

单词 斤斤较量

See also:


cross swords
have a contest with sb
measure up against
compete with

较量 v

match v
meet v

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 为,镉的摄入量应当降至合理的最低水平,反对食典委在未作调整的情况下通过每斤 2 毫克的较高含量。
The Delegation expressed the view that intake of cadmium should be reduced to as low as
reasonably achievable (ALARA) and opposed the adoption by the Commission, without
[...] justification, of a higher level of 2 mg/kg.
车辆的整备量范围较宽,从不到1,0 00 公 斤 到 接 近1,700公斤。
The span
[...] of vehicle curb weights is wide, stretching from barely 1,000 kg to almost 1,700 kg.
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the
nature of the
[...] requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a small [...]
number of believers and the form of discrimination to be avoided.
关于这一点,作为食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会主席的荷兰代表团阐明,食 品添加剂和污染物法典委员会考虑到食品添加剂联合专家委员会第六十四届会议对镉 的三种不同最大含量所进行的膳食摄入影响评估及其关于拟议的每公斤 1 毫克量和 每公斤 2 毫克的较高含量对镉的平均摄入量没有什么影响这一结论,同意每斤 2 毫较高含量。
On this point, the Delegation of the Netherlands, speaking as Chair of the CCFAC, clarified that the CCFAC had agreed to the higher level of 2mg/kg, taking into account the impact assessment of
dietary intake undertaken by
[...] the 64th JECFA at three different maximum levels of cadmium and its conclusion that the proposed level of 1mg /kg and one level higher level of 2mg/kg had little impact on mean intakes of cadmium.
但并不适合充注较高的 情 况。与迄今已获核准的其他水冷却器淘汰氟氯化碳项目相 较 , 伊 拉克水冷却器所需的 CFC-12 的平均充量很高(约 0.5 公斤),因此使用碳氢化合物的制冷剂并非一项可行的 替代技术。
The average charge of CFC-12 required for the water coolers in Iraq is high (around 0.5 kg) as compared to other CFC-phase-out water coolers projects so far approved, therefore, hydrocarbon-based refrigerants [...]
are not a viable alternative technology.
攝入量一般 的中學生每日從動物源性食物攝入多溴聯苯醚的 量 估 計 為每 斤 體重 2.6 納克,攝量高的中學生則為 6.4 納克。
The dietary exposures to PBDEs from food of animal origin for
the average and high consumers of
[...] secondary school students were estimated to be 2.6 and 6.4 ng/kg bw/day, respectively.
虽然发展中国家和低收入缺粮国的水产品人均年消量已出现稳定上升(分别从1961年的5.2 公 斤 上 升 为2009年的17 .0 公 斤 和 从 4. 9公 斤上升为10.1公斤),但仍大大低较 发 达 地区,尽管差距正在缩小。
Although annual
[...] per capita consumption of fishery products has grown steadily in developing regions (from 5.2 kg in 1961 to 17.0 kg in 2009) and in low-income food-deficit countries (LIFDCs, from 4.9 kg in 1961 to 10.1 kg in 2009), it [...]
is still considerably
lower than in more developed regions, although the gap is narrowing.
秘书处对于建议为改用 LB12 制冷剂的活动提供资助的申请表示关切,这是因为考虑 到设计使用 CFC 制冷剂进行运作的制冷系统的碳氢化合物的充 量较 高 (5 公斤), 可能带来安全方面的风险。
The Secretariat expressed its concern about the proposed request for funding of activities for retrofit of CFC-based commercial refrigerators to LB12 refrigerant, taking into account the potential
safety-related risks
[...] associated with the relatively high charge of a hydrocarbon-based refrigerant (up to 5 kg) in a refrigeration system that was designed to operate with a CFC refrigerant.
[...] 拥有的教师人数较少,接受的幼儿保育和教育服务 量较 差 ,而且可以预期教 学条件和结果也更差一些。
This suggests that children in
public institutions have access to fewer
[...] teachers, receive poorer quality ECCE [...]
services, and can expect worse teaching and
learning conditions and outcomes.
工作的容量要大,眼界要大,容人的气量要大,对时间的器量也要大;海水纳百川因而壮阔,我们自 量 大 , 便不 斤斤 计 较 一 时 的成败、毁誉、得失,因为相信只要不自我设限,便可超越自己想象的极限。
