

单词 整地



the whole world

External sources (not reviewed)

这两 方面的保障都要求尽可能整地保存 好文档的内容和功能及相关的文献,确保资料可靠无 误。
Both require that the content, functionality of files and documentation be maintained to the extent necessary to secure an authentic record.
这些基本因素直接影响到妇女平地 和 完 整地参 与公共和私人空间的能力。
These fundamentals directly affect a woman’s ability
[...] to equitably and holistically participate in [...]
public and private spaces.
我们目前拥有 130 台左右的 IGEL 瘦客户机,通过使用这些机器,我们能在三天之内设置完 成紧急服务位置,整地备份所有的证券交易操作。
Using our current stand-by reserves of approximately 130 IGEL thin clients, we can set up a complete emergency service location for back-up stock exchange operations within only three days.
因 此,有必要制定针对特定社会群体的干预策略以及特别政策、行动计划和社会项 目,来确保残疾人整地享有 各项人权,包括:民事权利、社会权利、经济权利 [...]
Intervention strategies, specific policies targeting specific social groups, action plans and
programmes to ensure that persons with disabilities
[...] can enjoy the whole range of human [...]
rights - civil, social, economic and cultural – are required.
在合作与持续发展前提下,作为这个互利 的解决办法的一部分, 每一个新的 CIGR
[...] 团体会员 都一直被要求充分并且整地认可 CIGR 的基本目 标。
As part of this mutually beneficial solution in the service of co-operation and sustained
development, each new associate of CIGR has been required to fully
[...] and completely endorse the basic objectives [...]
of CIGR.
回顾曾承诺维护利比亚的领土整、 地 区 安 全、政治独立及国内和平;确保 利比亚公民的安全和保障、利比亚人民的民族团结和独立以及他们对领土的主 [...]
权;拒绝一切形式的对利比亚的外国干涉;并强调,如果不采取必要措施结束这 场危机,将导致外国干涉利比亚的内部事务
Recalling its commitment to preserve
[...] Libyan territorial integrity, regional security, [...]
political independence and civil peace;
to ensure the safety and security of Libyan citizens, the national unity and independence of the Libyan people and their sovereignty over their territory; and to reject all forms of foreign intervention in Libya; and emphasizing that failure to take the measures necessary to end this crisis will lead to foreign intervention in Libyan internal affairs
该数据可以驱动您的报表或邮件合并可以来自一个ADO.NET数据表,业务对象或来自一个 整地 自 定 义数据源。
The data to drive your reports or mail merges can come from an ADO.NET data table, business objects or from a completely custom data source.
關於 3(a)項 ( 工地平整及開拓工程) 、 3(b)項 ( 建築工程) 、 3(c)項 ( 屋 宇裝備) 及 3(d)項 ( 渠務、 外部工程、 公用設施和服務) 費用有所增加, 是由於建築材料成本飆升,令工地 A 的整及地基工程承建商所呈報 的收費比預期為高,以及其餘的地 平 整 、 地 基 及 上蓋建造工程的招標 前預算有所提高。
As regards 3(a) (Site formation and development), 3(b)
(Building), 3(c) (Building
[...] services), 3(d) (Drainage, external work, utilities and services), the increases are due to higher-than-expected rates for site formation and foundation works for Site A and pre-tender estimates for remaining site formation, foundation and superstructure works in the light of the rapid rise in the costs of building materials for construction works.
事件日志控件能让Visual Basic开发人员在一款简单易用并功能强大的控件中 整地 访 问 Windows事件日志。
The Event Log Control offers Visual Basic developers complete access to the Windows event logs in a simple to use yet powerful control.
的人经由自愿作证 而有助于了解真相权。尽管他们的招认显示了大量的杀人事件,但是这些证词并 没有全面整地反映 准军事组织所犯的侵权行为的多样性、背景和系统的完整性 质。
While their confessions revealed a significant number of homicides, they did not give a complete picture of the diversity, context and systematic nature of violations committed by paramilitary organizations.
人民法院还主动邀请人 大代表和政协委员旁听案件的审理,在审理过程中公开举证、质证,公开审判, 在法定时限内迅速整地公开 与保护当事人权利有关的立案、审判、执行工作各 重要环节的有效信息。
People’s courts also invite members of people’s congresses and people’s political consultative committees to witness that the presentation of evidence, cross-examination and the overall case proceedings are conducted openly, and provide effective information that each important segment of the process, from filing the case through the trial to the conclusory work, is carried out with a view to protecting the rights of the parties concerned.
部分撤回保留限制了该保留的法律效力,并使条约在撤回国家或国际组织与 条约其他缔约方的关系中更整地适 用
The partial withdrawal of a reservation limits the legal effect of the reservation and achieves a more complete application of the provisions of the treaty, or of the treaty as a whole, in the relations between the withdrawing State or international organization and the other parties to the treaty.
这将使我 们能够更整地了解 气候、发展与安全之间复杂的关 联,从而加强我们预防冲突并促进国际合作的能力。
