

单词 斗地主

See also:

coming together
put together
cup or dipper shaped object

地主 n

host n
landlords pl

External sources (not reviewed)

5年来,QQ游戏不仅提供给广大用户丰富的游戏体验,还策划举办了CEG大赛、中华斗神争霸赛、公益设计比赛、2008广 斗地主 公 开赛、2009玩家见面会等丰富的活动,为用户创造了充分展示个性的平台,活跃了社区氛围,为用户带来了无处不在的快乐。
In the past 5 years, QQ Game has not only provided users with rich game experiences but also organized various activities, including the CEG Competition, Chinese Gods of Combat Championship, the Charitable Design Contest, the 2008 Guangzhou Dou Di Zhu Open Tournament and the 2009 Players meetings.
地资源的 权斗争、 争议和同盟:通过非洲内陆渔业的透镜分析自然资源权力下放的“主”。
Power struggle, dispute and alliance over local resources: analyzing ‘democratic’ decentralization of natural resources through the lenses [...]
of Africa inland fisheries.
在園區啟用後五年內,「野礦山谷」和「迷離莊園」將是全球迪士主題公園中獨一無二的,而「斗奇 兵歷 奇 地 帶 」亦將是亞洲區內 獨有的。
Grizzly Trail” and
[...] “Mystic Point” will be exclusive amongst Disney theme parks worldwide and “Toy Story Land” will [...]
be exclusive within
the Asian region, for five years from their respective opening.
安全理事会还核可作为联科行动部队进一步缩编的先决条件而提出的各项基 准:完成前斗人员 可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散;成功完 成选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 安全部门的主管理 和监督,统一军队并建立能够发挥作用和属于共和国的科特 迪瓦武装部队和安全服务部门;以及恢复国家在全国 地 的 权 力。
The Security Council also endorsed the following benchmarks introduced as preconditions for further drawdown of the UNOCI force: completion of credible disarmament,
demobilization and
[...] reintegration of former combatants and dismantling of militias; successful completion of the elections; commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country.
[...] 巩固和平与稳定,包括解决在刚果民主共和国东部活动的卢民主力量,将采取若 干非军事措施,例如协助刚果民主共和国政府和卢旺达政府界定解决与卢民主力 量相关问题的条件;鼓励会员国针对居住在其国家的该团体领导人采取必要的法 律行动;加强解除武装、复员、遣返、重返社会和重新安置方案工作,包括通过 宣传工作提高认识,并探讨如何进一步吸引卢 主 力 量 战 斗 人 员 自愿回返,促进 未参与灭绝种族活动的卢民主力量士兵持久融入社会和经济生活;以及支持将国 家权力扩展到卢主力量部队被赶出 地 区 ,包括矿区和对武装团体有经济利益 的其他地区。
In order to further consolidate peace and stability, including addressing the presence of FDLR in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, a number of non-military measures will be taken, such as assisting the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda to define an end-state for resolving issues related to FDLR; encouraging Member States to take the necessary legal actions against members of the group’s leadership who reside in their countries; enhancing disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reinsertion and resettlement efforts, including sensitization through
[...] campaigns, and exploring ways to further attract the voluntary return of FDLR combatants and promote the durable socio-economic integration of the non-génocidaire FDLR rank and file; and supporting the extension of State Authority in areas [...]
from which FDLR elements
were dislodged, including mining and other areas of economic interest to the armed group.
各位部长回顾不结盟运动曾坚定支持和声援巴拿马人民和政府为收回运河 以及对所有领土有效行使主权而开展 斗 争。
The Ministers recalled the firm support and solidarity offered by the Movement to the people and
Government of Panama in its struggle for the recovery of the Canal and
[...] exerts effective sovereignty over all its territory.
35 C/DR.30(提案国:法国,共同提案国:比利时、荷兰和波兰,附议国:阿根
廷)涉及第 01000 段之 2(b),请总干事在预期成果 10 后面增加预期成果 11,
[...] 内容如下:“进一步采取行动,保存对纳粹大屠杀的记忆,通过教育与一切否认 大屠杀的行为斗争,以便有地禁 止 反犹 主 义 行 为,特别是青年人的这种行 为。
35 C/DR.30 (France, co-sponsored by Belgium, the Netherlands and Poland, supported by Argentina) concerning paragraph 01000, 2(b), which invites the Director-General to insert an additional Expected Result 11 after Expected Result 10 containing the following text: “Deepen actions undertaken aiming to conserve the memory of the Holocaust and to combat
all forms of denial of this
[...] latter, in order to fight effectively against anti-Semitism, particularly [...]
in young people, through education.
伊朗 警告说,以人权为借口寻求庇护的这些活动者,只会阻碍打击国际上致命恐主 义的斗争。
It warned that such activists seeking asylum under human rights pretexts would block the fight against fatal terrorism internationally.
深为痛惜在打击恐主义斗争中 发生了侵犯人权和基本自由的行为以及违 反国际难民和人道主义法的行为, 关地注意 到有些措施可能损害人权和法治,例如在没有按律羁押的依据和 正当法律程序保障的情况下羁押恐怖行为涉嫌人,以相当于将被羁押者置于法律 保护之外的方式剥夺自由,在没有基本司法保障情况下审判涉嫌人,非法剥夺恐 怖活动涉嫌人的自由并将他们移送他处,在未作个别风险评估以断定是否存在确 凿理由相信涉嫌人回国有可能遭受酷刑的情况下便遣送涉嫌人回国,以及限制有 效监督反恐措施
