

单词 新会县

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报名截止日期是2011年8月31日, 请缴交参赛作品至CPAD家长会 - 阿罕布拉总部,或家
The deadline for submitting the entries is August 31, 2011 to CPAD Alhambra Office or OC Chapter.
1/17 /2009家到第十一区区域委员会的Scarlett vonThenen女士为我们讲解加州区域委员会的功能,以及这个代理机构如何能够帮助残障人士。
1/17/2009 CPAD Orange Chapter invited Ms. Scarlett [...]
vonThenen to come tell us about State of California Area Boards, their
functions and how the agencies can help people with disabilities.
发生於 1961 年(昭和 36 年),地点川流域,污染源为昭和电鹿濑 工场,致命物质同样是汞(水银化合物),受害者症状大体上与熊本水俣病相似,另有 关节痛、末梢神经症状等。
The pollutant again was mercury. Its symptoms were quite similar to the Kumamoto Minamata Disease, plus other symptoms such as arthrodynia and peripheral nerve syndromes.
如果您 搬到州份不列在以上,请致务部第一健保 (Care1st) 优越计划 HMO (Care1st AdvantageOptimum Plan HMO) 或第一健保 (Care1st) 全优计划 HMO (Care1st TotalAdvantage Plan HMO) 是否有计划
If you move to a state not listed above, please call Customer Service to find out if Care1st AdvantageOptimum Plan (HMO) or Care1st TotalAdvantage Plan (HMO) has a plan inyour newstate or county.
CPAD月十七日, 在橙县一个假想的夏威夷岛屿上举办同乐会。
It was a beautiful day at a pretend Island of
[...] Hawaiiin OrangeCounty where the CPAD OC Chapter Luau [...]
party took place.
於二零零八年三月六日,本集团与独立第三方就位於越南平阳工 业园D2-3区的一幅面积为5,000平方米的土地订立分租协议,租期为50年,用於建立 [...]
On 6 March 2008, the Group entered into a sublease agreement with an Independent Third Party for renting a parcel of land located at D2-3 Dai Dang
Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District, Binh
[...] Duong Province, Vietnam with an area of [...]
5,000 square metres for a term of 50 years
for establishing the Group’s new production plant (the “New Vietnam Production Plant”) in Vietnam.
[...] 一年内将总部从越南平阳省顺安县同安工业区2号路迁至越南平阳工业园 D2-3区(即越南新生产工厂地址)。
According to the investment certificate of Vietnam Centresin, the head office of Vietnam Centresin has to be relocated to Road No.2, Dong An Industrial Zone, Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province to D2-3, Dai Dang Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District,
Binh Duong Province, Vietnam, being the
[...] address oftheNew Vietnam Production Plant, within one year [...]
from 12 January 2009.
10/22/11,星期六, 一堂音乐治疗课非常的有趣和成功。
10/22/11, OCChapter first Music Therapy Saturday Class, was very fun and success.
Firearms should be transported unloaded and in the trunk of your  vehicle.
本集团在执行中新会则前,形成固定资产的政府拨款确认为资本公积,而按香港财务报告准则 及中新会则编制的账目中,该等补助收入均作递延,并於有关资产之预计可用年限以直线法计 入损益表。
Under bothHKFRS andnew PRCAccountingStandards, government subsidies are recognised as deferred income and credited to the income statement on a straight [...]
line basis in accordance
with the estimated useful lives of the assets.
新会策,倘有大量股息分派,投资将按本公司有关非金融资产减值之会计政策进行减值 [...]
Under thenew accountingpolicy, if [...]
the dividend distribution is excessive, the investment would be tested for impairment
according to the Company's accounting policy on impairment of nonfinancial assets.
In the author's view, if the local professional media practitioners, such as the Newspaper Society, the Hong Kong News Executives' Association, the Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, the Hong Kong Journalists Association, the Press Council and even individual media and survey bodies can recommend the above guidelines together, and gradually improve the content, so as to form a set of binding regulation within the profession, then the media in Hong Kong can definitely take a leading role and guide the whole Chinese media to move forward.
2) 组织领袖 –
[...] 以建立一个由我们会员组成具谈判力量以说新会入工会,亦 包括未被组织但与我们一样向相同雇主提供服务的工人,亦包括未被组织向非 [...]
工会雇主提供服务的医护工人以及刚离开 SEIU 而在其他组织里不知所向的工 人们。
2) Organizing Leader- Work to build the bargaining strength of our
[...] members by bringingnew members into our [...]
union including un-organized workers who
work for our employers, un-organized healthcare workers who work for nonunion employers and workers who recently left SEIU and are struggling without contracts in any other organizations.
俞弟兄和我,去年九月搬家到Anaheim,决定选 择们属灵的家。
Last September, my husband and I moved to Anaheim, and decided to make EFCOC our spiritual home.
经董事会如此委任的任何董事, 任期至本公司下次股东大会(如属填补临时空缺)或本公司下届股东周年大会(如属现届董会 新员)为止,届时符合资格於该股东大会膺选连任,但确定哪些董事须在股东周年大会退任 时,在上述情况下退任的任何董事不计算在内。
Any Director so appointed by the Board shall hold office only until the next following general meeting of the Company (in the case of filling a casual vacancy) or until
the next following
[...] annual general meeting of the Company (in the case of an addition to the existing Board), and shallthen [...]
be eligible for re-election
at that meeting provided that any Director who so retires shall not be taken into account in determining which Directors are to retire by rotation at an annual general meeting.
本公司於2002年3月成立於台县新,专业代理销售压缩空气净化设备,目前代理的厂商有:英国Walker Filtration Ltd.、荷兰Besseling Industry-Technic B.V.及义大利MTA等世界品牌之高品质工业设备,提供如雷射切割、半导体、液晶显示器及IC封装业等高科技产业洁净空气(CDA)与高纯度氮气等(PN2)之需求。