That would allow us to have a more complete understanding of the complex links between climate, development and security, and therefore strengthen our capacity to prevent conflict and promote international cooperation.
虽然从私有实现的角度来看并不需要 整地 定义BPEL4WS 流程,但是 BPEL4WS 为仅依赖于 Web 服务资源和 XML 数据的业务流程有效地定义了可移植的执行格式。
While a BPEL4WS process definition is not required to be complete from a private implementation point of view, the language effectively defines a portable execution format for business processes that rely exclusively on Web Service resources and XML data.
已完成的审计审查了业务支助的做法,并评估了办事处如何确保准确和整 地处理 财务交易;适当执行财务控制措施;适当记录和管理资产,包括方案用品 盘存;充分的信息技术安全。
The completed audits examined operations support practices and assessed how offices ensure accurate and complete processing of financial transactions; proper implementation of financial controls; proper recording and management of assets, including inventory of programme supplies; and adequate information technology security.
本 財 務 報 表 符 合 企 業 會 計 準 則 的 要 求,真 實、整 地 反 映 了 本 公 司 及 本 集 團 於'007年''月''日 的 財 務 狀 況 以 及'007年 度 的 經 營 成 果 和 現 金 流 量。
The financial statements truly and completely reflect the financial position on 3' December 2007 and the operating results and cash flow for the year 2007 of the Company and the Group.
条例规则和指导意见应强调,框架协议本身应当整地列明 所有条款条件、采购标的说明(包括规格)以及评审标准,这样既可 [...]
以提高参与度和透明度,也可以限制在框架协议运行期间改变条款和条件(另 见下文第 58 条至第 63 条的评注[**超级链接**])。
The regulations or rules and guidance should
emphasize that the agreement itself
[...] should be complete in recording all terms and [...]
conditions, the description of the subject
matter of the procurement (including specifications), and the evaluation criteria, both to enhance participation and transparency, and because of the restrictions on changing the terms and conditions during the operation of the framework agreement (see also the commentary to articles 58 to 63 below [**hyperlink**]).
公 司 審 計 部 對 本 公 司 內 部 控 制 的 有 效 性 進 行 了 檢 測,本 公 司 內 部 控 制
自 我 評 價 符 合 深 圳 交 易 所《關 於 做 好 上 市 公 司'007年 年 度 報 告 工 作 的 通
[...] 知 》的 要 求,真 實、客 觀、整 地 反 映 了 公 司 內 部 控 制 制 度 [...]
的 執 行 情 況 和 效 果。
The Audit Department of the Company has performed testing and inspection on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control system and confirms that the self-assessment of the Company’s internal control has presented the implementation and results of the Company’s internal
control system in a truthful, objective
[...] and complete manner in compliance with requirements [...]
laid down in the Notice on Proper
Compilation of 2007 Annual Reports of Listed Companies” issued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
有时候,我们若想把标题放在页首处或是将表格 整地 放 在 一页上,敲回车,加几个空行的方法虽然可行,但这样做,在调整前面的内容时,只要有行数的变化,原来的排版就全变了,还需要再把整个文档调整一次。
Sometimes, if we are to put the title on the top
[...] Department or complete the form on the page, [...]
the knockout enter, plus a few blank lines
of approach, while feasible, do so, the contents of the previous adjustment, the as long as the changes in the number of rows, the original layout has changed on the whole, also need time to adjust and then the entire document.
总干事将继续审查和改革教科文组织目前采用的计划实施机制,尤其是为了更加有地整合各 计划部门开展技术性能力培养活动潜力。
The Director-General will continue to review and renew the present programme delivery mechanisms
employed by UNESCO, especially with
[...] a view to integrating more effectively the potential [...]
of technology-enhanced capacity-building
efforts across all programme sectors.
经社会突出表明了为促进实现可持续发展而均 地整 合 经 济发展、社 会发展、以及环境保护和养护这三大支柱的重要性。
The Commission highlighted the importance of
achieving sustainable development through
[...] the balanced integration of the three [...]
pillars of economic development, social development,
and environmental protection and conservation.
阿 布贾条约于1994年生效,规定非洲共同体 要通过渐进的过程成立并要通过协调、统 一和循序渐地整合非 洲的各地区经济共 同体的现有的和将来的活动来实现。
The Abuja Treaty came into force in 1994 and it provided for the African Community to be set up through a gradual process, which would be achieved by coordination, harmonization and progressive integration of the activities of existing and future RECs in Africa.
工程部門會在進行資訊科技教 育地整理工 作時,為學校裝置防盜窗花及鐵閘。
Works departments will install window iron bars and iron gates for schools when they conduct site preparation works for IT in education.
(i) 將本公司所獲取或持有權益的任何土地發展和加以利用,尤其是將該等 地整 理 和 準備作建 築用途,建造、改動、清拆、裝飾、保養、布置、裝備和改善建築物,以及進行種植、鋪 路、排水、種植、耕作、以租地建築契或建築協議出租,並向各類建造商、租客及其他人墊 付款項,以及與他們訂立各種合同和安排。
