

单词 整套餐具

See also:

套餐 n

set menu n

餐具 n

cutlery n
dinnerware n
flatware n


dinner service

External sources (not reviewed)

这一年,Bottega Veneta与KPM拓展其瓷器系列,增加的产品包括 套 完 整 的 早 餐 用 具 , 有 瓷器茶具和咖啡用具。
This year, Bottega Veneta and KPM have expanded the collection, adding new
[...] items including breakfast settings with complete coffee [...]
and tea services.
額外留院每日房租:如住院超過3天自然分娩或5天剖腹分 套餐 內 規 定的時間,需繳額外留院房租,不足 24 小時亦整日計算。
Daily Room Rate for Additional Nights: Full-day room rate is charged for staying beyond the designated 3-day Normal Delivery Package or 5-day Caesarean Package for every 24 hours or less.
新增免费的开发具套件后,ZDS-II 已成为整的嵌入式控制解决方案。
With the
[...] addition of the free development tool suite, ZDS-II, it is a complete [...]
embedded control solution.
Drinks are not included in the full board package.
希望民主 黨 不要像 酒 樓 的 客 人 一樣, 看 見 套 餐 其 中 的 一 款 菜 式 不合口 味 , 便 索 性 不整 個 套 餐 。
It is hoped that the Democratic Party will not
behave like a restaurant customer who decides
[...] not to have a set meal just because he dislikes one of the dishes offered.
[...] 经开始采取措施来处理与安全有关的挑战,我们目前 正在与科特迪瓦当局讨论国际社会在这方面可以提 供的整套具体支持措施。
The Government has begun to take measures to address security-related challenges, and we are
currently discussing with the Ivorian
[...] authorities a concrete set of support measures [...]
that the international community could provide in this regard.
厄瓜多尔的宏观经济计划是围绕着以 美元作为本国货币来进行的,再加上该国同时采取了投资促进政策,从而建立了 具有下列特点的整套财政体系具 有 激 励作用;加强了该国的竞争力;最终促 进了出口,改善了法律安全,减少了腐败和投机行为。
Ecuador’s macroeconomic plan was centred around the adoption of the United States dollar as its currency, which together with investment promotion policy had created a fiscal system that provided incentives; strengthened the country’s competitiveness; and ultimately promoted exports, improved legal security and reduced corruption and speculation.
如果您不了解某一道菜应该使用哪一 餐具 , 请 提前询问或者先观察,然后效仿他人的做法。
If you don’t know which utensil to use for a particular [...]
course, ask first or watch and follow what others do.
您可以从我们的岸上一日套餐中进 行选择,它提供了另一种机会参观附近的联合国教科文组织认定的世界文化遗产“盖朗厄尔”,并且以最优惠的价格游 具有 “ 新艺术运动风格”之称的奥勒松当地景点。
Choose from our selection of day trip packages, which offer another chance to visit the nearby UNESCO world heritage site of Geirangerfjord and take in the ‘Art Nouveau’ city of Ålesund, all with the best [...]
deals on local attractions.
大 量数据的整,例 如匹配家庭和个人购买历 史,确定最有可能对高级厨餐具感 兴 趣的 观众,都需要大量的资源。
Aligning multiple sets of data, such as matching households to individual purchasing history, or identifying viewers most likely to be interested in premium kitchen utensils, can require significant [...]
可从切屑处理、冷却液、高精度、测量、机 器人系统、托盘库等品种丰富套餐 中 选 择。
The specifications include chip disposal, high-precision machining, coolant, measuring instruments, and robot and pallet pool systems.
凭借完整的标准化视频网络基础设施以及语音、视频、数据和无线通信开发 具套 件 , RADVISION 将视频、语音、数据和无线的强大功 整 合 到 一起,全力推动统一通信的不断演进——在 IP、3G 和新兴下一代 IMS 网络中提供高清视频会议系统、创新融合移动服务、以及支持视频且可高度扩展的台式机平台。
With its complete set of standards-based video
[...] infrastructure and developer toolkits for voice, video, data and wireless communications, RADVISION is driving the unified communications evolution by [...]
combining the power of video,
voice, data and wireless -- for high definition video conferencing systems, innovative converged mobile services, and highly scalable video-enabled desktop platforms on IP, 3G and emerging next-generation IMS networks.
(2013年3月7日,香港) – 港排名第一的戶外廣告媒體公司**德高貝登推出「港鐵*互動廣告」 (e4-Sheet 及 e12-Sheet) 網套餐 ,首次利整個港 鐵系統的龐大網絡,結合廣告燈箱及最新流動科技,增強與港鐵乘客的互動。
(HONG KONG, 11 March 2013) ¡X Hong Kong's No. 1 outdoor advertising company** JCDecaux Transport announced the official launch of the ¡§MTR* Advertising InterActiveAds e 4-sheet and e 12-sheet Network Package¡¨.
主要生產製品計有裝配輕工業製品、玩具、家庭消費品及 具 ; 為 快 餐 店及 航空公司包餐具、為 酒店包裝盥洗用具、為超級市場及零售店包裝禮品等;負責處理郵 件(例如把文件放入信封,把信封封口並加貼㆞址,然後郵寄等工作)、縫紉、印刷及釘 裝工作。
Major products placed by these orders include
assembling light industrial
