

单词 断路器

External sources (not reviewed)

高電 流透過集電弓與架空電纜的接觸點,將電力引進 T48 列車,再次令供電 區的電力短路,致直流電路器跳掣
It was found to be functioning normally and no fault could be established to cause failure of the lowering of the pantographs.
作為第二重防護綫,架空電纜的直流電 路器 探 測 到有不尋常 的高電流,即時跳掣,切斷油麻地至太子站的電力供應。
Acting as a second line of protection, the overhead line DCCB detected
the excessive flow of high current and tripped
[...] open to cut off power supply between [...]
Yau Ma Tei and Prince Edward stations.
例如高電壓配電板的油式路器已在 市場上被淘汰。
For example,
[...] the oil circuit breakers of the high voltage [...]
switchboard are currently not available in the market.
使用一个坚固的平台,您可以精确地测量插入损耗,并准确地 检测和分析光纤上的熔接、连器、 断 裂 及其它各类事件。
With one rugged platform, you can
accurately measure insertion loss, as well as detect and analyze
[...] splices, connectors, breaks and other events [...]
along a fiber.
其車頂上的第一及第二支集電弓由有電力供應的 641 段進入無 電力供應的 642 段,因而將更多高電流經架空電纜引進 T48 列車,直至 641 段的直流電路器探測 到不尋常的電流而跳掣,令情況惡化。
When the first and second pantographs crossed from the energised Section 641 into the de-energised Section 642, it sent more high current down the overhead line and into T48 until the DCCB of Section 641 also detected an abnormal current flow and tripped open.
把跳动式小开关拨到“Bord”方 向或断开传感器回路上的断器F3( 主 开关及紧急关闭功能),可以实现手动断电。
Manual switch off can be performed by moving the toggle switch in direction “Bord” or by switching off the fuse F3 on the sensor circuit (main switch resp. emergency off function).
制裁委员会会 积极地看待这类活动,继续以个案为基础对待所有除名提议,并要寻找明确证据 以证明,与阿富汗政府接触的任何被列名的塔利班成员不是一个机会主义者,若
[...] 是机会主义者就不会打算长期遵守阿富汗政府制定并得到国际社会赞同的三条 红线,即放下器、断绝与基地组织的关系和遵守《阿富汗宪法》。
The Committee is likely to look favourably on such activity, and it will continue to regard all de-listing proposals on a case-by-case basis, searching for clear evidence that any listed Taliban who engages with the Afghan Government is not simply an opportunist who has little long-term intention of observing the three red lines set by the Afghan Government and endorsed by
the international community
[...] concerning laying down arms, severing links with Al-Qaida [...]
and observing the Afghan Constitution.
故障分析–快速识别以下问题:热电偶断开、热电偶反转、热电偶接合、保险 丝断开、加器断开、 加热器短路/潮湿。
Fault analysis – quickly identifies the following problems: thermocouple open, thermocouple reversed, thermocouple pinched, open fuse, heater open, heater wet and heater short.
[...] 大的短路直流電電流從架空電纜流過列車上的集電弓及列車上 的車載路器(牽引 摩打的首要保護裝置)。
Initially, there was a traction motor fault on the incident train causing high short-circuiting direct current passing from the overhead
line through the pantograph and the train
[...] onboard circuit breaker (which was installed [...]
as the first line of protection for the motor).
ARC 还提供 RAID 类别转换 (能够很容易地转换RAID类别), 在线扩容 (扩展 容量无需使服器断电) 和回写热备功能 (当一 个故障硬盘被替换,数据自动从热备复制到恢 复的硬盘)。
ARC also offers RAID Level Migration (the ability to easily migrate RAID levels), Online Capacity Expansion (expand capacity without powering down the server), and Copyback Hot Spare (when a failed drive has been replaced, data is automatically copied from the hot spare back to the restored drive).
保护继电器的接线方法必须是一旦保护继电器动作,变 器断 路 器 应 立即 切 断 变 压 器。
The protective relay must be connected in such a way that if it is energized, the power
[...] transformer is immediately disconnected by its circuit breakers.
电路和负载保断路器包括工业 DIN 导断路器、熔断器座、高密度微 断 路 器 、 电路保护器、剩余电流装置、微 断 路 器 及 辅 助保护。
Circuit and Load Protection Circuit Breakers include industrial DIN Rail circuit breakers, fuse holders, high density miniature circuit breakers, circuit protectors, residual current devices, miniature circuit breakers and supplementary protection.
