

单词 整风运动

See also:


Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan

运动 n

sports pl
movement n
motion n



External sources (not reviewed)

在治理、人道主义和人权状况问题上,国际社会公认喀麦隆取得了显著改善。 例如,反腐败整风运动继续 进行,对一些不检点的政府高级官员判处了徒刑。
As for the challenges posed by governance, the humanitarian situation and human rights, Cameroon made significant strides that were
recognized by the international
[...] community, including its campaign to combat corruption [...]
and hold public officials to a higher
standard of decency, leading to prison sentences for certain senior civil service officials found to have broken the law.
当开始出现堵塞时,过滤器会动调 整风 速 进 行补偿,确保除烟功能正 运 行 ,从而实现安全的操 作环境和高质量打码。
When filters begin to
[...] block, the air flow rate is automatically adjusted to compensate, ensuring proper fume capture [...]
for a safe operating
environment and high-quality codes.
及时落实战略整计划 的具风险与 管理计划的规模和复杂性有关,这需要各 动 倡 议 之间加强交叉合作。
Particular risks for the timely implementation of the SRP are associated with managing the scale and complexity of the program, requiring intense cross-collaboration between initiatives.
这种情况会整个反兴奋运动以及 各国政府和体育运动界在消除体育运动界使用兴奋剂问题方面作出 的巨大努力构成威胁。
Such a situation
[...] would threaten the entire anti-doping movement and the [...]
large strides taken by both governments and the
sporting movement to remove doping from sport.
所涉各具体领域包括:升级改造现有的交通运输能力、建设 “缺失路段”、便利货物和车辆跨界 动 、 以 及努力把现有的交 运 输 模式 整合为一个真正的多式联运系统。
Specific areas included the upgrading of existing transport capacity, the construction of “missing links”, facilitating the movement of goods and vehicles across borders and integrating existing modes of transport into a truly intermodal regional transport system.
该文件中还审查了与降低空间动风 险 以 及与空 运 作 安全有关的现有国 际机制,以便查明这些机制是否可能需要添加和改进。
Existing international
[...] mechanisms relating to risk reduction in space activities and to the safety of space operations [...]
are also examined in that paper,
in order to identify possible additions and improvements that need to be made to the mechanisms.
该科负责提供航空资产、所有相关的机场和航空地勤服务及航空地 勤支持服务,以便外地行动执行经授权的任务,同时确保承办服务符合联合国要
[...] 机场/航站楼、航空/地勤支持服务方面的后勤能力到位,以有效支持外地行动; 满足外地动整个任务周期内的其他 运 需 求 ,包括开办阶段、维持阶段、过渡 阶段和清理结束阶段的需求;规划和举行培训班、讲习班及研讨会,为外地行动 [...] [...]
The Section is responsible for providing air assets, as well as all related airfield and aviation ground services and aviation ground support services, to facilitate the execution by field operations of mandated tasks, while ensuring that contracted services comply with the requirements of the United Nations and ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices; providing strategic guidance and coordination to ensure the provision of effective logistic capabilities in terms of air support and airfield/air terminal and air/ground
support services in
[...] support of field operations; fulfilling other air transportation requirements during [...]
the life cycle of field
operations, including start-up, sustainment, transition and liquidation; and planning and conducting training courses, workshops and seminars for the development of aviation specialists in field operations and at Headquarters.
但是,在将气候变化适应和灾风险 管 理充 整 合 到渔业和水产养殖治理和 发展规划以及实施方面依然有挑战,反之亦然,将渔业和水产养 整 合 到 气候变 化适应和灾风险管 理中也有挑战,要在灾 风 险 管 理和气候变化适应政策和动中考虑渔民、养殖渔民和其社区的特征及特殊需求。
However, challenges remain with
[...] regard to integrating CCA and DRM sufficiently in fisheries and aquaculture governance and development planning and implementation and, vice versa, integrating fisheries and aquaculture into CCA and DRM, and taking the characteristics and special needs of fishers, fish farmers and their communities into account in DRM and CCA policies and actions.
除此以外,FOSS还提供连续动化的在线分析仪可以给出整个过程的 整运 行 情 况。
In addition, FOSS also
[...] provides continuous automated in-line analysis that gives a complete picture of the whole [...]
目前,该部门的关键挑战是将新的愿景转化成为切实行动,方法包括在延续到 2015 年 的一系列国际活动中——2010 年 9 月召开的关于加快实现千年发展目标(“千年目标首脑会 议”)进程的联合国大会高级别全体会议以及世界幼儿保育和教育大会是这一系列 动 的序 幕——进行宣传;加强与全民教育召集机构和各利益攸关方的伙伴关系;以及根据优先事项 领域整教育部门运转模式,并重新安排人力资源。
