单词 | 断乎 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 断乎 —certainlySee also:乎 prep—from prep • at prep 乎 conj—because conj
断乎不可 !我们在罪上死了的人岂可仍在罪 中活著呢? ccineurope.org | We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? ccineurope.org |
一般都认为,报告所作的分析言之有理,作出的 推 断 合 乎 逻 辑。 daccess-ods.un.org | Generally, it was considered that the analysis made in the report was [...] convincing and the extrapolations drawn logical. daccess-ods.un.org |
反对的提出是“ 对另一国或另一国际组织对一条约的保留的反应” 的措辞613 似乎意味着一国或一国际组织只有在提出一项保留以后才可以提出反对。按照先 验的推断,似乎相当 合理,但委员会认为这是草率的结论。 daccess-ods.un.org | A priori, this would seem quite logical, but in the Commission’s view this conclusion is hasty. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,阿尔及利亚和大多数联合国会员国一道呼吁结束对古巴的封锁,而且 反对封锁的国家在不断增多,如今, 几 乎 一 致 谴责美国对古巴的封锁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria therefore joins the majority of the States Members of the United Nations in calling for an end to this embargo imposed against [...] Cuba, which has been repeatedly rejected by a growing number of [...] countries and is today virtually unanimously condemned. daccess-ods.un.org |
在该框架下进行的贸易状况诊断 研究几乎没有 提到贸易中的性别平等问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Studies of trade diagnostics conducted under [...] the Framework revealed too few references to gender issues in trade. daccess-ods.un.org |
灰 水系统所需要的储水池比雨水收集系统要小得多,因为水是在全年 不 断 产 生 的, 几乎 在产生的同时就用掉了。 wrdmap.org | Grey water systems require much smaller [...] storage tanks than rainwater systems, as the [...] water is generated constantly throughout the year and used almost immediately. wrdmap.org |
然而,开放存取式学报的应用和重要性 不断增加,似乎的确 增加了对排名机构的压力,促使它们寻找评估影响力的其他 办法 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the growing use and importance of open access journals does appear to be increasing pressure on ranking institutions to find alternative ways to assess impact (Chan et al., 2011). daccess-ods.un.org |
大多数中心(确实存在的)由于受害 者人数众多不堪重负,而且其工作人员 不 断 地 工 作, 几 乎 筋 疲 力竭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most centres, where they do exist, are overburdened by the number of victims, and [...] their staff members constantly operate on the verge [...]of exhaustion. daccess-ods.un.org |
空气弹簧系统产品组合丰富多样并且 不 断 扩 大, 几 乎 涵 盖 了客车、卡车及拖车所有空气悬挂应用领域。 contitech.cn | The broad and constantly growing product portfolio covers nearly every air [...] suspension application in buses, trucks or trailers. contitech.cn |
虽然 随着影响研究的数量不断增加,范围 不 断 扩 大 ,这 似 乎 有 所 改观,但是目前的评 价仍然十分有限。 daccess-ods.un.org | Current evaluations appear rather limited, [...] although this seems to be improving as the number and scope of impact studies increase.5 [...]Third, there [...]are issues concerning publishing standards and rules. daccess-ods.un.org |
在其报告中,技术和经济评估小组表示,根据所进行的分析, [...] 它无法对氯氟化碳的基本内需生产量做出准确的建议, 并 断 定 “ 似 乎 没 有 理由对作为生产预测的非第 5(1)条 [...]缔约方的基本内需量做出改动。 multilateralfund.org | In its report, the TEAP indicated that, on the basis of the analysis performed, it could not make definite recommendations for CFC basic [...] domestic needs production volumes and [...] concluded “that there seems no reason to make changes [...]to the non-Article 5(1) basic domestic [...]needs amounts, which are forecast to be produced. multilateralfund.org |
世界各地海盗袭击近年不断升级,几 乎 全 部可归因于索马里沿海海盗事件的 增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | Piracy attacks around the world [...] have continued to escalate in recent years, owing almost entirely to rising [...]incidents of piracy off the coast of Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国政府一名高级官员的这种断言似 乎 是 对 以色列的一种实际上的邀请, 即,继续在实地创造事实,哪怕这些事实是在违反国际人道主义法的情况下发生 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such an assertion by a senior official of the United States Government seems to be a virtual [...] invitation to Israel to continue [...]creating facts on the ground, presumably even if these facts occur in violation of international humanitarian law. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,技术保护是无限期的,而著作权却是有 时间限制的(虽然其时限似乎在不断 增 长 )。 iprcommission.org | Finally, technological protection is indefinite, whereas copyright is time limited [...] (albeit the time seems to keep increasing). iprcommission.org |
在寻找有效的办法时,各方案的举措 似 乎 都 在 不 断 重 复 ,并没有汲取别人的经 验。 daccess-ods.un.org | In searching for effective approaches, [...] each programme appears to be constantly “reinventing” [...]initiatives and failing to learn from the experience of others. daccess-ods.un.org |
忠于前总统的部队使用的军事航空资产的状况 似 乎自 2010 年以来不断恶化, 目前(2011 年 3 月 15 日),据报告由于技术故障,所有的航空资产都被停飞。 daccess-ods.un.org | The condition of military air assets in service with forces loyal [...] to the former President appears to have deteriorated since [...]2010, and all assets are currently [...](15 March 2011) grounded because of reported technical failures. daccess-ods.un.org |
