

单词 新开始



start afresh

See also:

新开 adv

newly adv

开始 n

commence n
commencement n
inception n

External sources (not reviewed)

只需 要把膜的末端放在一个特定的位置, 机器会自动的接膜并新开始新的循 环。
On fitting a new reel, simply place the end of the film in position and the machine
will automatically splice the film and restart
[...] operations with the new reel when the end of [...]
the previous one is reached.
[...] 投票中心,投票延误了几个小时,以便让州高级委员会处理有关问题,之后新 开始投票
In some cases where polling centres received the wrong ballot papers,
polling was delayed for a few hours to enable the State High Committees to address the
[...] problem, after which polling resumed.
南美洲国家联盟国家元首和政府首脑最近请秘书长新 开始在这方面的努力(见 A/AC.109/2011/SR.6)。
The Heads of State and Government of the Union of South American Nations had recently asked the Secretary-General to renew his efforts in that regard (see A/AC.109/2011/SR.6).
在几乎四年之后新开始的 调查不能称为有效调查。
The restarting of the investigation after [...]
the lapse of three years did not constitute an effective investigation.
这些协定之所以新开始施行,并不是因为嗣后协定,而是因为导致其 被中止的情况已消失。
Such agreements became operational again, not because of subsequent agreement, but because of the disappearance of the conditions which resulted in their suspension in the first place.
[...] 方式包括建立基于法治的民主社会;通过充分处理过去的侵犯人权行为还受害者 一个公道,让人们新开始。
The commission has the mandate to address the past in order to prepare for the future by building a democratic
society based on the rule of law; giving the
[...] people a fresh start by according [...]
justice to the victims of injustice by adequately addressing past violations.
由于恢复谈判的政治氛围和各代表团表现的灵活性,而且本会议前任主席又 恰当把握了机会,我们得以为多年的等待做出回应, 新开始 谈 判
A political climate of renewal, the flexibility of various delegations, and the fitting way in which the former President of the
Conference seized the opportunity have allowed us to provide a response to so many years of
[...] waiting for negotiations to start.
关于城市水资源管理中心,设在贝尔格莱德的国际城市排水研究和培训中心 新开始 运作 ,并且建立了城市水资源管理地区中心(德黑兰),因而加强了教科文组织关于城市水 资源管理问题的地区和国际网络,开展工作的能力越来越强。
Concerning centres for urban water management, the Belgrade-based International Research and Training Centre on Urban Drainage has been reactivated, and the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management – Tehran, was established, resulting in a strengthened UNESCO regional and international network on urban water management issues with a growing capacity to undertake work.
新年为我们提供了新开始的契 机:2013年,把健康放在首位,您就能保护自己免受疾病侵袭,增加能量和生产力,提高生活的整体质量。
The New Year provides an opportunity for new beginnings: By making [...]
being healthy your priority in 2013, you can protect
yourself from getting sick, increase energy and productivity and improve your overall quality of life.
这个问题迄今看来没有任何解决办法,因为如果改为进口 CTC,以供那些尚未
[...] 销毁旧设备的工厂使用,或在没有披露的地点 新开始 CTC 的生产,都会导致该国 违约。
There appears to be no solutions so far to this problem since turning to importation of CTC for use in the plants
that have not yet destroyed the old
[...] equipment, or restarting of CTC production in [...]
undisclosed sites may result in non-compliance.
如果固件升级过程中出错,固件升级必须 新开始。
If an error occurs during the firmware update process, the firmware update needs to be restarted.
在被占领的西岸所谓“暂 停兴建定居点 10 个月”的规定过期后,以色列官员,包括政府的高级成员,便
几次发表挑战性言论,包括在正式访问非法定居点时发表这种言论,反映了他们 决心继续在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上殖民,全然不顾这种行为
[...] 显然违反国际人道主义法的事实,也全然不顾这种行为对 新开始 的 和平进程以 及对国际社会所有成员在这方面作出的一致而崇高的努力和美利坚合众国带头 [...]
As the so-called “10-month moratorium” on settlement construction in the Occupied West Bank expired, Israeli officials, including senior members of government, have proceeded to make several provocative statements, including in the context of official visits to illegal settlements, in a reflection of their determination to continuing colonizing the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, regardless of the fact that such actions constitute clear breaches of international humanitarian law and