如果在 DHCP 喜好設定中選擇已 停用,則您必須輸入 IP 位址 (如果未由 DHCP 伺器指派則輸入本機設定的 IP 位址)、子路遮罩 (用於將 IP 位址分割為路和主 機識別號)和預設閘器 (系統預設閘器的 IP 位址)。
If you choose Disabled for the DHCP preference, you must enter an IP address (the
locally configured IP address
[...] if not assigned by a DHCP server), Subnet Mask (used to partition the IP address into a network and host identifier), and Default Gateway (the IP address of the default gateway the system uses).
欲執行,請至 裝置管理員 位 於 音效,視訊及遊戲控器 之下,雙擊路照相機 的麥克風裝置並選擇停用。
To do so, go to Windows Device Manager, under Sound, video and game controllers double click the PC camera microphone device then select to disable the device.
通过手动断开断器F3,并 把蓄电池保护器上的跳动式小开关打到“Emergency ON”位置,则系统在低电压 关闭后会重新输出电源。
By switching off of the fuse F3 and manual toggling of the switch in direction „Emergency ON“ on the battery protector the system is reactivated after switch –off after undervoltage.
(a) 警報機制-港鐵公司於第一個路器 跳 掣後 20 分鐘 (即上午 7 時 06 分)才通知運輸署緊急事故交通協調中 心。
(a) Alert System - MTRCL informed TD’s ETCC of the occurrence of the incident (at 7:06
a.m.) 20 minutes after the first
[...] tripping of the circuit breaker; whereas according [...]
to the established procedure, the notification
should have been made within eight minutes (i.e. by 6:54 a.m.) MTRCL’s explanation is set out in paragraph 40 of MTRCL’s paper at Annex.
我们提供许多端子块产品,包括双级插件、热电偶、卡式连接馈通、接地、空间节省馈通、 断器 、 传感器、插件连接、多回路、迷你、单回路、中性线断开、隔离等。
We offer many terminal block products including
[...] double level plug-in, thermocouple, tab-connect feed through, grounding, space-saver feed through, fuse, sensor, plug-in connection, multi-circuit, mini, single circuit, neutral disconnect, isolation [...]
and more.
研 究結果所提供的科學資料,有助當局評估食用冰對公眾健康帶來的風
[...] 險、為零售店鋪制訂處理食用冰的衞生指引,以及決定日後管制食用冰 的製造和處理路向。
The results will provide scientific information to assess the risk of edible ice to public health and to assist in developing hygienic handling guidelines on ice for
retail businesses and in making management
[...] decision on the way forward for [...]
the control of production and handling of edible ice.
如果需要,您可以保持传器的断开 状 态,因为此 代码只在传器断开连接时显示一次。
If you wish, you may leave
[...] the sensor disconnected as this code is only displayed once at the time the sensor is disconnected.
[...] 涂謹申議員會考慮動議議案,修訂將由地鐵公司訂立的《香港 路 (西 北鐵路)附例》第22(1)(a)條,訂明任何人不論何時在鐵路處所內"不得 [...]
作出喧嘩或擾亂秩序的行為,或使用恐嚇性、辱罵性或侮辱性的言詞, 意圖使他人破壞鐵路處所安寧,或其上述行為相當可能會導致鐵路處 所安寧破壞;"。
To this end, the Subcommittee notes that Hon James TO will consider moving a
motion to amend section 22(1)(a) of the
[...] Mass Transit Railway (North-west Railway) Bylaw [...]
to be made by MTRCL to the effect that
no person shall at any time while upon the railway premises "behaves in a noisy or disorderly manner, or use threatening, abusive or insulting words, with intent to cause a breach of the peace in railway premises, or whereby a breach of the peace in railway premises are likely to be caused;".
(8) 已登記的付運人(公司/機構)必須就所有由負責人及本登記表格第二部分的授權訊息簽署人在 路 貨 物 資料系 統內輸入的任何資料及其所引起的一切後果(包括民事及刑事)負上責任。
(8) A registered shipper (company / organization) shall be fully responsible for all information input into the Road Cargo System by the responsible person and message signatory(ies) as authorized in Part II of this Registration Form and all liabilities (civil and criminal) arising thereof.
[...] 電工程署已要求港鐵公司採取必要行動,加強列車上的集電 弓、牽引摩打和電流路器的維 修工作。
While awaiting findings as to why the traction motor and circuit breaker failed, EMSD has asked MTRCL to take necessary
actions to enhance their maintenance of onboard equipment including the pantographs,
[...] traction motors and circuit breakers.
