单词 | 整理 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 整理 verb —collate v
另 一方面,有些訴訟方, 特別是 被 告 人 ,認為他 們 [...] 未 有足夠 時間在過堂聆訊前,整理他們 的 文 件 和預備 他 們 的 [...]抗辯。 legco.gov.hk | On the other hand, some parties, notably the [...] defendants, consider that they do not have [...] adequate time to collate their documents [...]and prepare their defence before the call-over hearing. legco.gov.hk |
我們會整理有關 個案帶出的適當預防措施,並於明年年初舉 辦大型研討會,與有關人士分享研究結果。 legco.gov.hk | We will collate cases to highlight [...] proper precautionary measures and organise a large scale seminar to share the results [...]of the analysis with relevant interested parties early next year. legco.gov.hk |
港鐵公司現正整理及分 析最後階段的 測試數據,以評核系統的效能及對行車的影響。 legco.gov.hk | The MTRCL is now collating and analysing [...] the data collected to assess the system's performance and implication on train service. legco.gov.hk |
運輸及房屋局監察私營房屋市場的發展,並從各個有 [...] 關決策局以及部門收集與房屋供應有關的數據,經匯編 和整 理後,定期公布有關數據供公眾參考。 legco.gov.hk | It compiles and collates housing supply [...] related statistics from relevant bureaux and departments and issues regular reports for public information. legco.gov.hk |
食環署 會 整 理於座談會中收 集 到 的 意 見 ,並在八 月推出經修訂的指 引 。 legco.gov.hk | FEHD will issue the revised guidelines in August after incorporating views and comments received at the forum. legco.gov.hk |
由於 2006-2007 學年的區本計劃剛結束,我們現正核實有關的周年報告 和 整理資 料。 legco.gov.hk | Since the Community-based Projects for 2006-2007 school year have just been completed, we are verifying the relevant annual reports and consolidating the information being returned by NGOs. legco.gov.hk |
委員會在聽取各方意見及作進一步研究後,制訂了本港漁業的長遠 發展方向和目標的建議,以及促進漁業可持續發展的可行策略及方案的建 議,並整理了這 份報告,以提交食衞局考慮。 legco.gov.hk | After gathering and studying the views of relevant parties, the Committee formulated proposals on the long term directions and goals as well as feasible strategy and options for the sustainable development of the fisheries industry, and compiled this report for submission to the Food and Health Bureau for consideration. legco.gov.hk |
秘書處會因應委員的意 見,重新整理優先 討論議題的清單,待下次會議再提交委 員會。 legco.gov.hk | The Secretariat would reconsider the list of priority issues in the light of Members’ comments, and present the list to the Committee again at the next meeting. legco.gov.hk |
該等 措施包括:由2011年年中開始分階段提升圖書館電腦系統(該系統 [...] 為全球最大型的中英雙語兼容圖書館電腦系統之一);在2011年年 底前於6間圖書館進行無線射頻識別子系統應用測試,進一步提高 [...] 借還圖書館資料的效率,並進一步提升圖書館資料 的 整理 / 上 架 /館藏管理效率;以及推行香港公共圖書館多媒體資訊系統主要 [...] 提升工程,從而透過互聯網在圖書館網絡上提供經優化的數碼資 [...]訊服務,工程會在2012年完成。 legco.gov.hk | These measures include: the upgrading of the Library Automation System ("LAS") (one of the world's largest library computer systems with both Chinese and English capabilities) by phases from mid-2011 onwards; the conduct of a pilot test on the application of the Radio Frequency Identification ("RFID") sub-system to further enhance efficiency of the [...] lending/returning of library materials and [...] sorting/shelving/inventory management of library [...]items at six libraries by the end of 2011; [...]and the major upgrading of HKPL's Multimedia Information System ("MMIS") to enable the provision of enhanced digitised information services across the library network via the Internet by 2012. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 當局有否進行蒐集及整理全港 遺失及難以辨認契約個案資料的工作,以建立 數據資料庫為立法建議作出更好的準備? devb.gov.hk | (b) Has the Administration carried out any work [...] to collect and collate the information [...]on the cases of missing or illegible government [...]leases across the territory so as to establish a database for better preparation for the legislative proposals? devb.gov.hk |