With high quality industrial facilities, the products are from Walker Filtration Ltd. of UK, Besseling Industry-Technic B.V. of Nederland, MTA of Italy, providing high-tech industries such as laser cutting, semi-conductor, LCD-TFT and IC packaging with Clean/Dry/Air (CDA) and High Purity Nitrogen (PN2).
根据越南中部树脂与独立第三方大登建设开发有限公司(「大登」)於二零零八年 三月六日订立的土地分租协议,越南中部树脂向大登租赁位於越南平阳工业园D2-3区的一幅土地(「越南分租物业」)。
(“Dai Dang”), an Independent Third Party, Vietnam Centresin rented a piece of land located at D2-3 Dai Dang Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province (the “Vietnam Sublease Property”) from Dai Dang.
In order to reacha newconsensus inthe [...]
society, of course we need to seek common grounds and reserve differences at the same time.
於 2010
[...] 年内,除了向中华煤气收购在遼寧省及浙江省的六个项目外,集团分别在江西省、遼寧省、 山东省和广西壮族自治区共获取八,包括山东省潍坊市臨阳市南遼寧省 鞍山市工业新区、大連市旅顺经济开发区、朝阳市喀左县,江西省九江市城东港区、抚州市抚北工 [...]
In 2010, in addition to the six projects acquired from HKCG in Liaoning and Zhejiang Provinces, the Group also secured eight new projects in Jiangxi Province, Liaoning Province, Shandong Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, including
Linqu County of
[...] Weifang City and NanhaiNew District of Laiyang City in Shandong Province, the New Industrial District [...]
of Anshan City, Lvshun Economic Development Zone
of Dalian City and Kazuo County of Chaoyang City in Liaoning Province, Chengdong Harbour District of Jiujiang City and Fubei Industrial Park of Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province, and Lingui New District of Guilin City, being the first piped gas investment project of the Group in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
对於未必有业权缺陷的各项物业(即(i)位於中国广东省中山市黄圃镇新丰工业区 中心的中山生产工厂;(ii)位於越南平阳省顺安县同安工业区2号路的越南现有生产工
[...] 厂;及(iii)位於越南平阳工业园D2-3区面积为5,000平方米的一幅租赁土 [...]
地(「越南分租物业」)),本集团已进行及 ╱ 或将进行下列补救措施
Regarding each of the properties that may or may not have defective title, namely (i) the Zhongshan production plant located at Xinfeng Industrial Zone, Huangpu Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong, the PRC; (ii) the Existing Vietnam Production Plant located at Road No.2, Dong An Industrial Park, Thuan An
District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam;
[...] and (iii) a piece and parcel of leased [...]
land of 5,000 square meters located at D2-3
Dai Dang Industrial Zone, Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province, Vietnam (“Vietnam Sublease Property”), the Group has taken and/or will take the following rectification actions
同 时,本 集 团 假 定 比 较 期 初(即'006年'月'日 )开 始 执 行 企 业 会 计
[...] 准 则 第'号 至 第'7号, 对《企 业 会 计 准 则 第''号 — 首 次 执 行 企 业 会 计 准 则 》第 五 条 至 第 十 九 条 之 外 的 不 需 要 追 溯 调 整 的 事 项,分 析 模 拟 执新 会则 的 净 利 润 与 原 准 则 下 净 利 润 存 在 的 重 大 差 异,在 以 下 调 节 表 中 分 项 列 示。
The Group has assumed the implementation of Enterprise Accounting Standards No. ' to No. 37 with effect from the start of the comparative period (i.e. ' January 2006”), and has produced a hypothetical analysis of the significant
difference between net
[...] profit amounts undernew accountingstandards and old accounting standards in respect of items not covered in No. 5 to No. '9 of “Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 38 – Initial Implementation [...]
of Enterprise
Accounting Standards” and do not require retrospective adjustments.
Perhaps the elements of the city you’re least
likely to be able to find in SimCity are the
[...] ones you’re likely tohear about [...]
here at This Big City, or on other urban news
sources: street art, critical masses, vending machines that accept recycled bottles instead of coins – all of which lead to macro-level phenomena such as gentrification and the renovation of hard-hit neighbourhoods.
In addition to the WEO delegation from Hong Kong, Professor Cai Dong-qian, WEO China Director from Beijing, and Professor Wu Xiang-lian, Director of WEO Heilongjiang Dr. Lee Shau Kee Eye Centre, came to join the Opening Ceremony which was attended by many local Government and Health Bureau representatives including Mr. Chen Zhi-yue, Vice Mayor of Yangjiang City, Mr. Jiang Miao, Chief of Health
Bureau of Yangjiang City, Ms. GuanXuan,Vice
[...] Mayor of YangdongCounty and also Chairlady of Yangdong County Red Cross, Mr. Zhang Hua An, Chief of Health Bureau ofYangdong County, Mr. Lin Fen He, [...]
Chief of Civic Affairs
Bureau in Yangdong County, and Mr. Tan He Gui, Chairman of Disabled Persons Federation in Yangdong County and of course, Dr. Hong Jia-wen, President of Yangdong People’s Hospital.
任 何 获 董 事 会 委 任 出 任 现 时 董会 新事 席 位 的 董 事 , 其 任 期 仅 至 本 公 司 下 一 届 股 东 周 年 大 会 为 止 , 并 符 合 资 格 於 该 股 东 周 年 大 会 重 选 。
Any Director so appointed by the Board as an addition to the existing Board shall hold office only until the next following annual general meeting of the Company and shall then be eligible for re-election at that annual general meeting.




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