Noting with concern measures that can undermine human rights and the rule of law, such as the detention of persons suspected of acts of terrorism in the absence of a legal basis for detention and due process guarantees, the deprivation of liberty that amounts to placing a detained person outside the protection of the law, the trial of suspects without fundamental judicial guarantees, the illegal deprivation of liberty and transfer of individuals suspected of terrorist activities, and the return of suspects to countries without individual assessment of the risk of there being substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of subjection to torture, and limitations to effective scrutiny of counter-terrorism measures
这位还活着的传奇人物不地斗争,致 力于为人类服务,奋力反对种族歧视,在国际上促进 和解与主,以 及在全世界促进和平文化。
The adoption of that draft resolution will be a
fitting complement to the
[...] incessant struggle of that living legend in his dedication to the service of humankind, the struggle against racial discrimination and the promotion of reconciliation and democracy internationally, [...]
as well as in the promotion
of a culture of peace throughout the world.
本年度,地区的 官员辩护称,打击分 主 义 的 斗 争 对 维护公共秩序是必要的,而且官方继续以受到暴力威胁为借口,对当地人民和外国来访者采取极端安全措施。
During the year officials in the region defended the campaign against separatism as necessary to maintain public order and continued to use the threat of violence as justification for extreme security measures directed at the local population and visiting foreigners.
法 国 还指出,应 把 打 击 有 罪 不斗争放在 优地位, 请 哥伦比亚重新 考虑其 拒 绝 接 受 国际刑 事 法 院 对 战争罪的 管 辖 权的立 场 。
It also noted that the fight against impunity should be prioritized and invited Colombia to reconsider its refusal to accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court for war crimes.
一位代表提到 信息传播技术和社区媒体在消除贫困方面可以发挥重要作用,希望本组织继续鼓励在基层收集并运 用现有地方和 传统知识,将其作为努力与贫困 斗 争 的 一项工作。
One delegate, referring to the key role that ICTs and community media could play in poverty eradication, called on the Organization to continue encouraging the
collection and use of existing local
[...] and traditional knowledge at grass-roots level as part of its efforts to fight poverty.
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国在此根据安全理事会第 1624(2005)号决议向反恐 怖主义委员会提交报告,以执行联合国大会和安全理事会与反恐怖主义有关的各
[...] 项决议,并遵守各项打击恐怖主义国际公约的宗旨和原则,同时重申致力于继续 在国际反恐主义斗争中 予以全力合作。
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea hereby submits its report to the Counter-Terrorism Committee pursuant to Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), honouring the resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council related to counter-terrorism as well as the purposes and principles of international conventions on
combating terrorism, and reaffirming its commitment to continued full cooperation in the
[...] international fight against terrorism.
关于今后的方针问题,一些会员国赞赏总干事采取的促进包 地 区 和 地 区 间 在内的不 同文明间对话的行动,并强调了这种对话在消除不同民族和不同文化之间的不信任以及在解 决冲突和反斗争中的关键作用。
As regards future orientations, several Member States commended the initiative taken by the Director-General to promote a dialogue
among civilizations,
[...] including at the regional and interregional levels, and emphasized the critical role such a dialogue could play in overcoming mistrust between peoples and cultures as well as in the context of conflict resolution and the fight against terrorism.
对于土耳其,增进和保护人权不只 是一项义务,而且是打击恐主义斗 争 的中一项重要手段。
To Turkey, promotion and protection of human rights is not only an obligation, but is a vital instrument in the process of countering terrorism.
任职者还将确保在武装团体解除武装、复员和重返 社会的各个阶段都要考虑到与斗人 员 有关联的妇女及其受扶养者的需求;帮助 制定预防、预警和快速干预计划,并与妇女网络 地 方 当 局进行联络,协调地 社区 的保护机制;支持妇女开展建设和平和调解行动,以实现 地 社 区 的和平共 处,并支助妇女参与决策和社会重建的所有进程。
The incumbents would also ensure
that the needs of women
[...] affiliated with combatants and their dependants are taken into consideration in all phases of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of armed groups; contribute to the formulation of prevention, alert and rapid intervention plans as well as the coordination of protection mechanisms of local communities in liaison with women’s networks and local authorities; and support women’s peacebuilding and mediation initiatives for peaceful cohabitation of local communities and [...]
