

单词 新挑战

See also:

挑战 n

challenges pl
challenge n
dare n

carry on a shoulder pole
dig up


choose v
stir up v


war n
battle n

External sources (not reviewed)

在地区和 全球层面,计划干预的主要内容是为应 新挑战 而 进 行的展望、政策对话和准则性行动。
At the regional and global level, the main thrust
of programme interventions was on foresight, policy dialogue and normative
[...] action to address new and emerging challenges.
理事会强调,高专办需要吸收在和平进程中开展人权工作所得到的经验教 训,制定战略性应急计划,准备应对该地区出现 新挑战。
The Board emphasized the need for the Office to develop strategic contingency plans drawing from experience and lessons
learned in the course of its human rights work in peace processes to prepare to
[...] tackle emerging challenges in the region.
在其新挑战和新问题方面,气候变化适应和缓解 所涉财政问题以及加强发展筹资后续进程的必要性在议程上占有显著位置。
Among other new challenges and emerging issues, [...]
the financial implications of climate change adaptation and mitigation and
the need to strengthen the financing for development follow-up process featured prominently on the agenda.
1. 鼓励成员国按照要求审查现行的政策和体制,确保这些政策和体制能针对并 有效解决与农业部门的适应和减缓努力相关 新挑战。
1. encouraged member countries to review existing policies and institutions, as required, to ensure
their relevance and effectiveness in
[...] addressing emerging challenges related to adaptation [...]
and mitigation in agriculture sectors.
为解决这一缺陷问题,常 设论坛为其 2007
[...] 年届会选择了特别主题:“气候变化,生物文化多样性和生计: 土著人民的管理作用新挑战。
In order to address this gap, the Permanent Forum chose as the special theme for its 2007 session:
“Climate change, biocultural diversity and livelihoods: the stewardship role of
[...] indigenous peoples and new challenges”.
根据大会关于“教科文组织关于不同文明间对话活动的新视角,其中特别包括新德里 部长会议的后续活动”的第 32 C/47
[...] 号决议,教科文组织将应对不同文化间和不同文明间对 话方面新挑战,特 别是在全球化的情况下,在本组织各领域里采取具体行动,引入创新模 [...]
In pursuit of 32 C/Resolution 47 of the General Conference on “New Perspectives in UNESCO’s activities pertaining to the dialogue among civilizations, including in particular followup to the New
Delhi Ministerial Conference”, UNESCO
[...] will respond to new challenges to the dialogue [...]
among cultures and civilizations, especially
in the context of globalization, through concrete action in each of UNESCO’s domains and introducing innovative modalities and approaches.
在此方面,为了加强征聘、 外联和职业发展科目前应对这 新挑战 的 能 力,并考虑到履行这些与外地行动实 施 Inspira [...]
系统有关职能的将是征聘、外联和职业发展科而不是指导和组织设计 科,拟议调动人力资源干事(1 个 P-4、1 个 P-3)和人力资源助理(1
个一般事务(其 他职等))3 个续设员额至总部征聘、外联和职业发展科履行这些职责。
In this context, in order to strengthen the current capacity of the Recruitment,
Outreach and Career Development Section
[...] to address these new challenges, and given that the [...]
functions related to the implementation
of Inspira for field operations are to be carried out by the Recruitment, Outreach and Career Development Section rather than the Guidance and Organizational Design Section, it is proposed that three continuing posts, of Human Resources Officer (1 P-4 and 1 P-3) and Human Resources Assistant (1 GS (OL)) be redeployed to the Recruitment, Outreach and Career Development Section at Headquarters to assume these responsibilities.
[...] 绕“孤岛”式单个问题建立的分散机构;领导力不足,同时缺乏政治空间;没有 适新挑战和危 机的灵活性;未就挑战和机遇进行预测和规划——所有这些均既 [...]
In reality, however, the norm is too often one of fragmented institutions established around single-issue “silos”; deficits in terms of both leadership and
political space; lack of flexibility
[...] in adapting to new kinds of challenges and crises; and [...]
a failure to anticipate and plan
for both challenges and opportunities — all of which undermine both policymaking and delivery on the ground.
最后,报告指出马尔代夫争取实现这些新目标和应 新挑战 的 方 式 以及人权理事会领导下的国际人权界可如何为此提供协助。
Finally, it outlines ways in which the Maldives will try to
[...] address these new goals and challenges, and how the international [...]
human rights community,
led by the Human Rights Council, could assist in this regard.
(d) 将就以下主题举行高级别互动专题辩论:为最不发达国家的发展和全球 伙伴关系调动资源;加强最不发达国家私营部门的生产能力和作用;利用贸易促
[...] 进最不发达国家的发展和变革;人力和社会发展、性别平等和赋予妇女权力;减 少脆弱性、应新挑战并加 强最不发达国家的粮食安全;以及各级善政。
(d) The high-level interactive thematic debates will be on the following themes: resource mobilization for least developed countries’ development and global partnership; enhancing productive capacities and the role of the private sector in least developed countries; harnessing trade for least developed countries’ development and transformation; human and social development, gender equality and empowerment of
women; reducing vulnerabilities,
[...] responding to emerging challenges and enhancing food [...]
security in least developed countries;
and good governance at all levels.
生育率高居不下造成的高人口增长使 得对现有资源的需求越来越大,降低了各国政府应 新挑战 的 能 力。