(i) To develop and turn to account any land acquired by the Company or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.
為確保編碼過程能夠反映出最真實的意見,在整個編碼過 程中,編碼方案和分析架構均會不斷的修訂,用以更仔 地整 理 和反映所收集的全 部意見。
In order to ensure that the coding best reflects the actual views of respondents, the coding scheme and analytic framework had been continually modified throughout the coding process as new variables were found as new data became available.
进行更加全面的评 估,填补在重大环境问题上的信息和知识空白;(b) 确定并进一步发展利用适当
[...] 的综合政策措施,解决主要环境问题的根源;(c) 动员各方行动起来,更地整 合改 善环境的国际行动,特别是在区域和多边协定以及联合国全系统合作安排方 面。
The main elements of the strategy for achieving the overall objective include: (a) filling the information and knowledge gap on critical environmental issues through more comprehensive assessments; (b) identifying and further developing the use of appropriate integrated policy measures in tackling the root causes of major
environmental concerns; and (c) mobilizing
[...] action for better integration of international [...]
action to improve the environment, particularly
in relation to regional and multilateral agreements, as well as United Nations system-wide collaborative arrangements.
在同一决议中,安理会决定该部队除了根据第 425(1978)
[...] 号和第 426(1978)号决议执行任务外,还将除其他事项外,监测敌对行动的停止; 在以色列国防军撤出时,陪同和支助黎巴嫩武装部队 整 个 黎 巴嫩南部进行部 署;确保“蓝线”得到尊重,并协助黎巴嫩武装部队确保“蓝线”和利塔尼河之 间地区没 有任何未经授权的武装人员、资产和武器;采取力所能及的一切必要 行动,确保其行动区不被用来进行敌对活动;应黎巴嫩政府的要求协助其保障边 [...]
By the same resolution, the Council decided that the mandate of the Force, in addition to carrying out its mandate under resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978), would include, inter alia, monitoring the cessation of hostilities, accompanying and supporting the
deployment of the Lebanese Armed Forces throughout southern Lebanon in parallel with the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces, ensuring respect for the Blue Line and assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces in ensuring that the area between the Blue Line and the Litani River is free of any unauthorized armed personnel, assets and weapons, taking all necessary action within its capabilities to ensure that its area of operations is not utilized for hostile activities, and assisting the Government of Lebanon, at its request, in securing its borders and other entry points in order to prevent the entry into Lebanon without its consent of arms or related materiel.
根据所收到的资料,在 2007 年重组贸发会议的行政领导和管理职能时,其方案规划和监测和评价职能被 并入评价和规划股,并调到方案支助项下,以更 地整 合 贸 发会议秘书处的监督、 方案、预算和财务业务管理。
According to the information received, when the executive direction and management of UNCTAD was restructured in 2007, its programme planning and monitoring and evaluation functions were combined into the Evaluation and Planning Unit and redeployed to programme support in order to achieve better integration of the oversight, programmatic, budgetary and financial operational management of the UNCTAD secretariat.
(Macasía River)環境重建計畫」、協助薩爾瓦多、史瓦
[...] 灣一盞燈計畫」、索羅門群島「全國森林種植發展計 畫」、帛琉「污水處理系統改善計畫」、 地 「 整 治尖 沙海灘計畫」、宏都拉斯「西部天然災害防治計畫」、 [...]
吐瓦魯「廢棄物減量計畫」及「捐助國際保育計畫」 等。
k. Environmental protection: Macasía River Recovery Project in the Dominican Republic, Program for Environmental Pollution Control in El Salvador and Access to Potable Water in Rural Swaziland Project, Light Up Taiwan Project in six allied nations in the Pacific, Nationwide Forestation Campaign in the Solomon Islands, Program to Improve Sewage Disposal
Systems in Palau, Point Sable
[...] Beach Renovation Program in Haiti, Program on Prevention [...]
and Control of Natural Disasters in
the West in Honduras, Funafuti Household Solid Waste Reduction Technical Assistance Project in Tuvalu, and donations to international conservation programs.
在 2011 年 1 月与刚果(金)武装力量的高级官员会晤后,联邦共和国部队(见 S/2010/596,第三节 D 部分)和刚果(金)武装力量就联邦共和国部队的 地整 合、 在南基伍的高原上建立前联邦共和国部队军官指挥的第 44 军事区以及为其高级领 导层安排重要的区域指挥职务达成了协议。
Following meetings with high-ranking FARDC officers in January 2011, the Forces républicaines federalistes (FRF; see S/2010/596, sect. III.D) and FARDC agreed upon in situ integration of FRF and the creation of a 44th military sector under the command of (ex-)FRF officers in the High Plateaux of South Kivu and important regional command positions for its senior leadership.




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