

单词 新潟县

See also:


Niigata, a city and prefecture in Japan

salt marsh
saline land


counties pl

External sources (not reviewed)

Tagami-machi located at the center of Niigata Prefecture is a town with [...]
rich history and nature.
不仅新潟县内, 在国立能乐堂、横滨能乐堂、美国、德国等国外也积极表演,一直在民间推进国际亲善交流。
It has also been vigorously performed overseas, including in the U.S.A. and Germany, contributing to private cultural exchange activities.
新潟举行 的联合国裁军谈判会议期间,2009 年 8 月与知名教育工作举行了 民间社会和大众媒体作用会议。
Within the United Nations Conference on Disarmament in Niigata, a session on the role of civil society and mass media was held with prominent educators in August 2009.
在“越後酒博物館PONSHU館”內,可以品 新潟 香 米 釀成的美酒,享受清醇幽香的酒溫泉浴。
The “Sake Museum Ponshu-kan” is inside the building where you can enjoy the local sake tasting and sake bath.
2012 年,意大利航天局参加了各种展览会和会议,其中包括以下活动: 2012 年国际航空航天博览会,智利;2012 年空间运行大会,斯德哥尔摩;“青 年、培训、大学”,罗马;2012 年图卢兹航空展,法国图卢兹;2012 年范堡罗 国际航空航天展览会,联合国王国范堡罗;2012 年的“遥望未来”,意大利那不 勒斯;“2012 年贝加莫科学活动”,意大利贝加莫;2012 年日本国际航空航天 展览会,日本名古屋;以及小行星、彗星和流星会议,日 新潟。
In 2012, ASI participated in different exhibitions and conferences, among which were the following: 2012 International Air and Space Fair (FIDAE 2012), in Chile; SpaceOps 2012, in Stockholm; “Giovani, formazione, università”, in Rome; Toulouse Space Show 2012, in Toulouse, France; Farnborough International Airshow 2012, in Farnborough, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Futuro Remoto in 2012 in Naples, Italy; Bergamo Scienza 2012, in Bergamo, Italy; Japan International Aerospace Exhibition 2012, in Nagoya, Japan; and the Asteroids, Comets and Meteors conference, in Niigata, Japan.
新的县援 助办公室,确认您是否仍然可以得到 医疗补助。
To see if you can still get Medical Assistance, go to the County Assistance Office in your new county.
在恢复、重返社会和建设和平科,建议在 9 个新设立的县支助 基地各增派 1 名联合国志愿人员,担任恢复、重返社会和和平建设干事,以支持特派团努力发 挥县支助基地的平台作用,在地方一级促进长期和平建设、国家建设和经济发展 (见 A/66/733,第 38 段)。
In the Recovery, Reintegration and Peacebuilding Section, it is proposed that one additional United Nations Volunteer be deployed as a Recovery, Reintegration and Peacebuilding Officer in each of the nine new county support bases to support the Mission’s efforts to leverage the county support bases as platforms for the fostering of longer-term peacebuilding, State-building and economic development at the local level (see A/66/733, para. 38).
特别报告员访 问新居滨 县 ,该县 曾有 若 干成人遭 到 了绑架,尤其在 1970 年代 遭到 绑架,并与当局就背景情况进行了磋商。
The Special Rapporteur paid a
[...] visit to the Niigata Prefecture, where a number of abductions [...]
had taken place, particularly
in the 1970s, and consulted the authorities on the underlying circumstances.
通过关联服务走向劳动力市场”项目,在维尔扬 县 当 局的领导下实施,目 的包括改善年轻母亲进入劳动力市场的机会,创造提高妇女就业率 新 方 法 ,为 目标群体找工作,告诉目标群体进入劳动力市场的机会。
The aims of the project “Through connected services to the labour market”,
carried out under
[...] the leadership of the Viljandi County Authority, included improving access to labour market for young mothers, creating new methods for raising employment among [...]
women, finding jobs
for the target group and informing them about the opportunities for accessing the labour market.
评价和监督处将县方案评价作为 编制每一新的县战略 文件过程的一部分。
OVE conducts country programme evaluations as part of the process
[...] of preparing each new country strategy [...]
秋田・山形新泻三县临靠 日本海,有着丰富的大自然不用提,美食更是丰富。
