

单词 斯拉夫人

See also:


force into service



夫人 n

wife n
Madame n

External sources (not reviewed)

波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那是在前 斯拉夫人 民在 1990 年代不得不经受的内战废墟上建立一个新国家 方面的一个新试验。
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a novel experiment in building a new nation from the rubble of civil war that the people of the former Yugoslavia had to endure during the 1990s.
阻 止 巴 爾 幹 民 族 主 義 傳 播,因 為 奧 地 亦 是
[...] 一 個 多 種 族 國 家,且 包 括 很斯 拉 夫 人 。
To stop the spread of Balkan nationalism as she was a multiracial empire with a
[...] large number of Slavic subjects.
阿尔巴尼亚提及系统性的镇压、每日发生的侵犯人权行为和国家推行的歧 视政策(1990 年至 1995 年间——第
[...] 11 段);阿尔巴尼亚还援引了联合国前 斯拉 夫人权问 题特别报告员的报告和人权观察组织的报告(1997-1998 [...]
年,第 18 和 20 段)。
Albania referred to systematic repression, daily human rights violations and discriminatory State policies (between 1990 and 1995 - para. 11); it further invoked the reports of the
U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human
[...] Rights in the Former Yugoslavia, and of Human Rights [...]
Watch (1997-1998, - paras. 18 and 20).
也是在保加利亚,九世纪的时候人们设计了一种新的字母 斯拉夫人 书 写
It was in Bulgaria, too, that a new alphabet was devised in the ninth century,
[...] which gave the Slavs their writing.
[...] 缅怀针对平民所犯战争罪行的受害者们,这些罪行发 生在克罗地亚,特别是发生在 Skabrnja、扎达尔、希 贝尼克、Kijevo、Vrlika、Sinj 和斯拉夫人民军执 行拉特科·姆拉迪奇的命令攻击的其它城镇;他当时 是位于克罗地亚克宁的斯拉夫人民 军 第九军团的 总指挥,他还下命令对平民目标实施疯狂攻击,明明 知道此种攻击会给平民造成过度生命伤亡;特别是, [...]
他还企图通过摧毁佩鲁察水坝来淹没一大片人口居 住地区。
We also remember here the victims of the war crimes committed against the civilian population in Croatia, in particular in Škabrnja, Zadar, Šibenik,
Kijevo, Vrlika, Sinj and
[...] other towns attacked by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) under orders of Ratko Mladić while he was commander of the Ninth Corps of the JNA based in Knin, Croatia; as [...]
well as his orders
to launch indiscriminate attacks against civilian objects, knowing that such attacks would cause excessive loss of life or injury to civilians, in particular his attempt of flooding a large populated area by destroying the Peruča Dam.
她 的 成 功 ﹐ 代 表斯 拉 夫 人 民 的 民 族 主 義 的 冒 升 。
Her success represented
[...] the rise of nationalism of the Slav people.
关于克罗地亚,检察官在向安全理事会提交的上次完成工作战略报告中,对 一项宣布前南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国、前 斯拉夫人 民 军和塞尔维亚共和国 的某些拟议法律行为均属无效的拟议法律表示关切。
With regard to Croatia, in the Prosecutor’s previous completion strategy report to the Security Council, concern was expressed about a proposed law declaring some legal acts of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, former Yugoslav People’s Army and Republic of Serbia null and void.
联合国文件 E/CN.4/1995/57,即前斯拉夫人权情 况问题特别报告员的报告,描述了在科索 [...]
E/CN.4/1995/57, referring to the report of the special
rapporteur on the situation of human rights
[...] in the former Yugoslavia (describing the [...]
brutalities and discriminatory measures perpetrated in Kosovo).
但是,苏联解体后,该共和国经历了一 斯拉夫人 的 向 外移民潮,扭转了雅库特人比重下降的趋势。
Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, however, the republic experienced a strong
[...] outward migration of Slavs and a reversal of [...]
these trends.
经社理事会通过其第 1998/272 号决议(1998 年 7 月 30 日),批准了原联合国人权委员会关于委派前 斯拉夫人 权 情 况问题特别报 告员在包括科索沃在内的南斯拉夫联盟共和国执行特派任务的请求。
By means of its Resolution 1998/272 (of 30.07.1998), ECOSOC approved the requests of the old U.N. Commission on Human Rights that the special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Former Yugoslavia carry out missions in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, including in Kosovo133 .
1992 年从人口登记册中被除名的所有前 斯拉夫人 的居 民身份。
The law, when adopted,
[...] would restore residency status to all those persons of the former Yugoslavia whose names [...]
had been removed from the population registers in 1992.
与 此同时,克罗地亚感到遗憾的是,由于时间有限,姆 拉迪奇将不会因为克罗地亚境内犯下的罪行,特别是斯拉夫人民军在他指挥下针对Škabrnja、扎达尔、 希贝尼克、Kijevo、Vrlika、Sinj 和其他城镇实施的 袭击而受到起诉。
At the same time, Croatia regrets that due to time constraints, Mladić will not be prosecuted for the crimes committed against the civilian population in Croatia, in particular in Škabrnja, Zadar, Šibenik, Kijevo, Vrlika, Sinj and other towns attacked by the Yugoslav People’s Army under his command, nor would he be prosecuted for launching indiscriminate attacks against civilian targets in our country, in particular the attack against the Peruča Dam.
這個紐倫堡大會是以一切形式歧視猶太人 斯拉夫人。
The Nuremberg rallies were mass meetings in which all forms of discrimination were made
[...] against the Jews and the Slavs.
按民族分类的国内流离失所者结构是: 塞族人:75.2%;罗姆人:10.9%;黑山人:3.9%;穆斯林:2.5%;戈兰奇人:
[...] 1.5%;埃及人:0.4%;阿尔巴尼亚人:0.2%;马其顿人:0.2%; 斯拉夫人: 0 .2%;克罗地亚人:0.1%;土耳其人:0.1%。
The structure of internally displaced persons according to their nationality is: 75.2 per cent Serbs, 10.9 per cent Roma, 3.9 per cent Montenegrins, 2.5 per cent Muslims, 1.5 per cent Goranci, 0.4 per cent
Egyptians, 0.2 per cent Albanians, 0.2 per cent Macedonians, 0.2
[...] per cent Yugoslavs, 0.1 per cent Croats and 0.1 per cent Turks.
[...] 贡献是一个民族为争取自由而开展斗争的一个独特 实例,与此同时,也是前斯拉夫人 民 在 约瑟普·布 罗兹·铁托元帅的领导下所开展的全面解放斗争的一 [...]
Montenegro’s contribution to the struggle to end the world’s greatest catastrophe represents a unique example of a people’s struggle for liberty and was, at the same time, an
integral part of the overall liberation
[...] battle of the former Yugoslav people under the [...]
leadership of Marshal Josip Broz Tito.
事实上,不少当地行为 者对前南问题国际法庭遗产在帮助前 斯拉夫人 民 正 视最近历史乃至开始和解 进程方面的作用寄予厚望。
In fact, there are a number of local actors who place a lot of hope in the capacity of the ICTY’s Legacy to help the people of former Yugoslavia to face their recent past and even engage in a process of reconciliation.
[...] 种族”的至高无上地位的名义,杀害了特定民族群体 的数以百万计的人民,例如犹太人、罗 人 、 斯拉夫 人和其他人。
The fascist regime eliminated millions
of people from such specific ethnic
[...] groups as Jews, Roma, Slavs and others in the name [...]
of the supremacy of the “pure race”.
事 實 上 ﹐ 當 塞 爾 維 亞 的 實 力 不 斷 增 強 ﹑ 民 族