As the healthstyle provider in the industry we are committed to supply professional solutions which improves the quality of life for people throughout the world.
易于管理、安全固件更新 工量较之前 的瘦客户机显著减少,因此我们现在可以将更 [...]
多的时间投入到其他 IT 任务中。
Since the amount of time and effort [...]
spent in these areas is noticeably less than with the previous thin-client arrangement,
we can now devote more time to other IT tasks.
[...] 和新的捕鱼区,遭遇主要脆弱海洋生态系统指示种暂时按每网次(即拖网、延绳、 刺网的网次)捕量超过 60 公斤的活珊瑚和/或 800 公斤的活海绵加以界定。
For both existing and new fishing areas, an encounter with primary VME indicator species was defined on a provisional basis as a
catch per set (e.g., trawl tow, longline set or gillnet set) of
[...] more than 60 kg of live coral and/or 800 kg of live sponge.
2010 年,通过了相关措施,以执行一 个更为全面的在试探性和现有捕捞地区遭遇珊瑚和海绵物种的数据收集议定书。43 主要脆弱海洋生态系统指示种门槛值被减少到更加审慎的 量 , 活 珊瑚从 100斤减少到 60 公斤和/或活海绵从 1 000 公斤减少到 800 公斤。
In 2010, measures were adopted to implement a more comprehensive data-collection protocol for coral and sponge species encountered in exploratory and existing fishing areas.43 The threshold amounts of primary VME indicator species were reduced to more precautionary levels, from 100 kg to 60 kg of live coral and/or from 1,000 kg to 800 kg of live sponge.
原因可能是即食麫的氯丙二醇量较 高 ( 平均每斤 18 微 克)、香港中学生的进食模式,以及即食麫的汤粉或含加酸水解植物蛋白作加强鲜味的材料。
This might be due to its relatively high level of 3-MCPD (average: 18 m g/kg) and consumption pattern as well [...]
as the fact that the
soup base for instant noodle might contain acid-HVP as a savoury ingredient.
[...] 格標誌上用誤導性的價格標誌,例如用非常細小的字體顯示重量單位(例如 兩 ),以誤導顧客相信該價格是按一個較大的 量 單 位 (例 斤 ) 計 的 價格。
The provision is to address complaints against sales malpractices where sellers use misleading price signs, such as very small characters for weight unit, e.g.
tael, on price signs to mislead customers into believing that the price is
[...] set by reference to a bigger unit, e.g. catty.
注册出口行 AR Gold 正规出口了 16 公斤黄金,而 2011 年全年 出口量为 6 公斤。
The registered export house AR Gold, officially
[...] exported 16 kg of gold compared to 6 kg in all of 2011.
在哥伦比亚,由于没有剩余的氟氯化碳消费符合供资条件,为避免重复计算而进行 的调整为 30,500 美元(在哥伦比亚国家淘汰计划中维修行业的成本效益为 5.00 美元/公斤 和 6.1 ODP 氟氯化碳消量的基础上计算得出)。
The adjustment to avoid double counting, as there is no remaining CFC consumption eligible for funding in Colombia, amounts to US
$30,500 (calculated on
[...] the basis of US $5.00/kg as the cost-effectiveness of the servicing sector component of the national phase-out project for Colombia and a CFC consumption of 6.1 [...]
ODP tonnes).
这些挑战包括长距 离海运、货物流量不平均、以及出口品单位价值较低等,以及如何使船只的
[...] 大小、服务速度、港口装卸能力、安全和舒适程度等要素与航 量较 低 、而 且常常不固定等实际情况相匹配。
These include long voyage distances, imbalanced cargo flows and low unit values of exports as well as
challenges in matching ship size, service speed, port capacity, safety and comfort with low
[...] and often irregular traffic volumes.
庆幸的是,它的网速还算快,只是每个数据 斤斤 计 较。
Luckily, the speed of the internet is fast,  the draw back is every bytes counts.
尽管与全球渔业上岸量相比,深水鱼上 量较 小 , 但是深海捕捞有可能造 成很大影响。
Compared with global landings from fisheries, deepwater landings are small, but the impacts of deep-sea fishing can be significant.
使 用量较大的 新硬盘来取代旧硬盘时,即使重新进行格式化也可能会在无意中将许多可以恢复 的个人信息和保密信息留在旧盘中。
When replacing your old hard drive with a new, higher-capacity one, you may unwittingly leave on the old disc lots of personal and confidential information that can be recovered, even if you have reformatted it.