[...] products, toys, family consumable and stationery; packaging eating utensil sets for fast food restaurants and airline [...]
companies, toiletries
for hotels, gift sets for supermarkets and retail shops; processing mailing packets (such as inserting documents in envelopes, sealing, pasting address labels, mailing), sewing, printing and book-binding.
(p) 欢迎秘书长的全球妇女和儿童健康战略,该战略由一个基础广泛的伙伴 联盟实施,以支持各国作为当务之急大幅度降低产妇、新生儿和五岁以下儿童死 亡率的计划和战略,为此将推广 套具 有 优先地位的一揽子高效干预措施 整合 卫 生、教育、两性平等、水和卫生、减贫以及营养等各部门的努力
(p) Welcoming the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, in support of national plans and strategies, in order to significantly reduce the number of maternal, newborn and under-five child deaths as a matter of immediate concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions and integrating efforts in sectors such as health, education, gender equality, water and sanitation, povert y reduction and nutrition
您亦可將蒸鍋蓋當成托盤,而直 接整個蒸鍋當餐具,放 置在餐桌上。
It can also be used as a tray to serve food directly from the VAROMA.
(e) 確實表明新近實施的非符合資格人士產套餐服務 收費以配偶是香港居民的內地孕 [...]
婦為對象,會否構成種族歧視,因為該等 孕婦主要是華裔人士,與配偶同樣為香港 居民的其他種族的孕婦比較,此項安排對 前者有欠公平。
(e) confirm whether the implementation of the
[...] new Obstetric Package Charge for Non-eligible [...]
Persons whose spouses were Hong
Kong residents would constitute racial discrimination, given that it would have the effect of putting these persons who were predominantly Chinese at a disadvantage as compared with pregnant women of other races whose spouses were also Hong Kong residents.
店內其他貨品種類還包括咕臣、家具、牆上掛飾、香薰蠟燭,甚至潔衣液等,每項也是店主因應生活中的各種需要而從世界各地搜羅,如同樣由環保物料製作的地毯、包裹環保毛絨面料的Yoga Ball、英國製的花紋耐餐具,以 及可用於居室、麻質等布料上的香體噴 套 裝 等,每種挑選均由日常生活的體驗出發,XAVA同時把歐洲、美加以及荷蘭等地的原創產品帶到香港,給本地顧客加添更多選擇。
Other categories include cushion, homeware, wall decoration, scented candles and even washing liquid. Each item is handpicked by the owner from all over the world, according to everyday needs — carpet made with green material; yoga ball wrapped with eco velvet; heat proof pattern dining utensils; room and textile spray.
最低限度的生活资料不包括酒精类产品和烟草产品支 出、旅行支出、购置交通具支出 ,饭店和其 餐 饮 机构及宾馆支出。
The minimum means of subsistence does not include expenditure on alcohol and tobacco
products, travel, purchasing of means of
[...] transport, expenditure in restaurants and other catering establishments [...]
and hotels.
現時,愛馬仕共有十七種不同產品系列:皮包及行李箱、筆記本及皮革精品、馬具、絲巾、男裝、女裝、珠寶首飾、鐘錶、皮帶、 套 、 鞋 履、帽子、搪瓷飾物、居家生活飾品 餐具 、 香水及Hermès Interior & Design。
Today, the Hermès name appears on 17 different groups of products: Leather Bags & Luggage, Diaries & Small Leather Goods, Saddles, Silk, Men's and Women's
Ready-to-Wear, Jewellery,
[...] Watches, Belts, Shoes, Hats, Gloves, Enamel, Art of Living, Tableware, Perfume and Hermès Interior [...]
& Design.
至於即棄塑餐具,現 時是獨立售予顧客 的,價錢會視乎有關產品的體積和容量而不同。
Its price may vary, depending on the size and volume of the product concerned.
净价人民币88元的餐套餐包括当日例汤或绿色沙拉,客人可选择的主菜包括各种亚洲和西方美食,如肉酱意粉,咖喱羊肉以及The [...]
Priced at
[...] RMB 88 net, the lunch set comes with the [...]
soup of the day or a green salad and the guest’s choice of a main food
dish, which includes a large selection of Asian and Western cuisine such as Spaghetti Bolognese, Lamb Curry and The COOK Curry Laksa.
[...] 如:与各国统计专业人员密切合作,编制“数据计划”,以便利提交国际报告;采用新的内 部数据质量监督框架;定期审查和 整 调 查 工 具 和 指 标框架。
This entails a range of different initiatives, including: the preparation of “data plans” in close consultation with national statisticians to facilitate international reporting; the implementation of a new internal
Data Quality Monitoring Framework; and the regular review and
[...] refinement of survey instruments and indicator frameworks.
審計署建議了多項事宜,並認為康文署應:(a)確保每間康文署博 物館均有為藏品的徵集訂立套典藏 政策;(b)規定每間康文署博 物館定期檢討和更新其典藏政策;(c)為徵集藏品加快完成採購程 序的定稿;(d)制訂行動計劃,清理積壓的藏品登記入冊工作;(e) 認真檢討康文署博物館整體儲 存需求,並加速興建博物館藏品 的中央儲存庫;及(f)確保香港歷史博物館迅速採取行動,把藏品 資料上載其網頁,供市民閱覽。
The Audit recommended, among other things, that LCSD should : (a) ensure that each LCSD museum has a collection policy for the acquisition of collection items; (b) require each LCSD museum to regularly review and update its collection policy; (c) expedite action to finalise the procurement