women’s participation
in decisionmaking and all processes of social reconstruction.
争取殖地独立 的斗争取得成功,不仅符合波多黎各人民的利益, 也符合绝大多数美利坚合众国人民的利益。
A successful fight for the colony’s independence was in the interests not only of the Puerto Rican people but also of the vast majority of the people of the United States of America.
冈比亚还报告称,它继 续开展合作,在受影地区的 社区进行雷险教育,而且拥有一支训练有素、装备 完善的人主义排雷队,时刻准备应对任何紧急情况。
Gambia also reported that it continues in collaborate to deliver mine risk education in communities in the affected areas and has a well trained and fully equipped humanitarian demining team which is always ready to respond to any emergencies.
本會促請政府全 面 檢討西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃,在規 劃文化設施 之 前 , 應 先 考慮有關‘軟 件 ’的 內容, 延 長提交發展建議的期 限 ,並公開 及 詳地 諮詢文化界 、 專 業 團 體地產 界 、立法會、公眾 及相關組織 , 以 貫徹文化委員會就西九龍發展計劃提出‘以 人 為本’、 ‘建立伙 伴 關 係 ’ 和 ‘民主導’的原則 , 制 訂 公 開 、公平 和 適切合 宜 的發展及運作方案, 而 在發展過程中,政府應 促成發展商與 文化界 的 伙 伴 關 係,讓 文化界參 與 區 內 設施的策 劃及將來的運作。
That this Council urges the Government to comprehensively review the West Kowloon Cultural District development project, consider the ‘software’ contents before planning the cultural facilities, extend the deadline for
submission of development
[...] proposals, openly and thoroughly consult the cultural sector, professional bodies, the real estate sector, the Legislative Council, the public and relevant organizations, and uphold the ‘people-oriented’, ‘partnership’ and ‘community-driven’ principles put forward by the Culture and Heritage Commission for the [...]
West Kowloon development
in formulating a development and operation plan that is open, fair and proper; and in the process of development, the Government should also facilitate a partnership between developers and the cultural sector, so as to allow the latter to participate in the planning and future operation of the facilities in the district.
应回顾,国际人主义法中战斗人员 是指“冲 突方的武装部队成员”(第三公约第 33 条所述医护和宗教人员除外)(1977 [...]
年附加 议定书第 43 条第 2 款)。
It will be recalled that, in
[...] international humanitarian law, combatants are taken to [...]
mean “members of the armed forces of
a Party to a conflict (other than medical personnel and chaplains covered by Article 33 of the Third Convention)” (art. 43, para. 2, of Additional Protocol I of 1977).
CROWN 63系列船采用了韩斗山主机公 司的新型低速2冲程电喷柴油机,其配备的电喷系统能够更为精 地 控 制 喷油时间,具有燃烧充分、做功时间长的特点,在降低油耗的同时也有效缩减了氮化物排放。
CROWN 63 adopts
[...] low-speed two-stroke electronic injection diesel engine from Doosan Engine. Its electronic injection system provides higher precision [...]
in fuel injection,
features sufficient combustion and long working time, which turns out to be efficient in reducing the fuel consumption as well as NOx emission.
最后,我谨重申,联合王国重视安全理事会打击 恐主义的斗争以及我们对于 1267、1373 和 1540 委 员会工作的持续承诺。
I should like to close by reiterating the importance that the United Kingdom attaches to the Security Council’s fight against terrorism and our ongoing commitment to the work of the 1267, 1373 and 1540 Committees.
逃亡海外的反 独联领袖阿里斯曼·蓬峦隆被普遍认为是强硬分子。 在接受一次采访时他说:“世界上没有任何一地 方不 是通过某种形式的武装造反来与反 主 力 量斗争从而实现民主的。
Arisman Pongrueangrong, a UDD leader widely seen as a hardliner who has fled the country, said in an interview that “nowhere on earth has achieved democracy without some kind of armed rebellion against those who suppress democracy.
高级主管契约包括:(a) 战略目标,这特别针 对特派团的任务执行情况,反映秘书长特别代表/特派团团长的战略优先事项; (b)
特别目标,这是所有特派团的共同目标,反映以下领域的共有优先事项: ㈠
[...] 战略和业务方向、规划和管理;㈡ 在适用情况下实现特派团所有构成部分 与联合国国家工作队的一体化;㈢ 与政策指导、最佳做法和经验教训保持一 致;(c) 管理目标,这也是所有特派团的共同标准,反映以下内容:㈠ 负责地主持财务和人力资源管理;㈡ 执行监督建议;㈢ 遵守规章制度和道德标 准;㈣ 预防和应对特派团人员的不当行为。
Senior managers’ compacts include (a) strategic objectives, which are specific to the implementation of the Mission and reflect strategic priorities of the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General/Heads of Mission; (b) special objectives, which are standard for all missions and reflect cross-cutting priorities in the areas of: (i) strategic and operational direction, planning and management; (ii) integration across all components of the Mission with the United Nations country team, where applicable; and (iii) consistency with policy guidance, best practice and lessons learned; (c) management objectives, which are also standard for all missions and reflect the
