

单词 文江学海

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External sources (not reviewed)

維尼今年重臨江,在文化中 心和藝術博物館附近的維 海 旁 , 展示七件大型作品,其中包括他於2011年為《凡爾賽宮展覽》創作的兩件作品。
Returning to Hong Kong this year after his last large-scale exhibition back in 1995,
[...] Bernar Venet exhibits along the Hong Kong waterfront, near the Cultural Centre and the Museum [...] [...]
of Art, total of seven monumental works he created including two exhibited in Chateau de Versailles exhibition in 2011.
[...] 神,还扩大了同伙伴机构的合作方案,例如伊斯兰教科文组织、阿拉伯教育、文化及 学 组 织 、亚 欧会议、土著问题常设论坛、Anna Lindh 欧洲-地海文化间对话基金会以及城市与地方政府联 盟,目的是在分区域和区域一级加强行动,促进这一领域加强互动。
In the same spirit, cooperation was broadened with various partner institutions
including the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Permanent Forum on
[...] Indigenous Issues, the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, and United Cities and Local [...]
in order to foster greater interaction in the field of intercultural dialogue at the subregional and regional levels.
从样本中选取的一组实例包括获得技术援助的国家的数量、建立的教 文 组 织 教席的 数量、开展江河湖泊科学及政 策研究、举办的有关社会发展问题的部长级地区论坛的数 量、接受培训的男女数量。
79. A selected set of examples from the elements sampled include the number of countries having received technical assistance, the number of
[...] established, the number of scientific and policy research studies on river basins conducted, [...]
the number of regional
forums of ministers on social development held, and the number of men and women trained.
许多非洲国家大力支持联合国不同文明联盟和其他类似举措,包括联合国教 育、学及文化组织(教科文组织)、伊斯兰合作组织、伊斯兰教育、 学 和 文化 组织等开展的举措,以及设在埃及亚历山大的安娜·林德欧洲-地 海文 化 间 对 话基金会在欧洲和地中海区域开展的举措。
Many African States strongly support the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and other similar initiatives, including those of
the United Nations
[...] Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and, in the context of Europe and the Mediterranean, the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, based in Alexandria, Egypt.
该委员会在本双年度期间举行了会议,并决定制定一个关 江 河 流 域管理的项 目,以表明可以而且应该开展学科 研 究来解决复杂的环境问题。
This committee met during the biennium and
resolved to set up
[...] a joint project on river basin management to demonstrate how interdisciplinary research can and should [...]
be pursued to address complex environmental issues.
南阿尔斯特东面是内伊湖(Lough Neagh)、西面是厄恩湖(Lough Erne)、南面是弗玛纳、文和莫 纳甘湖区,那里宁静的田园风景极为迷人,在群山和起伏的得拉姆林山几乎就是连绵不断的,其中还有无数壮观的湖泊 江海。
The tranquil rural landscapes
[...] of Southern Ulster bounded by Lough Neagh in the east, Lough Erne in the west and the Lakelands of Fermanagh, Cavan and Monaghan in the south, offer a superb and almost continuous countryside.
塔斯马尼亚大学与海海洋大学及浙 江 工 业大学也建立了合作关系,目前共有1500多名学生通过这两家院校攻读塔斯马尼亚大学的学位。
The University of Tasmania has established connections with the Shanghai Ocean University [...]
and Jhejiang University of Technology,
where there are over 1500 students enrolled through these institutions in University of Tasmania degrees.
访问行程包括预测专家和上海交通大学(太阳能),挪威Fafo应用国际研究所和中国科学院战略发展(可持续发展指标),挪威科技工业研究院(SINTEF)与 江 大 学 ( 碳 捕获与存储),挪威科技 学 N T N U与 上 海 交 通 大学(材料/可再生能源)。
The visit program includes workshops between Predictor and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (solar energy), Fafo and Chinese Academy of Science and Technology Strategic Development  (indicators
for sustainable
[...] development), Sintef and Zheijiang University (CCS), NTNU and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (materials/renewable [...]
所举实例包 括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展和可持续发展的国家、双边、区域和 国际方案:农业和渔业;监测气候变化;灾害管理; 文学 ; 管 理生态系统和 自然资源;监测空气和水的质量;对生物多样性资源、沿海区、土地使用、荒 地和湿地进行测绘海洋学 ;农村发展与城市规划;以及安全。
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and fishery; monitoring
[...] [...] climate change; disaster management; hydrology; managing ecosystems and natural resources; monitoring air and water quality; mapping biodiversity resources, coastal zones, land use, wasteland and [...]
wetlands; oceanography; rural development
and urban planning; and safety.