為確保編碼過程能夠反映出最真實的意見,在整個編碼過 程中,編碼方案和分析架構均會不斷的修訂,用以更仔細 地 整理 和 反 映所收集的全 部意見。 susdev.org.hk | In order to ensure that the coding best reflects the actual views of respondents, the coding scheme and analytic framework had been continually modified throughout the coding process as new variables were found as new data became available. susdev.org.hk |
(三 ) 是否知悉,港鐵公司會否取消為加裝月台幕門而收取使用八 [...] 達通卡每程1毫的額外收費;若會,詳情及時間表為何;若 否,原因為何;港鐵公司整理及分 析有關自動伸縮月台踏板 試驗計劃的測試數據的工作進度及預計完成日期為何;港鐵 [...] 公司有何方法防止在還未安裝月台幕門或自動月台閘門的 [...] 車站再發生乘客墮軌意外;港鐵公司有否進一步計劃在各車 站設置洗手間;若有,詳情及時間表為何;若否,原因為何? legco.gov.hk | (c) whether it knows if the MTRCL will cancel the extra charge of 10 cents for each Octopus journey for the retrofitting of platform screen doors (PSDs); if it will, of the details and the timetable; if not, the reasons for that; [...] of the MTRCL's progress and expected [...] completion date of collating and analysing the [...]test data of the trial of the mechanical [...]gap fillers (MGFs) system; what method the MTRCL has to prevent the recurrence of accidents of passengers falling onto rail tracks at those stations which have not yet installed PSDs or automatic platform gates (APGs); whether the MTRCL has further plans to provide toilets at the various stations; if so, of the details and the timetable; if not, the reasons for that? legco.gov.hk |
故此,本智庫在前述的研究 基礎上,整理出一系列的政策建議,供行政長官在制訂 2008/09 年施政報告時參 考。 procommons.org.hk | In view of this, we have compiled a list of policy proposals for the Chief Executive’s consideration in his preparation of the 2008-09 Policy Address. procommons.org.hk |
該中心根據收到的數據,加以整理 後, 定時利用新聞稿和專用網頁將該等統計數字向市民公布。 legco.gov.hk | Based on the information [...] received, the SIC collated and released the [...]statistics to the public through regular press releases [...]and such information were disseminated through the dedicated website. legco.gov.hk |
中心在 二零一零年三月進行的第二次調查已告完成,有關結果現 正 整理 , 稍後會向業界諮詢論 壇提交。 cfs.gov.hk | As for the 2nd survey conducted by CFS in March 2010, the results were being compiled and would be presented to the TCF later. cfs.gov.hk |
此外,委員知悉 整在諮詢期期間所收到的意見書仍在 整理 中 ,有關意見將會另行 提交。 legco.gov.hk | Members also noted that views received from written submission during the consultation period were still being consolidated and would be presented separately. legco.gov.hk |
秘書處會整理與優 先處理事項有關的文件,供成員參考,並安排授 權成員瀏覽臨時建造業統籌委員會(臨時建統會)及轄下工作小組的網 [...] 站內的文件及討論記錄。 hkcic.org | The Secretariat would collate the papers relevant [...] to the priority tasks for reference by Members and would arrange access [...]to the PCICB website containing papers and discussion records of PCICB and its working groups. hkcic.org |
我們正在就蒐集到的五百多份意見書進 行 整理和 分 析,並會於稍後向本委員會匯報諮詢結果。 legco.gov.hk | We are consolidating and analysing over 500 submissions collected and will report back to this Panel on the consultation outcome in due course. legco.gov.hk |
該等數字於每年年結整理後, 會上載於上述網站, 供市民參閱。 legco.gov.hk | Such statistics, updated on an annual basis, are uploaded to the website for public reference. legco.gov.hk |
