单词 | 斗牛士 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 斗牛士 —bullfighterless common: matador • toreador See also:斗牛—bullfighting • Big Dipper and Altair (astronomy) 斗牛 n—bullfight n 斗士 n—fighter n 斗士—a warrior • an activist
该影片随后还记录了斗牛士在场地上 斗 牛 的 情形 , 斗牛士 的 旁 边有短枪手、剑侍和骑在马背上的长枪手,而背景则是欢呼的人群。 wdl.org | The film that [...] follows shows matadors fighting the bulls in the arena, assisted by an entourage [...]of flagmen, sword pages, [...]and lancers mounted on horseback, with cheering crowds in the background. wdl.org |
斗牛士在他 们的书里经常会谈到 Miura 公牛准确无误的目光:真正斗士的目光,锐利而充满力量。 lamborghini.com | In their books, bullfighters often talk about the unmistakable gaze of the Miura bull: the gaze of a true fighter, shrewd and powerful. lamborghini.com |
毕加索第一幅公认的画作《马背上的 斗牛士 》 是 他8岁时玩 成的。 wipo.int | Picasso completed his first recognized painting, Le Picador, at 8 years old. wipo.int |
1914 年,这头公牛在西班牙安大路西亚 Sanlúcar de Barrameda 角斗场中使著名的斗牛士 José Sánchez Rodríguez 险些丧命,它的名字也随之家喻户晓。 lamborghini.com | His name became popular in 1914, when he fatally wounded the famous torero José Sánchez Rodríguez during the bullfight in the arena Sanlúcar de Barrameda’s, Andalusia, Spain. lamborghini.com |
鄂木斯克轮胎”不上市股份公司跟斯洛伐克共和国 《 斗牛士 》 的 公司合作的结果,建立了合资企业—— “ 斗牛士 — 鄂 木斯克轮胎合资企业”不上市股份公司, 1996 年 4 月 23 号签署了鄂木斯克与普霍夫市之间的关于伙伴合作关系的议定书。 admomsk.ru | As a result of mutual partnership between Slovak JS “Matador” and Russian OJSC “Omskshina” that established CJSC Joint Venture Company “Matador-Omskshina”, on 23 April, 1996 Mayors of Omsk City and Puchov (Slovak Republic) signed a Partnership and Collaboration Protocol. admomsk.ru |
斗牛梗体 格健壮,肌肉发达,身段匀称,被称为犬类竞赛中的“ 战 士 ”。 eukanuba.com.cn | The Bull Terrier is a strongly built, muscular, well-balanced terrier, known as "the gladiator" of the canine race. eukanuba.com.au |
它获得了“犬中斗士”的美誉,斗牛 梗 犬 为取悦主人不惜打斗至死。 eukanuba.com.cn | It gained the reputation of the ""canine gladiator"" as it would fight to the death to please its master. eukanuba.com.au |
对反希特勒同盟国和其他国家反法西 斯 斗士 所 作 的贡献,我们心怀感激;我 们永远也不会忘记他们为共同胜利做出的牺牲。 daccess-ods.un.org | We recall with gratitude the contribution of the Allies [...] and anti-fascist fighters from other countries, [...]we will never forget the sacrifices [...]they brought to the altar of our shared Victory. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们不限制动物从英国进入爱尔兰境内,但对于某些狗种, 如 斗牛 㹴 狗 有特殊规定。 discoverireland.com | There are special regulations applied to some dogs, for example pit bull terriers. discoverireland.com |
游戏之后,用户还能用鼠标让一辆Mini来回开在跑道上,周围环绕着富有英国特色的符号, 如 斗牛 犬 , 或是戴着女王卫队帽子的Mini。 labbrand.com | After playing the game, users can user their mouse to make a Mini go back and [...] forth on a race track surrounded with such typically British [...] symbols as a bulldog or a Mini wearing [...]a Queen’s Guard hat. labbrand.com |
斗牛梗忠实、有礼貌而且顺从,它完全忠于主人,感情丰富,是良好的家庭宠物和令人愉悦的伴侣。 eukanuba.com.cn | Loyal, polite [...] and obedient, the Bull Terrier is devoted [...]to its owners and thrives on affection, making a fine family pet and delightful companion. eukanuba.com.au |
