单词 | 整车 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 整车 noun —homologation n
该设备 为通常意义上的控制器,在分布 式车辆控制系统中,既可以成为 系统控制网络中的一个节点,又 可以作为独立的控制器参与整车 控制。 sauer-danfoss.com | It is a general-purpose controller that is equally suited for use as an element of a distributed machine control system or as a stand-alone device. sauer-danfoss.com |
我们的服务范围从初步设计审查、 整车 和 零 部件测试、技术专家指导延伸到认证和后市场零售服务。 tuv-sud.cn | Our services range from initial [...] design reviews, vehicle and components [...]testing, technical expert opinion through to homologation [...]and post market retail services. tuv-sud.com |
我们在中国乃至全球拥有丰富的现场E MC 整车测试经验,能为客户按照EN 50121系列标准提供完整的轨道车辆 整车 现 场静态、动态测试。 tuv.com | With our abundant experience of the on-site EMC testing of rolling stock in Greater China and global markets, we can offer both static and dynamic EMC testing. tuv.com |
他们专门为一家整车制造商(OEM) 制造产品。 setupineurope.com | They make products specifically for one of the OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer). setupineurope.com |
此 设 置调整车流雷 达特定算法的进攻性并且不是一个任意的缩放因子。 wavetronix.com | This setting adjusts the aggressiveness [...] of traffic radarspecific algorithms and is not an arbitrary scale factor. wavetronix.com |
全新的保险杠设计使得整车正面造型更富有力量感,同时还使得适应性巡航控制系统 (ACC) 可以广泛地应用于一系列型号。 scania.com.cn | The new bumper design blends into the strength of the frontal styling, while extending the availability of adaptive cruise control (ACC) to a wide range of models. en.scania.az |
内销车今年已新款自行车为主,提高了我 们 整车 的 质 量和档次,展会期间也深受国美外客户的问津和喜爱,外销以菜篮车和木箱车为主,在为期4天的展会期间,客户的人流量因国际经济形势的影响大不如前,但是我们的外销车仍旧吸引了众多国外客户,他们对我们的CARGO BIKE、菜篮车和小童车都非常感兴趣,有客户直接在展会上下单,还有很多客户洽谈的非常愉快,留下了详细的联系方式,要求我们车展后马上报价回盘,还有要求来公司现场参观后下单;同时,此次展会上我们也参观学习同行的先进技术和文化内涵,此次展会对我们的所有的参展人员和公司的发展都有很重要的作用。 china-ny.com | Domestic car this year has been the new bike, improve our truckload quality and grades, during the exhibition but also by the United States and foreign customers attention and love, for export to the features and wooden cars, over a period of 4 days, the customer flow is due to the influence of international economic situation as before, but we export the car still attracted a large number of foreign customers, to our CARGO BIKE, features and kiddie car are very interested, with customers directly in the exhibition place an order, there are a lot of customers to negotiate very pleasant, leaving detailed contact, we show that immediately after the pricing, and to the company site visits after place an order; at the same time, this exhibition we also visited peer learning advanced technology and culture connotation, this exhibition to our all the exhibitors and the company's development has the very vital role. china-ny.com |
卢森堡为供应商提供理想的战略 位置:在600公里的半径范围内,有近50 条整车制造商(OEM)装配线,可以与之 建立关系,展开合作。 setupineurope.com | Close to 50 assembly lines of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) in a radius of 600 km allow relationships to sprout and collaboration to take place. setupineurope.com |
在EMC试验室中,我们可以对子组件和重达30 000 kg的整车进行试验。 nemko.com | In our EMC chambers we can test [...] subassemblies and whole vehicles up to 30 000 kg. nemko.com |
