

单词 敷衍塞责

See also:


carry out one's duties perfunctorily
fulfill one's responsibility

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 亚做出可信的反应是徒劳的,它的意图一直是用各种 借敷衍塞责,同时执意在被占领土上巩固自己的存 在。
As everyone now realizes, it is a futile exercise to seek a credible response from Eritrea, whose
intentions have always been to procrastinate on
[...] various pretexts while firmly entrenching [...]
itself in the occupied territory.
No government gets through its five years without Cabinet changes. And no Cabinet minister can escape responsibility for the duties given to him.
我們如果並不準備在法例㆗訂明,便只會如政府 當局般,對於我們肩承的義務 敷衍塞 責 了 事。
It is as simple as that. And if we are not prepared to say so in law, then — like the Administration — we are, at most only half-hearted in our commitment.
政府必須清楚界定村代表選舉的選民資格,不 敷衍 塞責,把這個“波"踢給法院來決定。
When even the electors' eligibility is not clearly defined, how can the Legislative Council be expected to pass a Bill like this?
因此,我们要求安全理事会承担起《联合国宪章》 赋予它责任,不是以发表新闻声 敷衍 了 事,而是 立即通过一项决议来迫使占领国以色列停止其对加 [...]
沙地带的地面、海上和空中的侵略,立即撤出部队, 解除对加沙的围困,开放过境点,结束集体惩罚政策, 并且为巴勒斯坦人民提供保护,包括保护作为安全庇
护所的卫生和教育机构,因为对这些安全庇护所的袭 击是非法的。
We therefore demand that the
[...] Security Council assume its responsibilities under the Charter of the United [...]
Nations and not settle
for making press statements, but rather immediately adopt a resolution that compels Israel, the occupying Power, to stop its land, sea and air military aggression on the Gaza Strip; immediately withdraw its forces; lift the siege on Gaza; open the crossings; end the policy of collective punishment; and provide protection for the Palestinian people, including the protection of health and educational institutions that are safe havens, as attacks on such safe havens are illegal.
我們訂立所需的法例和執法機制,確保那些應 對工作安全和健康負責任的㆟,即僱主和僱員,不 敷衍塞 責。
We provide the necessary legislative framework and the enforcement machinery to make sure that those who should be responsible for safety and health at work, that is, employers and employees, will not shirk their responsibilities or cut corners.
联利特派团将继续为驻扎在弗里敦和 责 为 塞 拉利 昂问题特别法庭提供安全保护的 250 人警卫部队提供支助。
UNMIL will also continue to support the 250-troop
guard force located in Freetown and
[...] charged with the responsibility of providing security [...]
to the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
让有潜力的年轻顾问参与竞争是有益的,但也不能成 敷衍 程 序 的手段。
Expanding the selection process to potential young consultants is beneficial, but must not be a token gesture to make it seem that the procedures are being followed.
工作小组的一些成员对执行局秘密会议作为执行局委员与总干事就秘书处人员编制和 资金问题进行对话的手段表示不满,认为目前的这种过程只 敷衍 了 事和过于走形式,工作 小组希望辩论的方式和讨论优先事项的确定、计划的实施和秘书处 责 任 制的方式能得到进 一步的完善。
Some members of the working group expressed dissatisfaction with the private sessions of the Executive Board as a means of Board Members engaging in dialogue with the Director-General on matters of Secretariat staffing and
resources. The current process
[...] was seen as perfunctory and overly procedural; and the working group sought enhanced modalities for debating and discussing priority determination, programme implementation, and accountability of the Secretariat.
亚美尼亚共和国常驻代表试图责阿 塞 拜 疆 进行“反亚美尼亚的宣传”以及 煽动“对亚美尼亚人的仇恨”,并对霍贾里事件进行模糊事实、出于政治动机和 [...]
毫无根据的解读,与此同时该代表不仅避而不谈欧洲人权法院和权威的国际非政 府组织 表达的意见,而且也未能澄清该国高级官员和罪行直接参与者透露的口
While trying to accuse Azerbaijan of alleged [...]
“anti-Armenian propaganda” and “hatred towards Armenians” and referring to
ambiguous, politically motivated and groundless interpretations of the events in Khojaly, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia at the same time not only refrains from commenting on the views expressed by the European Court of Human Rights and authoritative international non-governmental organizations, but also neglects to clarify the revelations of his country’s high-ranking officials and the direct participants in the crime, who in turn unequivocally admit culpability for the extermination of the inhabitants and defenders of Khojaly.
