单词 | 新星 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 新星 noun —star nnova n新星 —nova (astronomy)星星 noun —star nExamples:超新星—supernova 超新星剩余—supernova residue (a type of nebula) See also:星 n—star n • satellite n • saturn n
因此,我特别高兴地看到15位正在崭露头角的阿富汗外 交 新星 将 从外交学院的培训项目以及今年晚些时候由美国国务院在美国主办的培训中获益。 embassyusa.cn | Which is why I am so pleased to see that 15 of Afghanistan’s [...] rising diplomatic stars also will benefit [...]from CFAU’s training, as well as from U.S. [...]State Department-sponsored training in the United States later this year. eng.embassyusa.cn |
最近,報章報道一些支持政府的政黨,原打算派出政 治 新星 參 選 ,但最 後沒有,因為他等候委任為政治助理或其他政治委任的成員。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, there have been reports in the press about some pro-government political [...] parties which originally planned to send [...] their members of the new generation to contest the [...]election eventually withdrawing their [...]plan of doing so, for these members would rather wait to be appointed as political assistants or to other posts by political appointment. legco.gov.hk |
而F1已不仅是一项运动赛事,其已然成为令人目眩神迷、心神向往的活动,且为孕育赛 车 新星 的 幕 后推手。 oris.ch | Formula One also became more than a sport; it became [...] glamorous and the drivers became stars. oris.ch |
新星台选出了五位决 赛者,欧洲广播网的 50 个国家广播电台播出了他们的作品。 unesdoc.unesco.org | New Talents Rostrum elected [...] five finalists whose work has been diffused through 50 national broadcasts from the Euro Radio Networking. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在最近 [...] 30 年中,西班牙涌现出了一批舞蹈新星 : 他 们将西班牙创造的现代 舞蹈推到了一个史无前例的高度。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past 30 years a new group of choreographers [...] has emerged, raising Spanish contemporary dance to unprecedented heights. daccess-ods.un.org |
模特新星Yumi Lambert,这个出现在Chanel春季广告的新面孔,穿着Nina Ricci和Lanvin等充满未来感和东方韵味的设计,为杂志带来了无限优雅。 ba-repsasia.com | Up and coming model Yumi Lambert, who is the new face of Chanel’s [...] spring campaign, graces the magazine’s pages wearing futuristic [...]Eastern pieces by Nina Ricci and Lanvin among others. ba-repsasia.com |
但多年来,研究人员还发现了另一类光亮度 在 新星 与 超 新星 之 间 的爆发,它被称作中间光亮度红色瞬态或ILRTs。 chinese.eurekalert.org | But, over the years, researchers have recognized another class of outbursts with luminosities between those of novae and supernovae, called intermediate-luminosity red transients or ILRTs. chinese.eurekalert.org |
關於第 11 段 (a)(ii)項,150 [...] 萬元的估計費用是用以為安裝工程購置 可升高新星象儀的設備、裝設工作平台、僱用熟練工人,以及購置所 [...]需的物料。 legco.gov.hk | As regards paragraph 11(a)(ii), the estimate [...] of $1.5 million is for procuring [...] equipment to hoist the new Star Projector, setting-up [...]a working platform, employing skilled [...]technicians and procuring materials for the installation work. legco.gov.hk |
影片刚开始时灼烧超新星的使 命救捕获的婴儿从对手的物种。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The film starts out [...] with Scorch Supernova on a mission [...]to rescue captured babies from a rival species. seekcartoon.com |
1998年高红移超新星搜索团队在他带领的研究下首先发表宇宙正在加速膨胀的证据,被《科学杂志》(Science [...] Magazine) 命名为当年最重要的科学突破。 shawprize.org | In 1998, he led the study [...] for the High-Z Supernova Search Team which [...]first reported evidence that the Universe is accelerating. shawprize.org |
吸血鬼兔子遇上咧嘴骷髅,这是时装 新星 Daniel Palillo 的最新前卫街头服饰Never [...] Mind系列。 visitfinland.com | Vampire bunnies meet grinning skulls in Never Mind, the latest collection of contemporary street wear [...] by rising fashion star Daniel Palillo. visitfinland.com |
在結束與F1新星的一 天相處後,愉快的返家。 oris.ch | All in a day’s work for a Formula 1 star! oris.ch |
该乐队由挪威的小号演奏家Tine Thing [...] Helseth小姐牵头组建,她本人也是全球古典音乐界一颗正在冉冉升起 的 新星。 norway.org.cn | The group was formed by the Norwegian trumpeter, Ms. Tine Thing [...] Helseth, a rising star in the classical [...]music world. norway.cn |
由2009年开始,当Beyonce在MTV欧洲音乐大奖中以一套充满个人风格的黑色晚装亮相后,年轻的格鲁吉亚设计师David Koma瞬即备受注目,成为时装界的新星。 joyce.com | Ever since 2009, when Beyonce appeared at the MTV EMA [...] Awards in one of his [...] statement black dresses, young Georgian designer David Koma was immediately earmarked as one to watch. joyce.com |
現年三十三歲的Marlène Mocquet , 是當今藝術界崛起的新星。 frenchmay.com | Marlène Mocquet, at 33 years [...] old, is a rising star in the art world. frenchmay.com |
