单词 | 敷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 敷(...)verb—spreadvlay sth.v敷—enoughless common: lay out sufficient (cover) apply (powder, ointment etc) Examples:敷衍了事—skimp not bother 入不敷出—income does not cover expenditure unable make ends meet 敷粉—sprinkle powder
原有办事处已不敷应用,新办事处提供更完备的设施,为未来业务增长作好准备。 asiasat.com | We had outgrown our original offices and the new space provides expanded facilities and positions us well for future growth. asiasat.com |
让有潜力的年轻顾问参与竞争是有益的,但也不能成为敷衍程序的手段。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Expanding the selection process to potential young consultants is beneficial, but must not be a token gesture to make it seem that the procedures are being followed. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无论如何,这种做法明显是敷衍了事,回避了要努力开拓多种渠道 增加预算外资金方面的分析。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Whatever the case may be, it significantly skews the analysis of the efforts that need to be made to diversify and multiply extrabudgetary funding sources. unesdoc.unesco.org |
连接电缆必须敷设在金属制成的接地电缆槽中。 highvolt.de | The connection cables must be laid in metallic [...] cable ducts with a ground connection. highvolt.de |
这些 捐款使粮食计划署及其合作伙伴得以在来自传统来源的支持不足敷用的行动中, 继续供应关键的粮食援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | These contributions enabled WFP and its partners to continue supplying critical food assistance in operations where support from traditional sources was not sufficient. daccess-ods.un.org |
防止酷刑小组委员会采访的所有被拘留 者都表示,体检流于表面,敷衍了事。 daccess-ods.un.org | All detainees interviewed by the SPT stated that this examination was superficial and conducted inaperfunctory manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们要求安全理事会承担起《联合国宪章》 赋予它的责任,不是以发表新闻声明敷衍了事,而是 立即通过一项决议来迫使占领国以色列停止其对加 沙地带的地面、海上和空中的侵略,立即撤出部队, 解除对加沙的围困,开放过境点,结束集体惩罚政策, 并且为巴勒斯坦人民提供保护,包括保护作为安全庇 护所的卫生和教育机构,因为对这些安全庇护所的袭 击是非法的。 daccess-ods.un.org | We therefore demand that the Security Council assume its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations and not settle for making press statements, but rather immediately adopt a resolution that compels Israel, the occupying Power, to stop its land, sea and air military aggression on the Gaza Strip; immediately withdraw its forces; lift the siege on Gaza; open the crossings; end the policy of collective punishment; and provide protection for the Palestinian people, including the protection of health and educational institutions that are safe havens, as attacks on such safe havens are illegal. daccess-ods.un.org |
外敷冰包,以减轻局部疼痛和肿胀。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Apply an ice-pack to reduce local pain and swelling. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
主要项目包括竹篙 湾填海工程(10.61 亿元)、后海湾干线(9,300 万元)、东铁支线-红磡至尖沙咀支线 的主要基建工程(7,600 万元)、乡郊排水系统修复计划平原河排水系统修复工程 (4,500 万元)、元朗西南扩展区(3,500 万元)、元朗及锦田的主要排水道-田村排水 道 -附属道路工程(3,200 万元)、元朗排洪绕道(3,000 万元)、为屯门第 56 区的房屋 发展计划而进行的道路筑建工程和排水渠敷设工程(2,600 万元)、介乎锦英路与日 後的 T7 号主干路交界处的西沙路扩阔工程(2,600 万元)、荃湾第 2 区与深井之间 一段青山公路的改善工程(2,500 万元),以及白石角发展计划基础设施余下工程 (1,000 万元)等。 devb.gov.hk | The total estimated expenditure in 2004-05 is $2,096 million. The major projects will include Penny’s Bay Reclamation ($1,061 million), Deep Bay Link ($93 million), East Rail Extension – Essential public infrastructure works for Hung Hom to Tsim Sha Tsui extension ($76 million), Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme – drainage rehabilitation works at Ping Yuen River ($45 million), Yuen Long south western extension ($35 million), Main drainage channels for Yuen Long and Kam Tin – Tin Tsuen channel – Ancillary road works ($32 million), Yuen Long bypass floodway ($30 million), Construction of roads and drains to serve the housing development in Area 56, Tuen Mun ($26 million), Sai Sha Road widening between Kam Ying Road and future Trunk Road T7 junction ($26 million), Castle Peak Road improvement between Area 2 and Sham Tseng, Tsuen Wan ($25 million), Remaining engineering infrastructure works for Pak Shek Kok development ($10 million), etc. devb.gov.hk |
工业燃料和厨用煤气的存量也不敷所需,进入加 沙的总量分别只够每周需求的 70%和 25%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The quantity of industrial fuel and cooking gas is also insufficient, as only about 70 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively, of the weekly needs enter Gaza. daccess-ods.un.org |
对记录加以分析,将显示您是否入不敷出,以及必须削减哪些开支。 citibank.com.sg | Your analysis will show if you are spending more than you earn and what expenses you may have to cut back on. citibank.com.sg |
