

单词 新传播

See also:

传播 v

flow v
spread v
stir v


broadcast v
spread v
scatter v

External sources (not reviewed)

教育计划的第三个战略目标是促进教育 新 , 传播 和 交 流信息及最佳做法并开展教育 领域的政策对话。
The third strategic objective of the education programme is to promote innovation, and the diffusion and sharing of information and best practices as well as policy dialogue in education.
大多数国家由于无法培训相关人员,至今仍 然在最大限度地利新传播技术 方面有很多困难。
Most countries are still having difficulties in optimizing the NCT due to their inability to train staff.
对民间组织进行了一项调查,以征求关于使用新的社会媒体 工具和新传播信息 方式的反馈,并就民间组织感兴趣的实质性问题征求意见。
A survey of CSOs has been made to get feedback on
[...] the use of new and social media tools and on innovative ways of disseminating information, [...]
and to get suggestions
on substantive issues of interest to them.
传播方面正在出现的主要趋势 新传播 技 术 及其对社 会的影响有关。
The major emerging trends in
[...] communication relate to the new communication technologies [...]
and the impact they will have on societies.
通过起草和完成传播培训的示范教学大纲,在 18 个 非洲国家进一步肯定了教科文组织在 新传播 专家 培训大纲方面所起的作用。
Reaffirmed UNESCO’s role in upgrading curricula for training communication
specialists in 18 African countries through the
[...] drafting and finalization of model curricula for communication training.
新传播计划的 主要挑战在于,确保民众活动明确标记为本组织计划的一部分,并且教科文组织作为法人组织因 其努力而获得赞赏,以便改变依照重大计划 [...]
II 实施的各项行动的相关性和影响方面的看法。
A major challenge of the new communication strategy is to [...]
ensure that popular initiatives are clearly branded as being part
of the Organization’s programmes and that UNESCO as a corporate body receives credit for its endeavours, in order to change perceptions with regard to the relevance and impact of actions carried out under Major Programme II.
(h) 公益告示和宣传短片:森林论坛秘书处计划制作 3-5 分钟的电影短片,
[...] 以不同语文在世界各地发行,供电视和其他 新传播 渠 道 放映;包括在影剧院做 公益放映,传递为森林采取行动的鼓舞人心的信息。
(h) Public service announcements and short promotional films: The United Nations Forum on Forests secretariat plans to produce 3 to 5 minute films and public service announcements for distribution worldwide in different
languages for use on television and
[...] other innovative distribution channels, including [...]
pro bono shows in theatres to convey
inspiring messages of action for forests.
新传播战略 ”鼓励信息在各个层面上自由流动,同时推动信息进一步传播,增强发展中国 [...]
It encourages the free flow of information at all levels while
[...] promoting improved dissemination of information [...]
and strengthening communication capacities in developing countries.
贸发会新传播产品 ( 例如,《全球投资趋势监测》和《投资政策监测》)及 时传达关于投资前景、趋势和政策的信息。
UNCTAD’s new communication products such as [...]
the Global Investment Trends Monitor and the Investment Policy Monitor conveyed
timely information on investment prospects, trends and policies.
关于让妇女参与各级传媒的工作,教科文组织为位于大韩民国首都汉城的教科文组织 亚太地区妇女新传播技术 教职提供了支持。支持内容包括专题节目制作、网页设计和内容 [...]
Concerning participation of women in media, UNESCO
provided assistance to the UNESCO
[...] Chair in women and new communication technologies [...]
for the Asia-Pacific region in Seoul,
Republic of Korea, for the production of features; web design and content development; preparation of handbooks on best practices of women media professionals and gender-sensitive reporting.
触和控制传播科技,以及那些阶层会 新传播 科 技 中受益。
to and control of communication technology as well as about which parties benefit from advanced technology usage.
[...] 台关于这些活动和相关主题的产品被媒体聚合器收集,由广播伙伴 新传播 ,并 且免费提供给全世界民间社会组织和普通民众。
Products on those and related themes by the United Nations News Centre, United Nations Radio, United Nations Photo and United Nations Television
were picked up by media aggregators,
[...] redisseminated by broadcast partners and made [...]
accessible to civil society organizations
and the general public around the world free of charge.
公众宣传 其各科之间更好地发挥协同作用和使它们的活动更加协调一致;通过扩大利用信息 播技 术新传播方式 ;和更有效地利用开展公众宣传活动的现有人力和财力。