procedures for the
[...] acquisition of collection items; (d) draw up an action plan to clear the backlog of collection items pending accession; (e) critically review the overall storage requirements of LCSD museums and expedite action to develop a central museum collection repository; and (f) ensure that action is [...]
taken by the Hong
Kong Museum of History to promptly upload information items on its website for public access.
我必須強調㆒點,就是使用調整機制 整套 「 建 造、營運及移交」計劃㆗㆒個不 可分割的部分,因為該公司如無㆒定的把握,去賺取足夠收入償還債務,則銀行根本 [...]
I must stress
[...] that the toll adjustment mechanism is [...]
an inseparable part of the BOT package, because without a degree of
certainty on the part of the Company to earn sufficient revenue to service its debts, bankers simply would not lend the Company this money to finance such a costly project.
大会部通过三管齐下的办法努力提供高质量的笔译和口译服务:(a) 依靠严 格的标准,只通过相关语文专业的定期竞争性语文考试征聘语文工作人员;(b) 在
初级语文工作人员初期试用期间和以后,对其进行培训,并进行严密、持续的监 督,并为长期服务的工作人员提供更多学习实质性和技术性技能的机会;(c) 实
[...] 施推广方案,旨在使伙伴语文培训机构的毕业生获得语文事务所需 整套 技 能, 以期增加可能应聘的后备人员总数。
The pursuit by the Department of high-quality translation and interpretation services is based on a three-pronged approach: (a) reliance on exacting standards in recruiting language staff only through periodic competitive language examinations in the relevant language professions; (b) provision of training and close and continuing supervision of junior language staff throughout their initial probationary period and beyond, as well as expanded opportunities for upgrading substantive and technical skills for longer-serving staff; and (c) an outreach programme aimed at helping equip graduates
of partner language training institutions
[...] with the skill sets required by language [...]
services, with a view to expanding the pool of potential recruits.
[...] 后恢复和业务连续性计划的建议的报告中,提出了 整套 原 则 和上述统一 计划的框架(A/64/477,第三节)。
In his report on enterprise content management and customer relationship management systems and proposal for a unified disaster
recovery and business continuity plan, the
[...] Secretary-General set out a set of principles [...]
and a framework for the above-mentioned
unified plan (A/64/477, sect. III).
外地安全地理数据举措旨在开发一个由外地安全官员使用的 具 , 整 合与 维和特派任务中发生的安全事件有关的信息,例如事故、攻击、威胁、爆炸和类 [...]
The field security geodata initiative is aimed
[...] at developing a tool that would be used [...]
by security officers in the field for
the aggregation of information related to security incidents occurring in peacekeeping missions, such as accidents, assaults, threats, explosions and similar occurrences.
计划推出套具 有区 域眼光的旗舰出版物,其中包括:(i) 《阿拉伯地区2025》,预测和分析本地区经 [...]
济、社会、政治和文化领域的当前形势和未 27 来趋势;(ii) 向 民主过渡,探讨阿拉伯国家 政治变化的性质并分析世界其他地区政治 转型的教训,从而就现有的政策选择得
出 结论和最佳做法,以确保向民主的有效 和 可持续的过渡;(iii) 阿拉伯地区一体化,对 一体化的潜在领域 —— 无论是社会、 经 济、文化层面的还是政治层面的 —— 及其 特点提出分析并评估各自对本地区的长期 影响;和 (iv) 与其他区域委员会的联合出 版物,《千年发展目标以后:联合国的未来 发展议程》。
A set of flagship publications have [...]
been planned with regional lens, which include (i) The Arab Region 2025, which will
forecast and analyse current and future trends for the region in economic, social, political and cultural areas; (ii) Transitions to Democracy, which looks into the nature of political changes in Arab countries and analyses the lessons learned from political transitions in other areas of the world to draw conclusions and best practices on the policy options available to ensure effective and sustainable transitions to democracy; (iii) Arab Regional Integration, which analyses the potential areas and characteristics of integration be they social, economic, cultural or political and assessing their prospective impact on the long-term development of the region; and (iv) a joint publication with other Regional Commissions on Beyond the MDGs: A Future United Nations Development Agenda.




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