或许是你掌握的信息不对,第一个问题后你大脑就一片空白,或者在某个不相关事宜上完全离题;总之,面试官开始 不 断 看 表, 似 乎 希 望 面试能够尽快结束。 robertwalters.cn | Maybe you had the wrong information, went blank on the first question, or drifted completely off-topic on an unrelated matter that left the interviewers looking at their watches. robertwalters.cn |
在外观上与 PC 大同 小异的瘦客户机工作站在这个学期的使用 几 乎 从 未 间 断。 igel.com | The thin client workstations, which don’t look much different [...] than a PC, are almost always in constant use during the semester. igel.com |
如果两个 CRC 数值吻合,几乎可以断定目前读取的文件数据与以前文件写入磁盘时的数据完全一样。 rhinoceros.helpmax.net | If the two CRC values [...] match, then it is almost certain that the [...]information written to the file is exactly the same as the [...]information read from the file. rhinoceros.helpmax.net |
用于急需的 重建和发展活动的公共资金似乎不断 减 少 ,令人关切的是这种情况会使提供基本 [...] 服务、减少贫穷和实现该国千年发展目标的努力更加困难。 daccess-ods.un.org | Public funding for much-needed reconstruction and [...] development activities appears to be diminishing, [...]and the concern is that this could make [...]the delivery of essential services, the reduction of poverty and efforts to achieve the country’s Millennium Development Goals more difficult. daccess-ods.un.org |
这对 任何人都没有好处,更不说对全体以色列人民了。 [...] 定居点活动破坏了双方之间的信任, 似 乎 预 先 断定 了 未来永久地位谈判的结果,也危及到“两国解决 [...]方案”的基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | Settlement construction violated international law and contravened the road map, under which Israel was obliged to freeze all settlement activity, including so-called “natural growth”; that was in no one’s interest, least of all Israel’s. [...] Settlement activity undermined trust between [...] the two parties, seemed to prejudge the [...]outcome of the future permanent status negotiations, [...]and imperilled the basis for the two-State solution. daccess-ods.un.org |
长期以来,UMEHL 控制着大米交易以及香烟和酒的生产和分配,在汽 车进口方面也享有近乎垄断的地位。 crisisgroup.org | UMEHL long dominated the rice trade, as well as cigarette and alcohol production and [...] distribution, and had a virtual monopoly on car imports. crisisgroup.org |
认为定居点的扩张“正在”或“可能”使两国方案化为泡影的说法,原本似 乎就没有间断过, 至此便有了最终结论,而强迫承认一个事实,以色列非法定居 点的扩张已经造成了一种不可能的局面――建立有活力的、连续的巴勒斯坦国, 从而实现持久和全面的“两国解决办法”。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would bring to finality the seemingly endless assertions that settlement expansion ―is making‖ or ―might make‖ a two-State solution impossible, and force recognition that the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements has already made the creation of a viable, contiguous Palestinian State, and thus a just, lasting and comprehensive ―two-State solution,‖ impossible. daccess-ods.un.org |
非洲大 陆的冲突几乎从不间断,我们目睹其中许多地区贫穷 和暴力的恶性循环更是牢不可破的陷阱。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vicious cycle of poverty and violence that we see in many parts of continent, where conflict is almost constant, is a trap. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于理事会会议几乎持续不断,我 们希望特别强 调需要正式设立理事会主席办公室。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Council is almost permanently in session, [...] we wish to particularly emphasize the need to institutionalize the Office of President of the Council. daccess-ods.un.org |
6.7 哈勒姆地区法院在其2008年7月8 [...] 日的判决中指出,关于第二次面谈的报 告显示,当被要求重新叙述自己的情况时,提交人作了一份详细陈述,那时他似 乎没有被打断或受到阻止。 daccess-ods.un.org | 6.7 In its judgement of 8 July 2008, the District Court in Haarlem found that in the report of the second interview, the author made a [...] detailed statement when asked to recount his story [...] and he did not seem to have been interrupted or hindered on that [...]occasion. daccess-ods.un.org |
这支队伍将尊重公 民的人权并得到海地人民的信任。国家警察改革计划的实施时间框架正是发生激 [...] 烈的政治活动、持续的社会紧张和 2010 年地震带来的几乎不断的人道主义危机 状况之时。 daccess-ods.un.org | The time frame for implementation of the Haitian National Police reform plan marked a period of [...] intense political activity, continued social [...] tensions and a nearly continuous state of [...]humanitarian crisis with the earthquake of 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们确实 非常强烈地意识到,除几乎连绵不断 的 内 战外,在最 近记忆中,阿富汗还发生了 1978 [...] 年政变和 1979 年苏 联入侵,并目睹镇压性塔利班政权残酷对待阿富汗人 民、压迫妇女、废止教育、支持全球恐怖主义以及为 基地组织的反叛活动提供避风港。 daccess-ods.un.org | We did so acutely aware [...] that as well as almost continuous internal war, [...]Afghanistan had, in recent memory, seen the 1978 [...]coup, the 1979 Soviet invasion and a repressive Taliban regime that brutalized the Afghan population, oppressed women, quashed education, supported global terrorism and harboured an Al-Qaida insurgency. daccess-ods.un.org |
但在若干涉及质疑纪律程序过程或结果的案件中,争 议法庭似乎用自己的判断取代 秘书长的判断,裁定秘书长采取纪律措施或不进行 [...] 初步调查的决定是错误的,因为可以从证据中做出不同的推断。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a number of cases involving challenges to the conduct or outcome of disciplinary proceedings, the [...] Dispute Tribunal appeared to [...] substitute its own judgement for that of the Secretary-General [...]and determined that decisions [...]to impose disciplinary measures or not to undertake a preliminary investigation were erroneous, since different inferences could be drawn from the evidence. daccess-ods.un.org |