

单词 新信息

See also:

信息 n

news n
messages pl
info n
text n

External sources (not reviewed)

自缔约国第十届会 议以来,两个缔约国――德国和瑞士――为专家名单提供 新信息 或 更 新 了 信息。
Since the 10MSP, two States Parties – Germany and
[...] Switzerland – provided new or updated information for [...]
the list of experts.
将通过技术讲习班完成这项工作,讲习班将指导企业将其产品组合合 理化,并且提供有关替代品开发及其应用的 新信息。
It will be done through technology workshops, which will guide
them to rationalize their product mix, and
[...] provide latest information on development [...]
of alternatives and their application.
其目标 是为了提高地区内部的投资服务质量,并为投资 者提供各种新信息—— 比如,投资需求和地区 性微观经济数据。
Their goal is to improve the quality of a region’s investor
services as well as to
[...] provide an access to the latest information - such as, the investment offers and regional [...]
micro-economic data.
设施和基础设施资源类别所需资源减少(1 513 500 美元,或 6.9%)主要是因
为下列情况涉及的房地标准租金和办公用品:拟议转移目前总部承担的一些职 能,相关员额和一般临时人员职位拟在后勤基地 2012/13 年度预算中设立;总部
[...] 信息技术约聘人员减少,这与以前批准的信息技术系统的实施阶段(购置、开发 或部署)有关,而且 2012/13 年度没有拟议新信息技术举措。
The decrease in requirements under the facilities and infrastructure resource class ($1,513,500, or 6.9 per cent) is attributable primarily to the standard rental of premises and office supplies associated with: the transfer of functions currently carried out at Headquarters, with respect to which it is proposed that the related posts and general temporary assistance positions be established in the budget for UNLB for 2012/13; and the reduced level of information technology contractual personnel at Headquarters in connection with the stage of implementation (acquisition, development or deployment) of
previously approved systems and owing to
[...] the fact that no new information technology initiatives [...]
are proposed for the 2012/13 period.
在介绍秘书长关于大会第 65/160 号决议执行情 况和《联合国关于在发生严重干旱和/或荒漠化的国
[...] 家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约》执行情况的报告 (A/66/291, 第二章)时,他说,文件提供了高级别 会议筹备情况的新信息,并 审查了公约执行情况审 查委员会第九届会议及科学和技术委员会第二届特 别会议的议程和成果。
Introducing the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 65/160 and the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (A/66/291, chap. II),
he said that the
[...] document provided updates on the preparations for the High-level Meeting and reviewed the proceedings and outcomes of [...]
the ninth session of
the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention and the second special session of the Committee on Science and Technology.
这种查阅工具提供了信息社会不断发展变化的国家和国际一级的 新信息。
This reference tool
[...] provides updated information on the evolution of the information society at the national and international levels.
通过国家氟氯化碳淘汰计划建立的网站 已经成为各种利益攸关方获得各种 新信息 的 重 要来源;并且还可以从该网站上下载各种 培训材料、时事通讯及其他技术信息。
The website developed through the NCCOPP has been an important and appreciated source of updated information for various stakeholders; and training materials, newsletters and other technical information will be available for downloading on the website.
独立调查委员会说明,它从以色列或事实上的加 沙当局那里均未得到积极回应,因此,无法进一步提供任何 新信息 , 来 证实从 加沙对以色列发动的火箭弹袭击。
The Commission indicated that it had not received a positive response either from Israel or from the de facto authorities in Gaza and therefore was not in a position to provide any further update with respect to the rocket attacks on Israel launched from Gaza.
英文网页为养猪和养鸡的农场主提供了许多 新信息。
This English page offers a lot of current information for pig and poultry farmers.
(c) 应当鼓励各国政府推行以下做法:支持向检察官和法官定期提供关于 新的禁毒法律、现有禁毒法律的变动以及依据现有法律做出的会影响执法行动 的重要法庭裁决等方面的新信息。
(c) Governments should be encouraged to introduce practices that support regular updates for prosecutors and judges on new anti-narcotics laws, changes to existing drug legislation and important court rulings based on existing laws that have an impact on law enforcement operations.
理事会要求编写一份包括新信息的 修改草稿,其中包括理事会第 五届会议所作决定和建议,并在提交给经社会之前向理事会成员分发,征求 [...]
The Council requested that a revised draft
[...] with updated information, incorporating [...]
