

单词 敷贴

敷贴 ()

apply glue or ointment to a surface

See also:

(...) v

spread v
lay sth. v

lay out
sufficient (cover)
apply (powder, ointment etc)

keep close to
allowance (e.g. money for food or housing)
fit snugly
post (e.g. on a blog)
classifier for sticking plaster: strip


paste n
stick n

External sources (not reviewed)

We had outgrown our original offices and the new space provides expanded facilities and positions us well for future growth.
无论如何,这种做法明显敷衍了 事,回避了要努力开拓多种渠道 增加预算外资金方面的分析。
Whatever the case may be, it significantly skews the analysis of the efforts that need to be made to diversify and multiply extrabudgetary funding sources.
在 分項(b)(敷設輸水管) 中增加的 1 億 3,140 萬元,已顧及在第 I 及 II 期工程的投標報價中反映特為供區域供冷系統採用的主要材料( 例如 大管徑的隔熱地下冷凍水管道及配件) 的最新巿場價格趨勢,以及當初 無法預計的工地限制( 例如由於區域供冷系統的地下管道與啟德發展區 其他現有的地下設施會有更多的配合,因而需要 敷 設 系 統管道時進 行更深層的地下挖掘,並需在其他設施下面進行額外的水管推頂工程)。
As regards item (b) (mains laying), the increase of $131.4 million takes into account the latest market price trend for major materials which are specifically adopted for DCS (such as large diameter thermal insulated underground chilled water pipes and accessories) and unexpected site constraints (such as additional interfacing issues between the underground DCS pipes and other underground facilities at KTD requiring deeper excavation for DCS pipes laying and additional pipe jacking below utilities) as reflected in the tender return for Phase I and II works.
当一名或数名代理人,代替执行局委员指定的代表,出席某届或某组会议时, 生活贴和旅费只发给一个代理人,条件是:该代理人通常不住在会议召开 地,而且该委员指定的代表放弃可以根据第1.1,3.1.1和3.1.2段规定享受的该届 会议或该组织会议的任何交通费用。
When an alternate or alternates attend a session or group of meetings instead of the representative appointed by the Member, a subsistence allowance and transportation costs shall be payable for one alternate only provided the alternate does not normally reside in the locality where the meetings are held, and that the representative appointed by the Member renounces, for that session or group of meetings, any entitlement he may have under subparagraphs 1.1, 3.1.1 and 3.1.2.
因此,我们要求安全理事会承担起《联合国宪章》 赋予它的责任,不是以发表新闻声 敷 衍 了 事,而是 立即通过一项决议来迫使占领国以色列停止其对加 沙地带的地面、海上和空中的侵略,立即撤出部队, 解除对加沙的围困,开放过境点,结束集体惩罚政策, 并且为巴勒斯坦人民提供保护,包括保护作为安全庇 护所的卫生和教育机构,因为对这些安全庇护所的袭 击是非法的。
We therefore demand that the Security Council assume its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations and not settle for making press statements, but rather immediately adopt a resolution that compels Israel, the occupying Power, to stop its land, sea and air military aggression on the Gaza Strip; immediately withdraw its forces; lift the siege on Gaza; open the crossings; end the policy of collective punishment; and provide protection for the Palestinian people, including the protection of health and educational institutions that are safe havens, as attacks on such safe havens are illegal.
因此,教科文组织工作人员养恤金委员会的权限扩展至下列事务:(i) 根据《养恤基金
[...] 条例》向教科文组织的参加者和受益者发放 贴 ; (i i) 根据教科文组织的实际情况解释和实 [...]
施养恤基金条例和管理细则;(iii) 提出修改养恤基金条例及其细则的建议,供工作人员养恤
金联合委员会审议,然后提交作为养恤金事务立法机构的联合国大会;(iv) 通过其指定的代 表参加工作人员养恤金联合委员会及其附属机构的例会及特别会议。
Thus, the authority of the UNESCO Staff Pension Committee extends to the following matters: (i) granting of benefits under
the Pension Fund Regulations to UNESCO
[...] participants and beneficiaries; (ii) interpreting [...]
and applying the Pension Fund Regulations
