

单词 新浪网

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External sources (not reviewed)

曾担任中国第一界网络广告大赛评委, 新浪网 的 第 一家广告客户,并获得“1999年亚太地区网络创意奖”。
His achievements include: serving as judge of the first
[...] China Internet Advertising Award; being the first advertiser for Sina; and the recipient [...]
of the Asia Pacific
Network Creative Award in 1999.
新浪网特别 赞扬了想象澳大利亚微博在短短几个月内成为在中国最受欢迎的外国政府微博之一,为教育和交流作出了重要贡献。
Sina.com particularly commended [...]
Imagine Australia's performance in having become, over just a few short months, one of the
most popular foreign government weibos in China, making a rich contribution to educational and cultural exchange.
It is not only the most
[...] influential Social Network in China, but [...]
also an Open Platform to get, share and broadcast information based on users' relations.
新浪拥有多家地区性网站,以服务大中华地区与海外华人为己任,通过旗下业务主线:提供网络新闻及内容服务 新浪网 ( S I NA .com)、提供微博客服务的微博(Weibo.com)、提供移动增值服务的新浪无线(SINA [...]
Through these businesses and properties and other
[...] business lines, SINA offers an array of services including region-focused online portals, MVAS, [...]
microblog, blog, video
and music streaming, photo sharing, online games, email, search, classified listings, fee-based services, e-commerce and enterprise e-solutions.
我们团队拥有许多成功的高科技公司的创业与高层管理的经验,例如苹果公司,英睿达电子,F5网络公司,惠普公司,IBM,Intuit, KLA-Tencor半导体设备公司,三菱公司,NetFra me , 新浪网 等 , 另外我们也有丰富的投行及咨询公司的经验,包括高盛,贝恩资本,麦肯锡,安永会计师事务所等。
Entrepreneurs working with DCM benefit from the collective experience and accessibility of the firm’s investment team, whose partners and principals have held senior management positions at some of the most successful companies in
technology — Apple, Arrow
[...] Electronics, F5 Networks, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Intuit, KLA-Tencor, Mitsubishi, NetFrame, Sina.com and Sling Media [...]
— and at professional
service firms such as Bain, Ernst & Young, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey and The Boston Consulting Group.
在这份白皮书中,我们将详细阐释社会化媒体研究“四位一体”的涵义、特点以及与传统市场研究的区别,帮助大家更加全面地理解什么是“社会化媒体研究”;更进一步,我们将结合自身的案例实践以及行业观察,从“研究技术的融合创新”、“研究方法的融合创新”、“数据与洞察的融合创新”三方面探讨传统市场研究如何与社会化媒体研究进行结合;最后,我们有幸邀请到精确市场研究集团大中华区总裁、中国市场研究协会主席团轮值主席陈进老师 新浪网 媒 介 策略中心数据研究部执行总监宗瑞兴老师、复旦大学管理学院市场营销系副系主任金立印老师等几位来自不同领域的市场研究专家就传统市场研究与社会化媒体研究的融合创新分享他们的真知灼见。
This white paper expands on the concept of “four in one” social media research, and its inherent difference with traditional market research.
信息时报穗APM线漏水点修复工作基本完 新浪网 摘 要:记者昨日从广州新中轴公司了解到,一周前广州A PM线发现的漏水点除歌剧院站厅层有一处因地面泛水处理难度较大,再需约一周时间修复外,其他站点漏水修复工作已基本完成。
Guangzhou Information Times APM line
leakage point repair is
[...] nearly complete Sina Summary: Reporter yesterday from the company learned that the new axis in Guangzhou, [...]
Guangzhou A PM a week
ago that the leakage point line in addition to the Opera House concourse level with a floor pan for water treatment difficult, and then take about a week to repair, the other site leakage repair work has been completed.
在过去的几年中,王冉先生亲自带领团队服务过众多的客户,其中既有微软、西门子、SK电讯等跨国公司也有好孩子、大中电器、湖南广电集团 新浪 、 网 易 、 新 京 报 、华谊兄弟、光线传媒、华友世纪等优秀本土企业。
Over the past few years, Mr. Wang has personally led deal teams to serve a number of high-profile clients including both multinationals such as Microsoft, Siemens, and SK Telecom, as well as local market
leaders such as Goodbaby, Dazhong
[...] Electronics, Hunan TV, Sina, Netease, Beijing News, Huayi [...]
Brothers, Enlight Media, and Hurray.