无论如何,这种做法明显敷衍了事 ,回避了要努力开拓多种渠道 增加预算外资金方面的分析。
Whatever the case may be, it significantly skews the analysis of the efforts that need to be made to diversify and multiply extrabudgetary funding sources.
種種情況引起社會的關 注 ,政府實在有必 要 立 即 徹 查 事件,並敷 衍 塞 責 的 官 員,以至所聘 請 的 顧 問 公司作出適 當 的 懲 處 , 以回應公 眾 的 合 理 質 疑 。
Given the growing public concern over these problems, there is indeed a need for the Government to immediately conduct a thorough investigation into the matter and impose proper punishment on government officials and consultancy firms for performing their duties perfunctorily, as a response to the reasonable queries raised by the public.
雖然政府在2006年設立了一個由屋宇署和 食環署組成的聯合辦事處,負責處理滲水投訴,但處理個案的進展卻緩 慢,予敷衍塞責、 失職的感覺,小業主感到苦不堪言。
Although the Government has set up a joint office in 2006 formed by the Buildings Department and the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department specifically tasked with the handling of water leakage complaints, the progress of the cases handled is very slow and this gives an impression that the departments are being sloppy and negligent of their duty.
亚美尼亚方面采取不负责任行 动的原因包括最近国际权威组织通过了一系列文件,例如 2010 年 5
月 20 日欧洲
[...] 议会就制定欧洲联盟南高加索地区战略的必要性通过的决议,以及国际社会一致责 2010 年 5 月 23 日在塞拜疆 被占领的纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区举行的非法 [...]
“议会选举”(见 A/64/851-S/2010/345)。
The reasons behind the irresponsible actions of the Armenian side are reflected in, inter alia, a series of documents recently adopted by authoritative international organizations, such as the resolution of the European Parliament dated 20 May 2010 on the need for a European
Union strategy for the South
[...] Caucasus and the unanimous condemnation by the international community [...]
of the illegal “parliamentary
elections” held on 23 May 2010 in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan (see A/64/851-S/2010/345).
它也是责联系塞内加尔、冈比亚、几内亚比绍以及佛得角的多国办 事处。
It is also a
[...] cluster office for Senegal, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau [...]
and Cape Verde.
我还想提及作为 A/65/848-S/2011/326 号文件分发的亚美尼亚常驻联合国代 表 2011
[...] 年 5 月 28 日的信,作者在信中极责备阿塞拜 疆 进行所谓的“反亚美尼 亚宣传”和“散布不实之词”。
I would also like to refer to the letter dated 28 May 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations, circulated as
documents A/65/848-S/2011/326, in which the author
[...] is trying to blame Azerbaijan for alleged [...]
“anti-Armenian propaganda” and “circulation of disinformation”.
据报,位于观察团责 地区外的塞纳基 军事基地得到人员和重型装备(例如坦克、火炮和装甲运兵车)的 增援。
The military base in Senaki, outside the
[...] Mission’s area of responsibility, was reportedly reinforced [...]
with personnel and heavy equipment,
such as tanks, artillery and armoured personnel carriers.
塞尔维亚报告说,该国已指定劳动和社会政策部作为决策机构, 责 为因 在塞尔维 亚共和国领土内武装冲突及战争遗留材料遭受伤害的塞尔维亚共和国公 民提供经济支持和保护。
Serbia reported that the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has been designated as the decision making authority for providing financial support and protection to citizens of the Republic of Serbia who suffered damage caused by armed conflicts as well as from residual war material on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
在起诉书所涉期间,Tolimir 先生是塞军主力负责情报 和安全的助理指 挥官。
During the period relevant to the indictment, Mr. Tolimir was the Assistant Commander for Intelligence and Security of the Main Staff of the VRS.
科索沃司法部的法院联络处责为科塞族人 和其他族裔诉诸司法提供便利,尽管工作人员减少且行政和后勤方面困难 [...]
The Court Liaison Offices of the Kosovo Ministry
of Justice, which facilitate access
[...] to justice for Kosovo Serbs and other communities, [...]
continue to operate, albeit with reduced
staff and amid administrative and logistical difficulties.
這些以工作 福利來取代福利的廢話,其實 敷衍塞 責 ,“頭痛醫頭,腳痛醫腳”, 好像我們剛剛有些議員說般,口惠而實不至,小恩小惠,沒有觸及根 本和結構性的問題:財富分配不均、財閥壟斷、官商勾結吧。
