

单词 文昌鱼

See also:


Wenchang City, Hainan

surname Chang


flourishing adj


fishes pl
caviar n

External sources (not reviewed)

用免疫细胞化学ABC法对多巴胺(DA)和去甲肾上腺素(N E) 在 文昌鱼 神 经 系统和性腺中进行定位研究。
It is well documented that dopamine(DA) and norepinephrine (NE) can regulate gonadotropin secretion in fishes.
我们还观察到,文昌鱼漏斗 部也有DA免疫阳性神经细胞及其纤维;在中脑中部,NE免疫阳性神经细胞及其纤维与另一个神经细胞相接触。
We found for the first time that DA immunopositive [...]
nerve cells and fibers also located in the infundibular part of Amphioxus,
a region extending from the middle region of midbrain to the Hatschek's pit and corresponding to the fish infundibular which connected hypothalamus with pituitary.
免疫反应结果显示:DA和NE免疫阳性神经细胞广泛分布 文昌鱼 端 脑后部、中脑前部和中部以及脊髓。
Medium and small types of DA and NE immunopositive nerve cells were found in
the posterior part of
[...] telencephalon, anterior and middle part of midbrain, and the positive substance occurred in [...]
the cytoplasm of nerve cells.
研究结果表明,DA和NE可能像在鱼类中那样,参与调 文昌鱼 哈 氏 窝上皮细胞的分泌活动以及性腺发育。
In conclusion, the results suggested a direct action of DA and an indirect action of NE on the secretion of Hatschek's pit through the brain GnRH neuronal system in Amphioxus, as has been shown in fishes.
芳香化酶文昌鱼神经 系统、哈氏窝和性腺的分布模式与低等脊椎动物中的分布模式极为类似,尤其是芳香化酶在脑内调节哈氏窝分泌活动的神经内分泌中枢表达,并形成类似脊椎动物 文昌鱼 原 始 的脑-芳香化酶调节系统。
The aromatase distribution pattern in the nervous system, Hatschek's pit and gonad closely is similar to that observed in vertebrates.
芳香化酶活性发现在脊椎动物脑、脑垂体和性腺中,但 文昌鱼 脑 和 哈氏窝的组织特异性定位尚无可利用资料。
Aromatase activity has been found in the brain and pituitary as well as gonads of vertebrates, but no information is available on the specific localization in the brain and Hatschek's pit (primitive pituitary) of amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri).
港同盟文世昌議員 會就自然保育政策發言, 而黃震遐議員會由經濟角度去談保育政策。
Mr MAN Sai-cheong of the UDHK will [...]
be speaking about environmental conservation and Dr HUANG Chen-ya will be talking about it from the economic angle.
爱尔兰不仅以其优质的熏文鱼而著 名,还因为那里的熏制房。
Ireland is famous not only for
[...] excellent smoked salmon, but also for [...]
smokehouses in general.
西科克乌梅拉熏制房(Ummera Smokehouse)的熏制食物广受赞誉,包括熏 文鱼 、 熏鸡和熏银墨鱼。
The Ummera Smokehouse in West Cork produces an acclaimed range of smoked foods including smoked salmon, smoked chicken and smoked silver eel.
经典的菜色包括很多芬兰人的最爱——如科姆的招牌菜有机肉丸、柠檬香茅 文鱼 汤 等 ,还有必点的甜点甘草奶冻。
Its classic recipes include many favourites
among Finns – such as Kom’s very own
[...] organic meatballs, salmon soup with lemon [...]
grass and a must dessert liquorice panna cotta.
接着不久,中國外交部駐港特派專員 文昌 先 生 亦有同 樣的說法,他表示港府未有知會中央。
Shortly afterwards, Mr YANG Wenchang, the Commissioner [...]
of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
in SAR, also made the same remark.
[...] 育活动,亲族关系与亲族关系的仪式,定居模式,烹调技术,确定身份和长 幼尊卑的仪式,有关四季的仪式,不同性别的社会习俗,打猎、 鱼 和 收 获 习俗,源于地名的姓名和源于父名的姓名,丝 文 化 和 工艺(生产 [纺织 ]、 缝纫、染色、图案设计),木雕,纺织品,人体艺术(纹身、穿孔、人体绘 [...]
Life-cycle rituals – birth; rites of passage; wedding, divorce and funerary rituals; games and sports; kinship and ritual kinship ceremonies; settlement patterns; culinary arts; designation of status and prestige ceremonies; seasonal ceremonies; gender-specific social
practices; practices
[...] relating to hunting, fishing and gathering; geonymic and patronymic nomenclature; silk culture and crafts (production [...]
sewing, dyeing, cloth designs); wood carving; textiles; body-art (tattooing, piercing, painting).
Spread fresh salmon slices over [...]
a bowl of sushi rice.
[...] 末因由(包括該職位可能是為梁先生而設),以及上文所述有關鄭家純 博士、梁志堅先生、鍾昌先生和梁 文 先 生 之間千絲萬縷的關連, 調查有關梁展文先生離職後從事工作的事宜專責委員會(“專責委員 [...]
會 ”)同意孫明揚先生在出席研訊時所表達的看法,即公眾有理由懷疑
梁展文先生受聘於新世界中國地產是與紅灣半島事件相關的一項延 後利益回報。