我认为答案应该是“从来不会”,但是基于领先门 网新浪 ( Na sdaq: SINA)发布最新季度财报之后的股价反应来看,投资者似乎持有不同观点。
In my opinion the answer should be “never,” but investors seem to be taking a different
view based on the share price reaction
[...] for leading web portal Sina (Nasdaq: SINA) [...]
following release of its latest quarterly results.
已经签署了公约的公司包括著名的中国互 网 公 司 ,例 新浪 和 搜狐,以及阿里巴巴运营的雅虎中国和MSN中国。
Companies that signed the pledge included
[...] popular Chinese Internet companies like Sina.com and Sohu.com [...]
as well as Yahoo China, which
is operated by Alibaba.com, and MSN China.
新闻部中文网站股对其目标地区最流行的社交媒体网络进行评估后,于2010 年 9 月在被视为中文版 Twitter 的新浪微博 上推出了一个频道,在中国一个重新闻网站— —人民网微博上推出了另一个频道。
After an assessment of the most popular social media networks in its target region, in September 2010 the Department’s
Chinese website unit
[...] launched a channel on Sina T-blog, regarded as the Chinese version of Twitter, and another channel on People Micro-blog, a key news website in China.
例如, 负责实施世卫组织资助的一个采购项目、向吉尔吉斯斯坦医院提供绿色能源的项 目厅项目管理员还更换了老旧的电力和供 网 络 , 以避 浪 费 并提 高 新 能 源 系统 的效率。
For example, UNOPS project managers working on a WHO-funded procurement project to provide green energy to hospitals in Kyrgyzstan also
replaced wornout
[...] electrical and water networks, to avoid wastage and increase the efficiency of the new energy systems.
而后在2月初,Burberry全面驻扎中国的社 网 站 , 分别 新浪 微 博、优酷、开心和豆瓣四大网站建立官方账号,并依靠品牌本身的知名度和图文并茂的实时更新,在网络中迅速积累了大量人气。
Starting in February 2011, Burberry started taking over the
Chinese social media landscape,
[...] establishing accounts on Sina Weibo, Youku, Kaixin001, and [...]
Douban: the four giants of domestic social media.
为了共同推进中国社会化商业的变革 新浪 与 CIC于2011年10月联合发布《 CIC•新浪—微 博引领的中国社会化商业发展与变革》白皮书,旨在探讨微博的特点及其对中国互 网 发 展的意义,深入剖析微博营销价值,并进一步探究微博应用所启迪的社会化商业变革,帮助企业和代理公司更全面地认识、运用微博,理解微博引领的企业和组织的商业模式变革。
This white paper will discuss the features and market values of the microblog medium,  thoroughly explore the microblog led social business revolution and help brands and agencies comprehensively understand and leverage the platform in the Chinese market.
在中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会于10月举行之前,据报道,互 网 立 法 者命令国家的主要搜索引擎运营商,包括谷歌、百度、雅虎 新浪 和 搜狗,删除所有的“有害信息”。
In the lead-up to the 17th Communist Party
[...] Congress in October, Internet regulators reportedly ordered the country's leading search engine operators, including Google, Baidu, Yahoo, Sina, and Sogou, to delete [...]
all "harmful information.
通过在Gnip平台上提新浪微博 的公共会话,可以帮助我们的客户便利地分析这个全球最 网 民 群 体的社交媒体交流。
By making public
[...] conversations from Sina Weibo available through the Gnip platform, we're making it easy for our customers to analyze social media conversations from the largest Internet population in the world.
除了技术功能之外,两者的用户习惯同样有所不同;惠普研究中心发现 新浪 微 博用户更多地分享评论娱乐性话题,而Twitter用户则更加关注时事内容。
Aside from the technical functions, user habits also differ; HP Research Centre found that Sina Weibo users share and comment more about entertainment whereas Twitter users focus on news.
参会者》杂志运用中英两种语言,通过国内外专业渠道精准发行,同时与《第一财经日报》、《福布斯中文》、《华尔街日报》、《每日经济新闻》、《哈佛商业评论》、《TIME》、《21世纪经济报道》、FT中文网、分众传媒、国际文传社、彭博社、普氏 网 易 、 新浪 等 78 7家国际、国内高端专业媒体合作。
At the same time, the magazine has been in collaboration with 787 top Chinese and overseas medias including China Business News, Forbes China, Wall Street Journal, National Business Daily, Harvard
Business Review, TIME, 21st Century Business Herald, ftchinese.com, Focus Media,
[...] Interfax, Bloomberg, PLATTS, Netease and Sina.
