单词 | 新法例 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 新法例 noun —new legislation nSee also:新法 n—new law n 法例 n—legislation n • statutory n
譚先生回答說,異抗壞血酸在現行 法例 和 新法例 下 均 可使 用。 cfs.gov.hk | Mr TAM answered that isoascorbic acid was allowed to be used in [...] the existing legislation as well as the new legislation. cfs.gov.hk |
(丙) 未成年人契約的新法例,應 僅限於現行法例中執行時可 能產生困難或導致不公平的若干方面(第 [...] 3.8.4 段)。 hkreform.gov.hk | (c) New legislation on minors' contracts [...] should be confined to the few aspects of the existing law which are likely, in practice, [...]to cause difficulties or to lead to injustice (para. 3.8.4). hkreform.gov.hk |
在這段過渡期內,相關人士, 尤其是商界人士,可更深入了解 新法例 內 容 ,設立合規及培訓計劃,以及 視乎需要調整營商手法。 legco.gov.hk | During this transitional period, stakeholders, [...] particularly the business community, can better [...] understand the new law, put in place compliance [...]and training programmes and make [...]adjustments to their business practice as necessary. legco.gov.hk |
他在回覆查詢時表示,中心目前並無有關規管 本港食物接觸物料的新法例推行 時間表。 cfs.gov.hk | In reply to an enquiry, he advised that there was no time table with [...] CFS to introduce new legislation to regulate food [...]contact materials in Hong Kong. cfs.gov.hk |
歐盟委員會指,新法例可能 於二零一零年年底或二零一一年年初獲 得通過。 cfs.gov.hk | According to the European [...] Commission, the new legislation might be adopted [...]by the end of 2010 or early 2011. cfs.gov.hk |
在法案委員會上,委員和業界代表都關注如何執 行法 例的新條文 ,特別是關於“口服產品"的定義,以及甚麼才構成 類似新增附表 4 內所載的聲稱而會被新法例禁止。 legco.gov.hk | At the Bills Committee, concern was raised by [...] Members and trade [...] representatives about enforcement of the new provisions, especially on the definition of “orally-consumed products,” as well as what will constitute claims similar to those set out in the new Schedule 4, and hence will be prohibited under the new legislation. legco.gov.hk |
肖穎博士續說,計劃中的新法例旨在加強管制進口的食物接觸材料。 cfs.gov.hk | Dr. Y. XIAO continued [...] that the planned new legislation aimed to strengthen [...]control on the import of food contact materials. cfs.gov.hk |
過去十年, 愈來愈多國家推行規管營養標籤的 新法例 , 並 可大致上分為兩類:(i)只有作 出聲稱的食物才須附上營養標籤,即食物如附有與營養素相關的聲稱,必須 [...] 加上營養資料(例如中國內地、歐盟國家、日本和新加坡);以及(ii)強制規定 所有預先包裝食物必須附有營養標籤(例如美國、加拿大、澳洲及新西蘭)。 cfs.gov.hk | There are [...] in general two approaches, (i) claim-based [...]labelling, that is to mandate the provision of nutrition information [...]wherever there are nutrient-related claims (e.g. the Mainland China, the European Union countries, Japan and Singapore), and (ii) mandatory nutrition labelling for all pre-packaged food (e.g. the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). cfs.gov.hk |
肖穎博士說,在新法例下, 香港出口商可能須在採購產品時,通知內地生產商產品 會出口到歐盟市場,並需獲得中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局(國家質檢總 [...] 局)的有關證書;從香港再出口的貨物亦要附上有關證書。 cfs.gov.hk | Dr. Y. XIAO [...] advised that under the new legislation, Hong Kong traders [...]might be required that when sourcing the products [...]from the Mainland manufacturers, should inform the latter that the products were intended for the EU market and obtain relevant certificates from General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ), and covered their subsequent re-export consignments from Hong Kong with the relevant certificates. cfs.gov.hk |
我們已成立了一個包括業界代表的 「建造業付款保障立法工作小組」, 為 新法例 的建 議內容提供意見。 legco.gov.hk | We have established a Working Group on the [...] Security of Payment Legislation for the Construction Industry with representatives from the industry to advise on the [...] proposed content of the new legislation. legco.gov.hk |
