

单词 斤斤计较

See also:


bother about

External sources (not reviewed)

庆幸的是,它的网速还算快,只是每个数据 斤斤计较。
Luckily, the speed of the internet is fast,  the draw back is every bytes counts.
工作的容量要大,眼界要大,容人的气量要大,对时间的器量也要大;海水纳百川因而壮阔,我们自许量大,便不 斤斤计较 一 时 的成败、毁誉、得失,因为相信只要不自我设限,便可超越自己想象的极限。
As the healthstyle provider in the industry we are committed to supply professional solutions which improves the quality of life for people throughout the world.
许多答复者强调指出, 一般说来,计较好的 项目并配有秘书处支持的透明计划对吸引 [...]
Many respondents underlined that, in
[...] general, well-designed projects along [...]
with a transparent scheme of Secretariat support
were essential to attract donor support.
[...] 按照任何一年年未能削减的消费量的每一 ODP 公斤计算,减少附录 7-A 所述金额的资金 (“因未履约而减少供资”)。
The Country acknowledges that the Executive Committee may reduce the amount of the Funding by the amount set out in Appendix 7-A (“Reductions
in Funding for Failure to Comply”) in
[...] respect of each ODP kg of reductions in consumption not [...]
achieved in any one year.
第五十九条 赔偿责任限额 一、除须遵循第六十条以及第六十一条第一款的规定外,承运人对于违反本 公约对其规定的义务所负赔偿责任的限额,按照索赔或争议所涉货物的件数或其 他货运单位计算,每件或每个其他货运单位 875 个计算单位,或按照索赔或争议 所涉货物的毛重计算,每斤 3 个计算单位,以两者较高限 额为准,但货物价 值已由托运人申报且在合同事项中载明的,或承运人与托运人已另行约定高于本 条所规定的赔偿责任限额的,不在此列。
1. Subject to articles 60 and 61, paragraph 1, the carrier’s liability for breaches of its obligations under this Convention is limited to 875 units of account per package or other shipping unit, or 3 units of account per kilogram of the gross weight of the goods that are the subject of the claim or dispute, whichever amount is the higher, except when the value of the goods has been declared by the shipper and included in the contract particulars, or when a higher amount than the amount of limitation of liability set out in this article has been agreed upon between the carrier and the shipper.
这 项 研 究 评 估 从 食 物 摄 入 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 会 否 对 健 康 带 来 潜 在 风 险 , 采 用 的 方 法 是 : (1) 把 现 时 香 港 食 物 含 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 水 平 , 与 国 际 社 会 公
布 的 水 平 、 食 品 法 典 委 员 会
[...] 的 草 拟 上 限 水 平 ( 即 按 每斤 体 重 计 算 是 5 微 克 )较 ; 以 及 (2) 把 从 膳 食 中 摄 入 [...]
赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 分 量 , 与 专 家
委 员 会 建 议 的 暂 定 每 周 可 容 忍 摄 入 量 比 较 。
In this study, the potentials for any risks to health posed by ochratoxin A exposure from food intake are assessed by (1) comparing the prevailing levels of ochratoxin A in Hong Kong with reported levels in
the international
[...] community and to the draft limit of 5 μg/kg proposed by Codex, and (2) comparing [...]
the dietary exposure to
ochratoxin A with the appropriate safe exposure levels, the Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intakes (PTWIs), recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).
该行动导致数人死亡,一辆车被扣押,车上载有 40 箱
[...] Semtex 炸药, 每箱有 16 千克 Semtex,计 640 公斤(见图一),以及 335 个雷管和 90 000 美元。
The operation resulted in several killings and the seizure of a vehicle which contained 40
boxes of Semtex explosive, each
[...] containing 16 kg of Semtex, 640 kg in total (see figure I), [...]
as well as 335 detonators and US$ 90,000.
秘书处对于建议为改用 LB12 制冷剂的活动提供资助的申请表示关切,这是因为考虑 到计使用CFC 制冷剂进行运作的制冷系统的碳氢化合物的充气 较 高 (5 公斤), 可能带来安全方面的风险。
The Secretariat expressed its concern about the proposed request for funding of activities for retrofit of CFC-based commercial refrigerators to LB12 refrigerant, taking into account the
[...] safety-related risks associated with the relatively high charge of a hydrocarbon-based refrigerant (up to 5 kg) in a refrigeration system that [...]
was designed to operate with a CFC refrigerant.
在哥伦比亚,由于没有剩余的氟氯化碳消费符合供资条件,为避免重复计算而进行 的调整为 30,500 美元(在哥伦比亚国家淘计划中 维修行业的成本效益为 5.00 美元/公斤 和 6.1 ODP 氟氯化碳消费量的基础计算得出)。
The adjustment to avoid double counting, as there is no remaining CFC consumption
eligible for
[...] funding in Colombia, amounts to US $30,500 (calculated on the basis of US $5.00/kg as the cost-effectiveness of the servicing sector component [...]
of the
