

单词 新字符

See also:



correspond to
written charm
surname Fu


mark n
talisman n
seal n

External sources (not reviewed)

创作过程从开发基于喜力logo的新字符 形 式 开始。
The creative process started with developing a language of forms based on crops of the Heineken logo.
注意:如果数学问题长度超过了屏幕尺寸,随着右侧添 新字符 , 问题开头将从屏幕左侧滚动移出。
: If the length of the math problem exceeds the
display size, the beginning of the problem scrolls off the left
[...] of the display as new characters are added to the right.
[...] TWAIN 数据源,访问 “打印机”选项卡以 定义单一或字符打印
If your application software uses the TWAIN Datasource, access the Printer tab to define
[...] single- or multi-character printing.
根据新统计数 字,到 2016 年,大会部约 20%的语文工作人员将退休(A/65/488,第 17 段)。
According to the latest statistics, approximately 20 per cent of the Department’s language staff will have retired by 2016 (A/65/488, para. 17).
尽管这种行政划分比新,但符合仍 在进 行的独立之后宣布开展的权力下放进程的落实。
Although this administrative division of the country is recent, it is part of the decentralization process that was announced shortly after independence and is still under way.
这三个门户网站(档案、图书馆和免费软件)为专业信息团体和公众提供了各种特 别工具,包新增的非拉字符的多 语种工具,以及与免费软件基金会合作启动的镜象免费 软件目录。
The three portals which have been set up (Archives, Libraries and Free Software) offer a range of features for the professional information communities
and the general public,
[...] including the addition of multilingual content in non-Latin scripts, and mirroring [...]
of the Free Software
Directory initiated in cooperation with the Free Software Foundation (FSF).
康塔尔出售的物业价格远低于全国平均水平为自己的类别,并像其他的奥弗涅(Auvergne)是一个便宜的地方找到 字符 属 性 ,如老农舍和乡村农舍 新 或 直 接进入移动。
Prices of property for sale in Cantal  are well below the national average for their categories and like the rest of
Auvergne is a cheap place
[...] to find old character property such as farmhouses and country cottages either to renovate or [...]
move straight into.
登记车辆号牌或标志应由阿拉伯数字组成或由阿 拉伯数字加上大写的拉字符组成 ,如 [1968 年]《道路交通公约》中所定义 的那样。
The registration number plates or marks should be composed of either Arabic numerals or Arabic numerals and capital Latin characters, as defined in the Convention on Road Traffic [1968].
为此,您可以分两个阶段,剖析表达成一个内部表格,然后使用,内部的任何形式设置或获取价值的财产;或你可以在一个阶段,并获得或设置属性使 字符 串 的形式表达直接。
You can do this in two phases , analysis of expression into an internal table , and then use any form inside the set or get the value
of the property ; or you can at one stage , and get or set
[...] properties using the string in the form of [...]
direct expression .
它的特性包括从基于MOF的模型生成文本,具备基本的控制机制比如:循环,条件选择 字符 串 操 作,输出表示引用模型的元素,支持在模型和已生成的文本之间进行相互"追溯"。
Its features include MOF-based model generation from text , with the basic
control mechanisms such as: loops,
[...] conditional selection, string manipulation [...]
, output elements that reference model to support
the model and the text has been generated between each other "retrospective" .
如果缓冲区全满,则主机每发送一 字符 后 , 打印机就发送一个联机 或脱机缓冲区满响应符。
If the buffer is completely full, an online or offline buffer full response is sent
[...] every time a character is sent from [...]
the host.
所需经费增加的主要原因是:(a) 为新符合最 低运作安保标准购置了一个 [...]
无线电中继系统,以替换在地震中被损坏的系统,并支付了有关部署、安装、配 置和支持费用;(b) 新闻事务所需经费有所增加,用以满足以下迫切需求:向生 活在境内流离失所者营地中的流离失所者传播信息;以及聘用电台记者和演播室
技术员,以便地震后能够提供 24 小时电台广播服务。
The additional requirements were attributable primarily to: (a) the acquisition of a radio trunking
system, as well as associated costs for the
[...] deployment, installation, configuration [...]
and support, to replace the system that
was damaged during the earthquake in order to restore compliance with minimum operating security standards; and (b) the increased requirements for public information services to meet the urgent need to disseminate information to the displaced population living in internally displaced persons camps, as well as to the hiring of radio journalists/reporters and studio technicians to enable 24-hour radio coverage after the earthquake.