Having regard to the steering and co-ordinating role of Mr LEUNG in the Hunghom Peninsula case, the exceedingly low lease modification premium in the eyes of the public, the circumstances surrounding Mr LEUNG's employment with NWCL (including the possibility that the post was tailor made for Mr LEUNG), as well as the intricate connections among Dr
Henry CHENG, Mr Stewart LEUNG, Mr
[...] CHUNG Kwok-cheong and Mr LEUNG Chin-man as mentioned above, the [...]
Select Committee to Inquire
into Matters Relating to the Post-service Work of Mr LEUNG Chin-man agreed with the view expressed by Mr Michael SUEN at the hearing that, there were grounds for the public suspicion that Mr LEUNG Chin-man's taking up of the employment with NWCL was a deferred benefit related to the Hunghom Peninsula case.
(c) 聯昌國際 已就刊發本通函發出同意書,表示同意按現有形式及涵義轉載其函件及 [...]
(c) CIMB-GK has given and [...]
has not withdrawn its written consent to the issue of this circular with the inclusion of its
letter and references to its name in the form and context in which they appear.
1980年代中期第一批挪威文鱼来到 中国,1990年代后,市场的发展更系统化,更多出口商已进入市场以满足日益增长的需求。
In the mid-1980s the first consignment
[...] of Norwegian Salmon was shipped to [...]
China, and since the early 1990s the market has
been more systematically developed and more exporters have entered the market to meet the growing demand.
此外,他以黒沢清导演的『X圣治』(97)荣获东京国际影展最佳男主角、以今 昌 平 导 演的『 鱼 』 (97)拿下坎城影展的金棕榈大奖、以青山真治导演的『人造天堂(浩劫余生)』(01)囊括坎城影展国际影评人联盟大奖以及Ecumenical奖、以今村昌平导演的『红桥下的暖流』(01)赢得芝加哥国际影展最佳男主角等等,不但有多部参与国际影展的作品而且获奖多数。
In addition, a lot of films that he appeared on were exhibited at international film festivals, and he won many prizes including the Best Actor Prize in a Leading Role at Tokyo International Film Festival by Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s “Cure” (‘97), the Palme d’Or Prize at Cannes Film Festival by Shohei Imamura’s “The Eel” (‘97), the FIPRESCI and Ecumenical Prize at Cannes Film Festival by Shinji Aoyama’s “Eureka” (‘01) and the Best Actor Prize in Leading Role at Chicago International Film Festival by Shohei Imamura’s “Warm Water Under a Red Bridge” and so on.
在广州,代表团参观了挪威文鱼经 销商广州盈旺食品有限公司,和粤新造船厂,挪威公司Havyard设计的邮轮就在那里建造的。
In Guangzhou they visited Prosperous Food Manufacturing Co. which
[...] distributes Norwegian salmon, as well as Yuexin [...]
Shipyard which builds ships designed
by the Norwegian company Havyard.
中總於2004年11月5日在香港會議及展覽中心舉辦盛大就職典禮,由全國政協副主席霍英東博士、香港特別行政區行政長官董建華先生、中華人民共和國中央政府駐港聯合辦公室主任高祀仁先生、中華人民共和國外交部駐港特派員 文昌 先 生 ,及香港特別行政區律政司梁愛詩女士主禮。
Henry Y.T. Fok, Vice Chairman of the People's Political Consultative Committee of the People's Republic of China, the Honorable Tung Chee Hwa, Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr. Gao Siren, Director of Liaison Office of the Central People¡¦s Government in the HKSAR, Mr. Yang Wenchang, Commissioner of the Office of Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Honorable Elsie Leung Oi Sie, Secretary for Justice of the Department of Justice of the HKSAR were invited as Guests of Honour to officiate the ceremony.
扣除融資成本後之溢利為港幣 22,100,000 元,當中包括新昌中心列作投資物業部 分之重估收益港幣 10,800,000 元、中國廣文昌雅居之減值撥備淨額港幣 6,900,000 元,以及屯門龍門居尚未出售車位物業存貨之減值撥備回撥港幣 1,700,000 元(二零零七年:港幣 62,300,000 元,包括新昌中心列作投資物業部分 之重估收益港幣 6,300,000 元、中國廣文昌雅居 之減值撥備回撥港幣 38,400,000 元,以及出售越南物業權益之溢利港幣 4,800,000 元)。
Profit after finance costs was HK$22.1 million, including a revaluation gain of HK$10.8 million on the portion of Hsin Chong Center which was classified as an investment property,
HK$6.9 million net impairment
[...] provision for Wen Chang Pavilion in Guangzhou, PRC, and a write-back of HK$1.7 million on the impairment provision for unsold stock of carpark property at Lung Mun Oasis, Tuen Mun (2007: HK$62.3 million, including a revaluation gain of HK$6.3 million on the portion of Hsin Chong Center classified as an investment property, a write-back of HK$38.4 million on the impairment provision for Wen Chang Pavilion in Guangzhou, [...]