All these lame proposals, which aim at replacing welfare with workfare, are actually stop-gap measures that will not be able to address the problem effectively. As some Members have just said, they are just lip service and small benefits that fail to touch the fundamental and structural problems, which are: uneven distribution of wealth, plutocratic monopolization, and collusion between business and the Government.
在本报告所述期间,检察官办公室继续 塞 尔 维亚 负 责 查 找和逮捕逃犯的机 构保持密切联系。
During the reporting period, the Office of the Prosecutor remained in close contact with the Serbian agencies in charge of locating and arresting the fugitives.
防止酷刑小组委员会采访的所有被拘留 者都表示,体检流于表面敷衍了事
All detainees interviewed by the SPT stated that this examination was superficial and conducted in a perfunctory manner.
立法會部分同事經 常批評 政 府 政 令 不 暢 通 ; 批 評部分高敷衍塞 責 , 如 今 行 政長官 積極回應社 會 訴 求 , 決 意 推 行問責 制,令高官在擁 有 權 力 的 同時, 亦 要 相 應 地承擔施政 的 責 任,那 麼 , 為 何立法會某 些同事 又 要 節 外 生 枝 , 阻 撓 問 責 制的推 行 呢 ?
Some colleagues of this Council frequently criticize that the implementation of some government policies has been impeded and some principal officials have performed their duties in a perfunctory manner.
[...] 的「認真」處理,是相對於很多個案的極 敷衍 了 事 ,或根本不被處理而言。
When I say to be dealt with seriously, I mean comparatively speaking they are being dealt with
in a way unlike many other cases which have been handled
[...] extremely perfunctorily or even have [...]
never been touched at all.
由邦贝里第一版之后由两个以上(1531,1548),而另一个是在威尼斯出版Giustiniani(1546年至1551年),谁加入邦贝里的补充(如Rashi和Tosafot,后来都不约而同地追加到文本)其他有用的边 敷衍 了 事 ,包括圣经的报价和平行通道的犹太法典以及仪式抄本引用。
The first edition by Bomberg was followed by two more (1531, 1548), while another was published at Venice by Giustiniani (1546-51), who added to Bomberg's supplements (such as Rashi and the Tosafot, which later were invariably appended to the text) other useful marginal glosses, including references to Biblical quotations and to parallel passages of the Talmud as well as to the ritual codices.
我認為政府 當局應根據公務員守則,研究如何作出懲處,而不能一 敷衍 了 事
In my opinion, the Administration should consider how punishments could be imposed according to the Civil Service Code, and should not muddle through the work again.
例如,阿克拉多国办事处的一名国家专业官员已到贝宁任 职;达喀尔多国办事处的一名国家顾问正在几内亚的联合国开发计划署办事处工作;威尼斯 办事处的一名国家顾问责波斯尼亚- 黑 塞 哥 维 那的工作;在科特迪瓦,设立了一个由阿克 拉多国办事处负责的项目办公室,协助完成关于重新制订课程方案的国家行动计划。
For example, an NPO attached to the Accra Cluster has been hired in Benin; a national consultant attached to the Dakar Cluster is working in the UNDP offices in Guinea, and another national consultant attached to the Venice Office is covering Bosnia and Herzegovina; in Côte d’Ivoire, a Project Office has been set up under the Accra Cluster in order to complete the national action plan for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of curricula; focal points in the cluster offices have been designated to take charge of particular countries where office closures have occurred: for example, in the Windhoek Cluster for both Angola and South Africa, or in the Bangkok Cluster for Laos.
[...] 是一個加租上限,但這個上限實際上只是政府為 敷衍 議 員和轉移公眾視線 的手法,根本不是議員和團體所要求的“加租封頂”。
On the surface, this appears to be a cap on rent increases, but actually in introducing
this cap, the Government just intends to
[...] do something perfunctory to satisfy [...]
Members and to divert people's attention to something else.
一些科索沃北部的塞族当地领导人和居民 责塞 尔 维 亚代表团在对话中没 有充分反映他们的利益,对此,与普里什蒂纳对话的贝尔格莱德谈判小组组长鲍 里斯拉夫·斯特凡诺维奇于 6月2日访问 Zveçan/Zvečan 和 Zubin P otok ,与当 地官员会晤,并向他们保证将在谈判中考虑到其利益。
In response to allegations by some northern Kosovo Serb local leaders and inhabitants that their interests were not being adequately reflected by the Serbian delegation in the dialogue, the head of Belgrade’s negotiating team in the dialogue with Pristina, Borislav Stefanović, visited on 2 June Zveçan/Zvečan and Zubin Potok and met with local officials to reassure them that their interests would be taken into account in the talks.




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