

单词 新慕道团

External sources (not reviewed)

除了争夺首三名个人团体组 的奖项,一杆进洞的幸运球手也能开走一辆 慕 娘 摩 哆 新 加 坡 私人有限公司(Borneo Motors (S) Pte Ltd) 所赞助的 Lexus GS300 轿车。
Besides competing for the top three teams and individual awards, lucky golfers who strike the "Hole-in-One" grand prize will drive away a Lexus GS300 luxury car sponsored by Borneo Motors (S) Pte Ltd.
此外,道 德操守办公室同人力资源管理厅密切协作, 新道德 操 守培训的内容,并将其归入工作人员正常培训的主 流,确保对道德操守培训加以协调,并争取满足不同 工作人员群体和特团的具体需求。
Furthermore, the Ethics Office had worked closely with the Office of Human
Resources Management to
[...] update the contents of ethics training and to mainstream it into regular staff training, to ensure that ethics training was coordinated and addressed the specific needs of different groups of staff and missions.
这为我们新的视角去理解、保护和尊重文化遗产,以及认可发现、 规定、再创造和传递非物质遗产的社群 团 体 , 铺平 道 路。
It paves the way for new approaches to understanding, protecting and respecting our cultural heritage – involving the recognition of communities and groups as those who identify, [...]
enact, recreate
and transmit the intangible heritage.
堂区慕道团应加 强彼此间的关系和沟通,如堂区牧职人员或牧民议会成员定期探访,介绍堂区近况、邀请慕道者参加堂区活动及为慕道者进行家访等,堂区神父更好担 慕道团 的 成员,以便多与导师及慕道者接触。
The relationship and communication between the
[...] parish and the catechumenate should be strengthened, e.g. members of pastoral team or parish pastoral council should visit the catechumenate periodically, and share the recent development of the parish, invite catechumens to take part in parish activities and to conduct home visits to the catechumens etc. Parish [...]
priests are encouraged
to be visiting speakers in the catechumenate, as to have more contacts with the catechumens.
委员会多数成员表示支持伊拉克观察员代团 的申诉,指出如果该组织不道新法 律 或这已经解散,并且没有在伊拉克当局注 册,根本不可能在实地开展活动。
The majority of Committee members voiced support for the complaint made by the
observer for Iraq, noting
[...] that if the organization was unaware of the new law or had been dissolved, and had [...]
not even been registered
with the competent Iraqi authorities, it could not possibly be active on the ground.
2.1 联合国内罗毕办事处是秘书长在内罗毕的代表办事处,履行与内罗毕的各常 驻代团、东道国和 其他国家政府、政府间组织和非政府组织以及肯尼亚境内联 合国系统其他组织的代表和联络职能;便利联合国与各区域组织的合作;为联合 国环境规划署(环境署)和联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)提供行政和其他支助 服务;为设在肯尼亚的联合国系统其他组织酌情提供合办共同服务;管理和实施 行政、会议事务新闻方 案,并为联合国内罗毕办事处的联合国工作人员和设施 提供安全保障。
2.1 The United Nations Office at Nairobi serves as the representative office of the Secretary-General in Nairobi and performs representation and liaison functions with permanent missions, the host-country and other Governments, and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations in Nairobi, as well as other organizations of the United Nations system in Kenya; facilitates cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations; provides administrative [...]
and other support services to the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat); provides joint and common services to other organizations of the United Nations system in Kenya, as applicable; and manages and implements the programmes of administration, conference services and public information and provides security and safety services for United Nations staff and facilities in the United Nations Office at Nairobi.
作为慕道团一分子,陪谈员一方面可以和慕道团导师合作,减轻导师工作量;另一方面,也可为陪谈员提供再慕道培育的机会,他们日后更可成 慕道团 导 师 的人选,并协助跟 新 教 友 组成的信仰小团体。
As part of the catechumenate, the sponsors on the one hand cooperate with catechists, thence lessening their work load; on the other
hand, it could be an
[...] occasion of catechism review for the sponsors, so that in future these will become potential catechists, and can assist in the follow up of small communities of faith formed by the newly baptized.
在慕道的过程中,应培育慕道者对信仰小团体的意识和经验,并鼓励他们于领洗后加入堂区的信仰小团体,定时相聚,分享圣言,将信仰配合于生活经验和挑战中,或由新教友组 新 的 信仰 小 团 体 , 延续 慕道 过 程中的经验和成长。
They should also let the newly baptized faithful to form new small
communities of faith, and to continue their experience
[...] found during the period of catechumenate, so as to mature in faith.
应培慕道者阅读书籍(包括圣经、公教报及灵修书籍)、参加不 团 体 举 办的信仰培育活动、参加堂区礼仪生活的习惯,特别是四旬期和圣周的礼仪。
They should be encouraged to read books (including the Bible, Kung Kao Po and spiritual books), to take part
[...] activities of Christian formation organized by different groups, to acquire a habit to participate in liturgical life [...]
of the
parish, especially in the liturgy of Lent and the Holy Week.
