

单词 斟酒

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[...] 方面:我们观看奥斯卡,由其指引我们的观 影选择;我们斟酒服务 员来选择酒品;通 过听广播来选择我们聆听的音乐。
This applies across all aspects of our lives: we look to the
Oscars to guide our choice of movies, to
[...] sommeliers to select our wines, to radio stations [...]
to choose the music we listen to.
它遗 憾的是,没有就警务程序法提出建议,这使警官有很大 斟 酌 决 定余地。
It regretted the fact that no recommendations had been made regarding the law on police procedure, which gives a wide margin of discretion to police officers.
假如司機酒後駕 駛而導致交通意外,並引致他人死亡,當局可 控告司機危險駕駛引致他人死亡。
If a traffic accident is caused by drink driving and causes the death of another person, the driver can be charged with causing death by dangerous driving.
于是,斟了一杯酒,放 在桌子上,移动了几个位置,终于看见那张雕弓的影子清晰地投映在酒杯中,随着酒液的晃动,真象一条青皮红花的小蛇在游动。
My friend, " Yur Guang said with the bow in his hand, "what you see is not a snake but a reflection of this bow which resembles a small snake especially when the wine is moving.
在班戈尔的Pickie家庭游乐园,传统的海边游戏活动常年举行,当孩子们在这里的探险乐园玩得津津有味时,家长则可以在露 酒 吧 悠 闲自得地 斟 自 饮
The Pickie Family Fun Park in Bangor, which year-round offers traditional seaside fun and games, means the kids can enjoy all the fun of the adventure park, while parents can enjoy a leisurely drink on the patio bar.
据指出, 虽然有关公共秩序和国家安全的理由无疑是最重要的,却不是唯一的理由,制定 一个关于驱逐的理由的所谓详尽清单会不适当地限制了必须允许该驱逐国有确定 这些理由斟酌决定权。
It was pointed out that, while the grounds relating to public order and national security were certainly the most important, they were not the sole grounds, and that drawing up a supposedly exhaustive list of grounds for expulsion would unduly restrict the discretion that the expelling State must be allowed in order to determine those grounds.
一个会员国认为 C/3 应该是一份更加 简洁的政策性文件,可以并入 C/5 的引言部分,供将来制定 34 C/5 文件时仔斟酌。
One Member State suggested that document C/3 should be a much briefer policy document, eventually merged as an introductory part of document C/5, to be contemplated for the future document 34 C/5.
(a) 在代表申诉人提出的书面陈述中,提交人的律师请求法院宣布:内政
[...] 由是她将被迫在圭亚那境外定居以维持她的婚姻关系;准许她丈夫合法进入以及 再进入和离开圭亚那;部长斟酌决 定权的行使是违宪的,因为没有在任何议会 [...]
a) In the written submissions on behalf of the applicant, the author’s lawyer sought declarations by the Court that the decision of the Minister of Home Affairs infringed her constitutional rights to freedom of movement and to reside in the State party on the ground that she would be compelled to reside outside Guyana in order to maintain her marital relationship; that her husband was permitted to lawfully enter
and re-enter and depart from Guyana; and
[...] that the exercise of discretion by [...]
the Minister was unconstitutional as no matters
constituting interests of national security or public policy were set out in any Act of Parliament or subordinate legislation.
如果委员会根据规则 69 第 1 款所指的通知获悉一国未按照规则 66 第 3 款提交《公 约》第 40 条第 1 款(a)和(b)项所规定的任何报告的情况并且已向该缔约国发送了催促信,委 员会可斟酌后 通过秘书长通知该缔约国委员会打算在通知中指明的日期或一届会议上以非 公开会议的形式审查该缔约国为落实《公约》所承认的权利而采取的措施,并打算随后通过 临时结论性意见,临时结论性意见将提交给该缔约国。
In cases where the Committee has been notified under Rule 69.1 of the failure of a State to submit under rule 66.3 any report, under article 40, para. 1(a) or (b) of the Covenant, and has sent reminders to the State party, the Committee may, at its discretion, notify the State party through the Secretary General that it intends, on a date or at a session specified in the notification, to examine in a private session the measures taken by the State party to give effect to the rights recognized in the Covenant, and to proceed by adopting provisional concluding observations which will be submitted to the State party.