national phase-out project for Colombia and a CFC consumption of 6.1 ODP tonnes).
[...] 量已出现稳定上升(分别从1961年的5.2公斤上升为2009年的17.0公斤和从4. 9公 斤上升为10.1公斤),但仍大大低较 发 达 地区,尽管差距正在缩小。
Although annual per capita consumption of fishery products has grown steadily in developing regions (from 5.2 kg in 1961 to 17.0 kg in 2009) and in
low-income food-deficit
[...] countries (LIFDCs, from 4.9 kg in 1961 to 10.1 kg in 2009), it is still considerably [...]
lower than in
more developed regions, although the gap is narrowing.
[...] 为,镉的摄入量应当降至合理的最低水平,反对食典委在未作调整的情况下通过每斤 2 毫克的较高含量。
The Delegation expressed the view that intake of cadmium should be reduced to as low as
reasonably achievable (ALARA) and opposed the adoption by the Commission, without
[...] justification, of a higher level of 2 mg/kg.
总之,它们特别适用于那些要求紧凑 计 、 较 高 操 作性和精确转向的海事任务。
In short: They are perfectly suited for all maritime tasks where compact design, high maneuverability and precise steering are required.
专家组在其 2010 年的最后报告(S/2010/596 第 173 段)记录到,尽管刚果(金) 武装力量的军事行动已将武装团体赶出许多主要的采矿区,但这些团体继续控制 数以计的较偏远 的采矿场地和对矿产品市场、矿产商或运输商进行掠夺。
The Group documented in its final report of 2010 (S/2010/596, para. 173) that, while FARDC military operations had driven armed groups out of many of the principal mining areas, those groups continued to control hundreds of more remote mining sites and to pillage mineral markets, traders or transporters.
如果该国要求在维修行业内提供援助以便维持其最终淘汰管理计划期间确定的产能及 遵守管制目标,则供资额度将按每斤 4.50计算。
Should the country require assistance in the servicing sector to sustain the capacity established during its
terminal phase-out management plan and comply with control targets, funding
[...] would be calculated at US $4.50 per metric kg.
关于这一点,作为食品添加剂和污染物法典委员会主席的荷兰代表团阐明,食 品添加剂和污染物法典委员会考虑到食品添加剂联合专家委员会第六十四届会议对镉 的三种不同最大含量所进行的膳食摄入影响评估及其关于拟议的每公斤 1 毫克含量和 每斤 2 毫克的较高含量对镉的平均摄入量没有什么影响这一结论,同意每斤 2 毫较高含量。
On this point, the Delegation of the Netherlands, speaking as Chair of the CCFAC, clarified that the CCFAC had agreed to the higher level of 2mg/kg, taking into account the impact assessment of dietary intake undertaken by the 64th JECFA at three different
maximum levels of
[...] cadmium and its conclusion that the proposed level of 1mg /kg and one level higher level of 2mg/kg had little impact on mean intakes of cadmium.
国家承认,执行委员会可 按照当年未能削减的消费量的每一 ODP 公斤计算,减少附录 7-A 所述金额的资金。
The Country acknowledges that the Executive Committee may reduce the amount of the Funding by
the amount set out in Appendix 7-A in
[...] respect of each ODP kg of reductions in consumption not achieved in any one year.
成本效益(以美元/公斤 HCFC-141b 计)根据次级行业的成本和各次级行业 2008 年的 HCFC-141b 消费量计算。
Cost effectiveness (in terms of US$/kg HCFC-141b) is calculated based on the [...]
sub-sector cost and the 2008 HCFC-141b consumption for each sub-sector.
几年来,塞尔维亚一直与原子能机构密切合作, 根据温萨核退计划研 究所(VIND)项目,为安全存 储目的从塞尔维亚向俄罗斯联邦安全转移 48 公斤辐 照 高浓缩铀——这是在三个关键领域进行多边合作 的典范:乏燃料去除;中低级放射性废物管理和大 型设施退役。
For several years, Serbia had been working closely with IAEA to transfer 48 kilograms of irradiated highly enriched uranium from Serbia to the Russian Federation for safe storage under the Vinča Institute Nuclear Decommissioning (VIND) project — a model for multilateral cooperation in three crucial fields: spent fuel removal; low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste management; and large-scale facility decommissioning.
车辆的整备质量范较宽,从不到1,0 00 公 斤 到 接 近1,7 00 公 斤。
The span of vehicle curb
[...] weights is wide, stretching from barely 1,000 kg to almost 1,700 kg.
ODP吨)的基准高 于第60/44号决定设定的低消费量限额360公吨,这使得科特迪瓦加入了非低消费量国家的
[...] 行列,对于此类国家,有资格获得的供资仅可用于实现2015年淘汰指标,而且将根据维修 行业确定的消费量,按照每斤4.5 美元 , 计 算 供 资额度。
The Secretariat drew UNEP’s attention to the fact that the baseline of 1,159.70 mt (63.80 ODP tonnes) being higher than 360 mt, low-volume-consuming (LVC) limit set in decision 60/44, moved Côte d’Ivoire to the category of non-low-volume-consuming (non-LVC) countries, where eligible funding is available only to
meet the 2015 phase-out targets and will
