单词 | 新居 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 新居 —new homeless common: new residence See also:居 n—residence n • house n 居—reside • restaurant • (archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude • surname Ju • store up • be at a standstill • be (in a certain position)
這種情況不屬於 新居留管 理制度的對象,而不發放居留卡。 city.tachikawa.lg.jp | In this case, the new residency management system does not apply and no resident card will [...] be issued. city.tachikawa.lg.jp |
增加的新居民区 也会使 处理量增加到您城市的处理厂无法处理的水平。 teebweb.org | A change in national legislation has increased treatment requirements by lowering acceptable bacterial levels. teebweb.org |
運輸署須在推行新居屋計 劃的各個階段擔當積極角色,提供協 助,所涉及的工作包括:進行初步交通情況檢討,以評 估 新居 屋 計 劃 對交通可能造成的影響;在有需要時,向房屋署提供進行交通影響評 估所需的交通工程和公共運輸意見;確保訂定所需的交通和運輸改善 措施;審核房屋署提交的交通工程和公共運輸計劃書;規劃和監察所 需交通改善措施的實施情況,包括與 新居 屋 用 地附近的公共運輸設施 有關的交通改善措施;以及在新居屋 落 成和入伙後,監察對交通的影 響,研究是否須進一步推出改善措施。 legco.gov.hk | The work involved includes carrying out preliminary traffic reviews to assess [...] the potential traffic [...] impact due to the new HOS, providing the necessary traffic engineering and public transport advice to HD in carrying out the traffic impact assessment if necessary, ensuring that the necessary traffic and transport improvement measures are identified, vetting HD’s traffic engineering and public transport related submissions, planning and monitoring the implementation of the necessary traffic improvement measures including those related to the public transport facilities in the vicinity of the new HOS site, and monitoring the traffic impact to see if further improvement measures are required after the new HOS development has [...]been completed and occupied. legco.gov.hk |
為確保新居屋計 劃的建屋量達標,我們需要增設 1 個房屋署助 理署長職位,領導新設立的工務分處,負責監督居屋單位的建造、相 [...] 關公營房屋建設和重建計劃( 例如重建高齡公共屋邨的研究),並領導工 程計劃的推展,就各項技術研究與其他政府部門緊密聯繫。 legco.gov.hk | To ensure that the new HOS production target [...] can be met, we need to create an additional AD of H post who will head a new [...]Project Sub-division to oversee HOS construction, associated public housing construction and redevelopment projects such as the redevelopment study on aged PRH estates, and to lead the projects in close liaison with other government departments for various technical studies. legco.gov.hk |
答:初次回家之兔兔應放在兔籠內,給予牠時間去適應陌生環境,人聲及氣味,而主人應加已撫摸,待兔兔適 應 新居 後 ,兔兔會飲水和進食並為自己清潔。 saa.org.hk | A : When we first bring the rabbit home, we should keep it in the cage so that it can take time to adapt to the new environment, human voice and [...] scent. Owners should stroke the rabbit and [...] after fitting in the new home, the rabbit [...]will drink and eat and also cleans itself. saa.org.hk |
我在 2011 年 8 月 8 日和 8 月 11 日的两封信(A/ES-10/526-S/2011/500 和 A/ES-10/527-S/2011/515)中提及,以色列政府最近宣布批准在被占领的东耶路 撒冷的两个非法定居点建造至少 2 500 个新居住单位。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following the recent announcements of the approval of plans for the construction of at least 2,500 new units in two illegal settlements in Occupied East Jerusalem, to which I referred in my recent letters of 8 and 11 August 2011 (A/ES-10/526-S/2011/500 and A/ES-10/527-S/2011/515), the Israeli Government declared, on 15 August, that the Defense Minister has approved plans for the further expansion of the illegal settlement of Ariel, established far beyond the pre-1967 borders, 22 kilometres deep into the central northern West Bank. daccess-ods.un.org |
地方一级 是所有新居民都应能就参与建设其新家园的有关事务参加表决的场所。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Local government is the only sphere of [...] government where new residents have the right [...]to vote and are able to influence the shape of their new home. unesdoc.unesco.org |
