单词 | 新修本草 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 新修本草—Tang dynasty compendium of herbal medicineSee also:新修adj—revisedadj 新修v—revisev 本草—Chinese materia medica a book on Chinese (herbal) medicine 草本adj—herbal herbaceous 草本—herb
目前尚未收到任何评 论意见,修订后的决定草案已提交给本届会议的缔约方。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | No comments [...] had been received, and the revised draftdecision was before the parties [...]at the current meeting. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约 旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following had joined the sponsorsof the draftresolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic ofMoldova, Romania, [...] Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, [...]Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu. daccess-ods.un.org |
注意到 2001 年以来在领土政府主导下进行了内部宪政审查工作,2003 和 2004 [...] 年管理国与领土政府之间的谈判后完成了宪法草案,2005 年 5 月在圣赫勒 拿举行了关于新宪法的协商投票和随后制订了宪法草案修订案,2008 年 6 月公布 了宪法草案修订案 供进一步公开协商,以及 2009 年 9 月 1 日圣赫勒拿、阿森松 和特里斯坦达库尼亚新宪法生效 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting the internal constitutional review process led by the territorial Government since 2001, the completion of a draft constitution following negotiations between the administering Power and the territorial Government in 2003 and [...] 2004, the consultative [...] poll with regardto a newConstitution, held in Saint Helena in May 2005, the subsequent preparationof a reviseddraft constitution and [...]its publication in [...]June 2008 for further public consultation, and the entry into force of the new Constitution for Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha on 1 September 2009 daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 在下次定期报告中,通过并实施为俄罗斯联邦北方、西伯利亚和远东地 区属数量上少数的民族编纂的新修订《领地传统性质使用法》草案 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Adopt and implement by the next periodic report the new revised draft Law on Territories of Traditional Nature Use of Indigenous Numerically Small Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation. daccess-ods.un.org |
一位代表对审查决定草案的修订版本表示 感兴趣,认为评估小组要求的额外资料可能是沉重的负担 且没有必要。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | One representative expressed an interest [...] in examining the revisedversion of thedraft decision, suggesting [...]that that the additional [...]information requested from the Panel might be burdensome and unnecessary. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
该方案 在起草新的刑法和民法时加入性别观点。本组织还在布隆迪支持起草刑事诉讼程 序、刑法和军事审判法,并审查选举的良好行为守则,把新的刑法翻译成基隆迪 文。 daccess-ods.un.org | TheOrganization also supportedthedrafting of the rules of criminal procedure, [...] the criminal code and the military justice [...]code in Burundi, as well as the review of the electoral code of good conduct and the translation of the new penal code into Kirundi. daccess-ods.un.org |
提供本软体之其他复本、修订或升级时,包括依支援服务所提供之版本,原有的保证期限并不会重新计算或 受到其他影响。 acwftp.com | Delivery of additional copiesof,or revisionsor upgrades to, the Software, including releases provided under Support Services, shall [...] not restart or otherwise affect the warranty period. acwftp.com |
没能将该决议草案的文本修改的与按照美国的基本宪法原则相 一致,所以美国代表团不能投赞成票。 daccess-ods.un.org | Not having been able to amendthe text of the draftresolution in order [...] to bring it into line with the basic constitutional [...]principles of the United States, her delegation would not be able to vote in favour thereof. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会还将收到以下文件:㈠秘书处的一份说明,其中载有《贸 易法委员会仲裁规则》修订稿草案修订本( A/CN.9/703 及 Add.1);㈡一份说 明,其中载有秘书处对《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》修订稿草案修订本的意见 (A/CN.9/705);以及㈢各国政府和国际组织对《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》修订稿草案修订本的意见汇编(A/CN.9/704 及增编)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission will also have before it the following documents: (i) a note [...] by the Secretariat [...] containing the revised versionof the draftrevised UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (A/CN.9/703 and Add.1); (ii) a note containing comments by the Secretariat on therevised version of thedraft revised UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (A/CN.9/705); and (iii) a compilation of comments relating to therevised versionof the draftrevised UNCITRAL Arbitration [...]Rules by Governments [...]and international organizations (A/CN.9/704 and addenda). daccess-ods.un.org |