High population growth resulting from sustained high
fertility imposes increasing demands on existing resources and reduces the capacity of
[...] Governments to respond to new challenges.
[...] 5,主席邀请各国报告其执行《北京行动纲要》所 取得的进展,并就良好做法、存在的障碍和面临 新挑战 交 流 意见。
Taking up agenda item 5, the Chairperson invited countries to report on their
progress towards the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and share good
[...] practices, obstacles and new challenges.
一项题为《区域货币合作和促进增长的政策:拉丁美洲和加 勒比地区新挑战》的 研究称,区域经济合作及一体化安排可能会发挥日益重大 [...]
的作用,帮助各国和国际决策者应对变幻莫测的全球化经济及全球发展的重大挑 战。
The study, Regional Monetary Cooperation and Growth-Enhancing
[...] Policies: The new challenges for Latin America [...]
and the Caribbean states that regional
economic cooperation and integration arrangements are likely to play an increasingly prominent role in helping policymakers at the national and international levels cope with the vicissitudes of a globalized economy and in meeting key global development challenges.
(g) 建立一个以人为中心、包容性强的信息社会,为所有人民提供更多数字 机会,以便有助于弥合数字鸿沟,挖掘信息和通信技术潜力,为发展服务,并落 实信息社会世界首脑会议日内瓦阶段的成果,确保将于 2005 年 11 月在突尼斯举 行的首脑会议第二阶段取得成功,以此迎接信息社会 新挑战 ; 在 这方面,我们 欢迎设立数字团结基金,鼓励为该基金自愿捐款。
( g ) Building a people-centred and inclusive information society so as to enhance digital opportunities for all people in order to help bridge the digital divide, putting the potential of information and communication technologies at the service of development and addressing new challenges of the information society by implementing the outcomes of the Geneva phase of the World Summit on the Information Society and ensuring the success of the second phase of the Summit, to be held in Tunis in November 2005; in this regard, we welcome the establishment of the Digital Solidarity Fund and encourage voluntary contributions to its financing.
正是通过充分利用这些新工具,1540 委员会将提高其 能力,我们也将得以真正帮助那些正在防止扩散并适 应该领新挑战的国家。
It is by making full use of those new instruments that the 1540 Committee will see its capacities improved and that
we will be able to offer real help to countries in fighting
[...] proliferation and adapting to new challenges in that realm.
鉴于大会作出的决定和提供的指导,并注意到大会十分重视保护国际人口与 发展会议的成就,应对人口与发展方面 新挑战 和 不 断变化的发展环境,以及进 一步将人口与发展议程纳入与发展有关的全球进程,主席团建议,项目 [...]
5 下的一 般性辩论应重点关注如何支持会议所取得的成就,其总体主题是人口、经济持续
增长和可持续发展之间的相互关系,以及确保将人口与发展议程纳入全球主要发 展进程,特别是即将在 2012 年举行的联合国可持续发展大会的方式。
In view of the decisions taken and the guidance provided by the General Assembly, and noting the stress that the General Assembly placed on the importance of protecting the achievements of the International
Conference on Population and
[...] Development, responding to new challenges relevant to population [...]
and development and to the changing
development environment, and reinforcing the integration of the population and development agenda in global processes related to development, the Bureau suggested that the general debate under item 5 focus on how to buttress the achievements of the Conference, whose overall theme was the interrelationship of population, sustained economic growth and sustainable development, as well as on ways of ensuring that the population and development agenda would be integrated into key global processes related to development, in particular the forthcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, to be held in 2012.
[...] 于令人遗憾的行动和重大失败的报告——比如卢旺 达和斯雷布雷尼察悲剧之后的报告——出来之后,才 寻求解决困扰着我们新挑战。
It is our fervent hope that this time we will not need to have a new generation of reports on regrettable operations and major failures — such as
those that followed the tragedies in Rwanda and Srebrenica — before we
[...] seek solutions to the new challenges besetting us.
他相信,拖欠摊款的国家能够尽力缴纳应缴 未缴摊款,从而使本组织能够坚定地应 新挑战 和威 胁,完成各项任务。
He trusted that States in arrears would make every effort to pay their outstanding
assessments, thus allowing the Organization to
[...] respond more firmly to new challenges and threats and [...]
implement mandated activities.
美国权威航空杂志《航空周刊》(Aviation Week)今日(3月7日)举行了2012年 新挑战 奖 颁 奖仪式,表彰航空业内最佳且能改变游戏规则的创新。
Aviation Week, an authoritative
aviation magazine in the U.S., held the
[...] 2012 Innovation Challenge (IC) Awards ceremony [...]
today (March 7th) in recognition of
best-in-class and game-changing innovations in the aviation industry.
会议侧重讨论受气候变 化、有组织犯罪和流行病影响造成的人口流离失所问题,以及有可能影响国际安 全的各新挑战,同 时侧重讨论安理会如何更好地做好准备,从预防冲突的角度 出发,研究如何应对这些问题及其 新挑战。
The meeting focused on displacements of populations affected by the impact of climate
change, organized