Akita, Yamagata, Niigata – prefectures on the Japan [...]
Sea side is a home to abundant nature and delicious food.
阴面山坡,在草地溪边和多石的地方中间; 1100-1400米西北部新疆(Burqin县,Toli 县 )。
Shaded slopes, among grasses by streams and stony places; 1100-1400 m. NW Xinjiang (Burqin Xian, Toli Xian).
除联合国电视台的节目制作显示联合国系统和维持和 平任务提供的材料之外,该频道已经将其地理覆盖范围延伸到纽约市全部五个行 政区,以及西切斯县和新泽西 的部分地区。
The channel, which in addition to United Nations Television’s programming shows material from the United Nations system and peacekeeping missions, has
expanded its geographical
[...] reach to all of New York City’s five boroughs, as well as to parts of Westchester County and New Jersey.
另外,2011年7月在古川工厂(日本国宫 县 大 崎市 ) 新 成 立 了EMC评价中心,利用实际使用环境相似的高频特性评价系统,强化了设计开发体制。
In July 2011, Alps opened a new EMC Evaluation Center at its Furukawa Plant (Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture), [...]
establishing systems for evaluating
RF characteristics under actual usage conditions.
在制造工厂的所在地宫城县,THERMAX被宫城工业会认定为“宫城优良产品”,并被宫 县 认 定为 “ 新 商 品 特定任意合同商品”,向各都道府县的网点与网络推介,成为被政府机关项目采用的值得信赖的商品。
In Miyagi Prefecture, where the manufacturing plant is located, Thermax was certified as an “Excellent
MONO (Product) of Miyagi”
[...] by the Miyagi Industrial Association, and as a “New Commodity in the [...]
Category of Commodities Eligible
for Specific Optional Contracts” by Miyagi Prefecture.
贸工部兼国家发展部政务部长李奕贤(左二)、总商会会长张松声(左一)一行人参观位于吉林省的永 县 ( 中国 - 新 加 坡 )食品区工业园区。
Minister of State for Trade and Industry & National Development
Lee Yi Shyan (second
[...] from left) and SCCCI President Teo Siong Seng (extreme left) at the Yongji Sino-Singapore [...]
Food Industrial Park in Jilin province.
根据该法,国家土地改革研究所技术组于 2008 年 11 月 21 日恢复在圣克鲁 斯省科迪耶县重新分配土著社区、中小型地产和农业企业的土地。
On 21 November 2008, pursuant to that Act, National Agrarian Reform Institute (INRA) technical brigades resumed the redistribution of land in indigenous communities, small and medium-sized properties and agricultural enterprises in the Cordillera province of the Department of Santa Cruz.
该设施是核准仅在宫县最新 HARG头发再生疗法在我们医院的常规头发生长治疗头发从使用脂肪干细胞生长因子治疗中,我们要关注。
As the facility was approved
[...] only in Miyagi Prefecture latest HARG treatment [...]
for hair regeneration therapy using FAT stem
cell-derived growth factor in our hospital from the conventional hair growth treatment hair, do we care.
[...] 等多种技术的研发,神奈川县也参与了这些先进项目的技术开发,将竭尽全力支持在神奈 县工 作的,新技术为目标的创业者,我从内心期待大家会为经济活性化作出更大的贡献。
Various technologies in fields such as natural new energy and storage cells are under development, and Kanagawa is also in the vanguard of approaches on this front. We fervently hope that
you will help us support
[...] entrepreneurs aspiring to invest new technologies here in Kanagawa [...]
and otherwise do your utmost
for stimulation of the prefectural economy.
3 月 7 日,政府撤销了 2001
[...] 至 2010 年间 关于成立近 1000 个新县的 6 项法令,结果,县数量又回到 [...]
2000 年举行上次市政 选举以来的 197 个。
On 7 March, the Government revoked six decrees issued
between 2001 and 2010 relating to the creation
[...] of close to 1,000 new communes, resulting [...]
in a return to the initial number of 197,
which existed when the last municipal elections took place in 2000.
其中,增产手笔、规模最大的当属住友化学,该公司计划于2012年夏季前投下100亿日圆于爱媛工厂(爱 县新 居 滨 市)内增设LED基板材料“高纯度氧化铝”新产线,将其年产能自现行的1,600吨倍增至3,200吨规模。
Where production mine, the largest and undoubtedly the Sumitomo Chemical, the company plans to cast before the summer of 2012 at the Ehime