美国最大新教团体, 美南浸信会,拥抱基督教原则;的福音派的其他组件包括Pentecostalists,有魅力的重建(包括罗马天主教翼),阿民念主义,圣洁的教会,保守confessionalists如路德教会,密苏里州主教,以及许多黑人浸信会,以及独立的“信念使命”,如跨瓦西 团 契 , 学园 道 会 , 世界展望教派部委。
The largest US Protestant body, the Southern Baptist Convention, embraces Evangelical tenets; other components of
[...] Evangelicalism include Pentecostalists, the Charismatic Renewal (including its Roman Catholic wing), Arminian-Holiness churches, conservative confessionalists such as the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and numerous black Baptists, as well as independent "faith missions" and interdenominational ministries such as Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Campus Crusade for Christ, and World Vision.
慕道过程中,着重培慕道者积极活泼的信仰观,避免单向和授课的形式(例如透过专题研习的形式),内容不单只灌输道理上的知识,还要透 团 体 的 分享,强调圣言和生活的整合,并以此为日后信仰小团体的刍型,以祈祷礼仪、圣言、服务及生活实践和见证作为基本要素。
With regard
[...] to content, it should not be merely a transference of knowledge, but should be communicated through a form of group sharing, where emphasis should be given to the integration of the Word and daily living, and such group would serve as a [...]
preliminary form of small
community of faith, the basic components of which are liturgical prayer, the Word, service, and faith put into practice as well as giving testimony.
不过,在这个问题上,美国新政府将走一 新道 路。 美国和联军部队、国际外交使团、援 助工作人员以及 联合国伊拉克援助团 (联伊援助团)的工作人员都致 力于建设伊拉克和平、安全和稳定的未来,他们的表 现出色,我们向他们取得的成就和作出的牺牲表示敬 意。
The American and coalition troops, the international diplomatic corps, aid workers and the staff of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), who are all focused on building a future of peace, security and stability in Iraq, have performed magnificently, and we salute their accomplishments and sacrifices.
以前曾报告(A/AC.109/2008/10,第 66 段),团结和种族平等委员会实施国 家合作伙伴关系举措,通过由慕大 公 民根除种族主义(一个基层非政府组织)赞 助的计划打击种族主义,促进消除种族歧视;并且与百慕大政府内阁合作,发起 [...]
As previously
[...] reported (see A/AC.109/2008/10, para. 66) Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda (CURE) has engaged national partnership [...]
initiatives to fight
racism and promote the elimination of racial discrimination in schemes sponsored by Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda, a grass-roots non-governmental organization and partnered with the Cabinet of the Government of Bermuda in organizing the Bermuda race relations initiative.
委员会也关切地注意到,复员之后 在该国某些地方出现新团体的 操作类似已 道 的 准 军事组合的行动方式。
The Committee also notes with concern information
[...] to the effect that acts by new groups that have emerged in various [...]
parts of the country after
the demobilization process began are consistent with the modus operandi of those paramilitary groups.
慕尼黑化工团瓦克在美国明尼阿波利斯医疗用品设计及制造展览会(MD&M)上将展出三个用于医疗领域的有机硅产品系列: [...]
SILPURAN® UR 7000液体硅橡胶, SILPURAN® UR 9020 固体硅橡胶和室温交联型产品系列SILPURAN® UR 34xx。
The Munich-based WACKER Group will be exhibiting [...]
at the Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD&M) Minneapolis exposition to
present three new silicone product lines for medical applications: the liquid and solid silicone rubber grades SILPURAN® UR 7000 and SILPURAN® UR 9020 as well as the room-temperature-curing SILPURAN® UR 34xx.
待遷冊完成後,本公司建議採納符合 慕 達 法例 之 新 存 續 大綱及公司細則,以取代本 公司之現有組織章程大綱及章程細則。
Subject to the completion of the Change of Domicile, the
[...] Company proposes to adopt a new memorandum of continuance [...]
and Bye-laws in compliance with
Bermuda laws to replace the existing memorandum and articles of association of the Company.
假体准备的经验教训(小高考)和账面从祭品到祭坛(大门口)成为庄严的游行,但礼仪纲要:他们解雇 慕道 者 和 群众,在一长串;照应开头的单词“正确和公正的”,并桑克蒂斯中断了;院校的话; [...]
The preparation for the lessons (the little Entrance) and the carrying of the oblation from the Prothesis to the altar (the great Entrance) become solemn
processions, but the outline of the liturgy: the
[...] Mass of the Catechumens and their dismissal; [...]
the litany; the Anaphora beginning
with the words "Right and just" and interrupted by the Sanctus; the words of Institution; Anamimnesis, Epiklesis and Supplication for all kinds of people at that place; the Elevation with the words "Holy things to the holy"; the Communion distributed by the bishop and deacon (the deacon having the chalice); and then the final prayer and dismissal–this order is characteristic of all the Syrian and Palestinian uses, and is followed in the derived Byzantine liturgies.
