面已 经证明非常灵活、适应性强。
Beyond the modesty of its approach and the prudence of its tone, Chapter VIII of the Charter of the
United Nations has proved very flexible and adaptable
[...] in dealing with new realities that nobody in [...]
1945 could have imagined.
因此,贸发十三大的工作必须 新现实 为核 心,消除各种根源,并为长期存在的问题和新问题找到有效的持久解决办法。
The Conference must therefore
[...] work with the new realities at the centre, [...]
address root causes, and find meaningful and lasting
solutions to persistent and emerging problems.
5、与通常认为的档案是静态的相反,在“纪录311”中,纪录影响 实 , 而这 个 新现实 会 被 纪录,反过来,也向我们证实“动态档案”的可能性。
In contrast to the common view on archiving as being static, in
“recorder 311,” the act of documenting
[...] affected reality, and this new reality was being recorded, [...]
vice-versa, thus, confirming
to usthe possibility of a “dynamic archive.
[...] 与实质性谈判,以便我们能够使安全理事会这一联合 国的关键机关适应当今世界新现实 和 挑 战,确保其 在 21 世纪发挥作用并具有正当性。
Let me conclude by appealing to all of us to engage constructively in the substantive negotiations with a sense of urgency, so that we will be able to adapt the
Security Council, the key organ of the United
[...] Nations, to the new realities and challenges [...]
of today’s world and ensure its role
and legitimacy in the twentyfirst century.
但是,普京先生一定清楚地知道:所有这些图谋都将无疾而终,无论是格鲁 吉亚还是国际社会都不会接受建立在对国际法准则和原则的粗暴侵犯基础上的新现实”和种族清洗的结果。
Mr. Putin must, however, be well aware that all these attempts will lead nowhere, and that neither Georgia nor the international community will ever accept any “new reality” based upon the gross violation of the norms and principles of international law and the outcomes of ethnic cleansing.
我们认识到,科索沃的局势发生了巨大变化,出 现了能够支持联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团(科 索沃特派团)根据第 1244(1999)号决议发挥作用新 现实。
We realize that the situation in Kosovo has undergone drastic changes and found a new reality that supports the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in undertaking its role in line with resolution 1244 (1999).
新现实与联 合国依然具有的重要性之间的这种动态结合突出了贸发会 议的重要性,这是一个长期将相互依赖置于其处理贸易和发展问题的综合方针之 [...]
核心的机构,是一个在发达国家和发展中国家间开展持续和全面的对话的重要论 坛。
The dynamic mix of new realities and the continuing [...]
importance of the United Nations underscores UNCTAD’s importance as
an institution that has long placed interdependence at the heart of its integrated approach to trade and development, and as a valuable forum for continuous and comprehensive dialogue between developed and developing countries.
新的发展框架,除了按照千年发展目标的样式列出适当目标和具体 目标之外,还必须体现旨在产生变革和协 实现新 目 标 的战略。
Besides encompassing appropriate goals and targets, along the broad pattern of the Millennium Development Goals, the new
development framework must embody strategies designed to produce transformative change
[...] and assist in achieving the new goals.
第一个过程是通过战略产品新实现 分 化 ,包括确定和生产对经济体内的公 司或农场而言是新颖的、更为复杂的和有利于实现进一步多样化的产品。
The first process is differentiation through strategic product innovation
including the identification and production of
[...] products that are new to the firms or [...]
farms in the economy and that are more complex
and facilitate further diversification.
本文件中所阐述的注重能力建设的技术合作的定义包括以下几 方面:(a) 政策宣传和对话,其内容针对各新 出 现 的 重 大问题, 包括实各项 全球和区域承诺;(b) 建立区域知识网络联系,旨在 使亚太经社会成员和准成员能够交流和讨论各种良好做法和关于创实践的信息及经验;(c) 培训、咨询服务和其他形式的技术援 助,旨在加强亚太经社会成员和准成员的能力,使其能更好地制订 和实施各主要发展领域的有效政策和方案。
For the purpose of the present document, technical cooperation focusing on capacity development is defined as encompassing: (a) policy advocacy and dialogue on critical and emerging issues, including follow-up to global and regional commitments; (b) regional knowledge networking aimed at enabling the members and associate members of ESCAP to share and discuss information and experiences on good and innovative practices; and (c) training, advisory services and other forms of technical assistance aimed at strengthening the capacity of the members and associate members of ESCAP to formulate and implement effective policies and programmes in a range of key development areas.