(b) 經營所有或任何作為船東、船舶代理、船舶經紀、證券經紀、船舶管理人 及船運財產、貨運承包商、水陸營運商、駁船所有者、駁船夫、碼頭工人、 船舶修理工、造船商、拆船商、船舶供應商、打撈及拖船承包商、其各領
[...] 域的工程師、貨運代理、製冷商、倉庫管理人及碼頭、倉庫管理人的業務 及進行路運輸及駁運所有類別業務。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses of shipowners, ships agents, ship brokers, insurance brokers, managers of ships and shipping property, freight contractors, carriers by land and sea, barge owners, lightermen, stevedores, ship repairers, ship builders, ship breakers, ship suppliers, salvage and towage contractors, engineers in all its branches, forwarding agents,
refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen and wharves and godowns
[...] and to conduct road haulage and lighterage [...]
business of all kinds.
而用于开关电机负荷的接器断路电 流相对较低,在低压或中压时的断路电流等级可达 4 至 6KA 且作频率较高。
The vacuum contactor designer however whose application as a contactor involves switching motor loads on relatively low currents with possibly a 4 to 6KA interrupt level at either [...]
low or medium voltage
levels and switch this very frequently.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a)
[...] 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、断、 报 告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) [...]
食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情
况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing
base-level capacity to ensure national
[...] ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond [...]
to pest and disease outbreaks; (b)
the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
按照既定程序,當直流電路器跳掣 ,列車在該受影響的路段出 現故障,車務控制中心會指示列車車長降下列車的集電弓,令列車與架 空電纜完全分隔,才重新嘗試接上電源,恢復供電。
According to established procedures, when a DCCB trips open and a train in the section reports a fault, the OCC would instruct the Train Captain to lower the train’s pantographs to obtain physical separation between the train and the overhead line before attempting to close the DCCB and restore power supply.
电动机构必须配置 变器断路器的自动跳闸和 COMTAP® ARS 与电动机构 位置同步监视的安全装置 (见第 4 节)。
Safety equipment for automatic tripping of the transformer circuit breakers and for monitoring coincidence of the operating positions of the COMTAP® ARS and the motor drive are must be installed (see Section 4).
你在本表格提供的個人資料(和隨後更新的資料),以及以登記用戶身分透過 路 貨 物資料系統提交的個人資料(如有的 [...]
話),香港海關可能會為上文第 1 段所提及的任何一個目的,或因有關資料已獲授權披露,又或因法例規定,而向其他政 府部門/決策局或海外執法機關披露。
The personal data you provided in this form (as well as subsequent updates) and
the personal data, if any, to be submitted
[...] by you through Road Cargo System [...]
as a registered user may be disclosed to other
Government departments / bureaux and overseas enforcement agencies for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above; or where such disclosure is authorized or required by law.
(6) 興建及維修或有助於或促使興建或維修 路 、 電車軌道、堤岸、橋樑、污水渠、 公園、遊樂場地、學校、教堂、市場、工廠、工場、閱覽室、浴室及其他本公 司可能認為直接或間接有助於本公司(無論以擁有人、承租人、承建商或其他 身份)擁有權益之任何物業發展之樓宇、工程及便利設施。
(6) To construct and maintain or contribute to or procure the construction or maintenance of roads, tramways, embankments, bridges sewers, parks, pleasure-grounds, schools, churches, markets, factories workshops, reading-rooms, baths, and other buildings, works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
(l) 建造、改進、維修、發展、改建、經營、管理、執行或控制任何看來旨在直 接或間接促進公司利益的路、路、 電 車軌道、 路 、 支線或側線、橋樑、 貯水庫、水道、碼頭、工廠、機械、倉庫、電氣工程、工場、貯物室、建築 物及其他工程及便利設施,資助或以其他方式協助或參與建造、改進、維修、 發展、改建、經營、管理、執行或控制該等項目,或在這方面作出貢獻。
(1) To construct improve maintain develop alter work manage carry out or control any roads ways tramways railways branches or sidings bridges reservoirs watercourses wharves factories machineries warehouses electric works shops stores buildings and other works and conveniences which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the Company’s interests and to contribute to subsidize or otherwise assist or take part in the construction improvement maintenance development alteration working management carrying out or control thereof.




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