单词 | 斯蒂芬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 斯蒂芬—Stephen or Steven (name)Examples:斯蒂芬・哈珀—Stephen Harper (1959-), Canadian politician, prime minister from 2006 See also:蒂—stem (of fruit) 芬—fragrance perfume
除了教皇的信件和decretals这些藏品,我们有独立的集合,其中两个很重要,但托收榛,而斯蒂芬的拉里萨。 mb-soft.com | Besides these collections of papal letters and the decretals, we have separate collections, of which two are important, the Collectio Avellana, and that of Stephen of Larissa. mb-soft.com |
这里的空间与维也纳斯蒂芬大教堂主体建筑的空间差不多大。 voith.com | In the main building, there is sufficient space to be able to house Vienna's St. Stephen's cathedral. voith.com |
2009 年 11 [...] 月 23 日, 澳大利亚外交部长、议员斯蒂芬·史密斯阁下在访问古巴期间,对古巴外交部长 [...]布鲁诺·罗德里格斯阁下讲:自 1996 年以来,澳大利亚政府一贯支持呼吁终止 对古巴的贸易封锁的大会各项决议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, The [...] Honourable Stephen Smith MP, advised Cuba’s [...]Minister for Foreign Affairs, His Excellency [...]Mr. Bruno Rodriguez, during his visit to Cuba on 23 November 2009, that since 1996, the Government of Australia has consistently supported United Nations General Assembly resolutions calling for an end to the trade embargo against Cuba. daccess-ods.un.org |
发展经济学家斯蒂芬.德弗罗(Stephen Devereux)教授说:“无论何时,如果非洲出现饥荒,我们就应该问自己,为什么会出现这种状况,为什么没有预防。 unicef.org | Whenever we have a famine in Africa we should ask ourselves why this happened, and why it wasn’t prevented,” said development economist Professor Stephen Devereux as part of The Debate. unicef.org |
会议的小组讨论成员有:查尔斯·戈尔先生,非洲、最不发达国家和特别方 案司研究和政策分析处处长;斯蒂芬妮·格里菲斯-琼斯女士,金融市场方案主 任,政策对话倡议,哥伦比亚大学,美利坚合众国纽约;范图·切鲁先生,研究 主任,北欧非洲研究院,瑞典乌普萨拉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The panellists for the session were: Mr. Charles Gore, Head of Research and Policy Analysis Branch, ALDC; Ms. Stephany Griffith-Jones, Financial Markets Programme Director, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University, New York, United States of America; and Mr. Fantu Cheru, Research Director, Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden. daccess-ods.un.org |
宝石供应商环是的赫伯特·斯蒂芬KG。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Gemstone supplier to the ring [...] was the Herbert Stephan KG. en.developmentscout.com |
我根据安理会暂行规则第 39 条,邀请秘书长索 马里沿海海盗行为所涉法律问题特别顾问杰克·兰先 生和主管法律事务助理秘书长斯蒂芬·马修伊斯先生 参加本次会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Jack Lang, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Legal Issues related to Piracy off the Coastof Somalia, and Mr. Stephen Mathias, Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, to participate in this meeting. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据第93对开页右面的版权页介绍,手稿是由一个叫斯蒂芬(Isṭifānūs)的人抄写的,他是圣安东尼修道院的一名修士,1737年4月11日在罗马完成。 wdl.org | According to the colophon on 93r, the manuscript was [...] copied by a scribe named Stephen [...] (Isṭifānūs), a monk of the SaintAntony Monastery, [...]completed on the 11th of Nisan (April), 1737, in Rome. wdl.org |
他曾在斯蒂芬.斯皮尔伯格导演的电影《辛德勒的名单》中扮演奥斯卡.辛德勒,得到奥斯卡金像奖、金球奖和英国电影学院奖的提名。 unicef.org | His role as Oskar Schindler in the Stephen Spielberg movie, ‘Schindler’s List’, earned him Academy Award, Golden Globe, and BAFTA nominations. unicef.org |
联合国食物权特别报告员奥利维尔.德.舒特(Olivier De Schutter)、救助非洲之角的共同创始人和执行董事法蒂玛.基布瑞尔(Fatima Jibrell)、《饥荒理论》和《撒哈拉以南非洲的食品安全》的作者斯蒂芬.德弗罗博士、联合国儿童基金会东部和南部非洲区域负责人额哈吉.艾斯.斯(Elhadj As Sy)、印度“绿色革命之父”M.S.斯瓦米纳坦教授(M.S. Swaminathan)、康奈尔大学的食品、营养与公共政策教授珀.平思储波.安德森(Per Pinstrup-Andersen)均参与了此次“避免饥荒,及早行动”的辩论。 unicef.org | Averting Famine, Acting Early includes discussion from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter; the co-founder and Executive Director of Horn of Africa Relief, Fatima Jibrell; author of 'Theories of Famine' and 'Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa', Dr. Stephen Devereux; UNICEF Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa Elhadj As Sy; the ’Father of the Green Revolution in India‘, Professor M.S. Swaminathan; and Professor of Food, Nutrition and Public Policy at Cornell University, Per Pinstrup-Andersen. unicef.org |