247. While continuing to implement the new public information and communication strategy, the Bureau of Public Information has been restructured over the past few months to create greater synergy between its different sections and more coherence in their activities; to update modes of communication through increased use of information and communication technologies; and to use more efficiently the human and budgetary resources available for public information activities.
元数据可以“自由、免费的使用、重用和 新传播 … …通过使用全球范围内独一无二的 标示符来命名作品、地点、个人、事件、主题以及其他感兴趣的对象或者概念,图书馆将会让 资源能够在广泛的数据源中得到引用,这会让它们的元数据描述被更丰富的获取。
Linked library Metadata can be “freely usable, reusable, and redistributable [...] by using globally unique identifiers to designate works, places, people, events, subjects, and other objects or concepts of interest, libraries will allow resources to be cited across a broad range of data sources and thus make their metadata descriptions more richly accessible.
[...] 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战 新 闻 传播 平 台 正在迅速扩张,并不 断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 [...]
询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以较贴近
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being
challenged by the rising popularity of alternative
[...] sources, news distribution platforms are [...]
rapidly multiplying and diversifying
and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
新约中福音传播、新教改革、卫斯 理大复兴和当代的建立教会运动都是属灵运动的例子。
The spread of the Gospel in the New Testament, the [...]
Protestant Reformation, the Wesleyan revival and the contemporary church
planting movements are all examples of spiritual movements.
i) 仇外;ii) 种族歧视新的表现,特别是与信 传播新 技 术 有关的表现,例如,构成艾 滋病病毒/艾滋病方面的生物学和医学信 传播新 技 术; iii)更新教科文组织采用的准则 性文件,建立有效机制以落实其用途。
(iii) revitalization of standard-setting texts adopted by UNESCO and the creation of an effective mechanism for the application of such instruments.
会议还强调了非洲大陆和海外的知识分子和艺术家 传播新 思 想、促进发展、社会 变革与和平方面做出的贡献。
They also highlighted the contribution of African intellectuals and artists, both on the continent and the Diaspora as a vehicle for innovative ideas, development, social transformation and peace.
前进计划》中提出了一系列规范 性的倡议,其宗旨是消除阻碍信息交流技术使用 传播 的 障 碍,以保障 新 型信 息社会中公民的权利。
The measures called for in the plan include the adoption of a series of regulatory initiatives designed to remove existing obstacles to the expansion
and use of information and communication technologies and
[...] guarantee the rights of citizens in the new information society.
本书的话题包括:宣传的目标;宣传的研究;播出、印刷和网络信息设计; 广 播 的 宣 传 ; 电视网络与电视台 传 ; 新 闻 宣 传 攻 势 ;非商业 广 播 与 电 视宣传;有线电视营销与宣传;辛迪加节目营销;全球与国际市场宣传;在线营销与宣传;PROMAX和 BDA前任总裁与CEO格立恩.布莱斯福德均为本版作了新的序言。
The topics of this book include: promotion for TV network and TV station; news promotion; promotion for non-commercial radio and TV; promotion and marketing for cable; syndicate promotion; global market promotion; online marketing and promotion; the ex-President and CEO of PROMAX & BDA write the new foreword for this version.
新闻权利、包括主张和发表意见的自由; 除上述权利之外,还有作为其必不可少之补充的其它权利,即:思想和信仰自由的权 利,不限国界不拘方法地去寻求、接收 传播新 闻 和 思想的权利,保护任何科学、文学或艺 术成果带来的精神和物质利益的权利,与教育、科学、文化和新闻活动有关的集会和结社自 由的权利。
To those rights are added others which constitute their indispensable complement, namely the right to freedom of thought and conscience, the right to seek, receive and impart, regardless of frontiers, information and ideas by any means whatsoever, the right to protection of the moral and material interests deriving from any scientific, literary or artistic production, and the right to freedom of assembly and association for activities connected with education, science, culture or information.
在非洲,继续支持卢旺达和布隆迪的新闻机构开展来自不同族群的新闻工作者之间的合作, 包括对布隆迪 40 名年轻新闻工作者进行基本新闻理论的培训,和对
[...] 100 名私营和公共机构 的专业新闻工作者进行利用因特网采集 传播新 闻 和 信息的培训。
In Africa, continued support was provided to the press houses in Rwanda and Burundi through which journalists who belong to different ethnic groups have been cooperating on a number of issues, including in Burundi the training of 40 young journalists in basic journalism and 100 professional