[...] 主 義 激 發 ﹐ 奧 地 利斯 拉 夫 人 便 視 塞 爾 維 亞 為 領 袖 。
In fact, with the growing strength of Serbia and the upsurge of
[...] nationalism, the Austro-Slav had looked upon Serbia [...]
as their leader.
b. 此 事 激 起 塞 爾 維 亞 的 憤 概 , 因 為 她 亦 希 望 吞 併 這 兩 個斯 拉 夫 人 為 主 的 地 區 。
b. This angered Serbia because she also wanted to annex these areas when many Serbs lived there.
這 做 法 激 怒 了 塞 爾 維 亞 ﹐ 因
[...] 為 這 兩 省 居 住 有 很斯 拉 夫 人 ﹔ 這 些 土 地 一 旦 被 吞 [...]
﹐ 便 會 阻 礙 塞 爾 維 亞 的 領 土 擴 張 。
This action infuriated Serbia because these two provinces
[...] were inhabited by Slavs and by taking these [...]
areas, Serbia’s territorial expansion would be blocked.
這 些 危 機 不 單
[...] 反 映 了 具 民 族 情 緒斯 拉 夫 人 民 與 帝 國 主 義 擴 張 的 [...]
奧 匈 帝 國 之 間 的 衝 突 ﹐ 而 且 將 敵 對 關 係 推 向 新 的 高 潮 。
These crises not only reflected the conflicts between the
[...] nationalism of the Slav people and the dynastic [...]
imperialism of Austria-Hungary but
also brought the rivalry to a new height.
19 世 紀 中 葉 以 後 ﹐ 沙 皇 政 權 十 分 支 持 這 個 運 動 ﹐並 強 調 俄 國 具 有 歷 史 使 命 將 解 放 居 住 在 東 南 歐斯 拉 夫 人 民 從 奧 匈 帝 國 及 土 耳 其 手 上 解 放 出 來 ﹐確 保 這 些 人 民 在 俄 國 的 保 護 和 操 控 下 團 結 一 致 。
Besides, there was the so-called Pan-Slavism, a
movement originated from
[...] the religious idea of Slavophilism and widely supported by the Tzardom since the middle 19th century emphasizing Russia’s historic mission to liberate the Slav peoples of SE [...]
Europe from Austria-Hungary
and Turkey and to secure their union under Russian control and protection.
他的著作《保加利亚延续至今的 教堂历史回顾》、《移居巴尔干半岛 斯拉夫人 》 、 《南 斯拉夫人 和 十 世纪拜占庭》已被 译成斯拉夫语,并在所有斯拉夫国家享有声望。
His works “Historical Review of the Bulgarian church from the beginning until the present day”, “The population of the Balkan Peninsula by the Slavs” and “The southern Slavs and Byzantium in the tenth century” have been translated and are well-known in all Slav countries.
甚至东正教的教士和僧侣(俄罗斯和希腊基督教的古老形式,本质上是复制在古代地中海教堂举行的仪式)在19世纪、20世纪在阿陀斯(Athos)半岛做与太阳能量点和小腹能量相关的冥想,这个颇有效果的冥想被称作“上帝在腹中瞭望”!很遗憾弗兰科把这个冥想和基督教一起传播,导致斯拉夫族曾经强大、超然领导地位的消失 斯拉夫人 的 身心也同时被削弱。
Even Orthodox priests and monks (Russian and Greek archaic form of Christianity that copies ceremonies performed in ancient temples in the Mediterranean) worked in the 19th and 20th century (e.g. at Athos peninsula) powerfully with the center in solar and energy in stomach; this effective meditation method was called a “view of God in the stomach!
采用了以下数据采集方法:A) 作为观察员出席 2001 年在温得和克召开的地区研讨会(下文简称为“温得和克+10 会议”);B) 在教科文组织总 部采访一些主要的信息提人;C) 访问 3 个国家的总部外办事处(莫桑比克、印度尼西 亚、斯拉夫联邦 共和国),评估员采访了教科文组织的地区与总部外办事处工 人 员 , 以 及作为教科文组织所提供援助的受益者的非政府组织;D) 进行了文件分析;E) 向国际、地 区和国家的媒体非政府组织,包括“温得和克+10 会议”的与会者发放两份调查问卷,以便 [...]
The following data collection approaches were employed: (a) Observation of a regional seminar held in Windhoek in 2001 (hereafter referred to as Windhoek +10 Conference); (b)
Interviews of key informants
[...] at UNESCO Headquarters; (c) Field visits to three countries (Mozambique, Indonesia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) where the evaluators interviewed UNESCO regional and field office staff, as well as NGOs who were beneficiaries [...]