6項現行調查令,分別爲《普查及統計(工業生產按年調查)令》(第 316A章
[...] )、《普查及統計(批發、零售、進口與出口貿易、食肆酒店按年調查)令》(第 316C章 )、《普查及統計(屋宇建築、建造及 [...]
地產業按年調查)令》(第 316E章 )、《普查及統計(銀行、接受存款
公司、有限制牌照銀行及外地銀行代表辦事處按年調查) 令》( 第 316H章 )、《普查及統計(倉庫、通訊、財務、保險及商用服務按 年調查)令》(第 316I章 ),以及《普查及統計(運輸及有關服務按年 調查)令》(第 316J章 )。
It also repeals the six existing survey orders, namely, Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Industrial Production) Order (Cap. 316A), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of
Wholesale, Retail and Import and Export Trades,
[...] Restaurants and Hotels) Order (Cap. 316C), [...]
Census and Statistics (Annual Survey
of Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors) Order (Cap. 316E), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Banks, Deposit-taking Companies, restricted Licence Banks and Representative Offices of Foreign Banks) Order (Cap. 316H), Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Storage, Communication, Financing, Insurance and Business Services) Order (Cap. 316I) and Census and Statistics (Annual Survey of Transport and Related Services) Order (Cap. 316J).
还有一种看法认为,可能难以要求采用具体的争端解决程序,应允许各国在选择 解决争端方式时有一定斟酌余地。
According to a further view, referral to specific dispute settlement procedures could be difficult to require, and States ought to be allowed a margin of appreciation in the choice of means of settlement of disputes.
儘管政府當局曾保證斟酌情 況才提出起訴,事實㆖卻有㆒宗這樣的案件, 並且告至㆖訴法院。
Despite assurances from the Administration that prosecutions would be mounted with discretion, one was nevertheless mounted and found its way to the Court of Appeal.
(b) 可自斟酌決 定全部或部分地或按其認為適當的條件 向請求締約國提供其所擁有的根據其本國法律不向公 眾公開的任何政府記錄、文件或資料的副本。
(b) May, at its discretion, provide to the requesting State Party in whole, in part or subject to such conditions as it deems appropriate, copies of any government records, documents or information in its possession that under its domestic law are not available to the general public.
委员会认为,即使这些补救措施在某些情况下 是有效的,但审查也只有在最高法院院长和副院长明确同意之后才有可能,他们 拥有自斟酌权 可以将案件提交或不提交法院,声称其权利受到侵犯的犯罪人无 法直接启动这一程序。
The Committee considered that even if such remedies may be effective in certain situations, such reviews were possible only with the express consent of the President or Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Court, who therefore have discretionary power to refer or not to refer a case to the Court, whereas a convicted person claiming that his or her rights have been violated could not initiate such a review directly.
有鉴于此,应认斟酌秘 书长全 球粮食保障危机高级别工作队提交的综合行动框 架。
In that connection, the comprehensive framework for action submitted by the Secretary-General’s High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis should be carefully examined.
囚犯进一步表示,能否得 到医疗援助往往由狱卒或“faxinas”(为机构工作的其他囚 犯 ) 斟 酌 决 定。
Inmates further indicated that access to medical care was often at the discretion of prison guards or of “faxinas” (other inmates working for the institution).
联合国有关机构指派的代表可作为观察员参加大会和主要委员会的讨论,斟酌情 况参加任何其他委员会或工作组就其活动范围内的问题进行的讨论,但无 表决权。
Representatives designated by interested organs of the United Nations may participate as observers, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Summit, the Main Committee and, as appropriate, any other committee or working group on questions within the scope of their activities.