数量下降的原因不清楚,但可以反映出评价分类 更加明确,而且评价办公室和区域办事处强调选择评价的战略主题并将有限的资 源用在量较少但质量更高的评价上。
The cause of the drop in numbers is not clear, but it may reflect a clearer categorization of evaluations, as well as an emphasis by the Evaluation Office and the regional offices on selection of strategic subjects for evaluation and on using the limited resources on fewer but better-quality evaluations.
预算减少是因为建议 对低消费量国家甲基溴项目进行个案研究的 量较 通 常 的数量少。
The reduction in budget was a result of the smaller than usual number of suggested case studies on methyl
[...] bromide projects in LVC countries.
2001 年,聯合國糧食及農業組織∕世界衞生組織聯合食品添加劑專
[...] 家委員會把多氯二苯並對二噁英、多氯二苯並呋喃和二噁英樣多氯聯苯 的暫定每月可容忍攝量定為每公斤 體重 70 皮克毒性當量(TEQ)。
In 2001, the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) /World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) established a
provisional tolerable monthly intake
[...] (PTMI) of 70 picograms (pg)/kg of body weight (bw) / [...]
month for PCDDs, PCDFs and dioxin-like
PCBs expressed as toxic equivalent (TEQ).
(d) 据了解,北朝鲜军队拥有一支由多种潜艇组成的舰队,还拥有各种能力 的鱼雷,包括炸药净量约为 200 至 300 公斤的声 导/尾流自导鱼雷,可造成的 破坏程度与大韩民国天安舰壳体所发现的受破坏程度相同。
d) The north Korean military is known to be in possession of a fleet of various submarines and torpedoes of various capabilities including acoustic/wake
homing torpedoes with a net
[...] explosive weight of about 200 to 300 kg — which can deliver [...]
the same level of damage that was
discovered to theCheonan hull.
2010 年,聯 合国糧 食及农业组织∕世界卫生组织聯 合食品添加剂专 家委员会( 专家委员会) 把无机砷诱发人类肺癌发病率 增加 0.5% 的基准 剂
量 可信限下限订为每日每公斤体重 3.0 微克( 每日每公斤体重 2
[...] 至 7 微 克 ) ,并撤回 1988 年厘定的无机砷暂定每周可容忍摄 量( 即每周每斤 体重 15 微克,相等于每日每公斤体重 2.1 微克) ,因为有关标准已不再适 用。
In 2010, the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) / World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) determined the inorganic arsenic benchmark dose lower confidence limit for a 0.5% increased incidence of lung cancer in human (BMDL ) which computed to be 3.0 μg/kg body weight (bw) /day (2 – 7 μg/kg bw/day) and withdrew the Provisional
Tolerable Weekly Intake
[...] (PTWI) of 15 μg/kg bw/week (i.e. 2.1 μg/kg bw/day) to inorganic arsenic established in [...]
1988 as it was no longer appropriate.
许多代表团支持通过食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会提出的白米中每斤 0.4 毫 克镉的拟议最高含量,提及食品添加剂联合专家委员会第六十四届会议关于摄入量和 剂量反应评估,该项评估的结论是每斤 0.4 毫克的量足以保护人类健康。
Many delegations supported the adoption of the
[...] proposed maximum level of 0.4 mg/kg for Cadmium in polished rice as proposed by CCFAC, referring to the 64th JECFA intake and exposure assessment which had concluded that the level of 0.4 mg /kg was sufficient to protect human health.
(c) 信息技术(2 221 600
[...] 美元),主要原因是网络交换机和网络路由器实际 价格较低,以及所需网络路由器 量较 少 , 因为新购置的卫星调制解调器具有必 要的路由功能。
(c) Information technology ($2,221,600), due mainly to lower actual
prices of network switches and network
[...] routers and lower quantities of network routers [...]
acquired as the result of the fact
that new satellite modems procured had the requisite routing capability.
80年代早期,补贴和研发开始启动,随着制造 商的经验积累和竞争的作用,炉灶的材质和生产过 程得到创新,并最终制造出量较好 、 品种较多和 低成本的炉灶。
The studies and research initiated since the early 80s, the experience accumulated by the manufacturers, and the competition that has been generated have led to innovations in materials and production processes and, ultimately, to better quality stoves, more choices, and lower costs.




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