专家组进一步建议将年度报告调查表草案修订稿的联合国六种正式语文文本提供给会员国征求补充意见,供编入提交给麻 委会第五十三届会议的一份会议室文件中。 daccess-ods.un.org | The expert [...] group further recommended that the reviseddraft annual report questionnaire be made [...]available to Member States [...]in the six official languages of the United Nations, asking for supplementary comments to be compiled in a conference room paper for submission to the Commission at its fifty-third session. daccess-ods.un.org |
L'OCCITANE全新草本配方蕴含具有天然保护作用的葵花籽精华,保护发丝免受紫外线侵损,结合5种天然及纯净的精华油,修护及滋养秀发。 hk.loccitane.com | L'OCCITANE has discovered a new complex - Sunflower Seed Extract with5Repairing Essential Oils to resist UV damage, repair andnourish the hair fiber. hk.loccitane.com |
会议最终在俄罗斯联邦、波兰和土耳其代表团提出的建议上未能取得一致的意见,因 而根据日本代表团的建议修改的案文及 2007 年 3 月通过的最初文本和报告人的报告(包括 未被接受的俄罗斯联邦、土耳其和波兰代表团提出的最 新修改情况)将提交执行局第一八一 届会议,而后请大会第三十五届会议审议和提出建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In sum, the meeting did not reach consensus on the proposals submitted by the delegations of the Russian Federation, Poland and Turkey and, consequently, the text, as amended following the [...] proposals of the delegation of Japan,will besubmitted to the Executive Board at its 181st session, together with the [...] initial text adoptedin March 2007 and the report by the Rapporteur including a latest status report of the amendmentsproposed by the Russian Federation, Turkey and Poland but not accepted, for consideration and recommendation [...]to the General Conference at its 35th session. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会商定,将在今后一届会议上就《说 明》修订本草案是 否在委员会审议之前先由工作组审查作出决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission agreed to decide at a future [...] session whether the draft revisedNotes should be [...]first examined by the Working Group before [...]being considered by the Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
不少国家认 [...] 为网络空间里的着作权涉及改进现有法律的司法能力问题,因此应起 草新的文书并付诸实 施,以应对本领域中不断变化的问题和挑战(澳大利亚、马拉维、埃及、匈牙利、日本、拉 [...]脱维亚、俄罗斯联邦、土耳其、津巴布韦)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several States consider that copyright in cyberspace comes within the legal [...] capacity to improve [...] existing legislation and that as a result newtexts should be prepared and put into [...]effect in order to [...]cope with the constantly evolving risks and challenges in this field (Australia, Malawi, Egypt, Hungary, Japan, Latvia, Russian Federation, Turkey, Zimbabwe). unesdoc.unesco.org |
理事会要求编写一份包括最新信息的修改草稿,其中包括理事会第 五届会议所作决定和建议,并在提交给经社会之前向理事会成员分发,征求 [...] 意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council [...] requested that arevised draft withupdated information, [...]incorporating the decisions and recommendations made [...]at its fifth session, be prepared and circulated to Council members for comment prior to submission to the Commission. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书处忆及,《制定程序》中的规定免除某些新工作提出项目文件的强制要 求,如同维持食品添加剂通用标准的情况一样,并指出总原则委员会正在审议修订食 典标准修订和修正程序指南,以便澄清和精简处理对通过的标准和相关文 本修正或修 订时将应用的程序。 codexalimentarius.org | The Secretariat recalled that the provisions in [...] the Elaboration [...] Procedure exempted certainnew work from themandatory submission of project documents, as was the case for the maintenance of the GSFA, and noted that the Committee on General Principles was considering the revision of the Guide to the Procedure for the Revision and Amendment of Codex Standards in order to clarify and streamline the procedures to be applied when addressing amendmentsto or revisions of adopted [...]standards and related texts. codexalimentarius.org |
