

单词 新客户

See also:


our customers

External sources (not reviewed)

将海牙体系使用的统计与国家/地区体系进行对比分 析会更好地定位推广活动,以赢得老 户 并 吸 引 新客户。
Conducting regular analysis of the statistics on the use of the Hague system compared to
national/regional systems will allow targeted promotional activities to win back
[...] former right holders and attract new users.
取到一个事件流并将其转换为其他某种形式,比如从一 新客户 事 件 组成的流中选取名字。
Taking an event stream and converting it to some other form, e.g. selecting name
[...] from a stream of new customer events.
该办事处将为其中国的现有客户提供区域支持, 新客户 提 供 本地资源,帮助满足客户对移动和嵌入式3D系统的需求。
The office will provide regional support
[...] for existing customers in China as well as offering new customers a local resource [...]
to help with their
mobile and embedded 3D systems needs.
而欧洲的销售额亦会上升,因集团于上半年在德国取得多 新客户 , 他 们的订单将于下半年增加。
In Europe, sales
[...] will rise as several new customers have been added in [...]
Germany in the first half and their orders will ramp up in the second half.
不管是更新 Web 门户上的信息还是新客户端配 置,我们的团队都能在几分钟内完成,而不用花费数个小时 进行耗时费力的工作。
Whether it is
[...] updating information on the Web portal or updating client configurations, [...]
our team can achieve it within minutes
instead of spending hours on manual and time-consuming activities.
柯达统一工作流程解决方案是一套完整的模块化集成工具,可帮助您扩大服务范围、吸 新客户 和 利 用赚钱趋势,同时降低成本和提高效率。
KODAK Unified Workflow Solutions are a full line of modular and
integrated tools that can help you expand
[...] services, attract new clientele and capitalize [...]
on profitable trends, while cutting
costs and improving efficiencies.
虽然 Vaghela 并不认识那人并称该男子也非熟人介绍,他却在没
[...] 有签署任何合同的情况下收了钱,也没有留下关于 新客户 任 何 身份资料的记 录——甚至连姓名或电话号码都没有。
Although Vaghela did not know the individual and claimed that the man had not been referred to him by anyone he knew, he accepted the money without signature of any
contract and retained for his records no identifying
[...] information about his new client — not even a name [...]
or telephone number.
当今 ISP/托管行业的竞争日益激烈,任何超越竞争对手的销售和服务措施都会让您赢得或丢 新客户。
In today's highly competitive ISP/host industry, any
edge in sales or service you have over your competitors can make the difference in whether
[...] you gain or lose a new customer.
B4.2 开发一个综合的宣传和营销战略,促进国际教育局的服务和“品牌”形象,确认关 键产品、潜在顾客或受益者,制定吸 新客户 和 潜在客户的战略。
B4.2 Develop a comprehensive advocacy and marketing strategy that promotes the IBE’s services and ‘brand’,
identifies key products and
[...] potential clients or beneficiaries, and describes strategies for reaching new and potential clients.
集团预期来自现有客户的生意额将维持稳定,而增长则会 新客户 所 带 动。
Business from
[...] existing customers is expected to be stable and hence growth will be driven by new customers.
[...] MX-ONE ® 、Aastra 5000或者Aastra为中小市场新客户提供 的极具竞争力的呼叫管理器(这种呼叫管理器还附带有来自同一家厂商且使用范围更广的多媒体)。
BluStar can be used as a standalone product with its Application Server or integrated with Aastra enterprise call managers such as the Aastra MX-ONE ® and Aastra 5000 as
well as Aastra’s offering for the
[...] SMB market giving new customers the benefit of a highly [...]
competitive call manager combined
with a wider multimedia offering from a single vendor.
而且,在美国的销售也开始启动。作 新客户 之 一 的NASA,使用Nilfisk真空吸尘器去除航天飞机上的有害灰尘。
Sales in the USA started to take off
[...] and NASA became a customer of Nilfisk, using [...]