assistance; (d) Document analysis; (e) Two questionnaires were distributed to international, regional, and national media NGOs, including participants of the Windhoek +10 Conference, in order to receive their perspectives on UNESCO’s strategies.
[...] 高乐写的信函以及象形文字书稿;音乐爱好者可以欣赏莫扎特、贝多芬或肖邦的乐谱;艺术 家可以钻研梵高、高更、马蒂斯或马格里特的信件;科学家可以发现爱因斯坦和贝索的原始 计算稿,或者是斯德和居里夫人的 工 作成果;文学爱好者可以观赏他们曾经读过的作品的 原稿,如托尔斯泰或歌德的小说、 拉 或 萨特的宣言、韦尔莱纳的诗歌;宗教研究者可能惊 叹地发现可兰经章节或旧约的词句。
The public and experts with a passion for history may discover or rediscover letters written by Churchill, Roosevelt and de Gaulle and the hieroglyphics of the scribes; music lovers may admire the scores of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin; artists may delve into the letters of Van Gogh, Gauguin, Matisse or Magritte; scientists may discover Einstein’s and Besso’s original
calculations, or the
[...] works of Pasteur and Marie Curie; literature buffs may regard the originals of texts that they have read such as the novels of Tolstoy or Goethe, the manifestos of Zola or Sartre and [...]
poems by Verlaine, and
theologians may marvel at a surah of the Koran or a verse of the Old Testament.
还决定根据其 1955 年 12 月 15 日第 973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第 13 和第 14 段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内前 斯拉夫 问 题国 际法庭 2010 年核定工人员薪金税收入估计数 20 041 600 美元中各自的份额。
Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraphs 13 and 14 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of the estimated staff assessment income of 20,041,600 dollars approved for the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for 2010.
斯拉夫各国的合作仍然至关重要,尤其是在以下几个方面:(a) 查阅档 案、文件和接触人;(b) 保护人;(c) 找到、逮捕和移交余下的两名逃犯(包 括对其支持者采取措施)。
Cooperation from the States of the former Yugoslavia remains vital, particularly in the areas of: (a) access to archives, documents and witnesses; (b) the protection [...]
of witnesses;
and (c) efforts to locate, arrest and transfer the two remaining fugitives (including taking measures against those who support them).
这些应对措施包括协助那些面临无国籍状态风险 人获 得 所需的出生证和其他重要的身份文件,以便他们在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、克 罗地亚、黑山、塞尔维亚和前 斯拉夫 的 马 其顿共和国获得国籍。
These responses included assisting people at risk of statelessness to acquire birth certificates and other vital identity documents needed to establish their nationality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
将于 2010 年 2 月 11 至 12 日在斯科普里举行该联合项目的正式启动仪式, 总理尼拉·格鲁埃夫斯基、 千年发展目标成就基金主任索菲·德卡恩以及其他联合国机构 负人出席了仪式。
The official launching ceremony for the joint programme will take place on 11-12 February 2010, in Skopje, in the presence of M. Nikola Gruevski, Prime Minister, Sophie de Caen, Director, MDG Achievement Fund and heads of United Nations agencies participating in the joint programme.




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