regardless of the gravely detrimental
[...] impact on the newly resumed peace process [...]
and the concerted and noble efforts being
exerted in this regard by all members of the international community and led by the efforts of the United States of America.
[...] 面,有人提问如果无法克服目前的僵局,如何在程序性和实质性框架方面推动该 进程取得进展,以及各国是否准备 新开始。
In that connection, questions were raised as to how to move the process forward if the current stalemate could not be
overcome, both with regard to the procedural and the substantive framework, and whether States
[...] would be prepared to start anew.
通过这次访问,特别顾问得以继 续进行斡旋对话。特别报告员希望,特别顾问 新开始 与 缅 甸当局以及其他利益 攸关方、包括昂山素季、参加选举的政党代表以及民间社会进行直接接触之举, 将预示会出现一个与联合国加强合作的时代。
The Special Rapporteur hopes that this renewed direct engagement by the Special Adviser with authorities in Myanmar and other stakeholders, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, representatives of political parties who participated in the elections, and civil society, heralds an era of greater cooperation with the United Nations.
我们强力鼓励以色列允许进行大规模重建,为生 产活动的完全恢复创造条件,在生产活动 新开始后 为农产品和工业产品出口提供便利,最重要的是,要 给予在加沙地带生活的平民通行自由。
We strongly encourage Israel to allow for largescale reconstruction, to create conditions for a full resumption of productive activities, to allow for
exports of
[...] agricultural produce and industrial goods as soon as production can recommence and, most important, [...]
to grant freedom
of movement to the civilian population living in then Gaza Strip.
It must lift its blockade and allow suspended United Nations projects to be relaunched.
更改并不意味着由此取得任何保修期之延期或 新开始 计 算 的权利。
Repair or replacement under the terms of this Warranty does not give right to
[...] any extension or a new beginning of the period of [...]
我代表非洲大陆发出源自内心的呼喊,恳请倾听从一个广达 3 000 多万平方 公里的大陆、一个拥有巨大地质财富的愤怒大陆、一个已经 新开始 经 济 增长的 大陆、一个充满希望和期待的大陆发出的声音,对此我将不胜感激。
I am making a heartfelt appeal on behalf of the African continent and I would be infinitely grateful if you would listen to the voice of a vast continent of over 30
million square km, of
[...] outrageous and impressive geological riches, a continent which has taken up the path of economic [...]
growth again and is full of hope and expectation.
人口统计受到了严重 的影响,扭曲的经济不得不新开始 , 社 团需要重新 发展。
Demography was seriously affected, distorted economies had to be reoriented, and societies had to sprout again.
国家和人民再次回归到自给自足的状态, 新开始 一 种 以物物交换为基础的 贸易活动。
The country and its inhabitants necessarily became self-reliant, reverting to what was essentially a barter system of trade subject to many limitations and strictly controlled by the dictator.
考虑到申诉人在新开始的调 查期间所受的恐吓,要求他再次向曾经多次审议他案件的机构提出新的上诉是不 合理的。
Given the intimidating manner in which the renewed investigation was conducted, it would be unreasonable to expect him to restart the new round of appeals to the same bodies that have already considered his case repeatedly.
在已改变的环境中新开始就行动规则 进行讨论并不是个可行的方案。
Recommencing discussions on a Code of [...]
Conduct is not a viable option in the changed environment.
此外他又称如果缅 甸最近已经采取了几项被认为是鼓舞人心的措施, 尤其是释放 130 多名政治犯、政府和昂山素季新 开始谈判 以及她能够有机会就制裁问题会见国外外 交官,相对于秘书长提出的具体的建议这些措施也 是足够的了。
Although Myanmar had recently taken encouraging steps, including the release of over 130 political prisoners, the resumption of talks between Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the Government, and her meeting with foreign diplomats to discuss sanctions, those steps remained an incomplete response to the specific proposals made by the Secretary-General.
石油生产新开始后面 临的挑战将是,在过渡期间如何组织政府、 基础设施以及法律制度,确保以一种造福全体人民和满足人的发展需要的方式开 [...]