我们的项目开发团队在汽车动力总成控制包括发动机管理系统(EMS)、混合动 力 整车 管 理 系统(Hybrid)、手自一体变速器控制系统(AMT)等领域有丰富的理论知识技术和开发调试经验,具有独立承接相关电子控制单元开发和标定工作的能力。 hiboridd.com | Our project development team in the field of Automotive Powertrain [...] Control, including the Engine Management System [...] (EMS), Hybrid Vehicle Management System [...](Hybrid), Automated Manual Transmission [...]Control System (AMT),etc. has a wealth of theoretical knowledge and experience in development and debugging, with the ability to independently undertake the relevant Electronic Control Unit development and calibration. hiboridd.com |
世界上只有15个国家具备从事整车制 造周期中各个阶段工作的资源,澳大利亚就是其中之一:从概念到初步设计,直至制造和组装,这归功于澳大利亚雄厚的研发、设计、工程、产品和工艺开发以及先进制造技术。 australiachina.com.au | Australia is one of the only 15 countries in the [...] world that has the resources to undertake [...] every aspect of a vehicle’s manufacturing [...]cycle – from concept and initial design, [...]all the way to production and assembly, due to strong skill sets in R&D, design, engineering, product and process development and advanced manufacturing. australiachina.com.au |
从单个轴承系统到整车,我 们可以在试验站进行所有必要的测试。 schaeffler.cn | From individual bearing [...] systems to complete vehicles, all the necessary [...]tests can be carried out on test stands. schaeffler.cn |
BCG大中华区与绝大多数世界领先的 整车 厂 及 本土顶尖公司进行过合作,并对中国的消费者和市场环境有着深刻的了解。 bcg.com.cn | BCG Greater China has worked with almost all of the [...] leading global automotive OEMs and the [...]top companies in China, and we have a deep [...]understanding of the Chinese consumer and the market environment. bcg.com.cn |
该产品可提供全面灵活的排气系统 整车 集 成 、快速而彻底的柴油颗粒物捕集器再生、燃油消耗及CO2排放、后处理设备的超长的使用寿命和良好的耐用性以及对不同质量的燃油完全的可适应性。 rhodia.com.cn | It provides full [...] flexibility in exhaust vehicle integration, fast and complete diesel [...]particulate filter regeneration, fuel [...]penalties and CO2 emissions, durability and robustness of the after-treatment device and total suitability with different fuel qualities. rhodia.com |
通过采用符合车辆侧滑原理的技术控制制动系统,ESP®可 调 整车 身 并有效避免侧滑。 life.bosch.com.cn | By controlling the braking system with technology that understands the nature of skidding, ESP® [...] corrects the vehicle and prevents skids. life.bosch.com.cn |
当行驶经过一个转换点时,车轮通过特殊轨道,经过法兰得到引导,在未锁闭的状态下进入特殊安排的型面轨道后, 调 整车 轮 间 距离进而调节轨道间的距离。 schaeffler.cn | Whilst traveling through a changeover point, the wheel is guided through special rails via the flange after being unlatched into [...] specially arranged profile rails [...] in order to adjust the distance between the wheels to the distance [...]between the tracks. schaeffler.us |
多项优秀供应商奖项是对博世与整车 企 业 共同服务本土汽车市场的充分肯定。 bosch.com.cn | These awards have fully affirmed our cooperation with customers and our joint commitment to the local market. bosch.com.cn |
依维柯始终是创新领域的领导者,无论是关于发动机(依维柯是第一家在整个柴油车型系列中采用涡轮增压技术的生产商,首先采用共轨式发动机,首先推出Euro V车辆)还是整车(在 1992、1993和2003年获得年度最佳卡车头衔,在2000年获得年度最佳厢式车头衔)。 iveco.com.cn | Iveco has always been a leader in the field of innovation, both where engines are concerned (it was the first company to introduce the turbo throughout its diesel range, the first to adopt Common Rail engines and the first to launch EuroV vehicles), and where its vehicles are concerned (winning the Truck of the Year title in 1992, 1993 and 2003, and Van of the Year in 2000). iveco.com.cn |