所以政府应制定并公布标准,用以确定哪些难民营必须关闭、 应关闭的营地以及有可能改建为新居 住 区 的营地的完整清单,如同围绕珊瑚区所 [...] 做的那样。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government should establish and communicate to the public the criteria it will use to determine which camps should be closed, the complete list [...] of camps to close, and those that may [...] be redeveloped as new neighbourhoods, in [...]line with the way the question is being handled in Corail. daccess-ods.un.org |
若我搬出第一健保 (Care1st) 的特定服務區域, 則需通知 [...] 相關計劃, 以便我退出該項計劃並在新居所在 地區內尋找一項新的計劃。 care1st.com | If I move out of the area that Care1st serves, I need to notify the plan so I can disenroll [...] and find a new plan in my new area. care1st.com |
他设计了“斯大林大街”的部分区域以及东柏林的其他很多标志性建筑,并且在施威特、霍耶斯维达和哈勒新城 的 新居 住 区 项目中任总设计师,还担任了德国建筑科学院住宅建造学院院长一职。 shanghaibiennale.org | He designed parts of the “Stalinallee” any many other representative [...] buildings in East-Berlin and became head [...] architect for the new settlements in Schwedt, [...]Hoyerswerda and Halle-Neustadt as well as [...]director of the institute for residential construction at the German Architecture Academy. shanghaibiennale.org |
中長期居留者除了在地方入國管理官署領 取 新居 留 卡 進行各種申 報、申請時其「外國人登錄證明書」將被更換為居留卡外,如果在地方入國管理官署提出 要求,也可進行更換。 city.tachikawa.lg.jp | Mid- to long-term residents will be asked to exchange their alien registration certificates for a resident card when [...] filing an application [...]or notifications involving the issue of a new resident card at a Regional Immigration Office, or can exchange the certificates for a card at their own request at a Regional Immigration Office. city.tachikawa.lg.jp |
有意物色新居的人 士可透过互联网、邮递或电话申请住房。 housingauthority.gov.hk | People seeking new homes can apply [...] by Internet, post or telephone. housingauthority.gov.hk |
只 限 於 香 港 境 內 (由 保 址 搬 往 新 居), 搬 遷 期 間 由 專 業 搬 運 公 司 在 搬 運 過 程 中 造 成 的 家 居 財 物 損 失。 bank.hangseng.com | Limited to domestic relocations covering damage to household contents by professional removers in the course of removal from the insured home to any new home bank.hangseng.com |
其中,增产手笔、规模最大的当属住友化学,该公司计划于2012年夏季前投下100亿日圆于爱媛工厂(爱媛 县 新居 滨 市)内增设LED基板材料“高纯度氧化铝”新产线,将其年产能自现行的1,600吨倍增至3,200吨规模。 xlt-ssc.com | Where production mine, the largest and undoubtedly the Sumitomo Chemical, the company plans to cast before the summer of 2012 at the Ehime [...] plant 10 billion yen (Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture) in addition LED substrate material [...] "high-purity alumina" The new production line, [...]its production capacity [...]from the current 1,600 tons to 3,200 tons of doubling the size. xlt-ssc.com |
移徙 者定居被看作将原来对原籍国的忠诚变成 对 新居 住 国的忠诚这一过程。 daccess-ods.un.org | Migrant settlement is seen as a process of transferring primary loyalty from the State [...] of origin to the new State of residence. daccess-ods.un.org |
凡通過「特快公屋編配計劃」獲編配公屋單位的申請人,若於其公屋單位租約生效日期起計三年內以綠表申請購買香港房屋委員會(房委會)出售的居屋單位(包括剩 餘 居 屋 及 新居 屋 單位),房屋署在編排選樓次序時,會視他們為白表申請人,他們購買的居屋單位亦會算在白表申請人的配額之內。 housingauthority.gov.hk | For those applicants who obtain a PRH unit through the EFAS, if they apply for the purchase of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats (including surplus HOS and new HOS flats) sold by the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) using Green Form (GF) within three years from intake of their PRH units, they will be treated as if they were White Form (WF) applicants in the flat selection order and will be put under the WF queue. housingauthority.gov.hk |
届时请携带驾驶执照、可以证明新住址的材料(外国人登记证), 到新居住地的警察署或者汽车驾驶执照考场办理手续。 itabashi-ci.org | Take your license [...] and proof of your new address such as [...]your foreign registration card to your local police station or examination center. itabashi-ci.org |
