单词 | 斯沃琪 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 斯沃琪noun—Swatchn斯沃琪—Swatch (Swiss brand)See also:沃—fertile irrigate wash (of river) 琪—fine jade
在另一方面,这是很有道理的斯沃琪集团的决定,特别是其子公司ETA,然後逐渐减少至停止提供机械机芯的外部标记。 zh.horloger-paris.com | On the other hand, it is justified by the [...] decisionof theSwatch Group, specifically [...]its subsidiary ETA, then gradually decrease [...]to stop the delivery of mechanical movements to external marks. en.horloger-paris.com |
我不否认斯沃琪集团的意志,我明白其中的逻辑。 zh.horloger-paris.com | I do not deny [...] the will ofthe SwatchGroup,I understand [...]the logic. en.horloger-paris.com |
1981年在佩斯大学修完MBA毕业,之后他在美国担任过多种职位,在1988年进入斯沃琪集团出任美国副总裁。 hamburg-summit.com | He graduated with an MBA from Pace [...] University in 1981 after which he held various positions in [...] the US, joining SwatchGroupas its US [...]Vice President in 1988. hamburg-summit.com |
我的收藏中的最后一款是1993年的斯沃琪Musicall - 他们的第一款含有Jean-Michel Jarre的音乐铃声表。 iontime.ch | The final piece in my collection is the SwatchMusicall from 1993 – their first timepiece with an alarm melody by Jean-Michel Jarre. iontime.ch |
正是在这些年里,我与他在各种Swatch斯沃琪拍卖会或展会上相遇--虽然他一定不曾记得当年那个还只是少年的我。 iontime.ch | It has been during those years, when our ways crossed for [...] the first time at Swatch auctions and fairs [...]– eventhough he certainly can’t remember [...]the teenage boy, I was back then. iontime.ch |
新的大楼和半圆柱状的木制结构将会是斯沃琪的总部。 iontime.ch | The eye-catching buildings with the semi-circular wooden construction [...] will serve asthe Swatch headquarter. iontime.ch |
Longines(浪琴表)不仅拥有悠久深厚的历史底蕴,作为斯沃琪集团(Swatch Group)第二大销售品牌,它还是积极展望未来的先锋。 wthejournal.com | But Longines is not just about its long and successful history, it also has a promising future as the second biggest brand in theSwatch Group in terms of sales revenue. wthejournal.com |
就在新闻报道当天,瑞士历峰集团(Richemont)和斯沃琪集团的股票在瑞士交易所分别上涨了4.5和1.3个百分点。 wthejournal.com | On the very day the subject was broached on [...] air, Richemont and Swatch Group shares traded [...]up 4.5 % and 1.3 % respectively on the Swiss stock market. wthejournal.com |
这家LVMH旗下品牌为顺应机芯产量的增长,在与斯沃琪集团名下的Nivarox-FAR的供货合同结束后而未续约的情况下,而采取的一个必要措施。 wthejournal.com | The move was forced on the LVMH group brand in order to keep up growth in its production of mechanical movements and make up for the non-renewal of the parts delivery contract by Nivarox-FAR (Swatch Group), a source of supply which TAG Heuer, like many other Swiss brands, depended on for this key watch part. wthejournal.com |
1991年,Alfred Hofkunst设计的斯沃琪波普蔬菜三部曲让我在Bucherer钟表店门前苦守了一整夜,就为了第二天早上变成少数的几名幸运者可以拥有限量的艺术钟表。 iontime.ch | Back in 1991, the PopSwatch vegetables trilogy [...] by Alfred Hofkunst made me stay in front of a Bucherer watch shop all night, [...]just to be among the lucky few and get the limited art specials in the morning. iontime.ch |