and Administrative Rules in respect of UNESCO cases; (iii) proposing amendments to Regulations and Rules of the fund for consideration by the Joint Staff Pension Board and subsequent submission to the General Assembly of the United Nations, which is the legislating body on pension matters; (iv) participating, through its designated representatives in the regular and special sessions of the Joint Staff Pension Board and its subsidiary organs.
但现在主流新闻媒体 的相关性受到了非主流渠道日益流行的挑战,新闻传播平台正在迅速扩张,并不 断地花样翻新,社交媒介工具也在改变着人们获得和共享信息的方式,因此,咨 询委员会试想,现在是否已到新闻部作出以下评估的时候:如何使其新闻活动更 好地为本组织需求服务,如何提高其工作的创造力和创新性,如何继续以 贴近 世 界各地人们日常生活的方式促进联合国工作。
However, now that the relevance of the mainstream news media is being challenged by the rising popularity of alternative sources, news distribution platforms are rapidly multiplying and diversifying and social media tools are revolutionizing the way in which people access and share information, the Committee wonders whether the time has come for the Department of Public Information to assess how it can enhance the responsiveness of its public information activities to the Organization’s needs, how it can bring greater creativity and innovation to its work, and how it can continue to promote the work of the United Nations in a way that is more relevant to the daily lives of individuals all around the world.
工程計劃的核准範圍包括(a)在 11 個敷設污水收集設施 地區( 即甲邊朗、南山、北港、新屋、沙角尾、太平村、大水井、禾塘 江、龍窩村、碧水新村和飛鵝山道附近一 帶) 敷設長 約 12.8 公里、直徑 介乎 150 毫米至 300 毫米的污水渠;(b)沿順緻街至碧翠路之間的一段 清水灣道和在碧水新村一敷設長約 3.6 公里、直徑介乎 225 毫米至 450 毫米的無壓污水幹渠;(c)在碧水新村建造 1 所污水泵房;(d)為配 合上文(c)項的污水泵房建造工程,在碧水新村及沿清水灣道近井欄樹 和白石窩的路敷設長約 900 米、直徑介乎 150 毫米至 350 毫米的雙管 加壓污水管;以及(e)進行附屬工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises
construction of (a) about
[...] 12.8 kilometres (km) of sewers ranging from 150 millimetres (mm) to 300 mm in diameter for 11 unsewered areas, namely Kap Pin Long, Nam Shan, Pak Kong, San Uk, Sha Kok Mei, Tai Ping Village, Tai Shui Tseng, Wo Tong Kong, Lung Wo Tsuen, Pik Shui Sun Tsuen and the area in vicinity of Fei Ngo Shan Road; (b) about 3.6 km gravity trunk sewers ranging from 225 mm to 450 mm in diameter along Clear Water Bay Road from Shun Chi Street to Razor Hill Road and around Pik Shui Sun Tsuen; (c) one sewage pumping station (SPS) at Pik Shui Sun Tsuen; (d) about 900 metres of twin rising mains ranging from 150 mm to 350 mm in diameter at Pik Shui Sun Tsuen (in association with construction of the SPS in (c) above) and along sections of [...]
Clear Water Bay Road near
Tseng Lan Shue and Pak Shek Wo; and (e) ancillary works.
[...] 家;落实新颖和创新的资金来源;探讨并酌情试验新型金融协作以及特别是非金 融协作;通过贴最不 发达国家优先领域的国际私营部门参与,特别是外国直接 [...]
加强最不发达国家的商业订约能力;让最不发达国家更多地参与援助架构的治 理。
Recommendations proposed included prioritizing least developed countries in allocations of official development assistance; implementing new and innovative sources of financing; exploring and, where possible, experimenting with new types of financial and, especially,
non-financial collaboration; leveraging
[...] resources through subsidies for international [...]
private sector engagement, especially
foreign direct investment, in areas of least developed country priority; strengthening least developed country capacities for commercial contracting through greater transparency in agreements and by fostering governmental, especially parliamentary, review; increasing the participation of least developed countries in governance of the aid architecture.




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