its vacuum cleaners to remove harmful dust from the space shuttles.
若想开新客户, 则需要拜访负责区域的企业或个人。
New customer development involves visiting [...]
companies/individuals inside an assigned area.
2008亚洲通讯展(CommunicAsia2008 Conference)——Challenger Mobile公司和iCELL Network公司今天宣布建立合作伙伴关系,共同在亚太地区提供端对端移动网络电话解决方案,前者为一家获得白标认证的移动网络电话公司,凭借其独特的托管服务,帮助移动运营商及服务提供商进军新市场,争 新客户 , 后 者则是新加坡无线互联网服务提供商(ISP)和系统集成商先驱之一。
CommunicAsia2008 Conference - Challenger Mobile, the white label Mobile VoIP Company with a unique managed service approach to helping mobile operators and service providers enter new markets and reach new audience segments, and iCELL Network, one of Singapore's pioneering Wireless ISPs and system integrators, today announced a partnership to jointly deliver end-to-end Mobile VoIP solutions throughout the Asia/Pacific region.
例如,如果您推荐了一新客户使用 我们的服务,他有三位操作员进行了注册,三个月总共花费 $70,那么您将收到这笔款项的 [...]
For example, if you refer a new customer to our service, [...]
and he signs up three operators for a total of $70 for three months,
you would receive 30 percent of that amount: $21.
此文档说明了 Managed Media 服务并解释了它如何提高您的传播效率并减少成本,与此同时还帮助您增 新客户 、 保留现有客户和改进客户终身价值。
This document describes Managed Media Services and explains how it can increase the efficiency of your communications and
reduce costs, while
[...] helping you increase new customer acquisition, retain existing customers, and improve [...]
customer lifetime value.
生计和就业机会增加,包括在农村地区和为弱势群体及青年提供这种机 会:近 50 000 人(妇女占 27%)进入就业促进方案,职业中心登记了 1 548 个新的
寻找就业和培训者(妇女占 40%,青年占 86%),另有 11 227 人(妇女占 26.6%)在
[...] 劳动密集型公共工程方案中获得临时就业机会,主要是在农村维修道路;低收入 人口中有 5 000 名新客户获得小额贷款(妇女占 70-80%)。
Livelihood and employment opportunities increased, including in rural areas, and for vulnerable groups and youth: almost 50,000 persons (27 per cent women) entered employment promotion programmes; career centres registered 1,548 new job and training seekers (40 per cent women and 86 per cent youth); 11,227 persons (26.6 per cent women) accessed temporary employment in labour-intensive public works
programmes, mostly in rural road
[...] maintenance; and 5,000 new clients from low-income populations [...]
accessed microfinance (70-80 per cent women).
[...] 大的市场份额)和合作竞争(集团与公司并肩协作,以吸引更 新客户 ) 的 市场及监 管框架。
This requires market and regulatory frameworks that encourage both head-to-head competition – where companies seek to replace each other
to gain market share - and collaborative competition – where groups of companies
[...] work together to attract new customers.
创造强势品牌是一回事,但要使品牌 经得起时间的考验并继续影响新市场 新客户 和 新 一 代 ,则是另一 回事。
It is one thing to create a strong brand, but
quite another to sustain that strength over time, remaining relevant
[...] for new markets, new customers and new generations.
其整体目标是发掘、吸引并赢 新客户 , 维 护并保留现有的客户,尽可能赢回失去的客户,降低营销和客户业务的成本。
The overall goals are to find,
[...] attract, and win new customers, nurture and retain existing customers, win [...]
former customers back, and reduce the costs of
marketing and customer service.
于 推 广 期 内 , 凡 亲 临 指 定 分 行
[...] 新 开 立 优 进 理 财 之新 客 户(I) 均 可 享 面 值 HKD118 之 3 [...]
香 港 3G 国 际 漫 游 储 值 咭 1 张 。
During the
[...] Promotion Period, New Customers(I) who have newly opened [...]
Preferred Banking at Designated Branch can enjoy HKD118 3HK 3G Rechargeable SIM card.