特别推荐斯蒂芬·皮尔斯(Stephen Pearce)、路易斯·马尔卡希( Louis Mulcahy)、尼古拉斯·默斯( Nicholas Mosse)和 麦克·肯尼迪(Michael Kennedy)的作品。 discoverireland.com | Keep your eye out for leading names like Stephen Pearce, Louis Mulcahy, Nicholas Mosse, and Michael Kennedy. discoverireland.com |
作者会喜欢到感谢博士斯蒂芬金斯莫尔和的儿科基因组医学中心儿童慈悲医院和诊所为他们的计算集群为我们的数据分析的,Illumina公司的现场服务团队(伊丽莎白·博耶,斯科特·库克和马克库克)和技术顾问团队,为他们的快速反应和下一代DNA测序仪,HiScanSQ,和数据质量分析的运行有用的建议。 jove.com | The authors would like to thank Dr. Stephen Kingsmore and the Pediatric Genome Medicine Center at Children's Mercy Hospitals and Clinics for the use of their computing clusters for our data analysis, Illumina's field service team (Elizabeth Boyer, Scott Cook and Mark Cook) and technical consultant team for their quick responses and helpful suggestions on the running of the next generation DNA sequencing instrument, HiScanSQ, and data quality analysis. jove.com |
具有时代特色的美国小说,如斯蒂芬·克莱恩(Stephen Crane)和杰克·伦敦(Jack London)的作品,描述了经济力量和异化对弱者或易受害者的伤害。 embassyusa.cn | Characteristic American novels of the period, for example by Stephen Crane and Jack London, depict the damage of economic forces and alienation on the weak or vulnerable individual. eng.embassyusa.cn |
彼得加利尼,安提阿牧首(578-91),反对他们,他和达米安攻击亚历山大哲学家斯蒂芬Niobes,化身创始人Niobites,谁教之间有什么神圣的自然与人类后并没有区别,并表征心肠一半的区别所决定谁是承认只有一个性质。 mb-soft.com | Peter Callinicus, Patriarch of Antioch (578-91), opposed them, and both he and Damian attacked the Alexandrian philosopher Stephen Niobes, founder of the Niobites, who taught that there was no distinction whatever between the Divine Nature and the Human after the Incarnation, and characterized the distinctions made by those who admitted only one nature as half-hearted. mb-soft.com |
部分教程基于斯蒂芬·哈伊编写的指南(他已同意根据 CC-by 授权其作品)。 html5rocks.com | Portions of tutorial were based on a guide by Stephen Hay, who agreed to license his work CC-by. html5rocks.com |
本运动也注意到 7 月 1 日瑙鲁常驻代表以太平洋 小岛屿发展中国家集团主席身份在写给联合国会员 国的信中所表示的关切,并且对瑙鲁共和国的斯蒂芬总统阁下的光临,以及他代表太平洋小岛屿发展中国 家就这一问题所作的发言,表示赞赏。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Movement also takes note of the concerns expressed in the letter dated 1 July from the Permanent Representative of Nauru in her capacity as Chair of the group of Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS), addressed to the Member States of the United Nations, and expresses its appreciation for the presence of His Excellency President Stephen of the Republic of Nauru, and for his statement on this issue on behalf of the Pacific SIDS. daccess-ods.un.org |
这首歌由斯蒂芬福斯特中心 (Stephen Foster Center) 的福斯特·巴尔内斯 (Foster Barnes),在 1959 年的白泉“佛罗里达州民俗节”上录制。 wdl.org | This song was recorded at the 1959 Florida Folk Festival in White Springs by Foster Barnes of the Stephen Foster Center. wdl.org |
歌曲“美丽的梦想家”由斯蒂芬柯林斯福斯特在大厅现场可以听到。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The song "Beatiful Dreamer" by Stephen Collins Foster can be heard in the lobby scene. mt.seekcartoon.com |
1月25日,安全理事会听取了秘书长索马里沿海海盗行为所涉法律问题特别 顾问杰克·兰和主管法律事务助理秘书长斯蒂芬·马蒂亚斯关于索马里沿海海盗 问题的情况通报。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 25 January, the Security Council heard a briefing on piracy off the coast of Somalia from the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Legal Issues related to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, Jack Lang, and, the Assistant Secretary-General forLegal Affairs, StephenMathias. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国朝鲜问题特别代表斯蒂芬·博斯沃(Steven Bosworth)9 月 28 日说,美国正“[同中国]紧密合作。 crisisgroup.org | Ambassador Steven Bosworth said on 28 September that the US was “working closely in contact with [the Chinese]”. crisisgroup.org |