為了持續 向法官及司法人員提供有關大眾關注事宜 、 新法例 及 罪 案 趨勢的最新消息,司法機構會繼續為法官及司法人員舉辦 合適的培訓計劃。 legco.gov.hk | As part of its on-going efforts to [...] update JJOs on issues of [...] public concern, new legislation and crime trends, the Judiciary will [...]continue to organise suitable training programmes for JJOs. legco.gov.hk |
工作小組會研究應如何更新法例 和可 否引入初步測試,協助前線警員分辨司機是否在藥物(包 括危險藥物)影響下駕駛,以便評估他們是否須提供血液或其 [...] 他體液樣本作進一步分析。 legco.gov.hk | The Working Group will study how best to [...] update the existing legislation and assess the feasibility [...]of introducing preliminary [...]tests to help front-line police officers determine whether a driver is driving under the influence of drugs (including dangerous drugs), so as to assess whether the driver should be required to provide blood or other body fluid specimen for further analysis. legco.gov.hk |
採用食品法典委員會的定義,不但有助我們的貿易伙伴得以明 白香港法律的規管範圍,亦有助我們釐 定 新法例 中 相關除害劑的最高殘 餘限量和再殘餘限量。 cfs.gov.hk | By following the Codex definitions, our trading partners will have a better understanding of the scope of our regulatory requirement. cfs.gov.hk |
在新法例生效 當日 或以前已獲發有關同意書的建築物,則須在進行主要裝修 工程時,遵守能源效益標準及規定。 legco.gov.hk | Buildings which obtain such [...] consents on or before the new legislation comes into operation [...]are required to comply with the [...]energy efficiency standards and requirements when they undergo major retrofitting works. legco.gov.hk |
我 們 打算 明年年初 公 布 《指引》,讓業界有充裕時 間 為新法例做好準備。 legco.gov.hk | We aim to promulgate the Guidelines early next year so as to give the trade sufficient [...] time to prepare for the new legislation. legco.gov.hk |
該名業界代表再問,新法例會否准許使用異抗壞血酸,因 根據食品法典委員會的《添加劑標準》表格三,異抗壞血 酸按照“優良製造規範"可在食物中普遍使用。 cfs.gov.hk | The trade representative further enquired whether isoascorbic acid (also named as erythorbic acid) was permitted to be used in the new legislations since it was an additive permitted for use in food in general in accordance with GMP under Table Three of GSFA of the Codex. cfs.gov.hk |
為使條 [...] 約所訂明的各項義務在本地具有法律效力(遇有須修改現行法例或措 施的情況時),一般做法是制訂具體 的 新法例2 。 legco.gov.hk | The usual method of giving effect in local law to [...] treaty obligations (when these require some change in existing laws or practice) is to [...] enact specific new legislation2. legco.gov.hk |
部分委員及不少中小企 擔心這項全面概括禁止的條文有欠明確,令中小企 在 新法例 下 可能 會誤墮法網。 legco.gov.hk | Some members and many SMEs consider that SMEs might unwittingly breach the law because of the lack of certainty in this catch-all general prohibition. legco.gov.hk |
屆時,警方會示範如何 [...] 進行損害測試包括的五個項目,即眼睛檢查、修 改版朗伯格氏平衡力測試、步行及轉身測試、單 [...] 腳站立測試及手指觸鼻測試;以及 (iii) 新法例下各 項措施,包括有關損害測試的資料, [...] 將會經由上述第2(iv)段載述的道路安全議會印 制的單張宣傳。 legco.gov.hk | The Police will demonstrate how the 5 tests of the IT (i.e. Eye Examinations, Modified Romberg Balance Test, Walk and Turn Test, One Leg Stand [...] Test and Finger to Nose Test) will be [...] conducted; and (iii) the RSC will publish [...]a leaflet to publicize the various measures [...]under the new legislation (vide paragraph 2(iv)), which will include information on the IT. legco.gov.hk |
由於應用於農作物的新除害劑推陳出新,適用範圍又 不斷改變,食環署署長會定期更 新法例 中 訂明的最高殘餘限 量∕再殘餘限量及獲豁免物質名單。 legco.gov.hk | As new pesticides and new applications on crops keep emerging, the lists of MRLs/EMRLs and exempted substances specified in the proposed Regulation will [...] be updated by DFEH regularly. legco.gov.hk |
我們計劃在稍後再次諮詢運輸業 界和立法會環境事務委員會的意見,以便在今年年底制定最終方 案,然後在二零零九年提出新法例予 立 法會審議。 legco.gov.hk | We aim at consulting the transport trades and the Panel on Environmental Affairs again and finalizing the [...] proposal by the end of this year, and [...] introducing the new legislation to the Legislative Council for [...]its scrutiny in 2009. legco.gov.hk |