the decisions and recommendations made
at its fifth session, be prepared and circulated to Council members for comment prior to submission to the Commission.
促请会员国以及私人部门、有关非政府组织和专业协会制定和酌情改进预 防犯罪和刑事司法对策,打击特别是通 新信息 技 术 包括互联网制作、拥有和 传播描述或宣扬对妇女和儿童的暴力行为的游戏、图像和其他各种材料的现 象,并减轻这些游戏、图像和材料在公众对妇女和儿童的态度以及儿童智力和 情感发育方面造成的影响。
Member States and the private sector, relevant non-governmental organizations and professional associations are urged to develop and improve, where appropriate, crime prevention and criminal justice responses to the production, possession and dissemination of games, images and all other materials that depict or glorify acts of violence against women and children, and their impact on the general public’s attitude towards women and children, as well as the mental and emotional development of children, particularly through new information technologies, including the Internet.
和政府一样,互联网带来新信息来 源 的多样性使印刷和广播媒体的可持 续性受到挑战,而新的注重广告的商业模式和网上营销促进了新的全球商业的快 [...]
As well as governments,
[...] the diversity of new information sources enabled [...]
by the Internet challenges the sustainability of
the print and broadcast media, while new advertising-focused business models and online marketing have facilitated the rapid growth of new global businesses.
自动同步数据,使您 的图表始终提供新信息,并 安排图表自动 发布到您的内部网、网络驱动器或通过电子 邮件分发。
Automatically synchronize data so your chart is always current and schedule charts to automatically publish to your intranet, a network drive or via email distribution.
主席团满意地注意到秘书处就 水资源冲突管理硕士专业所提供 新信息 , 该 专业已成为水教育学院最成功的课程之 [...]
2 类中 心(英国)、教科文组织-水教育学院及联合国世界水资源评估方案(WWAP))共同努力 的完美典范。
The Bureau noted with satisfaction
[...] the additional information provided by [...]
the Secretariat on the MSc specialization on water
conflict management, which has become one of the most successful programmes offered by the Institute as a perfect example of joint work of various pillars of the UNESCO water family (IHP, the category 2 IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science in Dundee (UK), UNESCO-IHE and the UN World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP).
为了帮助读者将新信息和更新信息 在 本手册中进行定位,相关内容已 经添加了如本段右边所显示的变更指示符。
To help you locate new and updated information in this [...]
release of the manual, we have included change bars as shown to the right of this paragraph.
自卡塔赫纳首脑会议以来,14 个缔约 国――阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、厄瓜多尔、伊拉克、约旦、拉脱维亚、荷兰、塞
[...] 尔维亚、瑞士、塔吉克斯坦、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、突尼斯、土库曼斯坦 和乌克兰――为专家名单提供 新信息 或 更 新 了 信息。
Since the Cartagena Summit, 14 States Parties – Albania, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Iraq, Jordan, Latvia, Netherlands, Serbia, Switzerland, Tajikistan, the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, and
[...] Ukraine – provided new or updated information for the [...]
list of experts.
合作或许能让您接触到 新工具新信息和新技能 ;合作或许会给予您独立工作需数年方 可获得的全球性视野。
It may provide you
[...] access to new tools, information, and skills [...]
and it may give you an international perspective that may
take years for you to develop working on your own.
关于安理会工作的全面和定 期新信息张贴在安理会的网站上。
Comprehensive and regularly updated information on the work of the Council is posted on its website.
此外,最初的有担保债权人 应当有义务至少向设保人披露新的有担保债权人的身份,以便让设保人能够获 取与已登记的担保权及其相关债务有关的 新信息。
In addition, the original secured creditor should be under an obligation to disclose the new secured creditor’s identity to at least the grantor in order for the
grantor to be able to
[...] obtain current information relating to the registered security right and the obligation [...]
to which it relates.
次级作物减贫中心主任就为 2009 年 3
[...] 月举行的理事会会议所制 订战略计划的状况提供了新信息, 并就为期 2 天的战略规划讲习班所制 订的战略行动内容做了详细说明,战略行动的内容是技术委员会在 [...]
2009 年 12 月举行的第五次会议上所讨论和商定的,而上述
2 项活动均在印度 尼西亚茂物举行。
The Head of CAPSA provided an update on the status of the strategic plan produced for the
session of the Governing Council held in
