

单词 文火



fig. Internet slang used communicate secret messages that the general public or government can't understand
lit. Martian language

See also:

internal heat (Chinese medicine)
surname Huo
fiery or flaming
hot (popular)

External sources (not reviewed)

更多信息可见,彼得 格力斯[Peter Gries ],“中国‘关于日本的新思考’”[China’s ‘New Thinking on
[...] Japan’”],国际研究协会年会文,火 奴 鲁 鲁,夏威夷, 205 年 3 月 [...]
5 日。
For more information, see Peter Gries, “China’s ‘New
[...] Thinking on Japan’”, paper presented at the [...]
annual meeting of the International Studies Association,
Honolulu, Hawaii, 5 March 2005.
治大國 如烹小鮮 經營新事業就如 同煎一條小魚一般 不能一開始就用大鍋子配 大火 也不該找一堆人來盯著鍋裡那條魚 人 們可能會不時地跑過來把魚翻一翻 最後只會
[...] 毀了這條魚 我們應該用小煎鍋配文火 慢 慢將魚煎到可以上菜時才起鍋
President Hou has expressed his opinion on the start-up management strategy in an amusing way, “Starting a new business is like cooking a fish. At
the beginning, you don’t use a huge frying
[...] pan with a high fire to cook a small [...]
fish and assign many people to look after this fish.
民間也有熱心的團體,在社區舉辦誦讀 班及比賽,以鼓勵親子誦讀中華文化經典,並培養義工導師,從而共同 推動中文化薪火相傳
Some keen organizations have also organized recitation classes and competitions in the community to encourage parents to recite classics in Chinese
culture with their children
[...] and train up voluntary tutors, thereby joining hands to promote the passing down of Chinese culture.
儿童是我们世界的 未来,他们手持着和文化的火炬。
Children are the future of our world and they bear
[...] the torch of the culture of peace.
达尔富尔混合行 动将监测签署方遵守《多哈达尔富尔和 文 件 》的 停 火 和 最 后安全安排对其规定 的义务的情况。
The Operation will monitor the compliance of the signatory
parties with their
[...] obligations under the ceasefire and final security arrangements of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur.
如摆在安理会面前的报告第 6 段所阐述的那样, 根据《促进达尔富尔和平多文件》 成立的 火 委员 会在报告所述期间四次开会。
As stated in paragraph 6 of the report before the Council, the Ceasefire
Commission, which was instituted in
[...] the context of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur, [...]
has met four times during the period covered by the report.
我们协助第三国和区域组织执行《行动纲领》 和其它有关文书,如《标识和追查国 文 书 》 和《联 合火器议定书》。
We assist third countries and regional organizations in their implementation of the
Programme of Action and other
[...] relevant instruments, such as the International Instrument on Marking and Tracing and the United Nations Firearms Protocol.
牛津大学出版社推出了南迪的三卷本精选集——《在地流放》、《流放归来》及《一次极受欢迎的流放》——同时还有他的 文 集 : 《信条的 火 》。
Oxford University Press has brought out an omnibus edition of some of Nandy’s work in three
volumes—Exiled at Home, Return from Exile and A Very Popular Exile—as well as a
[...] selection of his papers, The Bonfire of Creeds.
主席,除 了 武 裝 抗 爭 , 在 文 化 上 , 在日治 50 年 中 , 台灣不少堅 持民族 大 義 的 作 家,不為皇 民 化 所 動
[...] , 受 盡 日本人 迫 害 , 還 是要把 中文化 的 薪 火 在 台灣傳 下 去 。
Madam President, apart from armed struggles, in the cultural aspect, within the 50 years of Japanese occupation, many Taiwanese writers upholding the righteous cause of the nation were not moved by
imperialism and they passed on the torch of
[...] learning about Chinese culture in Taiwan despite [...]
persecution by the Japanese.
内政法》第 1 条也涉及到了保文化财 产不火灾和爆炸破坏的问题。
Article 1 of the Law on Internal Affairs also deals with the
[...] protection of cultural property from fire and explosion.
城大的鄭培凱教授就曾經指出, “遺產”的說法很容易讓人聯想到資產、牟利等概念,但 Heritage 一詞的精 神,其實在於“傳承”,而不在於“資產”,更妥善的譯法應該是“非物質 文化‘承繼’”,將概念重心放在保護世界上不同民 文 化 的 薪 火 相 傳 ,而 不是過分以商業利益着眼。