它们 利用国家在冲突情形中的弱点,使得这些国家 新实现 和 平 和经济发展的工作成 为更漫长和困难的进程。
They take advantage of the weakness of States in conflict situations and make the return to peace and economic development a more protracted and more difficult process for those States.
太仓新港物流管理中心有限公司WMS(Warehouse Management
[...] [...] System)仓库管理系统的主要目标是针对特定对象“进口保税仓、出口监管仓以及普通仓”的货物、单据流动,仓库作业结果的记录、核对和管理(报警、报表、结果分析),出入库的时间、经手人等进行有效管理,并能通过对作业动作的指导和规范,从而保证作业的准确性、速度和相关记录数据的自动流转,增强仓库的作业效率和管理透明度,最 实现新 港 内部各部门间、与外部客户间的数据实时交互,特别是能向海关监管系统提供海关要求的数据,完成自动结算、自动统计,并适合与目前业务模式配套的实时计算机软件管理系统。
The main target of WMS (Warehouse Management System) is taking effective management on special cargo and documents flow , relating to “Bonded warehouse, Export supervised warehouse and Ordinary warehouse, the record ,check and management (alarming, reporting form, result analysis) of warehouse operation , the time and operators management of the cargo in-out, etc. besides, by guiding and standardizing the working, to ensuring the correctness, speed of working ,and to make the recorded data being automatically transferred, to
strengthen the efficiency
[...] of working and the clearness of warehouse management, finally to reach real time interaction of data among respective department in Xingang and between Xingang [...]
and external customers
as well, especially provide data to customs supervising system which required by Customs, completing automatic accounts settlement, automatic statistic and fitting to the present business mode.
在中国,中兴推出以高端用户为目标的独立品牌“Nubia”,希望在竞争激烈的中国手机市 实现新 的 定 位。
In China, ZTE is hoping to reposition itself in the highly competitive Chinese handset market by launching a separate brand, called Nubia, aimed at high-end users.
在发布0.4版本之后,我们就一直在商讨新的 实现 , 但 是手头一直有更加紧迫的问题,同时做到向后兼容也很困难,但要确 新实现 能 够被人们接受,兼容性又是必须的。
A new Streams implementation has been discussed since the 0.4 release, but more pressing problems were always at hand, and it was considered too difficult to make backwards-compatible, required to ensure adoption.
[...] [...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件; 新 闻 部 改进所采取 的行动实现在联 合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 [...]
况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in
all official
[...] languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among [...]
the six official languages
on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
但是,还可以采取其他的行动加强 实现 的 淘 汰,例如采取有 利环境的生产做法、降低进口替代品价格 新 奖 励 措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体害虫 或疾病。
However, other actions could also be taken to
[...] strengthen the phase-out achieved, such as the adoption of environment-friendly production practices, new incentives to reduce the [...]
price of imported
alternatives and the correct identification of the specific pests or diseases affecting crops.
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国人民需要确定并主导如 实现新 的 平衡政治管理的愿 景,以实现他们的正当愿望并解决冲突造成的严重后果。
The people of the Syrian Arab Republic need to
identify and lead the way towards
[...] the implementation of a vision for a new and balanced political [...]
dispensation that addresses
their legitimate aspirations as well as the serious consequences of the conflict.
与直接体制建设有关的若干主要目标是规划进程中的目标,分别是:通过执行氟氯烃淘汰 管理计划履行《蒙特利尔议定书》的各项义务;遵守《蒙特利尔议定书》时间表里程碑实现在第 一阶段,到 2015 年将附件 C,第一类物质的基准消费量减少 10%);针对工 业部门的能力建设和技术援助活动;制定和执行国家提高公众认识/外联战略; 新现有 的 氟氯化碳立法和消耗臭氧层物质许可制度,以适应氟氯烃淘汰配额;以及为密切监测和 评估淘汰项目,制定适当的准则。
Several major objectives related to the direct IS are in the planning process, and they are described as follows: meeting the obligations of the Montreal Protocol through the implementation of the HPMP; compliance with the
Montreal Protocol
[...] schedule milestone of achieving the phase-I, 10 per cent reduction of the baseline consumption of Annex-C, Group-1 substances by the year 2015; capacity building and technical assistance activities addressed to the industrial sector; setting and implementing 4 national public awareness/outreach strategies; updating the existing CFCs legislations [...]
and ODS licensing system
to accommodate the HCFCs phase-out quota; and, setting up of the appropriate guidelines for close monitoring and evaluation of phase-out projects.