PRC, and a profit
of HK$4.8 million on the disposal of property interests in Vietnam).
昌邑市化工厂,从仓库中运走的货物 记录没有使用序列编号,制成品账目必须更加精确。
At the Changyi City Chemical [...]
plant, the goods removed from the warehouse records did not use sequential numbering and the
finished goods account needed to be more precise.
[...] 粮农组织关于水产养殖认证的技术指南,以及由水产养殖管理委员会负责的世界自然基 金会文鱼养殖对话。
The Commission also noted a comment that work of other relevant organizations in this context should be taken into account, notably work by FAO on
technical guidelines on aquaculture
[...] certification and WWF’s Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue [...]
to be administered through the Aquaculture Stewardship Council.
那里的伦季文鱼汉堡 是当地人的最爱,著名的意大利调味饭也常常以芬兰式的伦季特色风味呈现,其中添加了鸡油菌或牛肝菌。
Their Lungi salmon burger is a great [...]
favorite among locals and even their famous risottos are often served with a Finnish
Lungi twist adding chanterelles or boletus.
在Saffron上海餐厅,你可以找到很多人都喜爱许多经典的印度菜,同时也会发现有许多Saffron标志性的现代印度菜肴,比如Saffron配以罗望子和香菜的特色沙拉, 文鱼 串 烧,配上芒果酱的萨莫萨三角饺等众多美味佳肴。
At Saffron Shanghai, you can find many classical Indian dishes that we all love as well as Saffron’s signature modern Indian cuisine, such as its
signature Saffron Specialty Salad with Tamarind
[...] and Coriander, Salmon Tikka, and Chocolate [...]
and Banana Samosas with Mango Sauce.
1 月 25 日事件發生後,昂坪 360 立即啟動其緊急應變機 制,具體行動包括在車廂內廣播通知賓客、立即安排接駁巴士接載昂 坪的賓客到東涌、向賓客派發水及暖包、聯絡已到訪和預訂的旅行團
領隊、通知相關政府部門和機構,包括香港旅遊業議會及香港旅遊發 展局等、透過電子傳媒發放纜車服務最新訊息、在全綫港鐵站張貼告
[...] 示及港鐵主要轉綫站(茘景、香港、九龍塘、 昌 ) 及 東涌站內廣 播、送「感謝包」給受影響的賓客(內有纜車門票換票證 [...]
1 張,兩張 $50 現金購物券)、在昂坪 360 網站刊登公告及通告合約旅行社及旅 遊業界等。
This included broadcasting information to guests in cabins, arranging shuttle buses to transport guests from Ngong Ping to Tung Chung, providing guests with water and warm pads, contacting tour guides who had already arrived at the terminals or reserved tickets, informing relevant Government departments as well as organisations including the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Tourism Board, making announcements containing the latest information about cable car service through electronic media, posting notices at MTR stations and making public announcements at MTR interchange stations
(namely, Lai King, Hong Kong,
[...] Kowloon Tong and Nam Cheong stations) and Tung [...]
Chung station, and presenting the ‘appreciation
pack’ to affected guests (each containing a gift ticket for a round-trip cable car ride and two $50 gift shop coupons), posting notices on the NP360 website and informing travel agencies and other members of the travel industry.
(b) 於最後可行日期,昌國際 並無直接或間接擁有本集團任何股權,亦無享有任何認 [...]
購或委派他人認購本集團證券之權利(不論是否可依法強制行使),亦無於本集團 自二零零六年十二月三十一日(即本集團最近期刊發之經審核財務報表之結算日) 以來所買賣或租賃之資產,或本集團擬買賣或租賃之任何資產中擁有任何直接或 間接權益。
(b) As at the Latest
[...] Practicable Date, CIMB-GK did not have [...]
any shareholding, direct or indirect, in the Group or any right
(whether legally enforceable or not) to subscribe for or to nominate persons to subscribe for securities in the Group, nor did it have any interest, direct or indirect, in any assets which had, since 31 December 2006, being the date up to which the latest published audited financial statements of the Group were made up, been acquired or disposed of by or leased to the Group, or were proposed to be acquired or disposed of by or leased to the Group.
成功推荐亚洲演艺人晋身荷李活;与香港电影电视学院协制多部获奖作品,包括「特区少年」、「街舞」、「人在江湖」、「流离饭盒」、「 文鱼 先 生 」、「蒲公英」、「玩具」及「Police Box」。
The company succeeded in recommending a number of Asian talents to Hollywood. It also co-produced with Hong Kong Film Academy for a number of award-winning titles, including
"The Shenzhen Kids", "Street
[...] Dance", "Man in Storm", "Taste Whatever", "Mr Salmon", "Dandelion", [...]
"Toys" and "Police Box".




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