[...] crime and pandemics as new challenges that may affect international security and on how the Council could be better prepared to deal with these issues and other emerging challenges in a conflict prevention [...]
在黎巴嫩,逃离叙利亚冲突的巴勒斯坦难民面 新挑战
In Lebanon, Palestinian refugees fleeing conflict in the Syrian
[...] Arab Republic face new challenges
确认实现 2001 年《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》和 2006 年《关 于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》中设定的关键指标和目标的最后期限已过,
[...] 需要以过去十年的重大进展为基础,通过恢复活力的、持久的防治艾滋病毒和艾 滋病工作来应对前进的障碍新挑战 , 重 新 承 诺实现这些指标和目标,并承诺实 现远大和可实现的新目标
Recognize that the deadlines for achieving key targets and goals set out in the 2001 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the 2006 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS have now expired, while noting with deep concern that many countries have been unable to fulfil their pledges to achieve them, and stress the urgent need to recommit to those targets and goals and commit to new, ambitious and achievable targets and goals building on the impressive advances of the past
ten years and addressing barriers to
[...] progress and new challenges through a revitalized [...]
and enduring HIV and AIDS response
不过,由于这新挑战需要 大规模的投资和新 技术,因此南南合作只能对南北合作和其他更为传统的合作起到补充作用。
[...] because these new challenges require largescale investment and new technologies, [...]
South–South cooperation can only
complement North–South cooperation and other, more traditional, forms of cooperation.
总的来说,与运输和贸易所面临各种全球 新挑战 有 关 的陈述和讨论表 明,能源、运输费用和气候变化的关系是相当密切的,涉及一系列复杂和不断变 [...]
Overall, the presentations and discussions relating to the various
[...] emerging global challenges facing transport [...]
and trade showed that the nexus between
energy, transport costs and climate change was a strong one which involved a complex and dynamic set of interrelationships and feedback mechanisms.
Finally, in order
[...] to address these new challenges, donors and developing [...]
countries need to find new ways of working together more effectively.
事实上,鉴于即将到来的挑战,在 未来 5 至 10 年,高级监测和评价干事应
继续在帮助多边基金更高效、有效地开展工作方面发挥极为重要的作用,具体方法是,通 过为多边基金战略规划、优先事项确定以及预算分配工作提供反馈意见;以及帮助多边基
[...] 金进行学习并逐步进入变革时期,确保对氟氯烃淘汰活动管理可能带来 新挑战 做 出 有效 的体制和组织应对。
In fact, in view of the coming challenges the role of the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer should continue to be of great importance over the next 5-10 years to help the Multilateral Fund work more efficiently and effectively, by providing feedback for Multilateral Fund strategic planning, priority setting and budget allocation; and helping the Multilateral Fund to learn and evolve in a period of change, ensuring
effective institutional and organizational
[...] responsiveness to the new challenges that the HCFC phase-out [...]
management may present.
一些安理会成员建议,需要开展进一步的对话,研 究安理会如何根据《宪章》在充分尊重各机构能力的情况下应对这 新挑战。
Some Council members suggested that further dialogue is needed on how the Council can deal with these emerging challenges in full respect for the competences of each organ, in accordance with the Charter.
但应该指出的是,执行委员会在同意现行行政费用制度时,还敦促执行机构力争最优 化利用这些支助费用,同时考虑到第 VIII/4
[...] 号决定中的目标,认识到在履约期内实施项目 中出现新挑战需要 执行机构给予足够的支持(第 38/68 (c)号决定)。
It should be noted, however, that in agreeing the current administrative cost regime, the Executive Committee urged implementing agencies to strive toward achieving optimization of these support costs, taking into
account the goal in Decision VIII/4,
[...] recognizing that new challenges in the implementation [...]
of projects during the compliance
period would require substantial support from implementing agencies (Decision 38/68 (c)).
期待在 2010
[...] 年举行的妇女地位委员会第五十四届会议期间进行《北京行动 纲要》执行情况十五年审查以及大会第二十三届特别会议成果落实情况审查,强 调应分享经验和良好做法以便克服剩余障碍 新挑战 , 包 括与实现千年发展目标 有关的障碍新挑战
Looking forward to the fifteen-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the review of the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, emphasizing the sharing of experiences and good
practices, with a view
[...] to overcoming remaining obstacles and new challenges, including those related to the Millennium [...]
Goals, which will take place during the fifty-fourth session of the Commission on the Status of Women, in 2010
广大发展中国家 发展资金不足、技术手段缺乏、能力建设不够的问
[...] 题亟待解决,金融危机、地区局势动荡、粮食危机、 自然灾害新挑战层出 不穷,可持续发展事业面临 更为艰巨和复杂的形势。
While problems besetting the developing countries, such as lack of finance,
technology and capacity, required urgent
[...] solution, multiple new challenges had emerged, such [...]
as financial and food crises, regional
unrest and natural disasters, making the pursuit of sustainable development even more difficult.




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