我们一直致力于了解本地客户的需求,如今我们已拥有一支本地的研发团队,能够对这些需求作出响应,”艾默生过程管理流量业务部, 团 副 总裁 Larry Flatt 谈道,“新的研 发中心对我们现有的制造和配送中心是一个补充,将研发工程师与市场、制造和供应链资源放在同一个地方,这种强有力的人才整合将大大增强我们推出创新型解决方案的能力,为我们的客户创造价值并为他们带来无与伦比的工厂绩效。
We continuously strive to understand local customer requirements and now have the ability to respond to those needs with a local design team," said Larry Flatt, Emerson Process Management, vice president, Flow Group.
另一方面,瓦克在2010年新成立的慕 尼 黑 工业大学基金会提供了25万欧元的赞助 参见大学一节。
WACKER also contributed €250,000
[...] in 2010 to the newly established university foundation at the Technical University of Munich see Universities.
根據臨機局在這方面進行的比較,赤 角亦是處於㆗位:比希斯路機場第 4 號 客運大廈略多,與曼谷機場及南新 機 場 差不多; 慕 尼 黑 新 機 場少,而比日本成田 機場第 2 號客運大廈及新加坡樟宜機場少得多。
The comparison conducted by the Provisional Airport Authority shows Chek Lap Kok again positioned in the middle of the range: it provides slightly more space than Heathrow Terminal 4,
about the same space as
[...] Bangkok and the new airport in South Korea; less space than the new airport in Munich and considerably [...]
less space than Terminal
2 at Narita in Japan and at Changi in Singapore.
随着联阿援团新领 导层的任命,预算增加获得 批准,以及将招募权特别委托权授予联阿援助团,重 要参数已经确立,从而为联阿援团 在 实地 重 新 焕发 活力铺道路。
With the new UNAMA leadership team appointed, the budget increase approved and the granting of special delegation of recruitment authority to the Mission, important parameters have been set that pave the way for re-energizing [...]
UNAMA on the ground.
Alios拥有一支由经验丰富的科学家和临床研究人员组成的 新团 队 ,他们正在针对几种对公共健康至关重要的人类病毒病原体(包括肝性病毒和呼 道 病 毒 )以及其他慢性、急性和新出现的病毒性疾病开发直接作用的抗病毒药。
Alios has an innovative team of highly experienced scientists and clinical researchers who are developing direct acting antiviral agents against several [...]
human viral pathogens of public health
importance including hepatotropic and respiratory viruses, and other chronic, acute and emerging viral diseases.
慕道团导师 要鼓励慕道者从教会社会训导的原则反省日常生活中所遇到的问题,例如透过专题研习的方式,使慕道者可以较深入地探讨和反省信仰及生活。
Catechists should encourage catechumens to reflect on [...]
the problems of daily living based on the principles of the Church's
social teaching, It can be conducted in the form of a seminar on specific topics, in order to enable catechumens to investigate deeper into and reflect on the challenges faced by faith and daily living.
较早时教区会议代表给该等决议案选出十项优次,涉及深化教友的培育、推广信仰 团 体 、改 善 慕道 班 、 促进基督化的婚姻及家庭生活、在堂区及天主教学校推广青少年的牧民服务、加强教会领导者及一般教友对社会正义的关注、积极向外教人士福传,以及成立一所本地的天主教大学。
These priorities aimed at deepening the
Christian formation of the lay people;
[...] promoting the catechumenate, basic ecclesial communities [...]
and Christian marriage and family
life; youth ministry in parishes and Catholic schools; more involvement in social justice issues by Church leaders and other Church members; active participation in evangelization; the establishing of a local Catholic university.
在整个礼仪的编译器假设,这是制定了由使徒,他告诉我们哪些句子插入使徒每个单独的组成部分,例如:“我,詹姆斯,约翰的兄弟西庇太的儿子,说,执事会说在一次:'没 慕道 者 之 一,'“等使徒宪法的第二本书包含一纲一礼仪(即很难超过表)本几乎都是一致的。
Throughout this liturgy the compiler supposes that it was drawn up by the Apostles and he inserts sentences telling us which Apostle composed each separate part, for instance: "And I, James, brother of John the son of Zebedee,
say that the deacon shall say at once:
[...] 'No one of the catechumens,'" etc. The second [...]
book of the Apostolic Constitutions
contains the outline of a liturgy (hardly more than the rubrics) which practically coincides with this one.
董事建議透過撤銷在開曼群島之註冊及根據百慕達法例以獲豁免公司形式存續,將本 公司之註冊地點由開曼群島更改為百慕達,並採納符合 慕 達 法例 之 新 存 續 大綱及公司細 則,以取代本公司之現有組織章程大綱及章程細則。
The Directors propose to change the domicile of the Company from the Cayman Islands to Bermuda by way of de-registration in the Cayman Islands and continuation as an exempted company
under the laws of
[...] Bermuda and to adopt a new memorandum of continuance and Bye-laws in compliance with Bermuda laws to replace [...]
the existing memorandum
and articles of association of the Company.




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