除本议事规则对欧洲联盟另有规定外,获邀参加大会的其他政府间组织指派 的代表可作为观察员参加大会、主要委员会的讨论, 斟 酌 情 况参加任何其他委 员会或工作组就其活动范围内的问题进行的讨论,但无表决权。
Save where otherwise specifically provided with respect to the European Union in these rules of procedure, representatives designated by other intergovernmental organizations invited to the Conference may participate as observers, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Conference, the Main Committee and, as appropriate, any other committee or working group on questions within the scope of their activities.
在其他领域,我们将从战略的高度细 斟 酌 ,找出通过业务增效降低费用的机 会,可能时对费用结构进行调整。
Other areas will be carefully and strategically reviewed to identify opportunities to reduce costs through operational efficiency or adjustment of the cost structure where possible.
6.请开发署署长和人口基金执行主任,考虑到经济及社会理事会的有关决 议和 E/2008/49
[...] 号报告,并考虑到他们的汇报方法必须做到切实有效 斟 酌 如 何 改进今后的报告,并与执行局进行协商,以便就此问题,在其 [...]
2009 年第二届常 会编写一个提案。
Requests the Administrator of UNDP and the Executive Director of UNFPA to consider ways to improve future reports, taking into account relevant resolutions of the Economic and Social Council,
report E/2008/49, and the need to achieve
[...] efficiency and effectiveness in their reporting [...]
practices, and to consult with the
Executive Board in order to prepare a proposal on this matter at its second regular session 2009.
曼谷 2020 年宣言附件中的各项指标为各国提供一个衡量环境可持续交通战 略进展情况的指导性框架;各国可按本国情 斟 酌 使 用这些指标。
The indicators in the annex to the Bangkok 2020 Declaration provide a guiding framework for countries to measure progress in environmentally sustainable transport strategy, and countries are at liberty to use any of those indicators as they deem fit.
鉴于多数渗漏集中在 几个位置,也需要仔斟酌需 衬砌的渠段。
Canal lining also needs to be well-targeted since most of the losses may occur in a few locations.
大会第 2621(XXV)号决议所载关于 充分执行《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的行动方案第 3(9)(c)段,指示特 别委员斟酌情 况继续在总部以外地点举行会议。
By paragraph 3 (9) (c) of the programme of action for the full implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, contained in its resolution 2621 (XXV), the Assembly directed the Committee to continue to hold meetings away from Headquarters, as appropriate.
为便于达成共识, 每份文件的措辞都经过仔斟酌。 澳大利亚还提交 了一份工作文件,提出了其希望列入大会将通过的 任何行动计划的具体要素。
It had also submitted a working paper proposing specific elements it wished to see included in any action plan adopted by the Conference.
两年期决议是一项较好的折中方案,特别是考虑到 有些人希望每年都审议报告,另斟 酌 及 进行必要 的法律修改也需要时间。
A biennial resolution was a good compromise solution, especially considering the desire of some to consider the report annually and also in view of the time that was needed to reflect on and implement necessary legislative changes.
(c) 因不称职而解雇的工作人员或因行为失检而被解职处分的工作人员,除 被开除者外,可由秘书斟酌支 付解雇补偿金,其数额不得超过本附件(a)款规 定的补偿金的半数
(c) A staff member whose appointment is terminated for unsatisfactory service or who for disciplinary reasons is separated from service for misconduct other than by dismissal may be paid, at the discretion of the Secretary-General, an indemnity not exceeding one half of the indemnity provided under paragraph (a) of the present annex
虽然普遍认为制定一套适用于这两类交易的通用规则是可行的,但也一致 认为,必要时工作组应有权自斟酌 提 出不同做法的建议。
Although it was generally felt that it would be feasible to develop a generic set of rules applicable to both kinds of transactions, it was also agreed that the Working Group should have the discretion to suggest different approaches, if necessary.
主席和主持会议的副主席斟酌情 况,继续邀请主要群体代表在论 坛第八届会议的各次讨论中阐述观点和意见。
Major group representatives will continue to be invited to present their views and comments throughout the discussions at the eighth session of the Forum at the discretion of the chair and presiding vice-chairs.




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