(D) 倘在本公司細則(A)段所述之12年期間內,或於截至經已符合本公 司細則(A)段(i)至(iv)分段所有規定之日止任何期間內,已就任何上述期間開始時所持 有或先前於上述期間已發行之股份而增發任何股份,或先前已於該期間增發任何股 份,且已新增股份符合本 公司細則(A)段(ii)至(iv)分段之所有規定,則本公司亦有權 出售該等新發行股份。
Bye-law, or during any period ending on the date when all the requirements of sub-paragraphs (i) to (iv) of paragraph (A) of this Bye-law have been satisfied, any additional shares have been issued in respect of those held at the beginning of, or previously so issued during, any such period and all the requirements of sub-paragraphs (ii) to (iv) of paragraph (A) of this Bye-law have been satisfied in regard to such additional shares, the Company shall also be entitled to sell the additional shares.
如果不需要这样做,可按任何方式更改车道名 称;车道名称区分大小写和符号,并且限制为八 字符。
If this is not desired, the lane names can be changed in any way; lane names are
[...] case and symbol sensitive and are limited to eight characters.
此外,还强调需要审议现行的国内法律并通符合国际法新的法 律,其中包括将种族主义行为、包括煽动种族仇恨定为犯 罪的法律,并采取措施确保非洲人后裔受到法律的平等保护和平等地诉诸司法的 [...]
Emphasis was also placed on the
need to review existing domestic
[...] laws and adopt new laws that should be in line with international [...]
law, including laws which
criminalize acts of racism, including incitement to racial hatred and to take measures to ensure that people of African descent have equal protection of the law and equal access to justice.
其后不久,秘书处的各个下属部门,包括亚太经社会,在秘书 长开展的改革管理努力的背景下,提出了若干旨在减少或取消纸张
[...] 使用的附加措施包括大规模地使文件 字 化 ,并 重 新 审 视翻译 文件的必要性问题以及减少会议数目和频率。
Later, in the context of the change management effort undertaken by the Secretary-General, various parts of the Secretariat, including ESCAP, have proposed several additional measures to
reduce or eliminate the use of
[...] paper—including by mass digitizing documents, and revisiting [...]
the issue of the need to translate
documents—and reduce the number and frequency of meetings.
要打印文本的开始和结束处必须使用相同的可打 字符, 且不能用在文本内部。
The same printable character must be used at both the beginning and end of the
[...] text to be printed and cannot be used [...]
within the text.
及動議批准及採納已提呈本大會並由大會主席簽署以資識別、註有「 A 」 字 樣之新編印 之本公司新組織章程大綱及細則(包括截至本大會結束為止前所通過 有關修訂組織章程細則之全部特別決議案(包括本決議案)),以作為本公司之新 組織章程大綱及細則,以代替本公司之現有組織章程大綱及細則並將之摒除,並 授權董事可以進行其認為就上述事項所有必須、可取或權宜之事宜及行動及簽署 所有文件。
and THAT the reprinted new memorandum and articles of association of the Company, incorporating all the special resolutions passed in connection with amendment to the articles of association of the Company up to the conclusion of this Meeting (including this resolution), marked “A” produced to this Meeting and for the purposes of identification signed by the chairman, be and is hereby approved and adopted as the new memorandum and articles of association of the Company in substitution for and to the exclusion of the existing memorandum and articles of association of the Company and that the Directors be and are hereby authorized to do all things and act and sign all documents which they consider necessary, desirable or expedient in connection with the foregoing.
要证明一新品种符合专 利标准是非常困难且成本高昂的,而获得植物品种保护资格就相 对容易。
Proving that a new variety meets the criteria for [...]
patentability is more difficult and more costly than obtaining plant variety
protection, where the criteria for protection are lower.
所載的作業備考新編號字首“ APP”)說明建築事務監 督如何應用和執行《建築物條例》及其附屬規例和其他由 [...]
建築事務監督或屋宇署署長施行的條例,以及並非由建築 事務監督或屋宇署署長施行但關乎屋宇署批准圖則和樓宇 監管權限範圍的條例。
It consists of PNAPs (new serial numbers prefixed “APP”) [...]
explaining how the BA applies and enforces the provisions of the
BO and its regulations and other Ordinances administered by the BA/Director of Buildings (DB), as well as those Ordinances not administered by the BA/DB but relating to plan approval and building control under the jurisdiction of the BD.
39% 的受访者声称,他们的
