

单词 新春佳节

See also:


the beginning of Spring
the 10 or 20 days following the lunar New Year's Day

春节 n

Spring Festival n

佳节 n

holiday n


festive day


Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)

External sources (not reviewed)

在此,我谨代表总商会全体同仁衷心感谢纳丹总统出席今天的新春团拜,感谢各外交使节、政府部门长官、社团领袖和商业伙伴和我们一起共 新春佳节。
I would also like to thank all members of the diplomatic corps, government officials, leaders of civic organisations and our business partners for joining us in this celebration.
今天是大年初一,非常高兴能够和来自各界不同种族的朋友一起欢 新春 , 共 庆 佳节。
Every year, we are very happy to have this joint celebration together with our members, business
partners, distinguished guests from the diplomatic
[...] community, and many other friends from different ethnic backgrounds.
北欧纪录片电节从2006年成立以来,已经成为向中国介绍北欧纪录片 佳新 作 的 一个平台。
Since its
[...] conception in 2006, NORDOX has become a platform for some of the best Nordic documentary films in Beijing.
在明年二月份中春节之后,中国海外上市公司有望 新 获 得 增长势头,2013年,这些被压制的中概股可能会打一场漂亮的翻身仗。
Look for that
[...] recovery to gain momentum after the Chinese New Year in February, with a nice rally possible [...]
for these beaten-down shares in the rest of 2013.
然而,中國《憲法》訂明,公民享有言論自由, 佳 和 楊 春 林 只 是行使 他們自己的公民權,其實何來煽動的意圖,何以會受到挑戰?
HU Jia and YANG Chunlin were merely exercising [...]
their civil rights, so how possibly could there be any intention of incitement
and why would they be challenged?
春节将近 ,合家团聚的日子里总少不了美 佳 肴 的 相伴,剩下的多数时间就花在了电视机前和沙发上。
As the Spring Festival holiday approaches, families will be looking forward [...]
to spending some quality time together—watching
TV, cooking, and lounging on the couch.
在此,我谨代表新加坡中华总商会,衷心感谢杨荣文部长和家人一起出席今天的活动,同时感谢各位嘉宾与我们分 佳节 的 喜悦 ! 新春 之 际 ,让我们共同祝愿我国能够成功申办首届世界青年奥运会,在2010年引领世界的目光聚集狮城。
On this note, I would like to thank Minister George Yeo and
his family for joining us to usher
[...] in the Lunar New Year, and to all guests for sharing this joyous [...]
celebration with us.
印度社区在排灯节期间会制作美味的甜点,中国社区在每 春节 ( 农 历 新 年 ) 会摆开盛大的宴会,而澳大利亚的伊斯兰社区则在斋月结束时举办开斋节。
The Indian community brings out
delicious sweets during Diwali; the
[...] Chinese annual Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) involves sumptuous [...]
banquets; and Australia’s
Islamic community marks the end of Ramadan with the festival of Eid al-Fitr.
由2月8日至17日(14日除外),盛事餐廳為您與家人帶來豐盛豪華的賀年自助晚宴,羅列亞洲及國際美食,冰鎮波士頓龍蝦、生蠔、青口、蟶子,款款新鮮滋味,「芥末燒乳豬」一系列中式地 佳 餚 及 「法式燴牛肉」等西式熱盆帶來無盡美味,其中不乏傳統的「發財好市大利」、「鼎湖竹笙上素」等精選賀年菜式;更有逾三十款的節日糕餅、中西式甜品全程點 新春 美 食之旅!自助晚餐每位為澳門幣438元 (另加10%服務費),查詢及訂座,請電:(853) 8802 2372。
Bond with family and friends as you feast on the signature braised pig’s tongue and dried oysters cooked with black moss aka “fat choy” (homonym for abundant wealth) for good luck, and savor a selection of traditional seafood favorites such as the Boston lobster, fresh oysters, razor clams, and mussels.
在此,我谨代新加坡 中华总商会对林瑞生部长的莅临表示诚挚的感谢,同时也感谢各国外交使节、各界嘉宾和朋友与我们一起欢度国 佳节。
On this joyous note, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Minister Lim Swee Say for joining us this evening, and to all excellencies, distinguished guests and friends for your continued support and presence in our celebrations.
在中国加大压力后,他 又以春节为借口不参加谈判。
When China stepped up pressure, he subsequently cited
[...] the Chinese New Year as an excuse not [...]
to attend negotiations.
吴氏策划2013年的工作有诸多亮点,如世界顶级舞团柏林芭蕾舞团与日内瓦国家大剧院芭蕾舞团将先后造访北京、上海、台北等地;比利时皇家弗拉芒爱乐乐团将 新 任 席 指挥艾度·迪华特的带领下再次访华;中国浙江交响乐团、中国北京京剧院、中国杂技团、上海芭蕾舞团等将陆续踏上海外巡演的征程;第16届中 春节 民 族 音乐会将再次登陆欧洲,在瑞士、德国、捷克三国奉献5场演出;印度交响乐团将首次跨国表演,落地中东地区;北京交响乐团将远赴北美,为吴氏策划打响了进军美洲市场的第一炮。