When oil production starts again, the challenge [...]
will be to organize the Government, infrastructure and the legal system
during the transition to ensure that the wealth of the country can be tapped and distributed in a way that benefits the people as a whole and addresses human development needs.
在这方面,古巴希望裁谈会新开始 实 质性工作,通过和实施一项工作计 划,将所有议程项目都包括在内。
In this respect, Cuba would prefer the Conference to resume its substantive work, by adopting and implementing a programme of work that includes all the items on its agenda.
(f) 可以组织研讨会、小组讨论会和情况介绍会,作为筹备和促进上述活 动的一部分,以提高知名度,吸引兴趣和促进参与,并不断推动实质性讨;秘
[...] 书处经济和社会事务部发展筹资办公室可以 新开始 多 方 利益攸关者磋商的方 案,将民间社会和私营部门包括在内,讨论与发展筹资有关的广泛专题,并更 [...]
(f) Seminars, panel discussions and briefings may be organized as part of the preparations for and contribution to the above events in order to raise visibility, attract interest and participation and promote substantive discussions on a continuing basis; a programme of multi-stakeholder consultations, including civil society and the
private sector, could be reinitiated by the
[...] Financing for Development Office of the [...]
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
of the Secretariat, drawing on a broad range of financing for development-related topics, as well as a wider and more effective use of the financing for development web page as an information tool
原告/买方指出,不论根 据《匈牙利民法典》第 327 条还是《时效公约》第 19
条,诉讼请求都没有超过 时效期限。《时效公约》第 19 条规定:“如债权人在时效期限届满以前,并在 债务人有营业所的国家内从事第 13 条、第 14 条、第
[...] 15 条和第 16 条规定以外的 其他任何行为,根据该国法律具有 新开始 时 效 期限的效力,一个新的四年时 效期限应自该法律规定的日期开始。
The plaintiff/buyer argued that the claim was neither time-barred under the latter provision nor under Article 19 of the Limitation Convention, which states that “where the creditor performs, in the State in which the debtor has his place of business and before the expiration of the limitation period, any act, other than the acts described in articles 13, 14, 15 and 16, which under the law
of that State has the
[...] effect of recommencing a limitation period, a new limitation period [...]
of four years shall commence on the date prescribed by that law”.
在伊朗伊斯兰共和国氟氯化碳淘汰计划(泡沫塑料、汽车空调培训、管理) (IRA/PHA/51/INV/181 和 IRA/PHA/54/INV/186)的情况中,拖延是由于同招标过程有关
[...] 的冗长程序和招标过程中的困难,在招标过程中,一家泡沫塑料公司拒绝技术援助,使得 招标过程不得不新开始。
In the case of the CFC Phase-out plan (Foam, MAC Training, Management) in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRA/PHA/51/INV/181 and IRA/PHA/54/INV/186), delays have been due to lengthy procedures associated with the tender process and difficulties in
the bidding process during which one foam company refused the technical bid forcing the
[...] tender process to be re-started.
其在提起诉讼之前的四年期间(2002 年 7 月 11 日至 2006 年 7 月 11 日期间)履
[...] 行了某种程序性行为(书面支付要求、协议或者和解安排或者债务人承认负 债),从而促使诉讼时效期限 新开始 计 算(《时效公约》第 19 条以及《匈牙利 [...]
民法典》第 327 条)。
The court of first instance found that the plaintiff/buyer failed to prove that during the 4 years prior to filing the lawsuit (between 11 July 2002 and 11 July 2006) it performed a procedural act (written payment demand, agreement or
composition, or acknowledgement of debt) that
[...] would have recommenced the limitation [...]
period (Article 19 of the Limitation Convention
in conjunction with Article 327 of the Civil Code of Hungary).
[...] 有一位是来自非洲,但由于该名候选人退出,留给秘书长的选择显然是,要么重 新从开始新的物 色过程,要么任命一位来自北方的候选人,因为没有来自南方 [...]
One of the leading finalists indeed was from Africa, the EOSG reported, but as the candidate withdrew, the
Secretary-General was apparently left
[...] with a choice to start a new search all over [...]
again or appoint a candidate from the
North as there were no other qualified candidates from the South.




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