[...] 政府通过公私伙伴关系促进在硬件和软件开发方面的研究,包括专有、开放源代 码和免费软件、标字符集、 语言编码、电子词典、术语和辞典、多语种搜索引 [...]
However, 39 percent of the respondents asserted that their governments promote through private public partnerships, research in hardware and software development,
including proprietary, open-source and free
[...] software, standard characters sets, languages [...]
codes, electronic dictionaries, terminology
and thesauruses, multilingual search engines, machine translations tools, internationalized domain names, content referencing as well as general and application software.
政府咨询委员会在其涉及面很广的 ICANN 北京会议公报中,对一些申字符串 与 地名的对应表 示了进一步保留意见,建议 ICANN 董事会对这字符串不 进行初始评估以后的处理,并要求董事会进 一步澄清申请人修改申字符串的 灵活度大小,以回应政府咨询委员会关注的具体问题。
In its wide-ranging ICANN Beijing Meeting Communiqué, the GAC expressed further reservations
regarding a number of
[...] applied-for strings on grounds of correspondence to geographical terms, advising the ICANN Board not to proceed beyond initial evaluation for these, and seeking further clarification from the Board on scope for flexibility of applicants to modify applied for strings to address specific [...]
GAC concerns.
图书馆门户网站通过增加阿拉伯文和俄文的内容增加了非拉字 符的可 得资源,已作出计划,在 2004--2005 双年度期间扩展其他各语文的服务和内容。
The Libraries Portal increased the resources available in non-Latin scripts through the addition of content in Arabic and Russian and plans have been made to expand the services and content in other languages during the 2004-2005 biennium.
(b) 每間工廠內用於發生火災時逃生的消防通道的每扇窗、門或其他出口(作
[...] 為一般用途的出口除外)應以大部分工人能理解的語言作出顯著標記,標 記應採用較大的紅字符,或以其他有效且清晰易懂的符號予以標記。
(b) In every factory every window, door, or other exit affording means of escape in case of fire, other than the means of exit in ordinary use, shall be distinctively marked in a language
understood by the majority of the workers
[...] and in red letters of adequate size or by some other [...]
effective and clearly understood sign.
联合国专门机构、部门、基金和方案,非洲联盟、欧洲理事会、东非 共同体、中非国家经济共同体、西非国家经济共同体、欧洲联盟、独立国家 联合体执行秘书处、政府间发展管理局、国际移徙政策发展中心、红十字国 际委员会、红字会和红新月会 国际联合会、国际移徙组织、阿拉伯国家联 盟、东加勒比国家组织、法语国家国际组织、伊斯兰会议组织、欧洲安全与 合作组织、南部非洲发展共同体和马耳他骑士团。
United Nations specialized agencies, departments, funds and programmes, African Union, Council of Europe, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States, Economic Community of West African States, European Union, Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Organization for Migration, League of Arab States, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, International Organization of “la Francophonie”, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Southern African Development Community and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
借助因特网,WI-FI 无线网络技术可提供教育、卫生保健和其它方 面所需的很多信息,然而,非洲许多国家却不允许使用 WI-FI
[...] 无线网络技术,因此教科文组 织可在推动制符合这些新技术 的适宜国家政策和法律框架,以及支持非洲在该领域里的科 [...]
Wi-Fi technologies can provide the much needed access to educational, health and other information through the Internet. However, many African countries do not authorize the use of Wi-Fi technologies, hence UNESCO has a role to play in promoting appropriate
national policy and legal frameworks
[...] that accommodate these new technologies as well [...]
as in supporting African research initiatives in this area.
最后,关于各国报告其执行第 1737(2006)号、第 1747(2007)号及第
[...] 1803(2008)号决议规定的各项有 关措施的情况,新数字如下:根据第 1737(2006) 号决议提交了报告 [...]
91 份,根据第 1747(2007)号决议 提交了报告 78
份,根据第 1803(2008)号决议提交了 报告 65 份。
Finally, with regard to reporting by States on their implementation of all the relevant measures set out in
resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007) and 1803
[...] (2008), the updated figures are as follows: [...]
91 reports under resolution 1737 (2006),
78 reports under resolution 1747 (2007) and 65 reports under resolution 1803 (2008).




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