根據該合作協議,DWS 的企業資源管理方案將與 DTTN 電子平台整合,讓客戶可透過 DTTN 與商業夥伴互相傳遞及整理各種 常用的商業文件。 hk-dttn.com | Under the partnership arrangement, DWS’s enterprise resources planning (“ERP”) solution will be integrated with the DTTN platform to allow users to exchange a full suite of commonly used business documents via the DTTN platform with their partners. hk-dttn.com |
(b) 為公平起見 ,以及 鑑於要避免不 必 要 的 押 後,訴訟 各方在首 次聆訊前應 獲 合 理 [...] 足 夠 時間擬 定理據,蒐 集 並整理 證據,取 得證人供詞,以及在某些情況 [...]下 , 尋求協助和 意 見 。 legco.gov.hk | (b) In the interest of fairness and with a view to avoiding unnecessary adjournments, the parties should be allowed reasonably [...] adequate time before the first hearing to [...] formulate their case, collate evidence, obtain [...]witness statements and, in some instances, seek assistance and advice. legco.gov.hk |
locr」是使用地理資訊的全新相片整理 方 式 ,它包含了許多很棒的功能 globalsat.com.tw | locr” is a completely new way of organizing photographs using geographical information. globalsat.com.tw |
中心為本的分包合約,包括簡單加工 、 整理 及 裝 配或局部裝配、 桌面出版、洗燙服務、電腦工作、設計及印刷、手工藝品製作、 橫額製作及其他切合市場趨勢的工種。 legco.gov.hk | Centre-based sub-contract jobs in the form of simple processing, finishing and assembly or sub-assembly work, desk-top publishing, laundry service, computer work, design and printing, producing handicrafts, banner making, and other trades that match with market trend. legco.gov.hk |
回到寺 裏﹐很驚訝的看到寺前庭院及 關房前都整理的很乾淨﹐原來 是禪坐班的 Ed 來過。 azbt.us | The front yard, including the ground in front of the Retreat House had been cleaned up by Ed from the Tuesday night Meditation class. azbt.us |
办公室装修工程期间,亦会安排整理 分 类 有用物料作回收或循环再用; 可回收物品除了会售予回收商外,亦会捐赠慈善机构。 wastereduction.gov.hk | Materials and items collected not only sold to recyclers but also donated to charity organizations. wastereduction.gov.hk |
當把智能卡 插入閱讀器時,e-Cert 管理軟件會自動重新整理,並 顯示智能卡的內容。 hongkongpost.gov.hk | When a smart card is inserted into a reader, the e-Cert Control Manager is automatically updated to show the contents of the smart card. hongkongpost.gov.hk |
根據康文署售票系統「城市電腦售票網」的記 錄 整理所 得 , 2003/04 至 2005/06 年 [...] 度 康 文 署 轄 下 場 地 和 非 康 文 署 場 地 所 舉行的收費文娛節目演出場數及有關售票數字,現載於附件 A, 供成員參考。 legco.gov.hk | The number of performances and related [...] ticket sales figures collated from URBTIX, LCSD’s [...]ticketing system, for admission-charged [...]arts and entertainment events at LCSD and non-LCSD venues from 2003/04 to 2005/06 are at Annex A for Members’ information. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 香港-澳門-廣東資料庫由政府統計處和規劃署共同開發,旨 在 整理 跨 境 基建 設施和發展項目的最新資料,供香港特別行政區政府政策局/部門參考。 devb.gov.hk | (a) The Hong Kong-Macao-Guangdong Information Database was jointly developed by the Census and Statistics Department and the Planning Department for the purpose of consolidating up-to-date information on cross-boundary infrastructure and development for reference of the HKSARG bureaux/departments. devb.gov.hk |
4.1.2 整理出來的文字單位數量最多的包括「電費架構檢討」,「研究擴大強制性能源效益標 籤計劃的涵蓋範圍」以及「氣候變化與您」,較少的見於「其他意見」、「收緊強制性 能源效益標籤計劃下空調及雪櫃的能源評級」和「收緊《建築物能源效益守則》」。 susdev.org.hk | Fewer numbers of text units were shown in certain issues including “other issues,” “tightening up the energy efficiency grading levels for room air conditioners and refrigerators under the MEELS,” and “tightening the BEC. susdev.org.hk |
不得在海洋公園內的任何草地、花圃或正 在 整理 作 為 花圃 或以作栽植樹木、灌木或其他植物的土地上步行、奔跑、 站立、坐下或躺臥,但有告示另予准許的除外 oceanpark.cn | (e) except as permitted by notice to the contrary, walk, run, stand, sit or lie in Ocean Park upon any grass, flower-bed or ground in the course of preparation as a flower-bed or for the planting of trees, shrubs or other plants oceanpark.cn |