The Sector’s key challenge is now to translate this new vision into concrete action: by promoting it at a series of international events leading up to 2015 – beginning in September 2010 with the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (“MDG Summit”) and the World
Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education;
[...] by strengthening partnerships with the EFA convening agencies and stakeholders; and by adjusting the Sector’s working modalities and realigning its human resources with the priority areas.
这类前瞻性信息存在重要的风险和不确定性,可能导致实际结果与目前的预期存在实质性的差异,例如:与油气勘探、开发、开采、生产、营销 运 输 有关 的 风 险 , 市场损失、大宗商品价格 动 、 汇率 波 动 、 其他生产商的竞争、无法保留钻机和其他服务、对关键人员的依赖以及保险风险等。
Such forward-looking information is subject to important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from
what is currently
[...] expected, for example: risks related to oil and gas exploration, development, exploitation, production, marketing and transportation, loss of markets, volatility of [...]
commodity prices, currency fluctuations, competition from other producers,
inability to retain drilling rigs and other services, reliance on key personnel, and insurance risks.
出于预算编制目的,作风险趋避调 整 , 对图 7 中的数据下调了 1.5%,主要涉及汇率动可 能对中档带来的负面影响。
For budgeting purposes, the figures
[...] appearing in Chart 7 have been adjusted downward by 1.5% as a risk aversion adjustment, which primarily relates to [...]
the possible negative impact of exchange rate fluctuations to the base case.
动调整运行时 间长的短-为了能够有效的显示信息,终端用户在运行时间里可管理和控制行的高度和列的宽度。
Automatic Runtime Resizing - Your end-users [...]
can manage and control row height and column width at runtime to efficiently
display information regardless of screen resolution.
a) 和平或战争时代的敌对或战争行为,包括阻击、抗击或防卫实际、迫近或预期的攻击; b) 和平或战争时代使用原子裂变或放射性武力的战争武器; c) 暴动、叛乱、革命、内战、篡夺权力,或者政府当局为阻击、抗击或防卫这类事情发生所采取的 动 , 检疫或海关条例规定的查封或毁灭, 政府或公共当局命令的查封或没收, 运 或 非 法 运 输 或 贸易 风 险; d) 在重新占有或者交还保险车辆之后发生;或者 e) 在美国或加拿大境外发生。
Any loss resulting from total loss to the covered vehicle caused by or resulting from any of the following causes are specifically excluded: a) hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war, including action in hindering, combating, or defending against actual, impending or expected attack; b) any weapon of war employing atomic fission or radioactive force, whether in time of peace or war; c) insurrection, rebellion,
revolution, civil war,
[...] usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering, combating or defending against such occurrence, seizure or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, seizure or confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband or illegal transportation or trade; d) [...]
occurring after covered
vehicle has been repossessed or placed in repossession; or e) occurring outside of the United States or Canada.
在这方面对于力求消除增加人口 运风 险 、 尤其是在供应链中的 运 人 口风 险而 言,国家法律的其他相关领域、如 动 法 和 移民法同样具有至关重要的意义, 但这绝非否认将贩运人口定为刑事罪和强制执法的重要性。
In this regard, while in no way negating the importance of criminalizing human trafficking and enforcing the law, other related areas of national laws, such as labour and immigration laws, are equally crucial in seeking to eliminate factors that increase the risks of trafficking in persons, in particular in the context of supply chains.
同样,如果特遣队指挥官采取动整肃 特遣队成员风纪, 并充分配合维持和平行动部的调查,使那些违反 2003 年公 报标准的人受到惩罚,秘书长应致函有关国家元首和政府首脑,特别予以表扬。
By the same token,
[...] contingent commanders who take action to discipline their contingent [...]
members and who cooperate fully
with a Department of Peacekeeping Operations investigation to enable those who violate the 2003 bulletin standards to be punished should be specially commended by the Secretary - General in a letter addressed to the Head of State or Government.
同样,如果这些动提醒 人们偷运可能导致人口 运风 险 , 那么 还应在宣传动中提 供求助热线或其他资源。
Similarly, where campaigns inform of the risk of trafficking in persons that can result from being smuggled, hotlines or other resources should also be provided in the information campaign.
因此,本部分并不涉及编辑方面的 动 ( 风 格 和 结构上的变化及相应 整 以及 其他并不影响条文实质内容的轻微改动),也不涉及本部分所论述的这两部示 范法中的所有条文。