两位代表指出,贸发会议同级审评有助于他们的国家修订竞争法、通过新的 消费者保护法及起草新的竞争法案。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7. Two delegates said that the UNCTAD peer review [...] proved to be helpful to [...] their countries inmodifying their competition law, and in adoptinganew consumer protection law and the draftingofa new competition [...]bill, respectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
履约协助方案亚洲及 太平洋区域办事处小组协助各个国家起 草新立法 (如不丹、柬埔寨、孟加拉国、阿富汗和 瓦努阿图),或是修正/改善现有条例(如伊朗和印度尼西亚),特别是许可证制度方面 的立法和条例。 multilateralfund.org | The CAP ROAP team [...] assisted countries whendrafting new legislation(examples are Bhutan, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Vanuatu) or amending/ improving existing [...]regulations (examples [...]are Iran and Indonesia), specifically on licensing systems. multilateralfund.org |
本集团计划於以上新/修订准则及对现有准则之修订/诠释生效时采纳有关准则。 cre8ir.com | The Group plans to adoptthe abovenew/revised standards, amendments andinterpretations [...] to existing standards when they become effective. cre8ir.com |
一项新的研究揭示了仙女圈的起源,这是一种在非洲西南海岸沙漠中生长的圆形多年生 草本斑块,该斑块有一个不长草的中心。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Anewstudy uncovers the origin of fairy circles, circular patches of perennial grasseswith a barren center that grow in the desert on [...] the southwest coast of Africa. chinese.eurekalert.org |
这一特性使得它非常简单保存一个外部的新的脚本,修改它或为您的客户添加注释,然后简单地重新打包该修改的脚本。 evget.com | This feature makes it very simple [...] to saveout anew creation script,modify it or add comments [...]for your client, and then simply [...]repackage the modified SQL script. evget.com |
有 关 意 见 实 质 上 是 指 出 , 无 论 如 何 始 [...] 终 须 要 将 该 条 文 彻 头 彻 尾 地重新 草拟,这 不 仅 是 为 了 纠正本文所指 的 异 常 之 处 , 也 是 为 了 [...]纠 正 适 用 范 围 较 为 广 泛 的 其 他 异 常 之 处 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In effect, the comment is [...] that the section requires completeredrafting in anyevent to cure not only this, [...]but other anomalies of wider application. hkreform.gov.hk |
该税法应该被重新修订,在语言上 要跟 1986 年以前的那个版本类似,具体来说应该包括以 下内容:“非应税的研究生教育奖学金和助学金指的是已 经向在一个教育机构就读研究生的学生提供的或者允许向 [...] 他提供的或者会使他受益的款项。 fgereport.org | The tax code should be amended again to language similar to the pre-1986 version to include: [...] “Non-taxable graduate education [...]scholarships and fellowships are an amount paid or allowed to, or for the benefit of, a student at an educational institution in a graduate degree-seeking program. fgereport.org |
草本精华爽肤水秉承Kiehl’s采用天然成份的坚持,不含酒精及化学物料,配方中的牛蒡给予纾缓及镇静作用,玉米薄荷油除了带来清凉感觉,当中的维他命原B5亦能修护和滋养皮肤。 think-silly.com | This herbaltoner is made with all natural ingredients and contains no alcohol or chemicals, like the rest of Kiehl’s range. Great burdock is soothing and gentle on the skin, pure corn mint oil is refreshing, while vitamin B5 keeps [...] skin moisturised. think-silly.com |
(B) 除非於届满时间前被更新、修订或撤销,否则该授权将於二零一三年六月三 十日或本公司将举行的二零一三年股东周年大会结束时(以较早者为准)届 满,惟若本公司於授权届满之前根据本文赋予的授权签订一项或多项合约购 买普通股,则可於该授权届满後全部或部分执行合约,并可根据任何一项或 [...] 多项相关合约购买普通股,犹如本文所赋予的权力并未届满;及 prudential.co.uk | (B) such authority shall, [...] unless renewed, varied or revoked prior to such time, expire at the earlier of 30 June2013 and theconclusion of the [...]Annual General Meeting [...]of the Company to be held in 2013, save that the Company may before such expiry make a contract or contracts to purchase ordinary shares under the authority hereby conferred which would or may be executed wholly or partly after the expiry of such authority and may make a purchase of ordinary shares in pursuance of any such contract or contracts as if the power conferred hereby had not expired; and prudential.co.uk |
与会者对载有异常低价竞标条文的第 12 条之二的新草案(A/CN.9/623,第 33 至 41 段)和与这些条文对应的《指南》案文(A/CN.9/623,第 42、48 和 49 段)提出了修正建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Amendments were proposed to anew draft article 12bis containing provisions on ALTs (A/CN.9/623, paras. 33 to 41) and to the Guide text to accompany these provisions (A/CN.9/623, [...] paras. 42, 48 and 49). daccess-ods.un.org |