早在去年12月,Burberry的工作人员便 新浪 微 博上提到,计划邀请一个英伦知名乐队为其北京旗舰店开幕进行嘉宾演出,向公众征集乐队人选, 网 上 一 度引起热议。
From December 2010 onward, one Burberry employee
in China constantly
[...] updated his personal Sina Weibo streams with news of a famous British band that would be performing at the opening of the Beijing flagship store; they solicited opinions and suggestions from their followers and created a sense of breathless anticipation on the web.
新网站不 仅可望成为一个强大的研究工具, 也将有助于用户更好地了解当今对他们产生影响的全球问题。
It is expected that the new website will not only [...]
serve as a strong research tool, but it will also help users better understand
global issues as they affect them today.
[...] [...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件; 新 闻 部 改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合网站上 同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 [...]
况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous
distribution of
[...] documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve [...]
actions taken to
achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
关于提出对文件的分发日期进行监控这一问题,将 新网 站 的 框架下 加以考虑。
As regards the proposal to monitor the date of the distribution of documents, this would be considered in
[...] the framework of the new website.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话 网 络 ; 青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资 新 闻 工 作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;新启动 文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of
the Dialogue, such
[...] as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in [...]
the translation of Arabic
works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
在本报告所述期 内,新闻部通过各大社交网站组织了秘书长有史以来第一次的全球谈话,预先以 多种语文征求问题,并通过流媒体直播这次谈话,同时在脸书、Livestream 和联 合网播上 使用四种正式语文的字幕, 新浪 微 博 上将谈话翻译成中文。
During the reporting period, the Department organized the first-ever global conversation with
the Secretary-General
[...] on major social networking sites, soliciting questions in multiple languages and streaming the event live and with subtitles in four official languages on Facebook, Livestream and
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固 网 络 数 据库和机 网 络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境; 新 丢 失 和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
宣传活动的核心是微博应用,在微博上粉丝可以通 新浪 上 发布的特别的文章找到纽约的6个标志性地区(肉库区、第五大道、布鲁克林、SOHO、上东区和时代广场)。
The core of the
[...] campaign was a Weibo application on which fans of the brand could discover New York’s 6 iconic [...]
districts (Meatpacking
district, 5th avenue, Brooklyn, Soho, The upper-east side and Time Square) through special articles on the Sina Style portal.
但是,如果危机传播到 原来受影响较小的经济部门和国家,那么仍然有可能产生保护性措施;如果国家 拯救主导行业的结果导致保护“国家龙头企业”不被外国企业收购,那么危机过 后可能会发生经济民族主义新浪潮。
Protectionist pressures, however, could still potentially arise from the spreading of the crisis to less-affected economic sectors and countries, and a new wave of economic nationalism could occur in the aftermath of the crisis, if the exit of the State from bailed-out flagship industries leads to the protection of “national champions” from foreign takeovers.
无论你有滑雪浪或在您的网站上,AF追踪技术对310的TG – 610和甘油三酯,重点锁定在你的主题,不断调整对焦和亮度是否你或你的主题是移动的,是不可预测的完善高山滑雪爱好者喜欢拍摄的情况下对,而热带鱼浮潜或后院的孩子在玩耍的研究。
Whether you’ve got skiers or surfers in your sites, the AF [...]
Tracking technology on the TG-610 and the TG-310 locks your subject
in focus and continuously adjusts focus and brightness whether you or your subject is moving, and is perfect for unpredictable situations like photographing skiers on a mountain, tropical fish while snorkeling or children at play in the backyard.
评估的因素包括 国家名称、世界地区;并具有以下功能:在线出版物、在线数据库、音频片段、视频片段、非母 语或外语翻译、商业广告、额外费用、用户支付、残疾人通道、隐私政策、安全因素、在线服 务、服务的项目、数字签名、信用卡支付、电子邮件地址、评论表格、自动电子邮件 新 、 网站 个性化定制、掌上电脑(PDA)访问和网站的英语版本。
Features assessed included the name of the nation, region of the world and having the following features: online publications, online database, audio clips, video clips, non-native languages or foreign language translation, commercial advertising, premium fees, user payments, disability access, privacy policy, security features, presence of online services, number of different services, digital signatures, credit card payments, email address, comment form, automatic email updates, website personalization, personal digital assistant (PDA) access and an English version of the website.




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