following elements: (i) a
[...] responsible stewardship of financial and human resources management; (ii) the implementation of oversight recommendations; (iii) compliance with rules and [...]
regulations and ethics
standards; and (iv) the prevention of and response to misconduct by Mission personnel.
在审议了31 C/DR.1之后(该决议草案由
博茨瓦纳、南非、赞比亚、塞舌尔、斯威士兰和 马拉维提交,涉及第02400段,呼吁建立一个新
[...] 的横向专题项目以满足南部非洲干旱和半干地 区与沙漠斗争开 展长期综合研究的需要以及自 然资源可持续使用方面的信息和交流的需要), [...]
的综合方法列入第02213段(国际水文计划/人和 生物圈计划的联合行动:土地—水的相互作用: 促进可持续管理)和第02221 段(生物圈保留 地:生态系统管理方法的试点地)的活动,在正 常预算内为该项目提供数额有限的启动资金,并 由预算外资金给予补充。
(42) Having examined 31 C/DR.1 (submitted by Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Malawi), concerning paragraph 02400, calling for the creation of a new
cross-cutting project on the need to
[...] combat desertification in the arid and semi-arid southern [...]
Africa region integrating long-term
studies, information and communication on sustainable use of natural resources, the Commission recommended that the General Conference decide that such an integrated approach to combating desertification be included under activities listed in paragraphs 02213 (joint IHP/MAB action on land-water interactions: towards sustainable management) and 02221 (biosphere reserves as pilot sites for the ecosystem approach), and that limited seed funding could be provided for the initiative from within the regular budget, to be complemented by extrabudgetary resources.
[...] 和政策提供专家意见;拟订系统合同;管理复杂和具体的工程项目;审查和批准地主要建 筑、设施、系统和工程活动的设计和建设;为所有新特派团拟订工程 [...]
所有相关费用中心承担主要核证职能(见 A/66/724,第 63 和 64 段)。
The Engineering Standards and Design Centre is responsible for strengthening the support provided to field missions as regards the provision of expert advice on long-range development planning and policies; the development of system contracts; the management of complex and specific engineering projects;
the review and approval of the design
[...] and construction of major structures, facilities [...]
and systems and of engineering activities
in the field; the development of engineering input for all new missions and liaison with other units within the Department of Field Support and the United Nations on matters relating to engineering support; and principal certifying functions for all related cost centres (see A/66/724, paras. 63 and 64).
还有些会 员国正在采取若干措施:力求在打击贩毒 斗 争 中更 好 地 利 用执法机关的资 源;建立联合工作队;扩充受国家管制的前体化学品清单;更密切地监督前体 化学品制造商和销售情况;与化工行业建立公私伙伴关系;更密切地关注苯丙 胺类兴奋剂的生产;更严格地管制从其领土过境的前体;参加渠道方案等国际 行动;提高执法机关对不断变化的贩毒动态的认识;加强信息收集工作以制定 针对性更强的行动;与其他会员国谈判订立双边合作协议;制定关于共同边界 的具体合作协议,以及更加注意贩毒行动背后的组织者。
Other Member States were taking a number of measures: attempting to make better use of the resources of law enforcement agencies in the fight against drug trafficking; developing joint task forces; extending their lists of precursor chemicals under national control; closer monitoring of precursor chemical manufacturers and sales; developing public/private partnerships with the chemical industry; directing more attention towards production of ATS; tightening controls over precursors transiting their territories; taking part in international operations such as the Channel programme; awareness-raising in law enforcement agencies as regards the changing dynamics of drug trafficking; strengthening information-gathering to develop better targeted operations; negotiating bilateral cooperation agreements with other Member States; developing specific cooperation agreements concerning shared borders; and putting more focus on the organizers behind drug trafficking.
印度代表团然后声明了它对集束弹药的立场,虽然它意识到使用这类弹药 引起的人主义问 题,但不能否认这些弹药在节省人力和覆盖 斗地 区 方 面的军 事利益。
While India was aware of the humanitarian concerns arising from the use of cluster munitions, it could
not deny the particular military
[...] advantages that those weapons presented in terms of economy of effort and area coverage in combat zones.




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