Accordingly, editorial changes (stylistic, consequential, structural and other minor changes not affecting the substance of the provisions) are not addressed; nor, therefore, are all provisions of either Model Law discussed in this part.
自当前的全球危机开始以来,能源价格上涨导致了所有商品价 格的上涨,从而使整个交通运输和分配链的成本上升。
Since the onset of the current global crisis, the increase in
energy prices had led to
[...] a rise in overall commodity prices, and subsequently, increased costs throughout transportation and distribution chains.
当终端用户的动条停 留在一个可编辑的单元格上时,其能进行如下操作:数据复制,分组,排序&筛选,隐藏/显示列,附加字体选择,尺寸 整 , 风 格 &颜 色调整。
The FloatingBar provides end-users with per item features such as data copying, grouping, sorting & filtering, hide or show columns, plus font selection, size, style & color.
[...] 到在程序和控制措施方面的以下薄弱环节可能给近东救济工程处的网络和数据整性带来风险: 各外地办事处之间在信息技术开发方面的协调;外地办事处没 有进行全面恢复测试;各外地办事处没有充分设计和执行标准化程序;服务器管 [...]
The Board also noted that the Department of Internal Oversight Services performed work in relation to information technology and noted the following weaknesses in the
procedures and controls that
[...] might raise the risks to the UNRWA network and the integrity of data: coordination [...]
on information
technology developments between the field offices; full recovery tests not done by field offices; inadequate design and implementation of standardized procedures across the field offices; and lack of refinement of the server administration.
每季会定期召开会议,会议的议题包括:运状况、财务指标、战略整、风 险 评 估及企业社会责任等。
Meeting will be regularly convened quarterly.
但在制订减风险战 略;与信息和通信技术厅共同开展业务影响分析以切实优先落实部门业 务流程、培训管理人员和关键工作人员以确保他们能够继续开展关键业 务流程;以及测试业务连续性计划和确保其继 运 作 等方面,还有一些 工作要做(另见本补编 A/64/7/Add.9 号文件,第 42 至 45 段)。
However, work remains to be done in setting up mitigation strategies; carrying out a business impact analysis, together with the Office of Information and Communications Technology, to validate the prioritization of business processes at departmental level, train managers and critical staff to ensure they are able to continue critical business processes, and testing the business continuity plans and ensuring their maintenance (see also paragraphs 42 to 45 of document A/64/7/Add.9 in the present supplement).
信通技术的广泛应 用将动整个区 域物资和服务的流动,从而使各国间的进出口商品来源多 样化,降低受近年来所经历的潜风 险 的 影响。
The widespread use of ICT would accelerate the
flow of goods and
[...] services across the region, which would then diversify sources of exports and imports among countries and reduce exposure to potential risks experienced in recent years.
这里计算机的算法运算是尽可能真实地模拟物理空间中的重力与引力,完成羽毛飘落的物理事实后,将其替换成灯管并完成羽毛飘落 运动 , 整 个 运 算 过 程与三维动画的模拟截然不同,这是非主观想象的过程,并且可以不断进行新可能性的运算与呈现。
Therefore, the artist will use one set of these calculation to make a stop motion sculpture that shows the falling process of the tube, as in from from point a to point b, and in between there are over thousands of tubes installed that represent the position of the falling at given time.
您可以从我们的岸上一日游套餐中进行选择,它提供了另一种机会参观附近的联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产“盖朗厄尔”,并且以最优惠的价格游览具有 “新艺运动风格” 之称的奥勒松当地景点。
Choose from our selection of day trip packages, which offer another chance to visit the nearby UNESCO world heritage site of Geirangerfjord and take in the ‘Art Nouveau’ city of Ålesund, all with the best deals on local attractions.
除了政府组织的全国性运动外,国际移民组织(移民组织)也在爱沙尼亚组 织若干运动,宣传人口运风险(2 001-2002 年为妇女开展了一运动,20042004 年为青年开展了一场运动)。
In addition to nationwide campaigns organised by the Government, the International
Organisation for
[...] Migration (IOM) has organised campaigns in Estonia to inform about the risks of trafficking in human beings (a [...]
campaign for women
in 2001–2002 and for young people in 2004–2004).
秘书长和行政首长理事会各成员 再次确认,他们坚定地承诺,将继续 动整 个 联合国的减少灾 风 险 行动,并将 其作为跨部门问题处理,他们并承诺,将确保加强灾害风险管理的行动和适应气 [...]
The Secretary-General and members of CEB reaffirmed their strong commitment to
continue contributing to the overall
[...] United Nations effort in disaster risk reduction as a cross-cutting issue, and [...]
to ensure that actions
to strengthen disaster risk management and climate change adaptation are mutually supportive.




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