Flipping through the book, you will find many highlights during the course of year 2013: world renowned dance companies, Staatballet Berlin and Grand Théâtre de Genève will bring their classic program to Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, etc.; Royal Flemish
Philharmonic will tour
[...] China again under its newly appointed chief conductor Edo de Waart; Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Peking Opera Theatre Company of Beijing, China Acrobatic Troupe, Shanghai Ballet etc. will visit abroad and present themselves at the international stage; the 16th Grand Chinese New Year Concert will start its prelude [...]
in Switzerland and
perform in 3 European countries; Symphony Orchestra of India will make its debut in the Middle East which also mark its 1st performance overseas; besides Austria and Czech, Beijing Symphony Orchestra will tour Mexico and USA, which is regarded as the official entry to the American market by Wu Promotion.
海巴戟果汁与一些癌癥化疗药共用,如多柔比星(Adria)、顺铂(CDDP)、5-氟尿嘧啶(5-Fu)和 春新 碱 ( VCR)合用,可以延长患者的生存期和提高治疗效果;果汁中富含多糖物质(noni-ppt),可延长负荷Lewis肺癌小鼠的生命,但不显示直接的细胞毒活性,其抗癌作用是通过免疫 节 机 制 获得的。
Morinda citrifolia fruit
[...] juice and some cancer chemotherapy drugs is common, such as doxorubicin ( Adria ), cisplatin ( CDDP ), 5- fluorouracil ( 5-Fu ) and vincristine ( VCR ) combined, can prolong the survival time and improve the treatment effect; fruit juices rich in polysacch aride substance [...]
(noni-ppt ),
can extend the load Lewis lung cancer in mice life, but does not show a direct cytotoxic activity, its anticancer effects through immune regulation mechanism to obtain.
福斯公司通过参与“世界佳新闻( World’s Best News)”的倡议来促进联合国千年开发项目的工作。
FOSS is helping to promote the work of the UN Millennium Development project through an initiative called the 'World’s Best News'.
每年这个时候,我们都会邀请各界嘉宾、合作伙伴和会员,到总商会欢聚一堂,共 佳节 , 这 是我会历来的传统。
On this occasion every year, it is
our tradition to invite our distinguished guests, business partners and members
[...] to join our festivities at the Chamber.
人权事务高级专员代表秘书长核准可以接受的建议以 及在董事会年度会议期间确定的 佳新 做 法
The High Commissioner for Human Rights approves, on behalf of the
Secretary-General, the recommendations that are
[...] acceptable and the new best practices identified [...]
during the annual session of the Board.
曾获得金马奖佳新人奖 并入围今年金钟奖最佳男主角的杨佑宁,异材黑色西装礼服显得挺拔帅气,袖口间的伯爵黑玛瑙白金袖扣,画龙点睛,衬托出他对于 节 重 视 的不凡品味。
Tony Yang, Former Golden Horse “Best New Actor Award” winner and Golden Bell Award “Best Leading Actor” nominee, was in a handsome black collage suit.
[...] 年,在主要联盟中一直反对黑人的《体育新闻》杂志社向罗宾逊颁发了首个年度 佳新 人 奖
The Sporting News, which had opposed blacks in the major leagues, gave Robinson its first
[...] Rookie of the Year Award in 1947.
其中,郑州市公安局郑新区分 局项目获得了杰出应用大奖,荣鑫盛营运中心中央空调和鹤翔美诺安养中心鹤颜公寓两个项目分别获得了最佳高效强热涡旋技术应用奖和 佳节 能 技 术应用奖。
The Zhengdong New District Branch of Zhengzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Project received an award for Outstanding Application, and Rongxinsheng Operations Center Central Air Conditioning and the Heyan Apartments of Hexiang Meinuo An Yang Center projects won the Best High-Efficiency Scroll Heating Technology Application Award and the Best Energy Efficient [...]
Technology Application Award, respectively.
鐘桶是輕量級的,達到佳流量的春 天。
The bell of the barrel is
[...] lightweight for optimum flow of the spring.
年度內,朝陽中心暨宿舍榮獲深水區區議會、匯豐銀行社區發展基金,獎券基金贊助了一系列的社區活動,包括二零零三國際復康日「深水區活動齊參與」-「齊賀聖誕同歡欣」和深水區公民教育委員會舉辦之「義 新春 探 訪 活動」,藉義工參與讓學員擴闊社交、共 佳 節。
Programmes included the "IDDP - Happy Gathering in Shamshuipo",
"Merry Christmas"
