

单词 新作用

See also:


play a role
act on
corresponds English -ity, -ism, -ization


serve as
use for the purpose of

用作 v

serve v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 家传媒体系面临的挑战,并强调了进行调整以适应当前的变革的必要性、传媒 新作用 以及 信息与传播技术的力量。
The conference examined the challenges faced by media systems in countries in transition and
highlighted the need for adaptation to
[...] present changes, the new role of media, and [...]
the power of information and communication technologies.
The Centre’s innovative role in this regard could further reinforce the actions undertaken thus far.
第 2 类机构尤其是在非物质遗产领域起 新作用 。 强 调亚洲及太平洋地区非 物质文化遗产中心(ICHCAP)是取得积极进展的典范。
The new role of category 2 institutes, [...]
in particular in the area of intangible heritage: the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Centre for Asia and the Pacific (ICHCAP) was emphasized as an example of positive progress.
[...] 即使建立了质量控制框架,公众宣传局在监督所有出版物(包括销售和免费)质量方 面新作用也是一项长期承诺。
However, even when the quality control framework is
[...] established, BPI’s new role of overseeing [...]
the quality of all publications (both for
sale and free) is a long-term commitment.
关于改 革后粮安委新作用和远 景的更多信息,可从经社理事会 A/66/76-E/2011/102 [...]
和 A/65/73-E/2010/51 获取。
More information regarding the new roles and vision [...]
of the reformed Committee can be found in A/66/76-E/2011/102 and A/65/73-E/2010/51.
这项政策已经为玻利维亚在政治、经济和文化关 系领域必须发挥新作用创造 了一个有利环境。通过设计、制定、运用和执行一项 [...]
This policy has produced a favourable
[...] environment for the new role that Bolivia [...]
must play in its political, economic and
cultural relations in order to strengthen international relations mechanisms by designing, formulating, conducting and implementing a foreign policy that defends sovereignty and represents national interests.
鉴于这一不确定因素,我表示,界定 观察团新作用为时 过早,我将加紧与双方和其他国际利益攸关方磋商,以确定 [...]
Given this uncertainty, I stated that it was
[...] premature to define a new role for the Mission [...]
and that consultations would be intensified
with the two sides and other international stakeholders with a view to determining an appropriate future role of the United Nations.
专家们还注意到目前缺乏充分的人力、技术、法律和财务资源来保护博物馆与收藏, 以应对博物馆在发新作用时所 面对的各种挑战,以及人为和自然灾害的增多危及遗产和令 [...]
The experts also noted the lack of adequate human, technical, legal and financial resources to protect museums
and collections from the various challenges
[...] generated by the new role of museums as [...]
well as the increase in human-made and
natural disasters placing heritage at risk and the alarming threat represented by illicit trafficking in cultural property.
教科文组织曼谷办事处继续积极参加联合国国家工作队在泰国的活动,特别是有 关 2007-2011 年期间的联合国发展援助组织进程,联合国合作伙伴框架(UNPAF)确 认泰国作为捐助国援助欠发达的邻国的这 新作用。
UNESCO Bangkok continues to be actively involved in the UNCT activities in Thailand, particularly with regard to the UNPAF process covering the years 2007-2011. UNPAF, or the United Nations Partnership Framework, affirms Thailand’s emerging role as a donor country that helps its less developed neighbours.
该系列还着重强 调自然和文化遗产在建设和平工作中可以发挥的 新作用 , 同 时利用广岛事例突 出说明其政策对全球其他遗址的意义和关联性。
The series has also focused on the innovative role that natural and cultural heritage can play in peacebuilding, using the example of Hiroshima by highlighting the resonance and relevance of its policies for other sites around the world.
[...] 保护和加强博物馆与收藏的需要,现有的法律框架不足以体现博物馆 新作用 , 特 别是其教 育和社会功能。
The experts considered that the existing UNESCO conventions and recommendations in the field of culture that contain provisions concerning museums and collections do not sufficiently address needs in terms of protection and promotion of museums and collections and that
existing legal frameworks do not
[...] adequately reflect the new dimensions of museums, particularly [...]
their educational and social functions.
非洲发展新伙伴关系机构和非洲民航委员 会也已商定了一项谅解备忘录并将于今年签署,其中规定,新伙伴关系机构将支
[...] 持委员会为发展非洲民航事业动员资源,和承担亚穆苏克罗声明执行机构 新作 用。
The NEPAD Agency and the African Civil Aviation Commission have also agreed on a memorandum of understanding to be signed this year, whereby the Agency will support the Commission in the mobilization of resources for the
development of civil aviation in Africa and
[...] in undertaking its new role as the executing [...]
agency for the Yamoussoukro Declaration.
2003 年,为庆祝“世界和平与发展科学日”(11 月 10 日),在布达佩斯(匈牙利)