卢旺达出生的科尔内耶16岁时,他的演唱和音乐才能就得到了本国电视 “新星奖”的承认。 wipo.int | At the age of 16, Corneille’s talent as a singer and musician was recognized in the televised Discovery Awards of his native Rwanda. wipo.int |
正因如此,品牌特别邀请来自世界各地的传媒,齐聚于智利巴拉纳的沙漠中央,一同见证IWC万国表一 颗 新星 诞 生。 iwc.com | Reason enough, then, to invite media professionals from all over the world to the unveiling of the new star in IWC’s firmament at a venue just as unusual as the watch itself: at Paranal, in the middle of the Chilean desert. iwc.com |
BeppoSAX配有X射线相机,可以观测伽玛射线暴发生后的 [...] X射线余辉,并精确地确定其位置,从而使天文学家第一次能够用地面的光学望远镜对伽玛射线暴进行观察,证认出射线暴来自河外星系,也第一次证认出伽玛射线暴来自 超 新星 爆 发 ,证明了其宇宙学起源。 shawprize.org | An X-ray camera aboard BeppoSAX measured accurate positions of the X-ray afterglows of GRBs that enabled observers using ground-based optical telescopes to make the first identification [...] of a GRB with a distant galaxy and the first identification of [...] a GRB with a supernova explosion, confirming [...]their cosmological origin. shawprize.org |
除了研究日冕洞和 1a 型超新星的科学目标以外,该观测台还有一个雄心勃勃的各层次天文 [...] 学教育和文化方案。 neutrino.aquaphoenix.com | In addition to its scientific goals of studying solar coronal holes [...] and type 1a Supernovae, the Observatory [...]has a strong educative and cultural programme in astronomy at all levels. neutrino.aquaphoenix.com |
该超新星,然 后交由成一个黑洞,箭落水漂移丢失,吉姆责备自己没能获得的生命线,而事实上箭头的线被切断一个无情的昆虫一样船员名为嘎嘎的响声(迈克尔·温考特)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The supernova then devolves into [...] a black hole, where Arrow drifts overboard and is lost, for which Jim blames himself for [...]failing to secure the lifelines, while in fact Arrow’s line was cut by a ruthless insectoid crew member named Scroop (Michael Wincott). seekcartoon.com |
30歲的堤伯肯恩是當今矚目的鋼琴 新星 , 現為英國廣播公司(BBC)重點推介的「新世代藝術家」(New Generation Artist) 。 hkphil.org | 30-year-old Cédric Tiberghien is currently receiving exceptional exposure in the UK as one of the leading artists of the BBC New Generation Artists scheme. hkphil.org |
Steven Krasicki是悉尼香格里拉大酒店Altitude餐厅的行政主厨,是悉尼未来的烹 饪 新星 之 一。 shangri-la.com | Executive Chef Steven Krasicki is one of [...] Sydney's up and coming stars who joined Shangri-La [...]Hotel, Sydney's Altitude Restaurant. shangri-la.com |
宇宙无穷无尽的力量和距离,以及脉 冲 星 、 新星 和 黑 洞等数之不尽的天文现象,都教我为之着迷。 iwc.com | I’m totally fascinated by the immeasurable forces and distances in the cosmos, and the countless phenomena to be found there such as pulsars, novas and black holes. iwc.com |
Anderson是伦敦的设计新星,3年前首次展示了他的男装系列,去年2月展示了女装系列。 ba-repsasia.com | Anderson is the latest talent to come out of London, having shown his first menswear collection just three years ago and his first womenswear collection this past February. ba-repsasia.com |
居住在洛杉矶的艺术家 Alex [...] Prager 是一颗在摄影界迅速崛起的闪亮新星 , 其 作品以画面的尖锐感和大胆色彩著称,并深受通俗小说以及希区柯克和大卫·林奇等导演的电影传统的影响。 bottegaveneta.com | LA-based artist Alex Prager, [...] a fast-rising star in the world of [...]photography, is known for sharp, boldly colored images inspired [...]by pulp fiction and the cinematic conventions of such directors as Alfred Hitchcock and David Lynch. bottegaveneta.com |
星光公司成立于1985年,现有汕头市星光塑胶有限公司、汕头 市 新星 光 塑胶有限公司、汕头市乐途文具有限公司等企业。 st3d.com | STARLIGHT Company was founded in 1985, consisting of: Shantou Starlight Plastics Co. st3d.com |
2011年6月,该片又在上海国际电影节举行了国际首映礼,影片女主演朱琳因其在该片中的首次触电获得上海国际电影节亚洲新人奖,从而确立了其中国影 坛 新星 的 地 位。 china.embassy.gov.au | In June 2011, the film received its international premiere at the Shanghai International Film Festival, with lead actress Zhu Lin receiving the Shanghai International Film Festival [...] Asian New Talent Award, firming her place as one [...] of China’s rising new stars after her debut [...]performance in “33 POSTCARDS”. china.embassy.gov.au |
新的切伦科夫望远镜以伽马射线频谱显示天空景象。这打开了一个观察高质量黑洞、 类 星 体 、 超 新星 残 余 物——宇宙中最高能量放射源的窗口。 schaeffler.cn | The new Cherenkov telescope, which displays an image of the heavens in the gamma ray spectrum, opens a window to the extremely high-mass black holes, microquasars and the remains of supernovas – the highest-energy radiation sources in the universe. schaeffler.com |
4英寸显示屏新星是一 个市场第一,提供最佳的知名度还提供了对电力消耗减少50%相比,使用时,液晶显示屏室内标准,而700尼特的亮度。 technologeeko.com | The 4-inch Nova display is a first to the market, offering 700 nits of brightness for optimal visibility whilst also offering a 50% reduction on power consumption when used indoors in comparison to a standard LCD display. technologeeko.com |