这一方式的其他例子是:特德·特纳通过联合国基金公司进行捐助;Cisco 系统公司通 [...] 过网络援助基金会联合王国有限公司向开发计划署进行捐助;金星公司(南韩)和斯沃琪公司(瑞士)等通过联合国五十周年基金会向联合国提供捐助。 unesdoc.unesco.org | through which Cisco Systems made its contribution to UNDP; the Foundation for the United Nations fiftieth [...] anniversary through which, inter alia, Goldstar [...] (South Korea)andSwatch (Switzerland) channelled [...]their contributions to the United Nations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
自从2006年进入中国市场之后,斯沃琪(Swatch)集团的年利润一直在大幅增长,中国消费者对奢侈品的渴望是其发展的极大动力。 spla-t.com | Ever since entering the Chinese market in 2006, the Swatch Group has seen profits increase year to year as Chinese consumers’ thirst for luxury continues unabated. spla-t.com |
INTRALOT意大利子公司将连续第二年赞助国际排联在意大利综合运动场公园举办的“2011——斯沃琪国际排联沙滩排球锦标赛”,本届大赛由Smart提供技术支持,并将于6月13日至6月19日期间举行。 bilot.bg | For the second consecutive year, INTRALOT’s subsidiary in Italy, [...] INTRALOT Italia, will sponsor the FIVB [...] Beach Volleyball Swatch World Championships [...]- Rome 2011 powered by Smart, which [...]will be held at the Foro Italico Park from June 13th to June 19th. bilot.bg |
斯沃琪和平酒店艺术中心被选为斯沃琪品牌与来自纽约的玩具与服装品牌Kidrobot进行艺术合作开幕仪式的地点。 spla-t.com | The Swatch ArtPeace Hotel was chosen as the site for the global launch ofthe Swatch brand’s latest [...] artist collaboration [...]with the New York-based toy and clothing brand Kidrobot. spla-t.com |
通过削减向其他手表制造商提供的零部件数量,斯沃琪集团不断地重复同样的信息:若不在瑞士生产,就没有瑞士手表,因此也没有瑞士高级钟表。 wthejournal.com | At a time of falling levels of components supplied to [...] third parties, the Swatch Groupincessantly [...]hammers home the same message: unless [...]production capacity in Switzerland is maintained, there can be no Swiss watches and no Swiss luxury watch industry. wthejournal.com |
斯沃琪品牌及后来的斯沃琪集团是在二十世纪八十年代早期成立的,最初的目的是为了夺回日本品牌精工(Seiko)和西铁城(Citizen)在六十年代里占据的市场份额,同时也是为了在电子表大行其道的世道重新掀起石英手表的风潮。 spla-t.com | First conceived of in the early 1980s, the Swatch brand and [...] later group was originally created to re-capture the market [...]share Swiss timepieces had lost to Japanese brands such as Seiko and Citizen beginning in the 1960s and to re-introduce the appeal of analog watches during a time period where digital watches had gained the lion’s share of popularity. spla-t.com |
流行文化是斯沃琪腕表的灵感源泉——在1984年,着名法国艺术家Christian [...] Chapiron (又称 “Kiki Picasso”)应邀设计了第一款Art Special腕表。 spla-t.com | Swatch watchesare inspired by popular [...] culture and in 1984, the famous French artist Christian Chapiron (known as “Kiki [...]Picasso”) was asked to design the first ever Art Special. spla-t.com |
斯沃琪推动变革的第三点在于其总裁Nicolas G. Hayek定下的决策:在1991年推出一款自动上发条的斯沃琪机械表,目的在于保护Nivarox FAR生产线和就业。 wthejournal.com | Swatch’s third revolution was triggeredby NicolasG. Hayek’s decision in 1991 to launch a self-winding mechanical Swatch with the aim of preserving [...] the jobs and production capacity of Nivarox FAR. wthejournal.com |
我至爱的斯沃琪表款便是他们和Keith Haring于1986年合作的那个系列。 iontime.ch | My all time favoritesSwatch modelsare the ones from the Keith Haring series [...] in 1986, even though I was never able to get the complete set. iontime.ch |