此外,Saffron on the Park新居具備你想要的一切,包括充滿空間感的開放式設計、廚房及浴室地面均鋪設高貴的進口瓷磚、時尚的不鏽鋼家庭電器以及名師挑選的人造石或雲石廚房枱面。 ledmac.com | Plus, Saffron on the Park has all the [...] must-haves you want in a new home, including [...]spacious open-concept floor plans, beautiful [...]imported porcelain tile flooring in the kitchen and bathrooms, sleek stainless steel appliances as well as designer-selected stone composite or granite countertops. ledmac.com |
我高兴地指出,在汗尤尼斯有 [...] 151 个住房单位完 工,10 月 15 日星期五开始接待新居民入住。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am pleased to report the completion of 151 housing units in Khan Younis, which on Friday, 15 October, [...] began to receive their new inhabitants. daccess-ods.un.org |
见识过火山的杀伤力的居民们依然赖着不走,还建立 了 新居。 4tern.com | The villagers continue to live in this dangerous zone and rebuilt their home. 4tern.com |
新居民 或 重新到卑诗省居住的人通常在完成等候期便可得到保险,等候期一般是到达本省 的那个月剩余的时间再加两个月。 multilingolegal.ca | New residents or persons re-establishing residence in [...] B.C. are eligible for coverage after completing a waiting period that [...]normally consists of the balance of the month of arrival plus two months. multilingolegal.ca |
最终,瓦克以公道的价格购得了这四处房产,而各家也从而可以入住周边 的 新居。 reports.wacker.com | We had long talks with the owners, all of whom wanted to sell their properties. reports.wacker.com |
而排名第一的公立学校是, Panorama Heights Elementary, 这所小学是许多新居民的首选,在近五年751个小学的排名中,它排在第65位,可谓成绩喜人。 homewithtyra.com | The top ranking public school in Coquitlam is Panorama Heights Elementary, Fraser institute give this school a 7.6 out of 10, it ranks 147/875 in 2009 to 2010, and in the most recent 5 years, it ranks 67 out of 751 schools. homewithtyra.com |
请在新居民搬 入时立即将这套资料送给他们。 rethinkwaste.org | Please give the packet to new residents as soon as they [...] move in. rethinkwaste.org |
科索沃特派团米特罗 [...] 维察行政部门还为其场地内两户处于社会弱势的科索沃阿族家庭建造了两栋房 屋,拆除其破旧的房屋,腾出地方来 造 新居。 daccess-ods.un.org | UAM constructed two houses for two socially [...] vulnerable Kosovo Albanian families on their property, demolishing their dilapidated houses to [...] make way for the new homes. daccess-ods.un.org |
擇吉凶 黃曆 [...] 人們在日常生活中,經常要同曆書發生關係,不管是工作、學習、還是休假、旅行、耕作收割、經營賺錢、蓋房、安床、結婚、搬 入 新居 、 上 任等在作計劃時都離不 開曆書。 tw.70900.com | The optional good and bad almanac People in everyday life, often with the almanac relationship, whether working, studying, or vacation, travel, farming harvest operations make [...] money, build a house, the bed, get [...] married, move into their new homes, took office [...]for the program are from not open almanac. 70900.com |
在就以色列第二次定期报告发表的最终评论中, [...] 经济、社会和文化权利委员会对“为迫使贝都因人 重 新 定 居 ‘ 新 城 ’”而损毁其农作 物的报告表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its concluding observations concerning Israel’s second periodic report, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights expressed its [...] concern regarding claimed destruction of Bedouin agricultural crops, “in [...] order to force them to resettle in ‘townships’”. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府强烈谴责以色列政府加紧在被占领的叙利亚戈兰 修建定居点活动的决定,特别是所谓“戈兰区域理事会”最近在2010年12月发 起的“来戈兰定居”新一波 建造定居点活动,其目的是吸引数千个以色列家庭到 戈兰定居。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic denounces the decisions made by the Israeli Government to intensify settlement in the occupied Syrian Golan, of which the most recent was the settlement campaign conducted by the so-called Golan Regional Council during December 2010 under the slogan “Come to the Golan”, which was designed to induce thousands of Israeli families to settle in the Golan. daccess-ods.un.org |
过去数年来,中国和新州在农业、教育、旅游、环保和电信等产业领域建立起广泛的贸易联系,2008-09 年度中国跃居新州最大贸易合作伙伴,双边商品贸易总值约达204 亿澳元。 australiachina.com.au | Over several years, China and NSW have developed extensive trade links in sectors such as agriculture, education, tourism, environmental protection and telecommunications, and in 2008–09 China was NSW’s largest trading partner australiachina.com.au |