Prof CHENG Pei-kai of the City University of Hong Kong has pointed out that the term "legacy" easily leads to an association with concepts of asset and profit while the essence of the term "heritage" actually lies in "transmission" instead of "asset".
2011年聯合國制裁(利比亞)規例》(下稱"《利比亞規 例》")第 11及 12條旨在訂定文,禁止載有火或 相關的物資或 武裝僱傭軍人員的飛機或利比亞飛機從香港特區起飛、在香港 [...]
Sections 11 and 12 of the United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2011 (Libya
Regulation) seek to provide for the
[...] prohibition against aircraft carrying arms or related materiel [...]
or armed mercenary personnel or
Libyan aircraft to take off from or land in the HKSAR or fly within the HKSAR air space.
国际追文书》因此延长了火器议 定书》规 定的保存火器记录至少 10 年的最低期限,不过,与《国际追 文 书 》 不同的是,火器议 定书》鼓励各国一并保存有关火器零部件和弹药的记录(第7条)。
The Instrument thus extends the Firearms Protocol’s 10-year minimum for the maintenance of firearm records, although the latter, in contrast to the International Tracing Instrument, encourages [...]
States to also keep records
of firearm parts, components and ammunition (art. 7).
此类条约将加强旨在遏 制非法贩运火的现有国文书。
Such a treaty would enhance existing
[...] international instruments against the illicit [...]
arms traffic.
我允许几位会说文的队员在火车上 和其他人进行一般性的交谈;几小时以后,两位团员来找我,非常礼貌地请求我允许他们和他们交谈的那对母女分享福音。
I had given permission for some of the Chinese speakers to engage in general conversation with others on the train and, a couple of hours later, two of the team members approached me and very politely sought my permission to share the gospel with a mother and daughter they had been talking with.
(d) 在公火葬場方面,文就問 題(a)至 (c)所作的答覆中提及的兩項重建計 劃完成後,本署預計火化量足以應付直至 2020 年代初的火化服務需求。
(d) On public crematorium facilities, with the completion of the two reprovisioning projects as mentioned in the answer [...]
to questions (a) to
(c) above, we expect the cremation capacity will sufficiently meet the cremation demand up to the early 2020s.
例如,發放給經 常執行偵緝職務的紀律人員的偵緝職務津 貼;發放給在郊野公 園撲救火的文職人員的特別津貼。
Examples are detective allowance
for disciplined services
[...] staff performing frequent detective duties and special allowance for civilian staff engaged in fire-fighting in country parks.
當時 我在網上查看社會福利署的網頁,看到其中一 文 字 便 覺得火燒 心 ”:香港的長者因為年輕時沒有為自己的未來規劃......以致政府要給 予他們一些社會福利。
I then surfed the webpage of the Social Welfare Department on the Internet and flew into a rage at reading one of the paragraphs which said that as the elderly in Hong Kong did not plan their future when they were young …… the Government, therefore, has to provide social welfare to them.
在研讨会上,对全球和 区火器文书进 行了详细和互动式的介绍,以确保次区域各国目前正在制定的新 火器法律中能够纳入有关全球和区域文书规定的所有主要责任和义务,而且国家 [...]
Detailed and interactive presentations were made at the seminars on
[...] global and regional firearms instruments, with a view [...]
to ensuring that new firearms laws
currently under development in countries in the subregion incorporate all the principal obligations under relevant global and regional instruments, and that provisions set out in national legislation are harmonized with those of relevant international instruments.
(b) 举办了“古巴邮火箭、传统和文 学 ” 活动,以促进对古巴邮火 箭的了解和研究,建立文学与 邮政和集邮领域的联系,并使古巴的邮政火箭 在儿童、青年和成年人的记忆中成为本国邮政和集邮传统的一部分。
(b) The “Cuban postal rocket, heritage and astronomy” event was held to promote knowledge and study of the Cuban postal rocket, establish a link between astronomy and the postal [...]