陳氏肆業於香港大學(文學士、社會科學 碩 士 ) 及 牛 津 大學(哲學博士),曾任香港嶺南大學校長,並於 二零零七年自該職退休。 asiasat.com | He was educated at Hong Kong [...] University (Bachelor of Arts, Master of Social Science) and Oxford University (Doctor [...]of Philosophy) [...]and was the President of Lingnan University in Hong Kong and retired from this position in 2007. asiasat.com |
此外,政府亦透過捕捉行動等方法控制牛隻 數目,減低流浪牛隻對公眾人士造成 的滋擾。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, the Government also controls [...] the number of stray [...] cattle and buffalos with methods such as catching in order to reduce disturbance of stray cattle and buffalos to the public. legco.gov.hk |
这座按照人物原型真实尺寸制作的南非前总统曼德拉的半身雕像在瓷白、银灰和深灰三色的衬托下熠熠生辉,这位诺贝尔和平奖获得者是一位为自由而战 的 斗士。 wacker.com | It stands there glistening in white, silver-gray and dark-gray – a life-size bust of Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, freedom-fighter and winner of the Nobel Peace [...] Prize – the back of the head crafted in [...] porcelain, the face made of laser-welded [...]platinum, the eyes set with black diamonds. wacker.com |
这些由卢米埃兄弟拍摄的短片记录的是西班牙塞维利亚的两场传统活动,看起来拍摄的时间应该是 19 [...] 世纪的最后几年,这两场活动分别是:圣周(Semana Santa)和斗牛(la corrida de toros)。 wdl.org | These short films by the Lumière brothers depict two traditional events in Seville, Spain, [...] as they appeared in the last years of the 19th century: Holy Week [...] (Semana Santa) and bullfighting (la corrida [...]de toros). wdl.org |
于是人们令斗牛犬和 黑棕褐梗(即现存的英国梗犬)进行杂交。 eukanuba.com.cn | The Bull Dog and the Black and Tan [...] Terrier (the now extinct English Terrier) were crossbred. eukanuba.com.au |
这一犬种的体型比当今所知的斗牛梗 大 ,且头部 与 斗牛 犬 更 为相似。 eukanuba.com.cn | This dog was larger [...] than the Bull Terrier we know today, and its head much more closely resembled that of the Bull Dog. eukanuba.com.au |
这次DNV赞助“燃料斗士”参 加比赛正是DNV与挪威科技大学2008年所签署的全面合作协议中的一部分。 dnv.com.cn | The DNV sponsorship [...] of the DNV Fuel Fighter is part of a comprehensive [...]agreement that was signed between DNV and NTNU in 2008. dnv.es |
MONT-de-Marsan的是资本的部门,MONT-DE-Marsan的,DAX指数,和圣SEVER是最值得关注的城镇和形式 的 斗牛 , 但 在牛市亦不是被杀的过程朗德鹅()是众所周知的。 leapfrog-properties.com | Mont-de-Marsan is the capital of the department; Mont-de-Marsan, Dax, and St Sever are the [...] most noteworthy towns and are well known for the course [...] landaise (form of bullfighting but where the bull is not killed). leapfrog-properties.com |
斗牛梗活 泼爱玩,它极具表演才能,是天生的娱乐演员。 eukanuba.com.cn | Fun loving and active, this breed is a born entertainer with his ability to perform tricks. eukanuba.com.au |
它有机会实现公正,也有机会立即释放五名古巴反恐 斗士,他们被美国当作政治犯囚禁在戒备森严的监狱 [...] 内长达 11 年之久,但事实上,他们不过是怀着崇高 的利他主义和英勇气概,设法收集以迈阿密为基地的 恐怖团伙的资料,以防止他们实施暴力行径,挽救古 [...]巴和美国公民的生命。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has the opportunity to achieve justice and to [...] release, without further delay, the five [...] Cuban anti-terrorist fighters whom it has kept [...]as political prisoners in high-security [...]prisons for more than 11 years in spite of the fact that they were just trying, with great altruism and courage, to gather information about Miami-based terrorist groups in order to prevent their violent acts and save the lives of Cuban and American citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