举办了下列国际活动:(i)由匈牙利科学院、教科文组织和国际科学理事会共同举办的世 界科学论坛,其主要目的是促进就有关
[...] 21 世纪科学与知识在全球社会中 新作用 和 挑 战等 问题展开讨论;(ii)以色列和巴勒斯坦科学家的一次聚会,介绍双方科学界之间进行合作 [...]
This year, the international events of 2003 World Science Day for Peace and Development (10 November) were organized in Budapest (Hungary): (i) the World Science Forum, organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, UNESCO and ICSU, whose main
purpose is to facilitate discussions on
[...] issues related to the new roles and challenges [...]
of science and knowledge in the global
society of the twenty-first century; (ii) a gathering of Israeli and Palestinian scientists to present 169 EX/4 Part I – page 24
( 第二条)。
[...] 鉴于监察员办公室担任国家防范机制 新作用 , 缔 约国应考虑向监察员办公室提 供必要的额外资金和人力资源,以确保其履行其目前的各项活动并使其能够有效 [...]
The State party should consider providing the Office of the Ombudsman with the
necessary additional financial and human
[...] resources, given its new role as National [...]
Preventive Mechanism, so as to ensure fulfilment
of its current activities and to enable it to carry out its new functions effectively.
大会第 64/289 号
[...] 决议合并了四个相互独立的前联合国两性平等实体的已有任务和职能,将其移交 妇女署,并增加了一个极其重要 新作用 : 领导和协调联合国系统关于两性平等 [...]
Through resolution 64/289, the General Assembly consolidated and transferred to UN-Women the existing mandates and functions of four former separate United Nations gender
entities and added a
[...] critically important new role: to lead and [...]
coordinate the United Nations system’s work on gender and to promote gender
mainstreaming and the system’s accountability for it.
借助这些方式支持民主化的“需求方”而不是“供应方”, 民主基金在补充和加强联合国的其他工作(如开发署与各国政府一起开展的工作) 方面,发挥了明显和独特的新作用 , 加 强世界各地的民主治理。
By supporting the “demand” rather than “supply” side of democratization, UNDEF plays a new, distinct and unique role in complementing and enhancing the other work of the United Nations — the work with Governments, such as that of UNDP — to strengthen democratic governance around the world.
[...] 院、匈牙利政府和国际科学理事会(ICSU)合作举办的,旨在提高 科学知识新作用和挑战问题的对话质量,该论坛不仅标志着世界科 [...]
学大会 10 周年,而且期望对 21 世纪全球社会中科学的未来作出战略 展望。
The World Science Forum (Budapest + 10) focused on “Knowledge and Future” with reference to the critical role of science regarding the formation of our future. The Forum not only marked the tenth anniversary of the
first World Conference on Science,
[...] organized in partnership with the Hungarian Academy [...]
of Sciences and the Hungarian Government
and ICSU to promote the quality of the dialogue on the new roles and challenges of scientific knowledge, but also looked forward to give a strategic vision of the future of science in the global society of the twenty-first century.
正式和非正式会议重点讨论了政府和财政政策 新作用 。 在 明确仅靠货币 政策无法创造条件使经济从危机中复苏并实现更加公平和可持续的增长后,政府 和财政政策就开始发新作用。
Discussions in formal and informal
[...] sessions focused on the new role for government and fiscal policy that has emerged since it became clear that monetary policy alone could not create the conditions for economies to recover from crisis and to reach [...]
a more equitable and sustainable growth path.
我们开会讨论联合国系 统在新世纪之初作用。新世纪 的曙光令我们满怀希望 和憧憬,我们做出了承诺并将其载入《千年发展目标》。
We met to discuss the role of the United Nations
[...] system on the cusp of a new century whose dawn [...]
we eyed with hope and anticipation and
made a commitment embodied in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
原有辦事處已 不敷用,新辦事 處提供更完備的設施,為未來業務增 作 好 準 備。
We had outgrown our original offices and the new space provides expanded facilities and positions [...]
us well for future growth.
[...] 交還或將會騰出的空置校舍已經/ 將會新用作社區或福利用途, 包括 1 所位於深水埗及 [...]
1 所位於北區的空置校舍作福利用途;另 有 9 所前村校( 分別位於大埔、元朗、離島、觀塘及南區) 作不同 類型的社區用途。
According to the available information in hand, a number of the returned/
to-be-returned vacant school premises have been/
[...] would be redeployed for community or welfare [...]
uses, including one in Shamshuipo and
one in the North for welfare use, as well as nine ex-rural school premises (in Tai Po, Yuen Long, Islands, Kwun Tong and Southern) for various types of community use.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當
局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家;
[...] (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項新撥作 藝 術發 展 用 途 ;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 [...]
