

单词 斋藤

See also:



tendril n

External sources (not reviewed)

巫师在宗教和疾病治疗仪式上用藤水(“灵魂藤”的 意思)诊断和治疗疾病、通灵、占卜未来。
The shamans use ayahuasca (which means "vine of the [...]
soul") in religious and healing ceremonies to diagnose and treat illnesses,
meet with spirits, and divine the future.
2009 年 9 月,根据 中国、印度和哈萨克斯坦的提议,通过了对《亚洲公路网政府间协定》的修正, 以包括:(a) 中国境内的乌鲁木齐-塔克什肯路段,连接到蒙古的雅浪塔;(b) 印 度境内的普尔巴里-斋关路段,将 AH48 公路从不丹边境延伸过来;和(c) 哈萨克 斯坦境内的阿克托别-赛尚路段,作为 AH61 公路的支路。
Amendments to the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network were adopted in September 2009 at the proposal of China, India and Kazakhstan, to include: (a) the Urumqi-Takeshkan road section in China, connecting with Yarantai in Mongolia; (b) the Phulbari-Jaigaon road section in India, extending route AH48 from the border of Bhutan; and (c) the Aktobe-Zaysan road section in Kazakhstan as a branch of route AH61, therefore providing road connectivity to all landlocked countries in the region.
办事处还为保护和恢复特立尼达的濒危文化财产、社区参与非物质文化遗产的保 护、保护土著人民的文化多样性和为圣 藤 岛 制 定一项文化政策等工作做出了突出的 贡献。
Significant contributions were also made towards the protection and rehabilitation of endangered cultural property in Grenada, the participation of communities in the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage, the protection of cultural diversity with regard to indigenous peoples, and towards the elaboration of a cultural policy for Saint Maarten.
国际葡萄和葡萄酒组织的观察员忆及,葡萄和葡萄酒组织是一个政府间科技组织, 在葡藤、葡萄酒及采用葡萄酒的饮料、鲜食葡萄和葡萄干,以及其他葡萄产品领域拥 有公认的专门知识,该组织与食典委的合作为食品添加剂和污染物、分析方法、贴标等 多个食典工作领域带来了积极的成果,让生产者和消费者因此而受益。
The Observer from the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) recalled that OIV was an intergovernmental organization of a scientific and technical nature with recognized expertise in the field of vines, wine and wine-based beverages, table grapes and raisins and other vine-based products and that the cooperation between OIV and Codex had produced positive results in several areas of Codex work such as food additives and contaminants, methods of analysis, labelling, etc. of interest to producers and consumers.
藤忠為 本公司上述子公司的主要股 東,因此,根據上市規則,為本公司的關連人 士。
As it is a substantial shareholder of the above subsidiaries of the Company, it constitutes a connected person of the Company under the Listing Rules.
时间是本,鉴于斋月还 不到一个月,我们敦促阁下立即把各方召集到谈判 桌前,按照安理会第 [...]
2046(2012)号决议和非洲联盟和平与安全理事会公报的规 定,无条件地就所有未决问题展开谈判。
Time is of the essence and considering that
[...] the start of Ramadan is less than [...]
one month away, we urge you to immediately
call the parties to the table to start unconditional negotiations on all of the outstanding issues, in compliance with Security Council resolution 2046 (2012) and the African Union Peace and Security Council communiqué.
宿务省以天然的海滩、鲜美的芒果 藤 条 和 红木家具、吉他以及服饰珠宝而驰名。
The province of Cebu is famous for its natural beaches, sweet mangoes, rattan and buri furniture, guitars and costume jewellery.
继 2002 年 4 月斋浦尔 (拉贾斯坦邦,印度)举行的一次发起会议之后,与四个有关 国家(孟加拉国、印度、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦)的地方合作伙伴一起开始实施该项目,该项目 的第一阶段是按下列组成部分实施的:已开始实施“教育”部分的内容,根据各国情况,为 期十六个月至十八个月,涉及约 4,000 女青少年;继 7 月份在孟加拉国举行了四国专家会议 之后,正要开始实施“科学”部分的内容,“传播”部分的内容正在最后确定。
The project was set up following a launch meeting held in April 2002 in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India with all the local partners from the four countries concerned (Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Pakistan), and is initially being implemented in components: the “education” component, which will last for periods of 16 to 18 months according to the country, has been launched and is already reaching some 4,000 girls and adolescent girls; the “science” component is about to start following a meeting of national experts in Bangladesh in July, and the “communication” component is being finalized.
成份: 水 (山竹果浸泡水)、甘油 (棕櫚)、乙醯葡萄糖胺、菸鹼酸、生育醇 (大豆/玉米/芥花油)、山竹果果皮油 (生物活性果皮油)、乳酸菌/山竹果果皮發酵過濾物 (生物活性聚合與酸複合物)、藤黃屬 倒捻子果皮粉 (山竹果)、蔗糖月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、葡糖酸內酯 (玉米)、黃原膠 (巨藻)、乙醯卡尼丁、山梨醣醇 (玉米)、葡萄糖、蔗糖二月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、玻尿酸鈉、藻萃取 (微藻)、長葉車前葉萃取 (車前草葉)、蔗糖三月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、蜂斗菜根萃取 (雜交款冬)、脫乙醯殼多糖琥珀醯胺 (蘑菇)、植酸鈉(稻米)、苯甲酸鈉、山梨酸鉀、氯苯甘醚、檸檬酸 (玉米)、乳酸 (甜菜)、精氨酸 (玉米/甘蔗)。