從客觀數據來分 析,本港超過 85%的 市 民 都 是 非 吸煙者 ,食肆 全 面 禁煙可 能 會 增 加 他們 出 外用膳 的 意 慾 ,在此消彼 長的情況下,食肆 的營業額 相 信不會 因 新 法 例 的落實而有負面影響。 legco.gov.hk | Analyzed by objective data, over 85% of the people of Hong Kong are non-smokers, and a total smoking ban in restaurants may encourage them to eat out. legco.gov.hk |
我們建議新法例下的 建築物能源效益核證 及能源審核工作,須由機電工程署所認可的專業人士進行。 legco.gov.hk | We propose that under the new legislation, verification of [...] energy efficiency and energy audits for buildings should be conducted [...]by professionals approved by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department. legco.gov.hk |
4. 監督各行動分部在運作和採取執法行動時,因施行和執行 條例而衍生的檢控與紀律處分、上訴及其他訴訟事宜、有 關樓宇安全事宜的公眾教育及宣傳計劃、為支援各行動分 [...] 部制訂政策和策略而進行在技術和科技方面的研究和發 展,以及各行動分部擬議的新法例或 法 例 修 訂 的立法過程 legco.gov.hk | 4. to oversee prosecution and disciplinary actions, appeals and other litigation matters relating to the administration and enforcement of the BO arising from the operation and enforcement actions of operation divisions; public education and publicity programmes on building safety issues; technical and technological research and development to support the formulation of policies and strategies of [...] operation divisions; and the [...] legislative process of new legislation or legislative [...]amendments proposed by operation divisions legco.gov.hk |
新法例生效後,文錦渡食品管制辦事 處的工作量預計會相應増加。 legco.gov.hk | When the legislation comes into force, [...] the workload at the MKTFCO is expected to increase accordingly. legco.gov.hk |
條例草案會規 [...] 定,有 關 僱傭方面的一般 條文在新 法例通過後 首 三 年內,不適用於 聘用不 [...]超過五名僱員的僱 主。 legco.gov.hk | The Bill will provide that within the first 3 years [...] of enactment of the new law, the general [...]provisions concerning employment will not [...]apply to an employer with not more than 5 employees. legco.gov.hk |
鑑於商戶認為難以在有關食物中的三聚氰 胺 新法例 規 定 生效後 對本港境外生產的食物作出來源污染監控,故政府會根據每宗個案所蒐集的證據獨立 考慮是否對有關商戶作出檢控。 cfs.gov.hk | In response to trader’s view that it would be difficult for them to control the source of contamination as the food production took place outside Hong Kong upon enactment of the new legislative requirement on melamine in food, Government would consider prosecution against traders on a case-by-case basis basing on the evidence collected. cfs.gov.hk |
13. 香港仲裁法委員會認為,新 法例應盡可 能沿用《 示 範法》的原文,使 [...] 外 界繼續視香港為 採用《示範法》的司法 管轄區。 legco.gov.hk | The HKIArb Committee [...] considers that the new law should adhere, [...]as far as possible, to the exact wording of the Model Law [...]so that Hong Kong would continue to be seen as a Model Law jurisdiction. legco.gov.hk |
新法例生效 後獲建築事務監督發出上蓋建築施工同意書的樓宇 ( 條例生效後樓宇) ,與新法例生效 當日或以前已獲發施工同意書的樓 宇 ( 條例生效前樓宇) ,會受不同制度規管。 legco.gov.hk | Different control regimes will be imposed on buildings that obtain the consent for commencement of works for superstructure construction from the Building Authority after the new legislation comes into operation (Post-enactment Buildings), [...] and buildings which [...]have obtained their consent for commencement of works on or before the new legislation comes into operation (Pre-enactment Buildings). legco.gov.hk |
(i) 警方會利用《警聲》(一份警隊刊物,可在香港警 務處網頁瀏覽)、《警訊》(一個電視節目)和警隊 網站,在新法例於二 零一二年三月生效前發放有 關損害測試的資料 legco.gov.hk | (i) the Police will make use of “Offbeat” (a Police newspaper, which can be accessed through the Police website), the “Police Magazine” (a TV programme) and the “Police Public Page” (the Police’s website) to disseminate the information on the IT prior to the commencement of the new legislation in March 2012 legco.gov.hk |