斯沃琪预计明年在世界范围其他12个城市进行Kidrobot x Swatch发布会,分别为东京、香港、伦敦、利物浦、阿姆斯特丹、米兰、巴塞尔、巴黎、马德里、纽约、新加坡和里斯本。 spla-t.com | Swatch plans to launch its KidrobotxSwatch collaboration [...] watches in 12 other cities around the world in the next year, [...]including Tokyo, Hong Kong, London, Liverpool, Amsterdam, Milan, Basel, Paris, Madrid, New York, Singapore and Lisbon. spla-t.com |
斯沃琪集团于这周声明已委任日本建筑师坂茂来建造全新的斯沃琪及欧米茄总部。 iontime.ch | The Swatch Groupannounced last week, that japanese architect Shigeru Ban has been commissioned to build new headoffices for Swatch and Omega. iontime.ch |
借参加2011年七月于上海举行的世界游泳锦标赛的机会,十四次奥运会金牌得主、欧米茄长期的代言人Michael Phelps莅临了位于斯沃琪和平酒店艺术中心里的欧米茄旗舰店。 spla-t.com | As part of his time in Shanghai for the FINA World Aquatic Championships in Shanghai in July of 2011, 14-time Olympic gold [...] medalist and longtime Omega spokesman [...] Michael Phelps visited the Omega flagship store housed within the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. spla-t.com |
所以斯沃琪正对我的胃口,很快我就购买了最初的几只斯沃琪表-其中包括斯沃琪Grey Markers和传奇款Jelly Fish(无银色内表圈款)。 iontime.ch | So Swatchwasperfect for me and soon after its launch, I bought my first Swatch watches – among themaSwatch Grey Markers [...] and the legendary Original [...]Jelly Fish – the one without silver ring inside. iontime.ch |
在随后的几年中,SMH,这绝对收购了在1998年斯沃琪集团的名称,进行了历史的瑞士钟表品牌(欧米茄手表/天梭,浪琴和雷达表在80年,宝玑一系列收购'90),以及实施世界领先的钟表生产国。 watches-jewels.com | In subsequent years, the SMH, which has finally acquired [...] the nameof theSwatch Groupin 1998, [...]continues a series of acquisitions of historic [...]Swiss watch brands (Omega Watches / Tissot, Longines and Rado in the 80s and Breguet years '90) as well as imposing the world's leading producer of watches. watches-jewels.com |
它将功能性场所与分属于欧米茄,斯沃琪及开创性的斯沃琪微型紧凑车的公众博物馆相连接。 iontime.ch | The new central building is created in timber frame construction and combines functional areas with public museums dedicated to Omega,Swatch and the pioneering Swatchmobile. iontime.ch |
代言人郭富城先生联同Longines International Head of [...] Marketing Juan-Carlos Capelli先生、斯沃琪集团延伸管理委员成员Kevin [...]Rollenhagen先生、DFS国际集团香港店行政总裁查大伟先生及新濠天地总裁贺堃先生,携手为旗舰店主持剪彩仪式,郑重宣布旗舰店正式开业。 longines.cn | Ambassador Aaron Kwok, together with Mr Juan-Carlos Capelli, Longines International Head of Marketing; Mr Kevin [...] Rollenhagen, Member of the Extended Management [...] Committeeof theSwatch Group; Mr David [...]Charles, Managing Director of DFS Hong Kong [...]Division and Mr Greg Hawkins, President of Macau City of Dreams; cut the ribbon to declare the official opening of the flagship store. longines.jp |
这次没有按照惯例赠送斯沃琪手表,来宾们带回家的仅是一双工地胶鞋!如果有人觉得这一信息还不够明确,那尼克•海耶克很乐意让他们意识到,路威酩轩(LVMH)是不会邀请他们到一家在建工厂去的。 wthejournal.com | And just in case someone hadn’t gotten the message, Nick Hayek took great pleasure in commenting that he didn’t think LVMH was likely to invite them to a factory construction site. wthejournal.com |