plant 10 billion yen
[...] (Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture) in addition LED substrate material "high-purity alumina" The new production line, [...]
its production capacity
from the current 1,600 tons to 3,200 tons of doubling the size.
该项目成功地促使许多当地的合作伙伴参与有关活动,如在中国,有中国社会科学院 (CASS)社会学研究所、中华全国妇女联合会(ACWF)、华东师范大学、云南社会科学院哲学 所、地方当局(大连市政府、金县 政 府 (2002 年)、云南迪庆藏族自治州)以及中国教 科文组织全国委员会。
The project has been successful in involving many local partners such as, in China, the Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), All China Women Federation (ACWF), East China Normal University, Institute of Philosophy, Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences, the local authorities (Dalian City Government, Jintang Country Government (2002), the Yunnan Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) and Chinese National Commission for UNESCO.
十一月十七日:香港监牧区晋升为代牧区,代牧区范围扩展,包 新 安 县 ( 即 保安)、归善县(即惠阳)和海丰县;委任高神父(Fr. [...]
Timoleon Raimondi)为首任宗座代牧(高神父于同年十一月二十二日祝圣为主教)。
17 November: the HK Prefecture raised to Vicariate [...]
Ap. and enlarged to include, beside San On, Kwai Hsin (Wai Yeung) and Hoi Fung Districts, with Fr.
中高一贯教育学校作为一所学校、一个整体进行中高一贯教育的“中等教育学校”,是由同 一设立者将中学和高中连接在一起,依照中等教育学校基准进行中高一贯教育的“并设型中等
[...] 教育学校” ,另外还有现有的城镇中学县立高 中为加强教育课程的编制和老师学生之间交流 [...]
There are unified junior and senior secondary education schools that operate as one school offering junior and senior high school education in one institution; schools that operate separately but are under the supervision of one institution and act as one unified school; schools that are different
institutions but are in the same municipality or
[...] town and work together to have exchange [...]
between the junior high school and senior
high school staff and students as well as building an unified curricula.
行预咨委会回顾,在 2011/12
[...] 年期间、也就是该特派团的第一年,南苏丹特 派团根据计划将建立 10 个州办事处以及预计设立的 35 个县支助基地中的 19 个, 特派团需要在第二年为另外 9 个县支助 基地确定人员编制,这样使已建成基地的 总数达到 28 个(A/66/592,第 12-13 段)(另见下文第 [...]
59 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that for the 2011/12 period, the first year of the Mission, it was planned that UNMISS would establish 10 state
offices and 19 of the
[...] envisaged 35 county support bases, and that in the second year it would require staffing for 9 additional county support bases, [...]
bringing the total
of constructed bases to 28 (A/66/592, paras. 12 and 13; see also para. 59 below).
教科文组织与中国社科院(CASS)和中华全国妇女联合会(全国妇联)开展合 作,将在四川计划确定县内对 社会工作者、政府官员和决策者实施需求评估和能力建设。
UNESCO, in partnership with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and the All China Women’s Federation (ACWF), will lead on needs assessment and capacity-building of social workers, officials and policy-makers in programme counties of Sichuan.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團 新 進 藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項新撥作 藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
在医务科,新设 1 5 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 [...]
的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services
[...] Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national [...]
General Service staff)
is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.




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