journalists in both the private and the public media in the use of Internet
[...] to collect and disseminate news and information.
他因以下罪 名被判处有期徒刑 10 年:“通过建立库尔德斯坦人权组织危害国家安全”、“通传播新闻广 泛宣传反对现制度”、“通过公开传播石刑和处决等处罚的消息反对伊 斯兰刑法”以及“替政治犯辩护”。
He was sentenced to 10 years in prison on charges of “acting against national security through establishment [of] HROK”, “widespread propaganda against the system by disseminating news”, “opposing Islamic penal laws by publicizing punishments such as stoning and executions” and “advocating on behalf of political prisoners”.
大部分的网下媒体都开发了网上版本,而且鉴于互联网已经成为了向全球 受传播新闻的 重要的经济可行的媒介,随之产生了“网上记者”――既有职业 记者也有所谓的“公民记者”,“公民记者”没有受过训练,但能随时实地记录传播新闻事 件,因而正在发挥愈发重要的作用。
Most of the offline media have developed an online alternative, and given that the Internet
has become an essential and
[...] economic medium for disseminating news to a global audience, leading to an emergence of “online journalists” – both professionals and so-called “citizen journalists” who are untrained, but who play an increasingly important role by documenting and disseminating news as they unfold [...]
on the ground.
特别是,委员会应在科学、技术及创新政策审查过程中确定全世界电子 科学、电子工程和电子教育方案的机遇和最佳做法及它们自身具有及它们之 间存在的合力; ㈥ 完成传播新的《科学、技术及创新政策制订方法导则》并分享执行中 获得的成果和最佳做法
(v) In particular, the Commission should identify opportunities and best practices and synergies in and between e-science, e-engineering and e-education programmes worldwide in the course of performing science, technology and innovation policy reviews
因此,WIPO 积极与联合国系统内外的各个国际合作伙伴开展合作,以便通过下列方式帮助 共同解决重大挑战:释放新和知 识产权潜力,营建一个更为公平的世界;分析 新 、 知 识产权和 技术转让之间的关系(将酌情包括各种形式的知识共享、研发与产能的转让,其中包括合作、能力 建设、许可使用和技术改造传播) ; 以及开发实用工具。
WIPO therefore cooperates actively with diverse international partners, both within and outside the UN system, in order to contribute to shared solutions to major
challenges by: unlocking the
[...] potential of innovation and IP for a more equitable world; analyzing the relationship between innovation, IP and technology transfer (to include, as appropriate, various forms of knowledge sharing, the transfer of R&D and productive capacity, including collaborations, capacity building, licensing [...]
and technology adaptation
and diffusion); and, developing practical tools.
如果基督教不存在于所有在上埃及,公元150之前,那么我们就必须降下来的德米特里版本尽早日期,但如果像更容易,基督 传播 的 手 段尼罗河立即开始鼓吹在亚历山德里亚,并已成为感染邪教和半异教迷信,在第二个世纪,我们可能会暂时结束Sahidic版本,这是当时的性格“(”科普特版本在南方方言 新 约 圣 经“,三,牛津大学,1911年,第398页)。
If Christianity did not exist at all in Upper Egypt before AD 150, then we must come down to the date of Demetrius as the earliest possible date of the version; but if, as is more
likely, the Christian
[...] religion had spread by means of the Nile immediately after it began to be preached in Alexandria, and had already become infected by heretical and semi-pagan superstitions in the second century, we may provisionally conclude from the character of the Sahidic version that it was made at that time" ("The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Southern [...]
Dialect", III, Oxford, 1911, p. 398).
教科文组织为建立一个分区域资源中心来支持在信息 传播新 技 术 领域面向年轻 人的信息和教育机构做出了贡献,通过与微软和全国青年观察所的伙伴关系以及与突 [...]
UNESCO has contributed to the establishment of a subregional resource centre to support
information and education facilities for
[...] young people in the new information and [...]
communication technologies. The centre was
set up in partnership with Microsoft and the National Youth Observatory and in close cooperation with the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Physical Education in Tunisia.
[...] 流研究人员和研究成果以及收集数据,以支持政策和方案拟定:建立创收项目: 以传播新闻。
Other priorities for international cooperation on ageing should include exchange of experiences and best practices, researchers and research findings and data collection to support
policy and programme development as appropriate; establishment of income-generating
[...] projects; and information dissemination.




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