所举实 例包括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展与可持续发展的国家、双边、区 域和国际方案:农业和渔业、气候变化监测、侦测非法作物和罂粟种植、自然 灾害和人为灾害的预警与应对、地质学、人道主义救济、 文学 、 生 态系统和 自然资源的管理、关于生物多样性资源、沿海地区、土地使用、荒地和湿地的 测绘、监测空气质量、荒漠化、旱灾、粮食安全、毁坏森林、电离层与气候海洋学 、农村发展与城市规划、搜索和救援工作。
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and fishery; climate change monitoring; detecting illegal crops and opium poppy cultivation; early warning of and response to natural and man-made
disasters; geology;
[...] humanitarian relief; hydrology; managing ecosystems and natural resources; mapping biodiversity resources, coastal zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; monitoring air quality, desertification, droughts, food security, deforestation, the ionosphere and weather; oceanography; rural development [...]
and urban planning;
and search and rescue efforts.
1992年至1995年,来自上昆的王泰祺、吴德璋、沈晓明、涂畹芳、刘杰、王雨生、 海 宜 、 郭毅、 寿 文 强 ;来 自 江 苏 昆 剧院的钱洪明、王振声、季志良、钱冬霞以及南京少年京剧院的张立才、王焕如夫妇都先后加入昆曲社,成为驻社艺术家。
From 1992 to 1995, Mr. Taiqi Wang, Mr.
Dezhang Wu, Mr. Xiaoming Shen, Ms. Wanfang
[...] Tu, Mr. Jie Liu, Mr. Yusheng Wang, Ms. Haiyi Yin, Mr. Yi Guo, and Mr. Wenqiang Shou of the Shanghai Kunqu Troupe; Mr. [...]
Hongming Qian, Mr.
Zhensheng Wang, Mr. Zhiliang Ji, Ms. Dongxia Qian of the Jiangsu Kunqu Troupe; and Mr. Licai Zhang and Ms. Huanru Wang of the Nanjing Youth Jingju Troupe joined the Society and became its resident artists.
访问行程还包括中科院上海分院,中国 学 院 上 海 药 物研究所,复旦 学 ( 包 括北欧中心和挪威管理学院),清华大学,北京大学,中国科学院研究生院,中国石油 学 和 黑 龙 江 农 业 科 学 院。
The program also includes
[...] visits to CAS Shanghai Branch, Shanghai Institute of Meteria Midica (SIMM), Fudan University including the Nordic Centre and BI, Tsinghua University, Peking University, GUCAS, China University of Petroleum, and Heilongjiang Academy of [...]
Agricultural Science.
全球观测系统今后的范围和惠益将涵盖以下领 域:气学、海洋和 陆地的气候监测、 文 和 环 境服务以及有关的灾害探测和 监测。
The future scope and benefits of the Global Observing System (GOS) will encompass the fields of
meteorology, monitoring of
[...] climate in the oceanic and terrestrial domains, hydrological and environmental [...]
services and related
disaster detection and monitoring.
文所示, 朴永安教授始终致力于地质学、海 洋 学 和 第 四纪研究学术社团的发展。
Prof. Yong Ahn Park contributed his constant effort for the development of academic societies of geological sciences, oceanography and quaternary sciences as shown above.
许多活动是与教科文组织在自然学 、 文 化 和 世界遗产方面的其它计划 合作拟定和实施的。
Many of these activities were prepared and implemented in cooperation with the other UNESCO programmes
[...] in the natural sciences, culture, and world heritage.
關於文 第 11 段 (c)項,9,400,000 元的款 項是用以為負 責北京/ 天津和海/ 江 蘇/浙江市場的投資推廣小 組增聘人手,以期 吸引更 多這些 地區的公司來港設 立 辦事處。
As regards paragraph 11(c), the
[...] provision of $9,400,000 is for strengthening the staffing complement of the IPUs targeting Beijing/Tianjin and Shanghai/Jiangsu/Zhejiang, with [...]
a view to attracting
more companies from these regions to establish offices in Hong Kong.
危机组织 电子信函,2012 年 4 月;“Documents on ASEAN and South China Sea” 《东盟和海文件》,2011 年 6 月, 新加坡国立学国际 法中心数据库文件。
Crisis Group email correspondence,
[...] April 2012; “Documents on ASEAN and South China Sea”, June 2011, Document Database of Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore.
文组织的国际文计划围绕其专业领域应对上述全球性的水资 源挑战,提供下列方面的政策建议:调整适应全球变化 江 河 流 域和蓄水系统带来的影响;加强可持续的水资 源治理;缺水与干旱地区;水资源教育促进可持续发展;合作与预防冲突;国际水资源管理。
UNESCO’s IHP response to these global water challenges is built around its specialized areas of expertise providing policy advice on: adapting to the impacts of global changes on river basins and [...]
aquifer systems; strengthening
water governance for sustainability; water scarcity and arid zones; water education for sustainable development; cooperation and conflict prevention; and international waters management.
授权总干事与尼日利亚联邦共和国政府签署关于未来建立由教 文 组 织 赞助江 河流域综合管理地区中心(RC-IRBM )(第 [...]
2 类)的协定,其中包含第 186 EX/14 号决定第 III 部分附件所载的关于该中心的与协定范本有出入的条款。
Authorizes the Director-General to sign the Agreement with
the Government of the Federal
[...] Republic of Nigeria with provisions concerning the centre [...]
which deviate from the standard
model agreement as contained in Annex of the 186 EX/Decision 14 Part III concerning the future establishment of the Regional Centre for Integrated River Basin Management (RC-IRBM), as a centre under the auspices of UNESCO (category 2).