[...] March 2009 and a detailed description of the strategic [...]
action elements developed at
the two-day strategic planning workshop and discussed and agreed upon by the Technical Committee at its fifth session, in December 2009, both held in Bogor, Indonesia.
我始终相信提供新信息技术 给学生是非常重 要的。
Consistently having
[...] the latest information on offer is very important I believe.
在5月23 日的第1 次会议上,委员会举行了关于“审查落实信息社会世界 首脑会议成果的进展情况”的部长级圆桌会议,会议由进步通信协会执行主任安 丽埃泰·埃斯泰尔胡伊森女士主持。以下人士参加了圆桌会议:莱索托通信、科 学和技术部部长莫泰约亚·梅青先生阁下,加纳通信部主任夸库·奥福苏-阿达 克瓦先生,几内亚电信新信息技术 部长奥耶·吉拉沃吉先生阁下,卡塔尔信通 技术部助理秘书长哈萨布·賽伊德先生,阿尔及利亚通信部部长顾问谢里夫·本 梅赫莱兹先生,智利外交部能源、科学、技术和创新司司长加夫列尔·罗德里格 斯先生,菲律宾科学技术部副部长福图纳托·德拉佩尼亚先生。
Original: English Asociation for Progressive Communications, in which the following participants took part: H.E. Mr. Mothetjoa Metsing, Minister of Communications, Science and Technology of Lesotho; Mr. Kwaku Ofusu Adarkwa, Chief Director Communications of Ghana; H.E. Mr. Oye Guilavogui, Minister of Telecommunications & New Information Technology of Guinea; Mr. Hassab Al Sayed, Assistant Secretary-General, ICT of Qatar; Mr. Cherif Benmehrez, Adviser to the Minister of Communications of Algeria; Mr.Gabriel Rodriguez, Director of the Department of Energy, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile; and Mr. Fortunato T. De la Peña, Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology of the Philippines.
委员会增添了新的栏目, 例如常见问题网页,即将和以往开展的外联活动,包括关于参加情况的资料说明, 以及网站上新信息。
New sections have been added, such as pages on frequently asked
questions, upcoming and past outreach events, including
[...] information notes on participation, and new information on the website.
哈龙技术选择委员会的共同主席 Daniel Verdonik 先生提供了第 XXII/11 号决定的后续新信息,包 括技经评估组和该委员会为使国际民用航空组织 (国际民航组织)参与停止使用哈龙的行动所做出的努力。
Mr. Daniel Verdonik, co-chair of the Halons Technical Options Committee, provided a follow-on update on decision XXII/11 on the efforts of the Panel and the Committee in engaging with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the transition from the use of halon.
安理会继续执行安理会主席关于工作方法的说明 (S/2010/507),安理会主席提倡采取有益的做法,以提高效率,方便工作,例 如,精简主席导言、在公开通报或辩论会中采用视频会议来提供实地的 新信 息。
The Council continued its implementation of the note by the President on working methods (S/2010/507) and presidencies had promoted useful practices aiming at increasing efficiency and expediency, such as streamlined
introductions made by the
[...] presidency and videoconferences in open briefings or debates to provide updates from the field.
每次会议开始时由专门小组成员作简要专题介绍和说明,这让与会者有机 会分享和接收有关全球导航卫星系统在以下领域广泛应用中使用的现有或拟建 卫星导航系统的新信息:测 绘、制图和资产管理、精准农业、工程和建设、 航空和航海导航,空间气象监测,以及全球导航卫星系统基准台站网络和服 务。
Brief presentations and statements by panellists at the beginning of each session provided participants with the opportunity to share and receive up-to-date information on existing or planned satellite-based navigation systems for use in a wide range of GNSS applications in areas such as surveying, mapping and asset management, precision agriculture, engineering and construction, aviation and maritime navigation, as well as in space weather monitoring and GNSS reference stations networks and services.
[...] 局方每季或每一兩個月發放的資料,是完全無法達到讓消費者掌握市場新 信息的效果的。
As one of the Members of this Council who are very concerned about this issue, I notice that the information released by either the Lands Department or the Bureau quarterly or every one or two months has
absolutely failed to achieve the purpose of enabling the consumers to have a good
[...] grasp of the latest market information.
它继续响应请 求,向会员国、非自治领土代表、学校、组织和个 人提供有关非殖民化问题的息,还 向新闻部的各 种来访服务和出版物提供新信息。
It continued to provide information on decolonization issues upon request to Member States, representatives of the Non-Self-Governing Territories, schools, organizations and individuals, and also provided updated information for DPI’s various visitor services and publications.




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