Ingredients: water (mangosteen infused water), glycerin (palm), acetyl glucosamine, niacinamide, tocopherol (soybean/corn/canola oil), mangosteen pericarp oil (BioActive pericarp oil), lactobacillus/mangosteen pericarp ferment filtrate (BioActive polymeric and acidic complex), garcinia mangostana pericarp powder (mangosteen), sucrose laurate (sugar cane), gluconolactone (corn), xanthan gum (kelp), acetyl carnitine hcl, sorbitol (corn), glucose, sucrose dilaurate (sugar cane), sodium hyaluronate, algae extract (microalgae), plantago lanceolata leaf extract (plantain), sucrose trilaurate (sugar cane), petasites japonicus root extract (betterbur), chitosan succinamide (mushroom), sodium phytate (rice), sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, chlorphenesin, citric acid (corn), lactic acid (sugar beet), arginine (corn/sugar cane).
[...] 法,高效使用地表水,合理开采地下水,在时间上和空间上合理分配与使用水资源, 发展“藤结瓜”灌溉系统及其灌溉水管理技术,实现“大、中、小,蓄、引、提” [...]
Greatly popularize various agricultural water-consuming projects control and dispatching methods, use surface water with high efficiency, reasonably exploit underground water, reasonably dispatch and
use water resources across time and space,
[...] develop "long-vine melon" irrigation [...]
systems and irrigation water management
technology, realize the unified dispatching of water and enhance dispatching-storage and anti-dispatching abilities within the irrigation area.
完成了列入《预备清单》的两处遗产地的 提名文件,这也是教科文组织承担的机构能力培养活动的具体成果,它们是“希伯伦/哈利 勒老城及其周围地区”以及“南耶路撒冷阶梯地形景观”(“巴勒斯坦:橄榄与葡 藤 之 地” 系列提名的试点遗产地之一)。
Nomination dossiers of two sites enlisted in the Tentative List, notably the “Old town of Hebron/Al-Khalil and its environs” and the “Jerusalem Southern Terraced Landscape” (as a pilot site of the serial nomination “Palestine: Land of olives and vines”), are completed, as concrete results of the institutional building activities undertaken by UNESCO.
根据相关宗教节日准予休节假日,如穆斯林雇员有权 斋月 期间休假一天,基督教徒可以选择星期日作为休息日。
Holiday and vacation time is provided according to the relevant religious holidays, such
that Muslim employees are entitled to a day
[...] off during the Ramadan, and Christians [...]
can choose Sunday as their day off from work.
虽然Ahmadiyyah其特殊地位米尔扎古拉姆艾哈迈德的信念,从主流的逊尼派伊斯兰的教义出发,他们最遵循伊斯兰教的主要职责,如祈祷 斋 戒 ,朝圣和施舍,以及逊尼派伊斯兰的基本解释神学。
Although Ahmadiyyah departs from mainstream Sunni Islamic doctrines in terms of its belief in the special status of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, they
follow most of the main duties of Islam
[...] such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage and [...]
almsgiving, as well as the basic Sunni interpretations of Islamic theology.
一个住户,主要是婆罗门,当他们的儿子已成长为人类的遗产数量不断增加,放弃自己的家园和花费的苦行者他们的生活休息,居住在粗鲁的小屋的村庄,或根据树木的住房外,只吃最简单的食物种类,他们以乞讨,并服从非凡 斋 戒 和 mortifications获得。
An ever increasing number of householders, chiefly Brahmins, when their sons had grown to man's estate, abandoned their homes and spent the rest of their lives as ascetics, living apart from the villages in rude huts, or under the shelter of trees, eating only the
simplest kinds of food, which they obtained by begging, and subjecting
[...] themselves to extraordinary fasts and mortifications.
据称,当他点燃地毯时,他对这位妇女 说,“这是给你的斋节礼 物,你这个穆斯林”。
As he set the carpet alight, he allegedly told her:
[...] “this is your Eid present, you Muslim”.
本项目根据 2002 年 4 月斋浦尔 举行的项目策划和计划制订讲习班所商定的框架和工 作日程开展活动。
The project developed its activities according to the agreed framework and agenda set forth at the Project Planning and Programme Development Workshop held in Jaipur in April 2002.
虽然青年党最初在首都夺取了一些领土,造成非索特派团部队数十人伤 亡,但由于及时增派了 2 000 名乌干达维和人员和过渡联邦政府和先知的信徒 部队积极进行反攻,斋月攻势”最终受阻并被击退。
Although Al-Shabaab initially made territorial gains within the capital and inflicted dozens of casualties upon AMISOM forces, the offensive was eventually blunted and pushed back by the timely deployment of an additional 2,000 Ugandan peacekeepers and aggressive counteroffensives by the Transitional Federal Government and ASWJ forces.
(三 ) 漁農自然護理 署、地 政 總署和 康 樂 及 文 化 事務署未曾 收過任何有 關 羊蹄藤影響其他植 物生長的投 訴 。
(c) The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, the Lands Department and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department have not received any complaint regarding the effect of the Climbing Bauhinia on other growing plants.
2011年9月15日,日本东京讯,理光公司(总裁兼首席执行官: 藤 史 郎 )今日宣布了GR DIGITAL IV数码相机的开发与发布事宜,这款相机为GR DIGITAL III的后续型号,具有增强的快速拍摄功能和优异画质。
(President and CEO: Shiro Kondo) today announces the development and release of the GR DIGITAL IV digital camera, the successor model to the GR DIGITAL III, which offers enhanced Quick Shooting capability and image quality.
在其第 65/245 号决议同一节第 4 段中,大会满意地注意到秘书处已根据以 往的决议做出了照顾东正教耶稣受难节以及法定假日 斋 节 和宰牲节的安排。
In paragraph 4 of the same section of its resolution 65/245, the General Assembly noted with satisfaction that the Secretariat had taken into account the arrangements referred to in its previous resolutions concerning Orthodox Good Friday and the official holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.




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