他表示,“NVH 开发流程是同时在一方面的发动机和传动系统以及另一方面 的 整车 之 间 进行的。 bksv.cn | He says, “The NVH development process is a parallel between the engine and powertrain on one [...] side and the whole vehicle on the other. bksv.com |
精彩的演讲使与会人员对伊萨在汽 车整车 及 零 部件制造行业的铝合金焊接解决方案和创新技术留下了深刻的印象。 esab.com.cn | Participants were very impressed by ESAB's aluminum welding solution and innovative technology in automotive car body and parts manufacturing industry. esab.com.cn |
经过聚合物改良的透水混凝土通常被用来铺设铁轨中间和两侧厚约16厘米、 可供公路用车畅通运行的平整车道;铁轨能使列车迅速安全地通过隧道, 但是对消防车和救护车来说却是一种障碍, 现在, 消防、 救护车辆有了聚合物改良混凝土铺成的路面, 便可迅速、 畅通地进入隧道, 前往事故发生地点。 wacker.com | In the tunnels, the polymer-modified drainage concrete is spread beside and between the tracks to form a level, approximately 16-cm-thick layer, which is easy for vehicles to drive on. wacker.com |
该车比V8双涡轮增压车型更轻,后轮驱动型号 的 整车 重 量 为1860 kg。 maserati.com.cn | It is also a lighter car than the V8 twin Turbo, weighing 1860kg in its rear-wheel drive configuration. maserati.com.au |
为了满足日系整车厂的本地采购需求,2005年其泰国子公司开始生产变速器齿轮。 marklines.com | Started manufacturing transmission ring gears at its Thai subsidiary in 2005. marklines.com |
共计130余名来自于中国地区的整车及 零 部件制造企业、铝、镁材料供应商以及相关设备供应商参与了此次会议。 esab.com.cn | A total of 130 automotive and parts manufacturers, [...] aluminum and magnesium material suppliers and relevant equipment suppliers attended in the forum. esab.com.cn |
该试验台安装在 [...] 200000 磅重的带隔振器的混凝土基座上,能进行从小型零件 到 整车 的 结 构测试。 bksv.cn | This bed is anchored to 200000 pounds of concrete sitting on isolators [...] to provide an excellent facility for structural testing of anything from the smallest [...] component to full-sized vehicles. bksv.com |
ISO/TS16949:2009是由国际汽车工作小组(IATF)以及日本汽车制造协会(JAMA),在ISO/TC176质量管理和质量保证技术委员会的支持下共同制定,目的是为了避免多方认证以及提供一个通用的汽车业共同的质量管理体系,是任何零部件供应商 和 整车 厂 商 进入汽车产品领域的必要的通行证。 speed-hz.com | ISO / TS16949: 2009 by the international autornotive task force ( IATF ) and the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA ), is under the support of the ISO / TC176 quality management and quality assurance technical committee common development, the aim is to avoid multiple authentication and provides a qeneric auto industry quality [...] management system, is any parts [...] auppliers and the car manufacturers entered the automobile products [...]field necessary permits. speed-hz.com |
其汽车预测服务覆盖全球整车产销量及动力总成数据。 marklines.com | Its automotive forecasting services cover global sales, production [...] and powertrain. marklines.com |
黑色条纹装饰轮毂、黑色后视镜以及黑色车顶与珍珠白色车身形成强烈的视觉对比, 令 整车 设 计 呈现出动感十足的酷睿形象,充分彰显了新生代男士勇于展现个性和自我、积极进取并勇于探索的精神。 lexus.com.cn | Black stripe wheels, black rear vision mirrors and black roof are in sharp visual contrast with the peal white body. This unique design presents a sporty and cool image and fully demonstrates new male generation’s courage of self-presentation as well as entrepreneurial and pioneering spirits. lexus.com.cn |
随着RFID标签在车身零部件追踪方面的应用不断深入,越来越多的生产流程开始显示出对RFID的渴求,从第三方供应商, 到 整车 的 装 配和喷漆,以及汽车物流运输等等各方面。 xerafy.com | Now that UHF RFID technology is allowing automakers to track this specialized part of the process, the vision of the future is [...] for the identification process is [...] completely integrated into the entire manufacturing [...]process, from third party suppliers, [...]through body assembly and painting, to final assembly and post manufacture logistics. xerafy.com |