[...] be calculated at US $4.5/kg of the consumption [...]
identified in the servicing sector.
专家委员会曾评估硝酸盐的安全性,并订定的每日可摄入量为每 斤 体 重 0至5毫克(以硝酸 计 算 ), 或每 斤 体 重 0至3.7毫克(以硝酸盐离子计算)。
JECFA has evaluated the safety of nitrate and allocated an acceptable
daily intake (ADI) of
[...] 0-5 mg per kg body weight (bw), expressed as sodium nitrate, or 0-3.7 mg/kg bw, expressed [...]
as nitrate ion.
委员会特别是审议了咨询委员会对有关 2010 年一轮生活费调查的方法问题
[...] 提出的主要结论和建议,其中包括:物项和规格清单;修正后的数据收集表格; 建立新的共同权重的程序;在总部工作地点和哥伦比亚特区华盛顿收集数据的程 序和准则;对于根据与纽约的实时价格 较计 量 生活费办法以及对于用于计算地 区外指数的一组新国家的进一步测试结果。
In particular, the Commission considered the Advisory Committee’s main conclusions and recommendations on methodological issues pertaining to the 2010 round of cost-of-living surveys, including the list of items and specifications; revised data-collection forms; procedures for establishing new common weights; procedures and guidelines for data collection at headquarters duty stations and Washington, D. C.; and the
results of further
[...] testing of both the approach to cost-of-living measurement based on real-time price comparisons with New York [...]
and the new basket
of countries used in the calculation of the out-of-area index.
委员会还注意到咨询委员会就生活费计量方法两个增强措施的进一步测试结果 提出的建议,委员会已核准在 2010 年一轮调查中使用这一方法,即根据与纽约 的实时价格较计量生 活费办法以及在计算地区外指数时使用新的一组国家。
It also noted the Committee’s recommendations regarding the results of further testing of two enhancements to the cost-of-living measurement methodology that it had already approved for application in the 2010 round of surveys, namely, the approach to cost-of-living
measurement based on
[...] real-time price comparisons with New York and the new basket of countries used in the calculation of the out-of-area index.
可以用机械工的千 分尺或光学较计测量
This can be measured using a toolmakers micrometer or optical comparator.
2012的FP QUATTRO不对称几何计较2011年 又向前跨了一步。
The 2012 FPQUATTRO Asymmetric represents a major step forward from the 2011 model.
[...] 公司采用了先进的系统,通过延时记忆功能对同一点的冷/ 热端的外径数值进行较计算。
In this regard it is of main importance that the advanced SIKORA system compares the
hot/cold values of the diameter at coincidental points, and this is achieved by means of a speed
[...] controlled delay time memory.
[...] 的供资,并商定将预算削减 88,301 美元,同时削减根据淘汰的氟氯烃的价值(4.50 美元/ 公斤)计算的 剩余的符合资助条件的消费量。
The Secretariat discussed with the World Bank the funding foreseen, and agreed on a reduced budget of US $88,301, with an
accompanying reduction in remaining eligible
[...] consumption calculated based on a value of US $4.50/kg of HCFC phased out.
联 合 国 粮 食 及 农 业 组 织 ∕ 世 界 卫 生 组
织 联 合 食 物 添 加 剂 专 家 委 员 会 ( 下 称 “ 专 家 委 员 会 " ) 曾 评 估 镉 的 安 全 , 并 订 定 镉 的
[...] 暂 定 每月可 容 忍 摄 入 量 , 按 每斤 体 重 计 算 是 25 微 克 。
The Joint Food and Agriculture Organization / World Health Organization Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) has evaluated
the safety of cadmium and established a provisional tolerable monthly intake
[...] (PTMI) of 25μg per kg body weight (bw) to it.
欧 洲 委 员 会 辖 下 的 食 物 科 学 委 员 会 复 检 其 对 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 意 见 后 , 于 一 九 九 八 年 提 出 , 为 审 慎 起 见 , 应 尽 量 减 少 摄 入
赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 分 量 , 以 及 应 确 保 每 日 的 摄 入 量 维 持 在
[...] 其 他 组 织 所 估 计 的 可 容 忍 摄 入 量 下 限 , 即 按 每斤 体 重 计 算 少 于 5 纳 克 的 水 平 21 。
The European Commission's Scientific Committee for Food (SCF), after reviewing its opinion on ochratoxin A, concluded in 1998 that it would be prudent to reduce exposure to ochratoxin A as much as possible, ensuring that exposures are towards the lower
end of the range of tolerable daily intakes
[...] which has been estimated by other bodies, at a level below 5 ng/kg bw/ day.
1)编辑部能否将作者的来稿制作成原版原样的电子文件,该文件 计较 审 稿 者的软硬件配置,且能够在审稿者的电脑上显示和打印。
1) Can the editorial department to create the author's original manuscripts as electronic files, the file review did not care about the hardware and software configurations, and be able to review the computer display and printing.




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