实上,这个项目将扩展它的成员来 现新 的 方 式,以集成这两种技术。
In fact , this project will expand its members to discover new ways to integrate [...]
these two technologies .
第三项目标“在有关宗教问题的对话中 现新 的 声 音”, 讨论与不同宗教间的对话有关的现有做法(通过并且由青年 实 施 ) ;不同宗教间青年小 组目前正在开展一项调查。
The third Objective – Engaging new voices in dialogue about religious issues, addresses existing practices relating to interfaith dialogue [...]
(by and for youth); a survey is currently
being undertaken by an interregional and interfaith youth team.
2007 年 2 月举行了题为“新媒体:新闻自由空间”的国际会议,研究新媒体 实现新闻 自由方面所面临的挑战和机遇。
The international
[...] conference “New Media: The Press Freedom Dimension”, February 2007, examined the challenges and opportunities of new media for press [...]
(b) 改变研究方法:历史研究方法要与时俱进, 实现新 的 突 破,要经常吸收新一代 研究人员。
(b) Methodological shifts: Methods of historical research evolve over time, and it
[...] often takes a new generation of researchers to break new ground.
他发誓将不遗留力地帮助以色列和巴 勒斯实现新的更 加美好的未来,他仍然希望,启 动约旦国王阿卜杜拉促成的、中东问题四方外交框 [...]
架下的直接接触,将为两国解决方案协议的严肃谈 判铺平道路。
Having vowed to spare no effort to help Israelis and
[...] Palestinians arrive at a new and better future, [...]
he remained hopeful that the start of
direct contacts, facilitated by King Abdullah of Jordan, within the framework of the Diplomatic Quartet on the Middle East, could pave the way for serious negotiations towards an agreement on a twoState solution.
首先,他们可以帮实现新的总 理阿布迪韦利·穆罕默 德·阿里的理想,后者告诉独立专家,他的政府希望至少每个月在索马里建造一 [...]
To begin with, they
[...] could help fulfil the dream of the new Prime Minster, Abdiweli [...]
Mohamed Ali, who told the independent
expert that his Government wished to open at least one school and one hospital every month in Somalia.
成果将实在三 个领域:(a) 支持具体涉及加强关于性别平等和增强妇女权 能(包括新的新现问题 )的全球政策和规范框架的政府间进程;(b) 与反映性别 平等观点的各个部门政府间进程协作;16 (c) 确保妇女署在区域和国家两级的工 作一致反映规范的指导并把业务工作的经验和知识回馈到规范支助工作中。
Results fall into three areas: (a) support for intergovernmental processes that specifically relate to strengthening global policy and normative frameworks on gender equality and empowerment of women, including on new and emerging issues; (b) engagement [...]
with a range
of sectoral intergovernmental processes concerned with reflecting gender perspectives;16 and (c) ensuring that the normative guidance is consistently reflected in the work of UN-Women at the regional and national levels, and that experience and knowledge generated in its operational work is channelled back into its normative support work.
它使用简单,没有XML映射文件、不需要创建表格(将自动创建)、不用生成ID、不用理会关键字,只需把它指向数据库,就可 实现新 增 、 修改、删除、查询操作。
It uses a simple , no XML mapping file , not a table ( automatically created ) , do not produce ID, ignore the keywords , just to point it to the database , you can add, modify , delete , query operations.
实能够 长期跟进该公共区域TNR工作的志愿者,负责和区域内的喂猫人保持联系, 持续监控区域内流浪猫群落的状况, 现新 的 流 浪猫即再行安排TNR活动。
Appoint volunteers that can follow up the TNR work in the area, keep in contact with the feeders and keep monitoring the status of the stray cat colony and take action accordingly.
科威 特将支新实体的工作,实现增强 妇女权能和性别 平等方面,它定将比以往处理性别问题的联合国实体 更有成效,科威特相信,新机制将向各国政府提供更 [...]
Kuwait would support the work of the new Entity, which should prove [...]
more effective than the previous United Nations gender
entities in achieving women’s empowerment and gender equality, and trusted that the new mechanism would provide greater assistance to Governments in their efforts towards those ends.




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