由邦贝里第一版之后由两个以上(1531,1548),而另一个是在威尼斯出版Giustiniani(1546年至1551年),谁加入邦贝里的补充(如Rashi和Tosafot,后来都不约而同地追加到文本)其他有用的边缘敷衍了事,包括圣经的报价和平行通道的犹太法典以及仪式抄本引用。 mb-soft.com | The first edition by Bomberg was followed by two more (1531, 1548), while another was published at Venice by Giustiniani (1546-51), who added to Bomberg's supplements (such as Rashi and the Tosafot, which later were invariably appended to the text) other useful marginal glosses, including references to Biblical quotations and to parallel passages of the Talmud as well as to the ritual codices. mb-soft.com |
我在这里获得最基础的急救,那就是用冰敷和吃止痛药。 4tern.com | They gave me a basic first aid treatment, ice and pain killer to soothe my pain. 4tern.com |
需要较长时间恢復供水服务的个案均属个别事件,所涉原因包括 地面挤满很多喉管和公用事业公司的干线;需要打破大型混凝土墩;配置特别水 管配件以切合工地情况;以及敷设旁通水管。 devb.gov.hk | The cases with longer time for resuming the water supply service were isolated cases involving congested ground condition with lots of pipes and trunks of the utility companies, requiring breaking of large concrete blocks, fabrication of special pipe fittings to suit site conditions, and laying of by-pass water mains. devb.gov.hk |
常见的医疗用品有纱布、糖尿病用 品、敷料胶带、造口用品和垫料等。 amerihealthmercyhp.com | Some examples of medical supplies are gauze pads, diabetic supplies, dressing tape, ostomy supplies, underpads, etc. amerihealthmercyhp.com |
涂料、粘合剂、墨水、浆糊、树脂聚合物、玻璃粉末、陶瓷粉末等涂敷、印刷、电镀的零部件,由于材料部分可以和涂料、墨水、电镀部分机械分离,因此都是均 质材料。 ricoh.com | A part applied with paint, print or plating can be mechanically separated into material part and coating ofpaint, ink or plaiting. ricoh.com |
此外, 它还有触变效果, 让指甲油涂敷更方便。 wacker.com | It also has a thixotropic effect, which simplifies the application of nail polish. wacker.com |
在 2003 年部署联利特派团时,利比里亚是一个败落的 国度,交战派别分而治之,极为有限的基础设施不敷使用,安全部队四分五裂, 公共部门陷入瘫痪,正式经济破坏严重并呈现非法经济交易的特点,三分之一的 人口流离失所。 daccess-ods.un.org | When UNMIL deployed in 2003, Liberia was a failed State, divided among warring factions. Its already limited infrastructure was in ruins, its security forces were fractured and factionalized, its public sector had collapsed, its formal economy was devastated and characterized by criminal economic exchange, and a third of the population was displaced. daccess-ods.un.org |
3:若要卸除假睫毛,利用化妆棉沾取卸妆液敷上眼睛5-10分钟,即可卸除假睫毛。 aster.com.hk | 3: To exclude the eyelashes, use eye remove oil with cotton on your eyes 5-10 minutes, then eyelashes can be removed. aster.com.hk |
原因有许多,包括:对知识产权制度缺乏了解;认为知识产权制度费用太高、 过于复杂;认为知识产权制度不敷使用或者效率低,因此无法利用;缺少技能和能力发挥其竞争优 势。 wipo.int | This is due to a variety of reasons, including: a lack of awareness of the IP system; the perceived high cost and complexity of using the IP system; a perception of the IP system as inadequate or inefficient and, therefore, inaccessible; and insufficient skills and competence in exploiting its potential for competitive advantage. wipo.int |
用来制造 6.A.1.中结构组件,不论是以有机基材或金属基材制成,利用 纤维或纤维丝之抗拉来增其强度,且其比抗拉强度大于 7.62×104米, 比模量大于 3.18×106 米之纤维树脂含纤预浸料及外敷纤维之金属预成 物。 daccess-ods.un.org | A.1., made either with organic matrix or metal matrix utilising fibrous or filamentary reinforcements having a specific tensile strength greater than 7.62 x 104 m and a specific modulus greater than 3.18 x 106m. daccess-ods.un.org |
本的遗孀和兄弟在维尔纳(1886年)罗姆版是中国最大的关于新老评论,敷衍了事,其他增编,以及艾滋病研究。 mb-soft.com | The edition of the Widow and Brothers Romm at Wilna (1886) is the largest as regards old and new commentaries, glosses, other addenda, and aids to study. mb-soft.com |
首先,在眼 部四周进行穴位按压,然后敷上具柔软及舒缓作用 的胶原蛋白护肤膜,令疲劳的双眼恢复生气,及时 得到舒缓。 chuanspa.com.cn | With the use of jade known as a healing stone it will nurture, heal and restore your skin. chuanspa.com |
即便如此,鉴于亚洲内部陆路贸易可能不断扩大,区域公路 网络仍然不敷使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even so, given the likely expansion of intra-Asian overland trade, regional road networks are still inadequate. daccess-ods.un.org |
在前置分接选择器(换向器或者粗分接选择器)的区域中敷设分接选择器引线时应做到,使得引线至前置分接 选择器的活动部件的距离足够大。 highvolt.de | Place the tap selector take-off leads in the vicinity of the change-over selector (reversing switch or coarse tap selector) so as to allow sufficient clearance to the movable parts of the change-over selector. highvolt.de |
14. 建造、改良、维护、施工、管理、敷设或控制任何公路、道路、轨道、支路 或旁轨、桥梁、水库、水道、码头、工厂、仓库、电力工程、商舖、店舖及 - 7 可推进本公司利益之其他工程及便利设施,并出资、资助或以其他方式协助 或參与其建造、改良、维护、施工、管理、敷设或控制 equitynet.com.hk | 14. to construct, improve, maintain, work, manage, carry out or control any roads, ways, tramways, branches or sidings, bridges, reservoirs, watercourses, wharves, factories, warehouses, electric works, shops, stores and other works and conveniences that may advance the interests of the company and contribute to, subsidise or otherwise assist or take part in the construction, improvement, maintenance, working, management, carrying out or control thereof equitynet.com.hk |