概 要 根据尼日利亚联邦共和国政府提出的在尼日利亚联邦共和国卡杜纳建立由 教文组织赞助江河流域综合管理地区中心(RC-IRBM)的建议,国际水文 计划(IHP)政府间理事会第十七届会议于 2006 年 7 月通过了第 XVII-6 号决 议,对建立这个中心表示欢迎。
Following a proposal by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to establish the Regional Centre for Integrated River Basin Management (RC-IRBM) under the auspices of UNESCO, at Kaduna in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the 17th session of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) adopted IHP-IC Resolution XVII-6 in July 2006 welcoming the establishment of this Centre.
目前,公 司与江大学、美 国宾夕法尼亚州立大学、中国科学院微电子 学 研 究 所、 海 交 大 微纳科学技术研究院、nLiten Energy、辽宁科技大学化学工程学院、理想能源等国内外著名高校、科研院所和企业机构开展合作研究。
Currently, the company has conducted
cooperative research
[...] with Zhejiang University, America Pennsylvania State University, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Micro/ Nano Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, [...]
nLiten Energy, University
of Science and Technology Liaoning, School of Chemical Engineering, Ideal Energy and other domestic and foreign famous universities, research institutes and enterprises.
西澳大学西澳医学研究所(WAIMR)的教授乔治•姚(George Yeoh)和他的团队同江大学副教 授张爱斌(音译)合作开展肝病新疗法的研究。
UWA Professor George Yeoh and his team at the WA Institute for
Medical Research (WAIMR) have
[...] joined forces with Zheijiang’s University’s Associate Professor [...]
Aibin Zhang to carry out research
into new treatments for liver disease.
[...] 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启文学 作 品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth
forums; reactivation of the Committee for the
[...] Translation of Literary Works and increase [...]
in the translation of Arabic works into
European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
披头士》的中文版由海文学艺术出版社出版,此书的译者俞宁蒙(Ben Yu)还翻译出版了挪威作家阿澜·卢的著名小说《我是个年轻人,我心情不太好》。
The Chinese translation of
[...] “Beatles” is published by Shanghai Literature and Arts [...]
Publishing House. The translator of the
book, Yu Ningmeng (Ben Yu), has also translated the famous book “Naïve Super” by Erlend Loe.
我們會繼續加強海 外及內地的投資推廣活動,以及與 江 三 角洲城市合辦更海 外市 場推廣,推介香港作為內地與世界各地通商的雙向平台的 獨特地位。
We will continue to step up our investment
[...] promotion both overseas and in the Mainland and increase joint overseas marketing activities with cities in the Pearl River Delta to promote [...]
Hong Kong’s unique
position as a two-way business platform between Mainland and the rest of the world.
公司占地面积23888平方米,注册资金5688万元,现拥有员工500人,其中大专以 学 历 科技人员85人,是 “江省高 新技术企业”、“浙江省专利示范企业”和“缙云县科技进步企业”。公司秉承“诚信、和谐、扎实、争先”的文化理念,自创办以来一直是缙云县重点骨干企业和纳税大户,并连续多年保持“ 江 省 文 明 单 位”、“省优秀企业”、中国农行缙云县分行“AAA”级资信企业称号;2006年12月,被浙江省劳动和社会保障厅评为“浙江省劳动保障诚信单位”;2007年3月又被丽水市工商局确定为“免检企业”。
Chenlong adheres the Culture Principles of "integrity, harmony, strong, forward ", since our inception Chenlong has been a key enterprises and major taxpayer in Jinyun County, and for many years to maintain the "Zhejiang Civilized Unit", "Provincial Excellent Enterprise", the Agricultural Bank of China Jinyun County Branch of "AAA" grade credit enterprise title; in December 2006, Zhejiang Province Labor and Social Security Department identified as "Zhejiang Labor and Social Security integrity unit"; in March 2007, Trade and Industry Bureau of Lishui City identified as "business exemption .
此次论坛邀请到了众多重量级嘉宾到场,论坛分为上下午两场,上午,韩国江南大学经济学院教授、美术市场研究所所长徐镇洙先生, 江 大 学 金 融 系副教授、 江 大 学江 万 龄 国际经济与金融投资研究中心副主任景乃权先生,东京艺术博览会总监辛美沙女生和深 文 化 产 权交易所特别顾问叶强先生分别以“亚洲艺术市场——泡沫破灭还是走向复苏”这个议题进行讨论。
In the morning, Mr. So Jin Su, Professor at Economics School of University of South Korea and President of Art Market Research Institute, Mr. Jing Naiquan, Deputy Chief of Jiang Wan Ling International Economy and Financial
Investment Research
[...] Center, Ms. Xin Meisha, Director of Tokyo Art Fair and Mr. Ye Qiang, Special Adviser of Shenzhen Cultural Property Rights Exchange, discussed issues surrounding the theme of "The Asian Art Market: A Bubble [...]
Bursting or a Market Headed Towards Recovery?




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