and philatelic fields and
fix the memory of the Cuban postal rocket as part of the country’s postal and philatelic heritage in the minds of children, young people and adults.
[...] 且进一步降低了成本,因为所有关键的主要服务( 火 墙、 代理文件服 务和备份系统)现在都只需要在计算机中心的 终端服务器上提供。
This step has considerably simplified matters and is further cutting costs because
all the critical primary services
[...] firewall, proxy, file services and backup systems – [...]
are now only necessary at the terminal
server in the computer center.
[...] 設置諮詢中心的口岸,包括落馬洲、中港客運碼頭、港澳碼頭、 紅火車站和文錦渡,旅發局均設有不同類型的旅客服務設施, 例如自助旅遊資料架及大型宣傳橫額,向旅客提供旅遊資訊。
As for other control points with no Visitor Centres, including Lok Ma Chau, China Ferry
Terminal, Macao Ferry
[...] Terminal, Hung Hom Kowloon-Canton Railway Station and Man Kam To, the HKTB [...]
has set up various visitor
facilities, such as self-served literature racks and giant promotional banners, to disseminate travel information among visitors.
以香港藝術館現時的展覽為例,常設展覽「神融筆暢—虛白齋藏中國書 法選 II」的展品便全是該館的藏品;「金木 火 土 :香 港 文 物 收 藏精品 展」的展品是結合該館館藏和本地私人珍藏;短期展覽「黃永玉八十藝 展」的展品則由該位藝術家借出;而在香港歷史博物館舉行的「獵鹿與 剽牛—雲南古滇國文物展」則由中國雲南省博物館借出展品。
Take the present exhibitions in the Hong Kong Museum of Art as an example, the exhibits of the permanent exhibition “The Unrestrained Brush: Selections from the Xubaizhai Collection of Chinese Calligraphy II” are drawn solely from its own collection.
不过,这些行为 说明第一号军事协定的权威受到一定程度的损害,并且更普遍地说明,双方与负
[...] 责进行军事观察的西撒特派团之间的关系淡化,遵守 火 协 定 的 文 字 和 精神的意 愿降低,领土局势趋于暗淡。
However, they are illustrative of a degree of erosion in the standing of military agreement No. 1 and, more generally, of a decline in the parties’ relationship with MINURSO as
military observer, in their adherence to the letter
[...] and spirit of the ceasefire, and in the situation [...]
in the Territory.
根據該修訂建議,持牌小 販如在3個月內6次違反《小販規例》(第 132AI章 )下有火警風 險的文而被定罪,食物環境衞生署署長(下稱"食環署署長")可 考慮暫時吊銷其牌照。
Under the revised proposal, the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene ("DFEH") might consider suspending a hawker licence if the licensed hawker was convicted for six times within three months for breaching any fire risk-related provisions under the Hawker Regulation (Cap. 132AI).
就小武器和轻武器及大口火炮系 统而言 文 书 不留下任何口径空白是至 关重要的,应适当考虑把专门为军事用途设计或改造的所有物品的零部件包括在 武器贸易条约范围内。
Due consideration should also be given to the inclusion of parts and components, specially designed or modified for military use, of all items included in the scope of an arms trade treaty.
为了通 过在安第斯区域预防犯罪和控制火器(作为加拿大政府资助的安第斯区域一揽子 援助计划的一部分)来改善公共安全,该中心在多民族玻利维亚国10 和哥伦比亚11
[...] 分别举办了一场高级策略管理研讨会,在讨论会期间,政策和法律制定者讨论了 在国家一级有效执行全球和区火器 文 书 的 方式和手段。
With a view to improving public security through crime prevention and firearms control in the Andean region — as part of the Andean region assistance package funded by the Government of Canada — the Centre organized two senior policy management seminars, in Bolivia (Plurinational State of)10 and Colombia,11 respectively, at which policymakers and
lawmakers discussed ways and means to effectively implement
[...] global and regional firearms instruments at the national level.
(四 ) 根據食環署及華永會現時配售家族龕位的機制,任何人只 可為已離世的人士申請家族龕位,並必須提供離世者火 化證明文件,以辦理申請手續。
(d) According to the allocation mechanism of family niches adopted by the FEHD and BMCPC, family niches are only allocated in respect of a deceased person.




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