此文件可帮助我们明确各种情况下的正确行事做法,譬 如与某位同事的往来交谈、与某个大 新客户 或 供 应商的谈 判、对我们健康及安全绩效的评估、或产品创新的审核等 等。
It can help us determine the right course of action, for instance, in a feedback
conversation with a colleague, in
[...] negotiations with a major new customer or supplier, in [...]
an assessment of our health and safety
performance or in a review of product innovations.
任上走得更远的供应商,还可以赢得更好的员工关系,更高的客户忠诚度,更知名 的品牌,更强的投资者、贷款方 新客户 吸 引 力。
This guide provides information for those companies to assess current practices, but also to identify and
[...] communicate good practices to customers.
通过这种做法,公司可以建立新的本地市场,吸 新客户 , 将 其 深思熟虑的企业战略与亚洲各国政府的首要任务相结合,在合理的社会及环境成本的基础上 产生利润,同时对社会及环境产生巨大的正面影响。
In doing such, companies
[...] can build new local markets, attract new customers, align selected business [...]
strategies with the
priorities of Asian governments, generate profits based on fair social and environmental costs, and simultaneously generate enormous positive social and environmental impacts.
希尔思仪表在东南亚地区的扩展,源于我们在该地区不断增长的业务和客户基础,我们衷心希望尽可能为现有的 户 和 未来 的 新客户 提 供 更好的服务和支持。
This expansion of CS Instruments into SE Asia results from our growing business and client base in the region,
and our strong desire to provide our
[...] many existing clients and the new ones to follow with [...]
the best possible service and support.
电子元件的效率越来越高,我们的产品组合不断增加,我们持续扩大与合作伙伴的合作:有新的特许合作伙伴 新客户 加 入 我们,我们的市场覆盖扩大至整个欧洲。
Electronic components have become more efficient, our product portfolio has consistently grown and we have continually expanded
our collaboration with our
[...] partners: New franchise partners and new customers have joined us, and [...]
we have expanded our market
presence to the whole of Europe.
为了更好地整合中介经纪人发展和引 新客户 的 程 序,我们提供可在合作伙伴网站上发布的广告横幅,以及自动向中介经纪人分配已引入客户的个性化链接。
To better integrate the IB prospecting and introducing procedures, we supply banners that can be published on the partner’s website, as well as personalised links that assign introduced clients automatically to the Introducing Broker.
对于客户量达到一定标准的代理商,我们可以根据您的需求专门设置交易平台,还可提供联合营销机会、销售支持 新客户 挖 掘 、在线报告、跟踪工具等一系列服务。
For Introducing Brokers with a client base, we can customize our trading platforms, offer you joint marketing opportunities, sales support, lead generation, online reporting, tracking tools, and much more.
适佳德国有限责 任公司以其位于欧洲中部的优越地理位置以及一支精通语言、专 业以及文化背景的工作团队,不断赢得了喜爱适佳系列产品新 客户并同时为维护现有客户网络及沟通提供了保障。
It has a central location in Europe and workers well-versed in languages, technology and
culture, enabling CIGA
[...] to always get new customers interested in the various products of Ciga® while ensuring trouble-free communication with their existing customers.
IGEL 的远程管理套件为 Scania InfoMate 团队带来了极大的管 理优势,Toni Välikangas 在使用新 IGEL 客户机为 集团在瑞 典的 Falun 工厂进行联机时,感触颇深地说:“采用 IGEL 远 程管理套件意味着安新客户机所 需的时间只有以往的四分之 一,因为现在您只需开箱、插线,然后进行集中配置就可以 了。
IGEL’s Remote Management Suite has brought significant administrative benefits for the Scania InfoMate team, as Toni Välikangas experienced when he brought the
group’s Falun facility
[...] in Sweden online with the new IGEL clients: “Using the IGEL Remote Management Suite meant that I was able to quarter the time needed to install new clients – it’s now just a case [...]
of unpack, plug in,
and then configure them all centrally.




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