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and
administrative expenses in the
[...] operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; [...]
(e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving
the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
[...] 質及客戶結構上持續進步,更希望透過多項在通 路結構、加值服務等方面的新作為 , 提升競爭 力及增用戶忠 誠度與使用量,進而提升本公司 之整體營運績效。
Looking forward, the Company plans to strengthen
communications quality,
[...] improve customer portfolio, create new sales channels, and provide varied [...]
value-added services in
order to retain customer loyalty, boost consumption, and raise its overall operating results.
[...] 的奶牛的牛奶IGF1(类胰岛素一号增长因子)含量增加的可能性;重组牛生长激素对某 些病毒在奶牛中的表现的潜作用; 新 生 儿 和幼儿对重组牛生长激素处理过的牛奶的暴 露使健康风险增加的可能性,如胰岛素依赖性糖尿病。
The Commission further requested JECFA to consider new data and information related to other factors pertaining to human health, including: the possible increased use of antibiotics to treat mastitis in cows; possibilities of increased levels of IGF1 in the milk of cows treated with rbSTs; potential effects of rbSTs to the
expression of
[...] certain viruses in cattle; possibilities that exposure to human neonates and young children [...]
to milk from rbSTs
treated cows increases health risks, for example developing insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资 新 闻 工 作 者的 对话;举行青年论坛;新启动文学 作 品 翻译委员会,增 用 欧 洲 语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in
dialogue activities; dialogue among student
[...] journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; [...]
a comparative study
of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
为此需要实施众多的行动, 如:与各国统计专业人员密切作, 编 制“数据计划”,以便利提交国际报告; 用新 的内 部数据质量监督框架;定期审查和调整调查工具和指标框架。
This entails a range of different initiatives, including: the preparation of “data
plans” in close
[...] consultation with national statisticians to facilitate international reporting; the implementation of a new internal Data Quality [...]
Monitoring Framework;
and the regular review and refinement of survey instruments and indicator frameworks.
后者不只包 括该部门对两个横向专题“消除贫困,尤其是赤贫”和“信息和传播技术为发展教育、科学及文化事业和建设
[...] 科学及人文科学部门合作)、文化和生物多样性(与文化部门合作)等领域的协作,以及与传播与信息部门作,利用新的信 息和传播技术,作为开展科学工作和交流科学知识的一种手段。
The latter comprises not only the Sector’s contributions to the two cross-cutting themes “eradication of poverty, especially extreme poverty” and the “contribution of information and communication technologies to the development of education, science and culture and the construction of a knowledge society”, but also collaboration in fields like science education (in cooperation with ED), ethics of science (including bioethics, in cooperation with SHS), cultural and
biological diversity (in cooperation with CLT) and, in
[...] cooperation with CI, the use of the new information [...]
and communication technologies
as a means of conducting and sharing science.
23.4 为了完成使命,新闻部采取如下核心做法:与秘书处及联合国系统各组织 和机构实务部门和厅处建立战略作 关 系 ;加强 使 用 传 统 媒体 新 媒 体的最新信 息和通信技术,直接而即时地向全世界提供信息;通过与民间社会组织建立伙伴 关系,扩大基层支持面;在作新闻 和 宣传材料方面体现联合国各正式语文的平 等地位。
23.4 To accomplish this mission, the Department takes the following core approaches in its
work: strategic working
[...] relationships with the substantive departments and offices of the Secretariat and the organizations and bodies of the United Nations system; enhanced use of the latest information and communications technologies, in both traditional and new media, to deliver information directly and instantaneously worldwide; the building of expanded grass-roots support through partnerships with civil society organizations; and the parity of official United Nations languages in the preparation of news and communications [...]
[...] 的障碍仍然是,许多非缔约国始终认为,使用杀伤人员地雷造成的严重的人道主 义后果并不足以抵销杀伤人员地雷所产生的一点点军 作用 , 可能需要做出广泛 的努力,用新的办法,以克服有关杀伤人员地雷用途的落伍思想。
It was further noted that the most prevalent barrier to universalisation remains a persistent view on the part of many States not parties that a perceived marginal military utility derived from anti-personnel mines is not outweighed by the grave
[...] consequences of their use and that intensive efforts likely are needed, with new tools, to overcome [...]
outdated thinking
about the utility of antipersonnel mines.




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