在拉丁美洲,巴西是一个值得称道的范例, 那里的基督教家庭运动是反对社会不公、维护穷人利益的积 极 斗士。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Latin America, with Brazil as a laudable example, CFM members are militant champions of the poor against social injustice. daccess-ods.un.org |
啊,我们的清真寺,我们一定回来;我们是真主 的斗士…… 我们会庆祝胜利,用剑杀尽犹太人”。 daccess-ods.un.org | soldiers of God’s religion … We will [...] rejoice at the victory and kill the Jews by the sword”. daccess-ods.un.org |
像路易斯·波萨达·卡里莱斯(1976 年炸毁古巴航空公司一架客机导致 73 名机上人员丧生;1997 年对古巴旅馆制造恐怖爆炸)这样人所周知的恐怖分子在 [...] 美国一些城市逍遥自在,而试图保护古巴人民免遭这些杀人犯行动伤害的五名古 巴反恐斗士却仍被关押在美国监狱中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Known terrorists like Luis Posada Carriles, who was responsible for the inflight bombing of a Cubana de Aviación aircraft in 1976, killing the 73 people on board, and for the terrorist bombings of hotels in Cuba, in 1997, walk freely around cities [...] in the United States, while five Cuban [...] counter-terrorism fighters who sought to protect [...]the Cuban people from the actions [...]of those same killers remain in United States prisons. daccess-ods.un.org |
1976年,博茨瓦纳指控南罗得西亚以博茨瓦纳支持和窝藏南罗得西亚解放运动的自 由 斗士 为 借口实施侵略行径。 un.org | In 1976 Botswana accused Southern Rhodesia of acts of aggression [...] under the pretext that Botswana was supporting and [...] harbouring freedom fighters from Southern Rhodesia [...]liberation movement. un.org |
知 识在许多头脑的应用中演化,经常是在他人的成果之上递增。艾萨 克 · 牛 顿 爵 士 很 久 以前 曾谦虚地写道:“如果我能够看得更远,那是因为我站在巨人肩膀上。 iprcommission.org | Sir Isaac Newton modestly wrote a long time ago: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. iprcommission.org |
羅意威7號勇士,他是一位鬥牛士,憑 藉一腔激情,一股男性氣概挺身而出,他以自己為榮。 hk.eternal.hk | The 7 man, the bullfighting man, stands out because [...] of his passion, his masculinity, proud of what he is and what he does. hk.eternal.hk |
她戴着一顶丑陋的鼬皮帽子,显得没有品位,这顶帽子可能很贵重,但也非常丑陋,而她那只宠物狗就更加丑陋,黑黄相间的毛发,也许介 于 斗牛 犬 和 火蜥蜴之间。 voith.com | She displays certain amounts of tastelessness by a ghastly skunk's fur hat, which is probably very expensive but also very hideous, [...] and also by her even more hideous lapdog, black with yellow sploshes, probably a [...] cross between a bulldog and a salamander. voith.com |
这是第一次兰博基尼汽车的名字没有取 自 斗牛 世 界 ,但是它仍带有浓郁的西班牙气息,因为 [...] Jota 是该国的经典舞蹈。 lamborghini.com | For once, the name of this car did not come from [...] the world of bullfighting, but it had a [...]Spanish flavour nonetheless, since the [...]Jota is a typical dance in that country. lamborghini.com |
今天, 我 想引述一位 文 化 界 人士,牛棚書 院院長梁文道 先生在報章 上 [...] 的 說話: “ 文 化 界 原本也 不相信這次是 假 諮 詢 , 但 匯 編 一出, 卻 不 得 不 非常難 過 地相信, 這次真 是 一次假 諮 詢。 legco.gov.hk | Today, I wish to quote what Mr LEUNG [...] Man-tao, Principal of Ngau Pang Sue Yuen, wrote [...]in a newspaper article: "The cultural [...]circles initially did not believe that the consultation exercise was bogus. legco.gov.hk |