[...] and the "Volunteer Visiting Service at Lunar New Year" organized by Shamshuipo Public Education [...]
Civil Education Committee.
由於新加坡開徵商品及服務稅時經濟 環境佳10 ,新加坡 政 府 最 初只以 3%的 低 稅率徵收商品及服務稅。
The Singapore government introduced GST at a low tax rate of 3%, thanks to the favourable economic environment prevailing at the time of its introduction10 .
代理主席,近日天氣非常寒冷,會令長者覺得很難受,我希望局長 在這新春快將來臨及寒冷的天氣下,為今天及未來的長者帶來真正的 [...]
Deputy President, recently, the weather has been very cold and this is a
hard time for elderly people. I hope that
[...] at this time when New Year will come soon [...]
and the weather is cold, the Secretary
can truly bring warmth to the elderly at present and the elderly in the future, so that everyone can have a happy New Year basking in well-being and happiness.
37 65. 实现建筑物能效可能是佳节能手 段,而且在许多情况下也是最经济的选 择。
Efficiency gains in buildings are likely to provide the greatest energy reductions and in many cases will be the most economical option.
此外,旅游局将继续联同民政总署举办大年初一及初二的贺年活动,于农历新年大年初一在大三巴牌坊广场及议事亭前地举 新春 庆 祝 活动,二百三十八米长的金龙将穿梭多个主要景区巡游,带 节 庆 气氛,展示中国人度岁的传统文化。
Spring Festival celebrations will be held at the
[...] Ruins of St. Paul's and Senado Square on the 1st day of Lunar New Year. A 238-meter-long golden dragon will lead a parade across [...]
major tourist spots
and enrich the festive atmosphere whilst demonstrating the traditional culture of Chinese New Year.
旅游局已发信通知交通事务局, 春节 黄 金 周期间密切留意旅客流量,并视实际需要安排足够的车辆行走莲花桥口岸路线,以便能及时和便捷地疏导旅客,维持相关地区交通的畅顺。
MGTO has sent a letter informing Transport Bureau to pay
close attention to the flow rate of
[...] visitors during the Spring Festival Golden Week and [...]
to arrange sufficient transportation
service for the routes to Lotus Bridge based on practical demands in order to disperse the visitors promptly and maintain smooth traffic in related districts.
文化春节(国 际文化节)自 2006 年、2007 年 3 月起举行并将于 2008 年举行来自世界各地的全球性活动(文化和艺 术),为期一个月,免费向公众开放,通过举行国际性活动(音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、展览、诗歌、辩论等)鼓励密切不 [...]
The Spring of Culture Festival, an international festival held in March [...]
2006 and 2007, and to be held in 2008 presents international
activities (in the fields of culture and the arts) from all over the world. This festival is held for one month, with free entrance to the public, to encourage the rapprochement of cultures through the presentation of international events (music, theatre, dance, exhibitions, poetry, debates, etc.).
红酒:路易亚都宝祖利山庄红葡萄酒(700毫升),瑞士莲巧克力(168克),丹麦蓝罐曲奇(125克),卡芬妮什锦草本园糖果(250克),圣诞装饰品( 春节 时 送,可换成有过年气氛的装饰品)。
Louis Jedot Red Wine(700ml),Kjeldsens Cookies(125g),Lindt Chocolate (168g),Kalfany Candy(250g),Christmas Trimming(change the packaging to Chinese new year for Chinese New Year).
最近舉行的部分大型 推廣活動包括二零零八年十二月五日舉行的一週年倒數及
[...] 倒數鐘啟動儀式;以東亞運為主題的花車參與在二零零九年 一月舉行新春國際 匯演之夜;二零零九年二月舉行的東亞 [...]
運動會籌款音樂會;以及二零零九年三月以東亞運為主題的 香港花卉展覽。
Some major promotional activities that have been held recently included the one-year countdown celebration and launching of countdown
clock on 5 December 2008, EAG float at the
[...] International New Year Night Parade [...]
in January 2009, EAG fund raising concert
in February 2009 and the EAG themed Hong Kong Flower Show in March 2009.
编写了一份全面的报告35 ,人力资源网 2008 年春节 会议 审议了该报告;此后,各组织开会讨论了该报告及其建议,并成立了全球工 [...]
A comprehensive report35 was prepared and considered by the Human
[...] Resources network in spring 2008; since then, [...]
organizations have met to discuss the report
and its recommendations initiating a global work/life balance working group.




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