达卡和她的儿子斯蒂芬(赞比亚首都卢萨卡,2012)。 thegatesnotes.com | Meeting Florence Daka, a woman living with HIV, and her son, Stephen, during [...] a visit to the Coptic Mission Hospital [...](Lusaka, Zambia, 2012). thegatesnotes.com |
后1656的瘟疫人口锐减,开始了复兴,见证了圣大教堂的建设斯蒂芬主教宫(今大会堂)和Teresa修道院和教堂相邻的SS。 watches-jewels.com | After the plague of 1656 that decimated the population, began a revival that saw the construction of the Cathedral of St. Stephen, the Bishop's Palace (now Town Hall) and Teresa Convent and the adjoining church of SS. watches-jewels.com |
斯蒂芬斯在2005年成为瑞克麦斯控股公司的主理合伙人兼首席执行官。 hamburg-summit.com | In 2005, Mr. Steffens became Managing Partner and CEO of Rickmers Holding. hamburg-summit.com |
主持人斯蒂芬·珀西先生着重指出了会议的主要目标,即确认亚太区域三方 成员应提交给年度部长级审查会议的要旨。 daccess-ods.un.org | The moderator, Stephen Pursey, highlighted the key objectives of the session, namely to identify the key messages from the tripartite constituents in the AsiaPacific region that should be sent to the annual ministerial review. daccess-ods.un.org |
黑石快速启动的领导创业与费城大学的领导在创新中合作,将是一个强大的组合,以创造新的机会,为我们的学生到成为企业家和扩大我们的经济和世界上的影响,”说,美国费城大学总裁斯蒂芬·斯皮内利小,pH值。 china.blackstone.com | Blackstone LaunchPad’s leadership in entrepreneurship partnered with Philadelphia University’s leadership in innovation will be a powerful combination to create new opportunities for our students to become entrepreneurs and amplify their impact on our economy and the world,” said Philadelphia University President Stephen Spinelli Jr. blackstone.com |
北京密切关注美国的发言(包括国务卿希拉里·克林顿,副国 务卿詹姆斯·斯坦伯格,东亚太地区的助理国务卿科特·坎贝尔于 任命听证会上的讲话)与访问(3 月大陆东南亚办公室主任斯 蒂芬·布莱克与 8 月吉姆·韦伯的访问)。 crisisgroup.org | Beijing has closely followed U.S. statements (including by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, and Kurt Campbell during his confirmation hearing for Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs) and visits (of Director of the Office for Mainland Southeast Asia Stephen Blake in March and Senator Jim Webb in August). crisisgroup.org |
合伙人还选举前首席执行官布克哈德•施万克、文森特•梅歇(Vincent Mercier)(61岁,常驻巴黎)和斯蒂芬•沙布雷(Stefan Schaible)(42岁,常驻汉堡)为监事会成员。同时入选的还有维特•施文肯多夫(Veit Schwinkendorf)(44岁,常驻杜塞尔多夫)和远藤功(53岁,东京)。 rolandberger.com.cn | The Partners also elected former CEO Burkhard Schwenker, Vincent Mercier (61, Paris) and Stefan Schaible (42, Hamburg) to the Supervisory Board, which also comprises Veit Schwinkendorf (44, Düsseldorf) and Isao Endo (53, Tokyo). rolandberger.com.cn |
沃尔沃汽车公司首席执行官斯蒂芬•雅各布 (Stefan Jacoby)表示:“沃尔沃汽车公司完全支持这一系列新动作,我们相信这将从各个方面确保赛事在未来的良性发展,同时也将继续保持沃尔沃环球帆船赛作为当今世界最顶级远洋航海赛事的地位。 teamsanya.com | We at Volvo Cars are fully behind these initiatives, which we believe will secure the future of this great event on all levels but also stay faithful to the very basis of the Volvo Ocean Race as the sport’s premier offshore competition for the world’s leading sailors,” said Stefan Jacoby, CEO of Volvo Car Corporation. teamsanya.com |
世界品牌实验室主席、诺贝尔经济学奖得主、“欧元之父”罗伯特•蒙代尔教授(Robert Mundell),牛津大学赛德商学院教授斯蒂芬•沃格(Stephen Woolgar)博士,耶鲁大学管理学院教授莱维•多尔(Ravi Dhar)博士等嘉宾出席盛会并发表演讲。 roen.com.cn | Professor Robert Mundell as President of the World Brand Lab, a Nobel laureate in economics and the Father of the Euro, Dr. Stephen Woolgar as a professor of Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Dr. Ravi Dhar as a professor of Yale School of Management and other honored guests attended the grand meeting and gave a speech. roen.com.cn |